臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

Gilbert's House

2013-12-01 | Script
Daddy, I'm cold!
Caillou and his daddy were in a hurry to get home, because it was cold outside.
Look at that funny little house!
That's a doghouse, Caillou.
The dog lives there?
That's right!
Caillou thought the dog was lucky to have his own place to sleep and play in.

Come on, now! You can't sleep there.
Caillou thought that Gilbert should have his own house to sleep in just like the dog.
I'm gonna make a house for Gilbert.
That's a great idea! I'm sure he'll love to have a place of his own.
Caillou found the box he thought was just right for Gilbert.
Okay, Gilbert. This one is nice.

Gilbert, come and try it!
Caillou thought the box was perfect!
Mommy, can Gilbert have this box?
Sure, sweetie. It looks like he's moved in it already.

Caillou decided the first thing Gilbert's house needed was a front door.
And you want some windows, too. Right, Gilbert?
The next step was to make the house a nice color.
Pick a color! Okay. I'll make it Red.
Caillou thought Gilbert was saying he wanted some blue on his house, too.

Do you like it, Gilbert? Oh, you need a real door.

There you go, Caillou! One door and two windows!
Gilbert needs a bed, too.
You're right. I think I may have something around here. Why don't you try this?
Now Caillou was sure the house was ready for Gilbert.

Okay, Gilbert. You can go in now.
Caillou was worry that Gilbert didn't like his new house.
Maybe he likes some of his things in there, to make him feel at home.

Go get the mouse, Gilbert!
Caillou was happy that Gilbert liked his new house.

