琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

琉球庶民の革命が琉球独立になってきているが、、、/Revolution of the Ryukyu ordinary people

2014年01月08日 16時09分59秒 | 日記
琉球庶民の革命が琉球独立になってきているが、、、/Revolution of the Ryukyu ordinary people have come to the Ryukyu independence,,,

国連への176通の手紙176 copies of the letter to the UN

最終的には15,000名を超えた署名運動The petition beyond the 15,000 eventually

Revolution of the Ryukyu people has become the Ryukyu independence. But they've have continued to silence the 19 years the important phenomenon.

For example, "Really think Okinawa independence" this U~eburonza
ーI said and this is a typical example.


,,, Okinawa, the Japanese government had been controlled to hold 100 percent of the Ryukyu people by Ryukyu people of pro-Japanese of 5% of the book to pick up "power and wealth and fame" once. However, the revolution of the common people of Ryukyu 95% our boundary August 15, 1994 19 years ago, it is funny that has become the Ryukyu independence. But they've have continued to silence the 19 years the important phenomenon. Mr. Kanehira thing early notice to the truth of its history.

参照ブログ:See blog:「”でっちあげ”のため14歳の子まで留置Detention up to a 14-year-old child for the "hoax" 」

参照Facebook:See Facebook:MotomuraYasuhiko

>沖縄独立 最悪シナリオ-読売新聞 2013. 9.22

[ hz3*23*0z3*z*5 ]

2013/9/26(木) 午前 4:52


> Okinawa independent worst scenario -. 2013 9.22 Yomiuri Shimbun

[Hz3 * 23 * 0z3 * z * 5]

2013/9/26 (Thu) 4:52 am


Google アラート - 米軍嘉手納空軍所属HH60ヘリが墜落炎上

毎日新聞 2014年01月08日 10時16分
「英国:米軍ヘリ墜落、4人死亡か 嘉手納にも同型機」



「英で米軍ヘリ墜落、4人死亡 低空飛行中 沖縄の事故機と同型」


「英で米軍ヘリ墜落、4人死亡 / 低空飛行中 沖縄の事故機と同型」



2014年01月08日 11時45分

「That Uchina ^ nchu-Ryukyu people does not exist in the legal community Okinawa/沖縄法曹界にうちなーんちゅが存在しないこと
[ - ]
2013/10/13(日) 午前 1:14

お初です!ミナですσ(д・`★)ミィーもとやすさんのブログよく見てます(*´∀`p[゜+.∮走召 レl レl∮゜+.]qでも見てるだけってのも寂しいと思ったので今日はコメントしちゃいました(o^-^o)あ!それでですね…実はもとやすさんのことちょっと気になってます・:*:・(●´Д`●)・:*:・もしよかったらでいいんですけど、お友達になりたいです!ヤフメはあまり確認しないので携帯に直メもらえるとうれしいです(о´▽`о)まってますね(v`▽´)v 」

"That Uchina ^ nchu-Ryukyu people does not exist in the legal community Okinawa
Comments ↓
2013/10/13 (Sun) 1:14 AM

It is! Mina Nice to meet σ (д · `★) and just looking (* '∀` p even [° +. ∮ Hashi召Re l Le l ∮ ° +.] Q I am a good look at blog Motoyasu's I the *:: · (● 'Д `· has become curious thing Motoyasu's in fact ... it is so Oh - (^ o o ^) has been commented today because I thought of me also lonely! ●) ·: *:! can I do it in when it is good if-, but as it does not look so much I want to be your friends yahoo mail and get e-mail directly to a mobile I'm glad (о '▽ `о) you've been waiting for (v `▽ ') v"

↑ and public security police Continue as described above "threat tone of voice on the Internet", Okinawa city hall government signed a hand county and chief of police and the leading suppliers in the prefecture, to interfere with their own economy of citizens that should not be there.
Videos of the moment "there is no personable only he really is self-Okinawa possibly for me" and over, Mr. Nakaima that reminded the limits of their own was upset:



Decision of the Nakaima Mr. politician of the same level as Japanese was (evil spirits of rivers and mountains) decision.

Japanese government = police threaten grip has its personal scandal was a partner of Tokyo stay "have something to hide" in Nakaima themselves. So probably was allowed to witness the limit that can not be to protect the independence of Okinawans of 1.4 million people.

By performing Nakaima themselves to help residents of betrayal again, Nakaima was to hand the money and endorsement of the power of the Japanese government.But will that it has enraged from chagrin to itself that has lost all of the honor that over a lifetime instead, most of the support of 1.4 million residents.


↓ URL Videos:Oliver Stone, said in Hiroshima last year, that Abe can not be trusted. His speech, the Japanese people are not transmitted to the people of the world of course the media itself because it boycotted the news in Japan.
,,, Okinawa, the Japanese government had been controlled to hold 100 percent of the Ryukyu people by Ryukyu people of pro-Japanese of 5% of the book to pick up "power and wealth and fame" once. However, the revolution of the common people of Ryukyu 95% our boundary August 15, 1994 19 years ago, it is funny that has become the Ryukyu independence. But they've have continued to silence the 19 years the important phenomenon.Oliver Stone, which is used to Bluff Ryukyu people of pro-Japanese of the 5%. I notice that early on it.

千葉麗子 戦争やる気満々の安倍自民、さっさと消えて! - 自民党、「不戦の誓い」削除 運動方針の最終案で(東京新聞)
Reiko Chiba
Abe Liberal Democratic Party, disappeared quickly in the war motivated! - Liberal Democratic Party, "oath of no-war" in the final draft of the Delete campaign policy (Tokyo Shimbun)

自民党、「不戦の誓い」削除 運動方針の最終案で
2014年1月9日 00時51分
Liberal Democratic Party, "oath of no-war" in the final draft of the Delete campaign policy
51 minutes 00 hours January 9, 2014





The 8th, the Liberal Democratic Party announced the final draft of the 2014 campaign policy. Items on the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, and sharpen the expression "decided to underlie the idea of peace and national pledge of no-war," wrote in a draft, and "enhance the sense of reverence (for the war dead)" new I added the wording.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (president of the party) has told reporters, "We vow of no-war" to worship after the December last year, became the expressions differ from the prime minister speak. Emphasize words Prime Minister repeatedly as worship reason "sense of reverence", I was strengthened, "Abe color" in this part.

Final draft policy is officially determined by the party convention of the 19th.


いいね!を取り消す · · シェア · 2712337 · 3時間前 ·

後藤 昌彦 シェアさせて頂きますね。

3時間前 (携帯より) · いいね! · 1..

塚本 雅彦 酷い話! 靖国参拝の時に 不戦の誓いしたんじゃなかったっけ?

3時間前 · いいね! · 4..

遠藤 淳一 燥転おわって墜ちろ!安倍晋三!!

3時間前 · いいね! · 4..

北村 重雄 シェアしました

3時間前 · いいね! · 2..

浅野 直樹 戦争やる気満々は困りますな(>_

[ Lawless Okinawa good people home until the attack]Police and anti-democratic society forces
Japanese government ー anti-democratic social forces to attack the good people home
Anti-democratic social forces:[ U.S. military base site ー beneficiary organizations ー economic and financial organizations ー the media, police and anti-social forces = gangsters with prosecutors ー court]






Case Study:

[Article] introduce "Special Report: The nest to eat Fukushima decontamination as" homeless deal "" anti-democratic-social forces "" (Reuters, January 8) http://ow.ly/spINd

The coverage the reality that "gangsters", the decontamination work enormous national expenditure is up is to arrange a street person. Without in wages, such as unpaid toll to the weak and continues to worsen, article tells.

In the primary, intermediate exploitation of casual labor has been pointed out originally, also decontamination work, the same structure is seen. Nuclear power plant toll to socially vulnerable goes.

Decontamination waste stacked: Photos
※ the context of the photo and the Reuters article is not.

Japanese racism against Asian and Okinawan

Match pump

The length of all judicial leading to judges and prosecutors, and police commissioner while there in Okinawa is occupied by the Japanese in Okinawa. Japanese colleagues are fully aware of the racism.
There is racism, but because of the coming cuts deep arrogance and crowded up with one's shoes on to the inside of Okinawa.

In addition, Okinawa society that police who work under the Japanese police commissioner there is always one person in the relatives.
Some if Okinawan people who are a big face in convenience provision request of police officers as a pro-Japanese Okinawan only 5% of the total.
In particular, they pro-Japanese Okinawan is run from place to place from the strife of police, prosecution, court-involved with such Japanese, et al.
As a result, the case to replace the rub of the same dispute between Okinawans of the composition of "Okinawan people of 95% pro-Japanese Okinawan VS our 5%" is all too soon die out.

Then Japanese police commissioner appears there, feeding the "interest of the fishermen", to perform a trial lesson Lynch to "Okinawan people of our 95%" in the name of "security maintenance of Okinawa".

↓ Japanese soldiers that lesson Lynch killing the men and women of this Chinese baby. ↑ I'm somewhat similar to the Japanese chief of police in Okinawa above.

Ru Su
This is what japs have done to a baby!

This is what japs have done to a baby!.

いいね! · · シェア · 投稿をフォロー · 5時間前.


Jie Guang Liu Disgusting

5時間前 (携帯より) · いいね! · 1..

배용민 We should revenge them..

3時間前 (携帯より) · いいね!..

Rex Lin 倭奴必滅

約1時間前 (携帯より) · いいね!..

배용민 倭人不知道的反省。

約1時間前 (携帯より) · いいね! · 1..

손태랑 Japan: that is Korea!!!!끽긱우끼끼긱긱깅ㅇ기!!

約1時間前 (携帯より) · いいね! · 1..

Kwang Seok Lee Japan????? fuck

約1時間前 (携帯より) · いいね! · 1..

仲宗根 照彦 I Share this.

約1時間前 (携帯より) · いいね! · 1

Ru Su
And this is what japs have done to a chinese woman and men. Japs even don't apologize for their crime in china and korea.

秘密保護法案が通るとあなたも可能性がある"There is a possibility that you too secret protection bill passes through"

[ sat*atu**200* ]

2013/10/21(月) 午後 7:09
"There is a possibility that you too secret protection bill passes through"

[Sat * atu ** 200 *]

2013/10/21 (Mon) 7:09 pm


秘密保護法案 人権脅かす 憲法学者24人反対声明(東京新聞19日)

The people called for the opposite statement of the Constitution, media scholars, Yasuhiro Okudaira professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, Toshihiro Yamauchi Hitotsubashi University Professor Emeritus, Ishimura Yoshiharu Fukuoka University Professor Emeritus, Hideki Mori Nagoya University Professor Emeritus, Yasuhiko Tajima, Sophia University Prof. name was lined with.

24 people statement against the constitutional scholar-threatening secret protection bill human rights (the 19th Tokyo Shimbun)


2013/10/22(火) 午後 1:13 [ もとやす ]
Nuclear issue Kishida Ministry of Foreign Affairs today to link to this article was signed at the United Nations ↓
"Height of folly of Japanese society"

1:13 [Motoyasu] 2013/10/22 (Tuesday) afternoon


[ 高木風 ]

2013/11/11(月) 午後 10:04


[ もとやす ]

2013/11/14(木) 午前 1:18


Uchinanchu Tokyo junior high school abduction kidnapping

2013/11/11 (Mon) 10:04 pm

Do you like to write a text that is easy to understand a little more. I do not see the whole picture of the incident.

Uchinanchu Tokyo junior high school abduction kidnapping

2013/11/14 (Thu) 1:18 am

Takagi Kaze san,
I add the translation Uchinaguchi is not read. Please wait!

Hagiuda Koichi President Special Assistant to the "Committee Chair, said the mess children" Taketomi is "grow up in a child break the rule regardless of the rule. Were compared to athletes not play by any rules politicians and that is against the law "

[ しきちゃん ]

2013/11/14(木) 午前 1:28













2013/11/14 (Thu) 1:28 am

Good evening ♪

North Korea love ! I will say I Shiki -chan . ♪ I also love Okinawa

> Were compared to athletes not play by any rules politicians and that is against the law

But I was such that the problem is really , rather than on whether or not against the law , when it comes to North Korea and Okinawa , it will not apply the law may change .

Even in the case of Antonio Inoki , it is going to be disallowed because it is North Korea .

It is not disallowed this when it was got to go to the United States, you , and it does not matter almost be carried out without permission .

Law is protected in Japan mainland not work only Okinawa .

There is no risk of blame , even breaking the law when it was convenient that is good to the Japanese government .

Trivial is also eliminated Become a " serious problem " when it was that you do not like the government .

By analogy to sports , the same play will be out when your opponent attack , a play that is to hit when their attack is in baseball . Or strike zone changes when the other party to protect and when protect themselves .

This is It is a way of the Japanese government .
Emperor cult Christian nation , this country does not exist , such as democracy .

Hagiuda Koichi President Special Assistant to the "Committee Chair, said the mess children" Taketomi is "grow up in a child break the rule regardless of the rule. Were compared to athletes not play by any rules politicians and that is against the law "

[ もとやす ]

2013/11/14(木) 午前 10:13

ドンピシャ! しきちゃんーさん。


2013/11/14 (Thu) 10:13 am

Just right! Shiki-Chan .


>> @motomurayasuhik 【オストリッチ症候群】駝鳥は穴に頭を突っ込んで敵の方向を探知しているとゆう説も、あるんですよ。σ( ̄ω ̄*)は「駝鳥は最後まで、諦めていない。」説を、支持します。 2014年1月12日 0:31


 「オストリッチ(ダチョウ)の名誉の為に言うと、オストリッチ君たちは、決して「頭隠して尻隠さず。」 「見て見ぬふりをする。」なんて行動は取らないのです。 実は、砂の中に頭を突っ込むのは、地中を伝わる振動を検知して、危険を仲間に知らせる為にとる行動と言うのが、真実なんです。 念のため!」

@ chipifb

>>Some say that Yu [ ostrich ostrich syndrome ] and are detect direction of enemy digs a hole in the head @ motomurayasuhik, I have a . I will support , " to the end , the ostrich . not given up " the theory σ (¯ ω ¯ *). 0:31 12 January 2014

ーChiPisan , thank you . I got to " not give up " the courage .

Speaking for the honor " of ostrich ( ostrich ) , ostrich you guys , I do not take actions " Atamakakushiteshirikakusazu . " Nantes . " To turn a blind eye to " never . In fact , to say the action to be taken in order to detect the vibration transmitted through the ground , to inform the fellow danger , Stop sticking your head in the sand , I truth . Just in case ! "

This is the ambition of New Year's Day :

ーThere was no way other than this " never give up " of society .

今、この国で起きている本当の危機は、中国の脅威ではない/Real crisis now, what is happening in this country is not a threat of China.

[ しきちゃん ]

2013/11/15(金) 午前 2:40


2013/11/15 (Fri) 2:40 AM
> The real crisis now, what is happening in this country is not a threat of China. It is politics that stirs anxiety pandering to China threat theory, tries to overturn it has been built after World War II the "peace-loving nation and Japan."




You're right . " Peace Constitution " is is going on in Japan eyesore to revive the Christian emperor militarism .

It is not trying to country people like throw out a life for your country ( = Emperor ) with the head of the " living god " the emperor to break the Constitution .

This country , Hirohito is the chief executive of war crimes oversized massacred people innocent of Asia of 20 million , was smearing the Class-A war criminal Hideki Tojo from all responsibility for war crimes of great evil of their own after the defeat . It was the worst Only then can 's has become a " symbol of peace-loving nation " and to trick people .

Also for the people of Okinawa , gave terrible damage and entered the Battle of Okinawa, it rejects Hirohito is said to be " without first cited the veterans once again " , the end of World War II Emperor of Konoe Fumimaro . It 's not forget that after the war , Hirohito is held out to the U.S. Empire as a present like Okinawa further .

今、この国で起きている本当の危機は、中国の脅威ではない/Real crisis now, what is happening in this country is not a threat of China.

[ しきちゃん ]

2013/11/15(金) 午前 3:08

侵略と植民地支配も裕仁の名のもとに行われた。アジアや沖縄では裕仁は憎悪と呪いの的になってますよね。主権回復の式典でも、韓国日報は『天皇陛下万歳はハイル ヒトラーと同じ』と報じましたし、マレーシアのコタバル戦争博物館では裕仁とヒトラーの写真が並べて掲げられている。





2013/11/15 (Fri) 3:08 AM

Colonial rule and aggression were also made in the name of Hirohito. Hirohito is there not been the subject of hate and curse in Okinawa and Asia. Hankook has been reported, "His Majesty the Emperor hurray the same as Heil Hitler" and also at the ceremony of the restoration of sovereignty. It is listed photos of Hitler and Hirohito side by side in the War Museum Kota Bharu, Malaysia.

Do not graduate from war criminal nation, and the national emblem the chrysanthemum crest is a mark of Christian emperor, Japan has been the national flag of the symbol of aggression "Hinomaru". Japan is the national anthem praising the emperor still a "national anthem". Japan is not used in official documents the era that was the basis of the emperor ascended the throne still. Country of Japan to be reset each time the era emperor dies. It is not anywhere outside of Japan and etc. Although the world and such a country as large. This is why it is said that Japan's emperor cult Christian nation.

Government officials to the Yasukuni Shrine that war criminals are enshrined to forge a history of aggression, and urged the people to war. Person, such as the chief of the prestigious Asia contempt is used to the maximum amount of the bill in the "de-Asia theory". From the Ryukyu and ethnic Asian countries in this,

"Japan is a country that can not get along to try get along"

I I think that it is of course also seems.

, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .






This problem ↓, beginning of things was "leaving Ryukyu (Okinawa ) " began to emerged by increasing independence and Ryukyu Aiden tea at the time in April 2012 .

Thereby, Ishihara was a highly paid already at that time . It was a head over the purchase of Okinawa ignored felt the crisis of influence loss to Ryukyu .

Then , plot construction fictional " crisis " of Japan , China and the United States government, which envisaged a chain interest balance adherence of the Ryukyu Islands of eternity were made . Thereby, the property was and sea coast of the Ryukyu people of 1.4 million people began to come to be impaired . At the same time as economic freedom and a variety of Ryukyu people is limited .

On the other hand is ,

Ishihara himself has been praised by many Japanese . At the same time praised the power of Japan , China and the U.S. In addition, per the leader of the political party of Japan national politics in the hand the platinum handshake , and continues to get the revenue expensive to prominence of " runaway old man " .

, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .


勝手に変えるな! - 通常国会で憲法解釈変更 政府検討、集団的自衛権(共同) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS > 共同ニュース
Reiko Chiba

Do not change on its own -! Constitutional interpretation change government discussed in ordinary session of the Diet, the right to collective self-defense (joint) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS> Kyodo News



2014/01/12 18:37 【共同通信】
The 12th, the government entered the study in the direction to do in regular session in the interpretation of the Constitution change to tolerate the right of collective self-defense exercise.

The "Council on restructuring of the legal basis of security" that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been installed, is scheduled to be submitted to the government in April a report to tolerate exercise, government policies until the session end after receiving it is expected to come up with.

It is expected that legislation developed with the interpretation change is extraordinary Diet session later in the fall.

Yosuke Isozaki assistant to the prime minister in charge of security said on Tuesday told reporters in Tokyo. It convened on May 24, June 22 is the year-end meeting if there is no extension to the ordinary Diet session.

2014/01/12 18:37 [Kyodo News]

米軍ヘリ墜落 同型機の飛行を中止せよ2014年1月13日

江洲 和正 シナ軍の「軍靴の音」は耳に入らない新報・タイムス
シナによる尖閣諸島領空を含めた東シナ海一帯における 「防空識別圏」の一方的な設定は、シナ国防省が....

3時間前 · いいね!..

江洲 和正
尖閣周辺、中国船3隻が領海侵入 ことし初 -
琉球新報 - 沖縄の新聞、地域のニュース
Ryukyu Shimpo
January 13, 2014 case stop the flight of U.S. military helicopter crashed same model

Takaesu Kazumasa
Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military

Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military
Setting one-sided zone in the East China Sea, including the Senkaku Islands airspace by the Chinese military of "air defense identification zone" is .... is Sina Ministry of Defence

I hope 3 hours ago! ..

Takaesu Kazumasa
Territorial waters this year's first invasion Senkaku around, and three ships Chinese ship -
Ryukyu Shimpo - Okinawa newspaper, local news

I will continue still↓

