臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou Goes to School

2012-06-10 | Script
Caillou, could you come here for a minute?
In a minute, Daddy!
Caillou was waiting for something and he didn't want to leave the window right away.
Now please!
What is it, Daddy?
I need you to put away your toys so I can vacuum in your room.
The faster Caillou finish cleaning up, the faster he could get back to the window.

Caillou was waiting for the school bus to arrive.
He couldn't wait until he was old enough to go to school.
Hi, Sarah!
Caillou, I have one more thing for you to do.
Caillou? Are you there?
Caillou had already taken his school bus once,
but he couldn't wait to take it everyday.
I wish I could go to school.

Lucky for him, at the end of the day, he was going to get his chance.
Hi, Sarah!
Hi, Caillou. My class's having a little brother and sister day at school.
And since I don't have either one of those....
Would you like to go to school with Sarah?
That sounds like a great idea.

The next day, Caillou and Mommy were packing for Caillou's first day at school.
I think we have everything. Pencils, paper, lunch.
We forgot this. I have to bring my dinosaur to school.
I don't think you'll need your dinosaur today, sweetie.
There'll be so many things to do at school.
He'll just get lonely in your bag.

The school is big.
Caillou thought the school was very big and was afraid that he might get lost.
Come on, Caillou.That's the bell (for which) we have to go to assembly.
Okay, Caillou. I'll pick you up after lunch.
Have a good day at school!

Caillou was beginning to feel a little afraid going into the school.
Do you want to hold my hand?
You'll see, Caillou, school is a lot of fun!
Caillou was happy that he was going to school with Sarah.
He felt like a very big boy.

Caillou had never seen a classroom before.
He thought it'd look like a fun place.
Put your backpack here.
Can we play ball in the classroom?
We're not allowed to play with balls inside school.
Where is everybody?
They are in the gym for assembly.
Come on, we have to go.
What's an assembly?
It's when the principal talks to us. You'll see.
What's the gym?

Come on, Sarah! Let's play!
Caillou, we can't play now.
The principal is about to speech.
We have to sit down and listen.
Caillou didn't realised there were so many rules at school.
He didn't want to sit down. He wanted to continue playing.
We can play later on, Okay?
Where do we sit?
On the floor.
Like this.
Now we have to be real quiet and listen, Okay?
Good morning, everyone and welcome!
Today is a very special day and we have a lot of first timer among us...
For those of you that are here with your big brothers or sisters...
But Sarah, I really have to go to the bathroom!
This is an extremely fun, fun filled action packed day.

After the bathroom was done, and the assembly was over,
Caillou and Sarah went back to her classroom.
You're lucky today is a special day.
You should really only get a ride on the blackboards when the teacher asks us to.
What was that?
The bell for recess.

I like your school, Sarah.
So do I, but I wish we had more time to play outside.
Caillou didn't understand why Sarah wanted more to play.
He loved being in the classroom.
When do we read and write?
I don't think you'll learn all that today but we'll do a lot of fun things.
Come on, recess is over!
Caillou thought the bell rang a lot at school.

Caillou loved to paint and he was happy to find out that the paint at school, too.
I'm going to draw a picture of your school.
Don't forget that one day this will be your school, too.

What did you bring for lunch, Caillou?
A sandwich, carrots, an apple and some chocolate pudding.
What do you have, Sarah?
Fried chicken, cheese, celery and a cookie.
Wanna switch?
I like switching lunches.
I don't get to do that at home.
Maybe I'll have dessert first.
Caillou loved being at school with Sarah.
He wasn't able to switch lunches with anyone at home.

So how was school, Caillou?
I drew on the blackboard and even switched my lunch with Sarah.
Really? That sounds like fun!
But I didn't learn how to write.
That's because you're still too young.
Don't go growing up too fast, okay?
Caillou couldn't wait to grow up and go to school everyday.
Even though Caillou wasn't quite ready for school yet,
he was ready for one thing, "nap time".


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[SCRIPT] Caillou Goes to School (Adrian)
2021-10-03 11:42:26
Caillou & Sarah in "Caillou Goes to School" (2000)
Written by Thomas LaPierre
Storyboard by Éric Bergeron
