

Skype sad chat with a girl friend in Taiwan

2009年05月23日 07時01分49秒 | スカイプ
A = I
B = a girl friend in Taiwan
C = our boy friend

A:He find a new girl friend.
B:really? he didn't tell me. when he talked to you?
God...........he talked to me he want me to be his girlfriend .oh my God!
he said he want go to Taiwan to see me on the summer vocation and he is planed our future.
A:Any boy don't tell you that he find a new girl friend. I knew it yesterday. It's too late. You try to find new Japanese boy friend in Tokyo. I have a friend in Tokyo who don't marry. But he is same age with me. 45 years old.
B:why he told a lie to me?
i think i can't find new boyfriend on the internet
i can be his common friend ,he should not tell a lie to me
A:He don't tell a lie to you. He just find a new girl friend better than you yesterday. You had better use Facebook than Skype. It is easy to find a boy friend in Tokyo. Please try it. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B:NO i won't find the boyfriend on the internet. he didn't tell a lie?????????????????????????
he said he want get marry with me several times!
ever time he said "Hey,,,,,,,,come to Japan"
so ...........he found this girl on the internet!
you know many times when i talked with him ,then his phone is ringing
he said that is his mother call him
many times................... he said his mother take a phone call to him
i felt very strange , i asked him , he always gave me this answer
A:Why don't you use Facebook? You know nothing about SNS which is wonderful internet tool to find boy friends. I have 3 real friends in Tokyo who don't marry. You have many chance in Tokyo. There are many good boys in Tokyo, because Tokyo is capital in Japan.
B:i like my friend to introduce boyfriend to me instead of finding by myself
because some guys on the internet are lier
i won't have boyfriend on the internet, i want boyfriend in real life
you know , i am very sad ..............heard this new from your mouth ;(
A:Why don't you use Skype? I have 3 boy friends in real life. I am sorry that I make you sad. Very sorry. Forgive me.Sorry.
B: he made me sad ,not you
A:I think that he is bad boy. Forgive me to introduce kenken to you. But I don't know him well. Sorry.
B:all right , it's not your faul
Norihiko ...........i never blame to you
his girlfriend meet on the facebook?
A: I am very tired for my today's hard business work. And it is late in Japan. I am sleepy. Can I sleep from now? Or do you want to talk with me?Tomorrow is holiday, so I can talk with you forever to heel your sad feeling.
B: did he say how he meet that girl?
A: He meet a girl introduced by his real boy friend. Not Internet
B:how long?
A:I don't know.
B:he has a girlfriend , he not necessary to say that promise to me
you know ........... he said romantic words to me until last night
it's prove that he told a lie to me for a long time
A: He is ugly guy.
B:if his girlfriend knows that she will anger with him
A:I think so.
B:i should thank for he is not my boyfriend
i have to focus on my study not finding boyfriend
studying will helpful my future
boyfriend makes me happy and makes me cry
Norihiko are you ok?
do you want to sleep
take care of yourself
i will ask him this thing tomorrow
A: Please believe me. I want to help you. Please study hard. You will find new blight future. Good Luck. If you are in trouble, I would like to make you happy. Please trust me.
A: i trust you !
i know you for a long time around 1 year
i hope God bless me
i meet many trouble during these years
B: You can find new boy friends in the future. I support you.
A: please introduce your "real" friend to me
B: Ok not "internet " friend,ok?
from now on i don' t trust any love on the internet
it likes bad dream
now i wake up from this bad dream
shall i ask him this thing? or see how he continue to tell a lie to me?
A: If you decide to pass the examination and you go to Tokyo. I introduce real friends in Tokyo. You had better study hard.
B: i know, i will
recently , after i finish my work i go to library to study everday
thank you !!!!!!!! Norihiko 樣
A:He don't tell me. I hope that you recover your feel delight soon. Don't thiink negative.
B: i will became happy, i need time to recover my mind
A: I will go to Takao someday. Please guide Takao with your good lovely boy friend. I hope so.
B:i don't know when i will have boyfriend(sweat)
A: You are attractive girl. Don't give up. At first you take master degree. Many boyfriends pursue you. You select a good boy.Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B: where is the God...........God forgot to give me some luck
A: You are still young. There are many chance in the future. Anyway now you study everything until you die. I hope that you will be happy. I also annoy about my disease of Bipolar Disorder and Diabetes Mellitus. But I want to be happy.
B: thank you Norihiko 樣
A:go to sleep.........it's too late
B:thanks you encourage me
A: Ok.Please listen classic music and go to sleep. Good night.
B: okay,thank you to tell me this turth made me woke up
A: I will talk with you tomorrow. We want to do enjoyable talk with you. I am waiting for you tomorrow.
B: okay.see u tomorrow .have a nice dream
See you tomorrow. Good night. Have a nice dream. Good bye.

A to C:彼女泣いちゃったぞ、私があなたに新しい彼女ができたと言ったら。あなたが彼女に甘いささやきをしていたとは知らなかったよ。あなたは女口説くのがへたくそだよ。彼女とは一生の友達の選択をしていればよかったのに。まあ私はこの件で彼女と一生の友達になれそうな気がしたけどね。彼女から電話がかかってくるから、覚悟して下さい。

