琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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The case which is not reported in Ryukyu Okinawa - Japan.

2015年05月26日 22時38分57秒 | 日記
The case which is not reported in Ryukyu Okinawa - Japan. There is not the lawyer, and it is not possible for the court even to appeal. However, it is greatly reported in China. There is the lawyer, too and can appeal to the court. Besides, it is done until a discussion publicly./在琉球沖繩-日本報道也不被做的情況。也不附有律師,到法院即使不能訴諸也。可是,在中國很大地被報道。也附有律師,到法院也能訴諸。而且,被公家到(連)議論做。/류큐 오키나와 - 일본에서는 보도되지도 않은 케이스. 변호사도 붙지 않으며 법원에 고소조차 할 수 없다. 그러나 중국에서는 크게 보도된다. 변호사도 붙는다 고 법원에 호소 할 수도있다. 게다가 공개적으로 논의까지되고있다./Ryukyu Okinawa - Những trường hợp thậm chí còn không được báo cáo tại Nhật Bản. Thậm chí không tuân thủ luật sư, tôi thậm chí không thể kháng cáo lên tòa án. Tuy nhiên, ở Trung Quốc nó là tin tức lớn. Ngoài ra để dính một luật sư, nó cũng có thể kháng cáo lên tòa án. Hơn nữa, nó đã được tranh luận công khai./Ryukyu Okinawa - Ang kaso na ito ay hindi kahit na iniulat sa Japan. Huwag kahit na sumunod sa abogado, hindi na ito maaaring kahit apila sa korte. Gayunman, sa Tsina na ito ay malaking balita. Gayundin sa stick sa isang abogado, ito ay posible rin na mag-apila sa korte. Bukod dito, ito ay sa publiko debate./ 琉球沖縄-日本では報道もされないケース。弁護士も付かないし、裁判所へ訴えることすらできない。しかし、中国では大きく報道される。弁護士も付くし、裁判所へ訴えることもできる。しかも、公に議論までされている。

Police Shoot a Man Dead. Justified Force or China's ‘Stability Maintenance’ at Work? /警察は、男性を射殺します。正当な権力か?。それとも中国の『安定維持』のため?
Posted 21 May 2015 14:05 GMT


The shooting death of Xu Chunhe inside a train station by police has touched off debate over citizen's rights and the costs of maintaining stability in China. Police initially downplayed Xu's shooting death, saying he had attacked the police and that Xu appeared drunk. But according to public opinion the incident is a typical case of the state's effort to maintain stability at all costs./警察による鉄道駅内の徐Chunheの銃撃の死。それは、市民の権利と中国での安定性を維持するためのコストをめぐる議論に発展しました。警察は当初、こう言って徐さんの銃撃死を軽視しました:「彼は警察を攻撃してきた」。「徐は酒に酔って現れた」。

Viral images of a petitioner, Xu Chunhe, shot dead by a police officer at Qing'an train station. His mother and children were around when the incident happened./請願者のバイラル・イメージ、スーChunheは、慶安列車駅の構内で警察官の銃撃によって死にました。事件が起こったとき、彼の母と子供たちはまわりにいました。

The shooting death of a man inside a train station by police has touched off debate over citizen's rights and the costs of maintaining stability in China./警察による鉄道駅内の徐Chunheの銃撃の死。それは、市民の権利と中国での安定性を維持するためのコストをめぐる議論に発展しました。

On May 2, a police officers approached Xu Chunhe at Qing'an train station in the northern province of Heilongjiang after he reportedly prevented people from entering the station, which had refused to sell him tickets. The situation soon escalated between Xu and the police and ended when one of the officers shot him. Photos of Xu’s body on the station floor – his child standing over it – quickly circulated around the Internet in China, followed by allegations of police brutality./5月2日。伝えられるところでは、 黒龍江の北の州の慶安列車駅で、切符を彼に売るのを断ったことが原因で彼が抗議をつづけた。そのため、人々が、駅に入ることができなくなった。その後、警察官が駆けつけてスーChunheに近づいた。すると、状況がすぐに一変。徐と警察との間で口論がエスカレートし、官憲のひとりが持っていた銃で彼を撃った。そのときはじめてその惨状は終了しました。ステーションフロア--呆然と立っている彼の子供--駅の床に放置された徐の遺体の写真は、中国のインターネットを迅速に循環し、警察の残虐行為の疑惑や、警察の残忍性の主張が続いていた。

Xu, a peasant living in northeastern Qing'an county, had done part-time labor to earn a living before he broke his leg in a traffic incident. According to a report in Chinese media outlet Caixin, Xu's wife suffered mental illness, and the family struggled to make ends meet. Xu's 82-year-old mother wanted her three grandchildren to enter a welfare home and started her petition journey to big cities, but she ended up begging in the streets with her three grandchildren in Beijing. In February, local authorities took them back to their village after a Beijing newspaper reported on their grievances./徐、(北東部Qing'an郡に住んでいる百姓)は、彼が交通事故で足を骨折するまでは生計を立てるためにパートタイムの労働をしていました。中国のメディア・アウトレットCaixinのレポートによると、スーの妻は精神的な病気にかかりました。そして、家族は家族はやりくりに苦労しました。 徐さんの82歳の母親は彼女の3人の孫が福祉施設などのホームに入ることを望んでいました。そして、彼女は大きい都市への嘆願のため旅行に出かけました。しかし、彼女は結局北京で彼女の3人の孫と路上で物乞いをすることになりました。北京の新聞が彼らの不平不満を報道したあと、2月には、地方自治体当局は彼らを彼らの村に連れ戻しました。

Police initially downplayed Xu's shooting death, saying he had attacked the police and tried to grab the officer's gun, adding that Xu appeared drunk. But many cited the incident as a typical case of state violence in its efforts to maintain stability at all costs./警察は、最初、彼が警察を攻撃し、担当者の銃をつかもうとしたと言って徐の銃撃死を軽視しました。そして、徐は酔っているように見えたと付け加えました。しかし、多くは、安定性をぜひとも維持するその努力において国の公式暴力事件の典型的ケースとして、事件を引用した。

In response to public skepticism, China's state television broadcast an edited version of the train station's surveillance footage 12 days after the shooting. In it, Xu can be seen fighting the officer. As an officer hits Xu with his baton, Xu at one point picks up his young daughter and throws her at the officer. Xu and the officer continue to struggle and Xu eventually takes the officer's baton. As Xu swings at him, the officer fires, hitting Xu./公的な懐疑に呼応して、中国の国営テレビは、銃撃の12日後に、列車駅の監視カメラ映像の編集されたバージョンを放送しました。それの中で、 徐が官憲と戦うのが見ることができます。官憲が彼の杖で徐を殴打して、一つの場面で徐は、彼の幼い方の娘を一旦は抱え上げたかと思うと、次の瞬間には官憲に対してその女の子を投げつけます。 徐と官憲は苦闘し続けます。そして、徐は結局、官憲の杖を取ります。徐が官憲に一撃をくらわせて、官憲は発砲します。そして、 徐を撃ちます。


China’s Xinhua News Agency said an investigation by Harbin Railway Police found that the police acted properly. But the family’s lawyer, Xie Yanyi, alleged the video shown on national television was edited to defame Xu morally and filed suit against CCTV accusing the network of distorting fact and broadcasting a biased report./中国の新華社通信は、ハルビン鉄道警察の捜査について、警察が適切に行動したことがわかったと述べた。しかし、家族の弁護士、謝Yanyiは、全国ネットのテレビに表示される映像は、道徳的に徐を中傷するために編集されたと主張しました。そのうえで、謝Yanyiは、事実を歪曲し、バイアスされたレポートを放送した CCTV放送網を非難し、提訴しました。

The release of station surveillance footage seemed to alleviate some of the public's concerns, but not completely. Some argued that Xu using his own daughter as a weapon against the officer proved he deserves no sympathy. But others have questioned why the officer seemed to shoot to kill, instead of wound, why the video was released after so many days, and even if Xu really attacked the officer to begin with./駅の監視カメラ映像のリリースでは、国民の懸念のいくつかを軽減するように見えた。しかし、完全ではない。官憲に対抗する武器として自分の娘を用いた徐。 いくつかは、そんな彼には同情に値する資格がない証拠だと主張した。しかし、他は、官憲がなぜ、創傷の代わりに、殺すために撃つようだったかについて疑いました。そして、なぜビデオは非常に多くの日が経過した後にリリースされたのか疑問視しています。たとえ徐がまず第一に、官憲を本当に攻撃したとしても。

Many believed that the train station refused to sell tickets to him because the authorities had tried to stop him and his family from petitioning in Beijing, a concerning development if true because the government has recently vowed to protect citizens’ petitioning right. In China, petitioning is a system for ordinary people to appeal to the provincial or central government to investigate abuse of power or corruption committed by local authorities. Many petitioners end up in Beijing and some become beggars so that they can continue to petition in the capital. Because of their persistence, petitioners are labelled as paranoid or mentally ill. Local authorities often “kidnap” the petitioners, send them back to their hometown and stop them from traveling out again./中国では、請願することは、 普通の人々が地方民にアピールするシステム。或は、地方官庁により犯された権力の濫用または腐敗を中央政府が調査するシステムである。多くの陳情者が北京で終わると、彼らが首都で請願し続けることができるように、北京といくつかの都市において物乞いになる。それらの粘り強さのため、請願者が偏執病であるというラベルを貼られる。そして、請願者は、妄想や精神障害として分類されています。地方官庁は(地元当局または地方自治体は)、しばしば請願者を「誘拐し」。そして、それらをそれらの故郷に送り返し、再びそれらが外に旅行するのを止めます。

The case garnered widespread attention on Twitter-like Weibo, with Xu seen as representative of China's ordinary people. A commentary on Beijing Times criticized the police's impartial investigation:/徐を中国の一般人の典型とみなしたこのケースは、ツイッターのようなWeiboの上で広範囲にわたる注目を集めました。北京タイムズの解説は、警察の公平な捜査を批判しました:

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Beijing Times: “Qing'an incident cannot end with the police investigation on the shooting.” Why did Xu Chunhe stop other travelers from departing on the train? In the police investigation, Xu's intention was ignored. If it were appropriate for the police officer to shoot, why did the local authorities sign a compensation agreement with his family? Why did the railway police withhold the surveillance footage for so long? The truth is incomplete.
He Weifang, a famous law professor, criticized CCTV report:
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Public trust depletion syndrome: CCTV’s footage seems to justify the police’s shooting. But doubts still exist. Why did Xu suddenly block the entrance? Why was he furious about the police intervening? State television didn’t say a word. How could the conclusion convince the public when the investigation has been undertaken by the security department?
The post was quickly removed. A censorship order was issued demanding all media outlets, online and offline, not to “follow up on or hype the Qing’an shooting incident” and to “take note and delete negative, harmful Internet commentary”. The Weibo account of Zhang Xuezhong, a well-known dissident and law expert, was deleted after he wrote an article criticizing state violence to maintain societal stability:
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Xu Chunhe was another scapegoat of the stability control system, which is another term for despotism. […] due to his ordinary status, Xu was deprived of the right to buy train tickets and was shot to death in front of his mother and children.
Sun Liping, a famous sociologist, believed Xu was killed by the hostility of the system against petitioners:
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Some call the shooting murder, but I don’t think so. I’d rather attribute it to the systemic hostility against petitioners. After years of defaming petitioners, officials have gradually formed a mindset: they are just troublemakers, they are disposable freaks.
He further elaborated:
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The public strongly demand the authorities to release the surveillance video of the shooting. It’s certainly important because it not only confirms the police’s shooting accountability, but make sure that a dubious shooting doesn't become a secret. However, I feel what’s more important is beyond the video. Does the tragedy arise from Xu being blocked for his previous petitions? If it is, this shooting would be a bloody case caused by misgovernance in maintaining stability, no matter what details the videos reveal.
Wang Zhi’an, an investigative journalist, argued that the allegation of Xu assaulting the police officer doesn't justify the shooting:
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It’s wrong for police to shoot and kill whenever assaulted. Attacking police includes many things like slapping, punching or stabbing. Should police kill them all? Should police just directly open fire on protesters of mass incidents [massive protests] with machine guns even those the incidents could lead to violent act and police assaults? Police open fire only if they face real and urgent dangers. There should be a standard laying out the procedure in advance, and afterward there is an investigation. It should be the exception, the result of extreme caution, for police to kill a civilian without a trial.
Xu had participated in local Christian activities and built an online talk group, which remains active with nearly 200 disciples. Wang Yi, who is a Christian, expressed a strong feeling of compassion towards Xu:
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I have to admit that Xu Chunhe is one of my most humble, miserable and poor brothers in this day and age. I wouldn't do better nor endure longer if I were living in his conditions. Christians have been named saints not because of their virtues but because they want to let Jesus’ blood cover their failures. I’ve been called to work for these people for I myself belong to them.

Written by
Jack Hu

