グローバル・タックス研究会 ~Study Group On Global Tax~



2008-10-28 | 国際連帯税&リーディンググループ国際会議


Dear Members of the Leading Group on Solidarity Levies to Fund Development,

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Guinean Presidency of our Group, I am sending you the provisional agenda for the plenary meeting of the Leading group on solidarity levies for development to be held in Conakry (Republic of Guinea) on 06 and 07 November 2008.

Please find enclosed this schedule as well as the Guinean "road map".

Four technical meetings should precede this meeting, as stipulated in the road map. The technical meeting on illicit capital flows, organised in partnership with Norway, will be held on November 4-5, 2008 in Conakry. The other meetings mentioned in the road map shall be confirmed later.

If you wish additional information, do not hesitate to contact the Permanent secretariat.

With my best regards,

Permanent secretariat of the Leading group on solidarity levies for development

Julien Meimon

French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Economic and Financial Affairs Department
International Financial Affairs Division


