臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

Cupid flies around delivering love people using his arrow.

2014-12-01 | Caillou でお勉強
  One fine morning, Mommy made Caillou and Rosie an extra special breakfast.
■ make 人 物 ■verb[2 objectives] 人に物を作ってあげる

  It's his job to fly around delivering love to people using his bow and arrow.
■ fly delivering / deliver using ■verb+Present participle [](配達)~しながら、(飛ぶ)~する / (使用)しながら、(配る)~する

  Can anyone tell me what today is?
■ can anyone tell me ■[]

  and then everyone can take theirs(カード) home with them(みんな).
■ take 物 with 人 ■[]物を持っていく

  Knowing Leo liked the Valentine made Caillou feel much better.
    →S:[Knowing Leo liked the Valentine] V:[made] O:[Caillou] C:[better]
■ doing(knowing) ■[present participle]~すること
■ make 人 do ■[使役]causative verb [弱]let <get < have < make[強]
           make O do 【強制 =force】Oに強制的に~させる (自動的にそうなる)否応無しにそうなる

  <font color=green>Tell you what, why don't we have a snack now and while the class is eating, you can have a look for it?
■ Tell you what, why don't you do? ■[] ~したらどうかしら?
     →Tell you what, why don't you have your dinner earlier, then you'll lose your weight?

  We can always make him another one.

  Let me get a class seated for their snack and we'll work together on it.
    みんなに座ってもらってきてもいい? それから一緒にとりかかりましょう。
■使役動詞■ causative verb [弱]let ■ let O do ■【許可 放任 =allow】Oに(望みどおり)~させてやる
■ get O done ■ Oを~してもらう(受身) You can get the book borrowed from her.

