オリジナル「107ソングブック」  Original  natarsher seven


27 天国の岸辺  So happy I'll be

2013-02-27 | natarsher seven

27 天国の岸辺  So happy I'll be


I'm just waitin' for the time to come

When all sorrow will be done

Then I'm going home to heaven above

And I shall sing with the angels up there

Tell of the saviours love and care

That he had for me in this world below


    So happy I'll be when my saviour I shall see

    And tell him of his love he had for me

    Nore more sorrow, grief, or pain

    All the time will be the same

    So happy I'll be forevermore


Some happy time, just wait and see

The blessed saviour will come for me

Then I'm going home to heaven about

Where my loved ones have gone before

To that bright and shiny shore

So I'm happy I'll be forevermore 

 * Refrain


Oh, just think of the day my friend

When the saints go marching in

Then I'm going home to heaven above

Oh so happy I'll be

The blessed saviour I shall see

So happy I'll be forevermore

 * Refrain




26 愛の小舟  The Boat Of Love

2013-02-26 | natarsher seven

26 愛の小舟  The Boat Of Love


I can hear the voice of the boatman comin'
And I'll be ready when he calls my name
So happy I'll be on my way to Heaven
I hear the Angels freely say

Oh the boat of love down at the harbor
It's waiting there for you and me
I have no fear Christ is the captain
He'll guide us o'r life's rollin' sea

Let's get on board that great excursion
And sail the sea to the home above
Don't wait too late to make your reservation
It's the boat of God's eternal love

Oh the boat of love will soon be sailing
It's headin' for that golden shore
Don't wait too late to make your reservation
Heaven is my home for evermore






25  十字架に帰ろう   Back to the cross

2013-02-25 | natarsher seven

25  十字架に帰ろう   Back to the cross

I'm out on the sea filled with sorrows
Tossed like a ship who ran ashore
I'm seeking the help of my saviour
By the way of the cross I must go
    Back to the cross and to Jesus
    Back to the cross I am called
    I've drifted too far and I've wandered
    From the saviour that once was my home
The sins of this world have overcome me
Have pushed and left me to roam
So I'm going to back to my saviour
Back to the cross and home
  * Refrain
The joy of these life are too fleeting
And wrapped in troubles around
I've lost the church of the stranger
I've drifted too far from home
  * Refrain








21 Old Joy Clark  22 Cripple Creek  23 Black Mountain Rag  24 Billy In The Low Ground

2013-02-24 | natarsher seven

21 オールド・ジョー・クラーク  Old Joy Clark


22 クリップル・クリープ  Cripple Creek 

23 ブラック・マウンテン・ラグ   Black Mountain Rag

24 土の中のビリー  Billy In The Low Ground





フラット・スクラッグスのCripple Creekは見事なものです。



Black Mountain Ragについては、もうDOC Watsonの独壇場。






20 陽のあたる道  Sunny Side Of Life

2013-02-24 | natarsher seven

20 陽のあたる道   Sunny Side Of Life


There's a sunny side where no evills hide

On the road that we must go

There are pleasant vales, pretty hills and dales

Perfect flowers ever grow

     A  Oh the happy sunny verdant dales

        Where the greatest gladness ever there prevails

        Where the sunshine lingers on the hills

        On the happy sunny side of life


There are shady dales where no gladness dwells

And the clouds obstruct the view

There's a brighter way like the light of day

Is a waiting there for you

        * Refrain


Let us sing a song as we go along

Let us banish care and strife

That the world will know as we onward go

There's a sunny side of life

        * Refrain











2013-02-22 | natarsher seven



Far away on the hills              To a sunny mountainside

Many years ago we parted         My little Ruth and I

From this sunny mountainside        She clung to me and trembled

When I told her we must part         She said "Don't go, my darling

it almost breaks my heart           To think of you so far apart"

Carry me back to old Virginny

Back to my Clinch Mountain home

Carry me back to old Virginny

Back to my Clinch Mountain home

Well, a-le-ho, le-ho-lay-ee       Well, a-le-ho, le-ho-lee

Yeah, lee-oh-lay-ee-hee               Oh, my mountain home


I folded my arms around her      Leaned her head against my breast

I told her I would wed her       When I came back from the west

Back to my Clinch Mountain home   In my hand I hold a picture

Of the old home far away       In the other one my sweetheart

I'm thinking of today         On the sunny mountainside

※  Ref

                [INSTRUMENTAL BREAK]


My mother's old and feeble          My father's getting gray

I'm going back to Virginia          And I expect to stay

At my old Clinch Mountain home


※  Ref



番外編 その2

Carter Family です。


19 私に人生と言えるものがあるなら  Down among the budded roses

2013-02-22 | natarsher seven

19 私に人生と言えるものがあるなら Down among the budded roses


Little sweetheart we have parted  For each other we must go

Many miles may separate us    In this world of care and woe

But I can't forget the promise  That you made me in the lane

When you said we'd be together  When the roses bloom again

※Down among the budded roses   I am nothing but a stem

I have parted from my darling   Never more to meet again


Now this parting gives me sorrow  And it almost breaks my heart

Tell me darling will you love me  When we meet, no more to part

Or will this parting be forever  Will there be no coming day

When our hearts will be united  And all sorrows pass away


Darling, meet me up in heaven  That's my true and earnest prayer

If you love me here on earth dear  Then I'm sure you'll over me there

There our hearts will be united  Free from ever pain and care

In the land of life eternal  In that city bright and fair




「Faded Roses」という原題になっているのですが、それがどこにも引っかかりません。



辿り着いたのが「Down among the budded roses」でした。





18 はじめて来た街 The Cannon-Ball

2013-02-21 | natarsher seven

18 はじめて来た街 The Cannon-Ball

You can wash my jumper starch my overalls

Catch that train they call the Cannonball

From Buffalo to Washington


Yonder comes the train coming down the track

Carrying me away but it aint gonna carry me back

My honey babe my blue eyed babe


My baby left me she even took my shoes

Enough to give me the doggone worried blues

She's gone she's solid gone


I'm going up north I'm going up north this fall

If my luck don't change I wont be back at all

My honey babe I'm leaving you









17 彼を待ちながら  Bring Back My Blue Eyed Boy To Me

2013-02-21 | natarsher seven

17 彼を待ちながら  Bring Back My Blue Eyed Boy To Me

Tis true the rain that has no end It's hard to find a faithful friend

And when you find one just and true He's dropped the old one for the new

    Bring back my blue eyed boy to me Bring back my blue eyed boy to me

   Bring back my blue eyed boy to me That I may ever happy be


Must I go bound and have no free

Must I love a boy that don't love me

Or must I act the childish part

And love that boy that broke my heart


Last night my lover promised me

To take me across the deep blue sea

And now he's gone and left me alone

An orphan girl without a home


O dig my grave both wide and deep

Place marble at my head and feet

And on my breast a snow white dove

To show to the world I died for love



Camden にて1929年







16  ワルツを踊りましょう  Kitty Waltz

2013-02-21 | natarsher seven

16  ワルツを踊りましょう  Kitty Waltz


Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
The guitars are ringing come on and waltz

The girls are singing the guitars are ringing
Their steps are so neat their music so sweet
Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
The guitars are ringing come on and waltz

Boys come on and join our band
The guitars are ringing the music's so grand
Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
The guitars are ringing come on and waltz

Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
Waltz Kitty waltz let everybody waltz
The guitars are ringing come on and waltz


 29年 アトランタでの録音

