
[hoshizukiyo ni aetara] 古都散策や仏像、文楽、DEAN FUJIOKAさんのことなどを・・・。 

そして、何度も Legacy。

2019-01-30 | DEAN FUJIOKA
ニューアルバムを通して聴いた。そして、何度も Legacy。

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Dean Fujioka 藤岡靛さん(@tfjok)がシェアした投稿 - <time style=" font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2019-01-25T12:36:26+00:00">2019年 1月月25日午前4時36分PST</time>




When I needed you the most
Thought you saw me, I was on my knees
I knew you heard me praying
Since the day I started to have faith in you
I wished to be closer, but where were you?
Our promises faded
Then, I thought you left me

Every time I cry out of solitude
I dunno why I’m still trying to follow you
All I know is where my heart belongs
That’s love to decide
I carry the cross that you’ve given
Wherever in the world that I live in
Even if my sins are unforgiven

In the middle of my misery
At the prak of my loneliness
Thought I’d never see the light again
And I’d never feel loved again
You’re the reason why I’m trying to breathe
Yet, I don’t know what I’m doing here
No one wants to wake up to this pain
Ever again, ever again
Will I ever love again
Will I ever love again
Will I ever love again

I was so lost in the rain
I fell and fell so hard, was so blindly vain
At the point of no return
Then I saw a shadow of a man, tell me was it you?
Shed light upon my moment of truth
Take me higher and higher
To the heaven I long to know

Every time I cry out of solitude
I dunno why I’m still trying to follow you
All I know is where my heart belongs
That’s love to decide
I carry the cross that you’ve given
Wherever in the world that I live in
Even if my sins are unforgiven

In the middle of my misery
At the peak of my loneliness
Thought I’d never see the light again
And I’d never feel loved again
You’re the reason why I’m trying to breathe
Yet, I don’t know what I’m doing here
No one wants to wake up to this pain
Never again, ever again
Will I ever love again
Will I ever love again
Will I ever love again

Oh Lord, show me the way home
Dear my lord, show me the way home
Oh dear lord, show me the way home
Oh my dear lord, show me the way home
I’m praying for your legacy

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