

Research Essay该怎么写

2019-04-30 17:26:29 | 日記
Research Essay是国外大学常见的Assignment形式,是引导你走进别人的研究并相互交流想法的一种论文方式,Research Essay写作涉及到资料搜集而且还要整合你自己的观点,通常以需要被调研的话题或问题开篇。那Research Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家分享一下Research Essay的写作技巧。

The research essay is also called the research paper and the term paper. Along with being one of the most frequently assigned compositions, it is also one that strikes terror in the hearts of many students. However, once you know how to research and organize a research essay, it can be one of the most satisfying papers to write.

A major part of writing the research essay is compiling and organizing the information you need to write the paper. The best way to begin researching is to “start fresh”. Whether the topic is assigned or one of your own choice, clear your mind of all opinions and ideas on the topic until you have reviewed expert information on the topic. Then decide if your paper will be expository or argumentative in nature.

Like all essays, the research essay has three main parts: It begins with the introduction followed by the body and, of course, concludes with the conclusion. Yet, the body of the research essay usually has several distinct sections that are unique in either type or placement when compared to other types of essays.

Parts of the research essay include:

The Introduction: Like every essay, the introduction to a research essay introduces the topic. It may also include your statement of interest in the topic. How you introduce the topic is a matter of your personal choice. Some examples are:

Start with an anecdote about the topic:

Talk about the work of an expert that led you to become interested in the topic.

Disclose an unanswered question that led you to choose the topic. The question may also be the basis for your essay thesis.

The Thesis: While your thesis should appear as early as you can fit it into your research essay, it may be placed either in the introduction or in the first paragraph of the body, depending on the subject and depth of the information your essay explores. The thesis should be clear and concise. A rule of thumb says that if your thesis extends beyond a single sentence, you may need to redefine your argument. As usual, the supporting points of your thesis directly follow it.

Argument and Documentation:

The “meat of your research essay”, the argument and documentation section presents your case. How you develop your points depends on whether your essay format is expository or argumentative.

The Historiography:

The historiography is an overview of other works written on the same topic, those that share your point of view as well those opposing your argument. Although often addressed only in footnotes or endnotes, you may place the historiography within the body if it is important to the development of your essay. For instance, you might use the historiography to acknowledge a contradicting position and explain why it’s invalid or to introduce an expert source that agrees with your viewpoint.

Discussion of Sources:

Different from the usual list of cited sources, the research essay takes time to discuss sources of information. The discussion of sources takes into account the biases and weaknesses of your sources as well as their strengths and the value they add to your argument. Furthermore, in a discussion of sources you may also include sources that you didn’t use and the reasons why you omitted them from your paper.

Although the discussion of sources also is most often found in footnotes, its placement depends upon its importance to your topic and to the development of your article.


Again, the conclusion of a research essay differs from the standard essay format. Although you’ll redefine your thesis and summarize the supporting points, you may choose to add some pertinent information. For instance, the conclusion of a research essay is the only place in your paper where it’s appropriate to express your personal opinion. Furthermore, you might add information that connects your topic to a contemporary issue such as how it brought about some significant change. You may also provide avenues for further research.

以上就是关于Research Essay的写作讲解,正所谓“万事开头难”,留学生们第一次接触到Research Essay可能是有些难度,毕竟还不了解其写作格式,写作要求等等。不过大家看完这篇文章之后,相信Research Essay也难不倒大家了吧!



Paper代写:Animated Art short Film

2019-04-30 17:24:28 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Animated Art short Film,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了动画艺术短片。动画短片分为两种,分别是动画商业短片和动画艺术短片。动画商业短片,注重的是“俗”文化的传播,观众是否喜爱和接受。而动画艺术短片,则追求创新和创作者个人表达为主并具有强烈特色的动画短片,这类短片的特点是“雅”。

A short film is a phrase that is relative to a long movie. Generally speaking, the length of a minister's film is 90-150 minutes, while the length of the short film is within 30 seconds ~ 45 minutes. Short films and long films have their own meaning and content expression. Although the short film is shorter in time than the long film, but small equipped,

The elements of the film, including scripts, actors, scenes, lenses, performances, photographs, clips, music and sounds, are also available.

The animated short film divides into the animated commercial short film and the animated art short film. Animation Art short film is based on the pursuit of innovation and creative personal expression and has a strong feature of the animated short film, the characteristics of this kind of film is "Ya", animation commercial short film More attention is "vulgar" culture of the spread, pay attention to whether the audience love and accept. Of course, there is no insurmountable gap between business and art, as the saying goes, and tastes good, they all have their own unique and attractive side, as

A knowledge learner should be a sea of rivers. Sometimes an animated commercial video also has the same artistic qualities, and an animated short film will be popular with the public to enter the business line. Therefore, the definition of animation art short film is not absolute, generally speaking, mainly rely on some common consensus. Those who express the main, the pursuit of individuality and novelty, when long in 30 seconds ~45 minutes of animation called animated art short film.

Because the animation art short film pursues the personal expression, its creation content is more personal and the liberalization, in the creation direction and the type of material selection and the movie theater animation long film and the animation series are different. Although all three use the language of animation to express the author's ideas and ideas, but the animation art short film because of smaller space and relatively short content, so it is not suitable to express the story of strong ―― with "beginning, development, climax, the outcome" of the plot and complex stories. Animation Art short Film creation is the creator's inner pursuit and exploration, pay more attention to the social status quo and animation art of reflection and expression, not for the so-called box office and ratings in there to consider the audience's various and burn. In such a short period of time the audience would like to see ideas and ideas, so an animated art film is often not to win the story plot, but more inclined to the creator's inner emotional expression, but also tend to the creators of animation technology exploration and innovation.

The subject matter of animation art short film is rich and varied, according to today's common subject matter can be divided into the following main categories:

The most influential type of film is the "Father and woman" of the Dutch animation director Michael Witt. This short film in a relaxed and slow rhythm depicts a warm people sincere affection. Through his daughter's life to the father in his childhood boat leave, the expression of the world's deep love, and from the side shows a woman's life. Light color of the screen tone warm, casually say the mouse stop in which seconds, is a moving illustration. The lens of the film is a feature of the film, no characters of the close-up and close, but with panoramic and vision lens for the audience to create a moving deep story.

This kind of subject matter is the content which the cartoon art genre often displays, through to the social phenomenon satire and exaggerates, manifests the author to the realistic question the concern and the ponder. The animation art short film draws on this kind of artistic expression form in the cartoon, uses a kind of huge exaggeration way to satirize the Society one person or a certain social phenomenon, the author's outlook on life and the world view will pass through the short film always, expresses is the author's viewpoint and the tendency. such as the Japanese animation director Village Hao two "Head Mountain", the film through a head of a cherry tree on the strange man's encounter, this cherry tree became a leisure place and entertainment place, but no one to cherish this place, under the tree people bring relentless destruction, in order to describe a myth, Surreal and full of wisdom in the contradictory space of the story. In addition, the film rich Japanese characteristics of the music element is a major feature, the use of an old man's voice, with the way to play the story to say, play and the content of the picture better fit, formed the film in the visual and auditory two aspects of the unique effect.

The animated short film of this kind of subject has very deep philosophy and is the expression of the deep thought of the creator. Like "Hiring Life". This is a study of social and human nature of the short film, the whole film without lines, but let the viewer vibration, reflection. In this film, no one is the so-called privileged class, on the contrary, each person has two kinds of identities: the employer and the hired person ―― hire Others also to be hired by others.

This kind of video is mainly on the visual form of animation and animation performance techniques. Today, there are many animation artists to produce a variety of different forms of experimental animation film, explore the new technology development space and possibilities. such as the Canadian pilot animation master Norman McLaren’s "neighbor". The author shows the war between people in simple form, concise picture and symbolic image. Reveals the cruelty of war, a war will destroy everything, ultimately no one can get what they want, but will lose more, including the fundamental existence of life. Another major feature of the film in the animation with the exploration of the form, the use of the animation of the special-case-by-grid shooting and real-world performance combined way, action funny humor, but without dialogue, there is a silent film era of Chaplin style.


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Project assignment是什么

2019-04-30 17:23:10 | 日記
Project assignment,就是计划任务或者设计任务。如果是在国外大学读工科的同学,那么就会遇到这类assignment,同学们必须认真对待,因为这类assignment非常重要。那么Project assignment该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。

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以上就是关于Project assignment的写作解析,一般来讲,工科的论文比商科的要难,所以同学们必须要多下点功夫去写Project assignment才行。


Paper代写:Modern life ceramic art

2019-04-30 17:18:55 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Modern life ceramic art讨论了现代生活陶瓷艺术。陶瓷艺术作为人类文明史上一项重要的发明,在漫长的发展史中,渐渐地向着装饰性、美观性的方向发展。并且随着人们的审美以及相应的技术观念的进步与发展,现代的陶瓷艺术逐渐发展成为一种艺术的特性,它以对生存状态的独特关注作为设计线索,其作为一种新兴的现代艺术在领域占据重要地位,同时也对我们的生活产生了比较大的影响。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Ceramic art, as an important invention in the history of human civilization, has gradually developed towards the direction of decoration and aesthetics in the long history of development. With the progress and development of people's aesthetics and corresponding technical concepts, modern ceramic art has gradually developed into an artistic feature.

Life pottery is a popular art, which is most easily accepted by the public. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the future of life pottery is promising. Because he was to meet practical at the same time also to give people the United States, people in modern life, ceramic art in the field is constantly widening, deepening of modern living ceramic art has become a very strong vitality in the plastic arts of the new category. Ceramic art can be widely used in life and can give full play to its value. And gradually with its "aesthetic" and "practical" characteristics at the same time in people's life to deduce the colorful form and connotation. At the same time, it has the necessary personality and artistic characteristics in life. Ceramic art is a kind of life show life concept as the foundation and the practical breakthrough in the perspectives of innovation, and can be well according to the connotation of the corresponding meaning and emotional communication to enrich its corresponding cultural connotation gradually.

The pottery of life originates from the pottery of primitive society. Along with the needs of life, ceramics in life gradually form a more reasonable way to adapt to the present life, and then constantly change people's life attitude and quality of life.

In the age of colored pottery, there was a basic order for the corresponding things because there were utensils for storing food. In the time of the handicraft industry, ceramics production on family often give priority to, the life of ceramics can be more convenient to service of people's lives, in service at the same time, it is often in a simple and kind of aesthetic to optimize people's life. When age into the high mechanization and standardization, handmade ceramic products replaced by industrial products, make people gradually lost its corresponding show individual character space, makes interpersonal emotional weaken or even to pieces. But the since the 20th century, full of charming taste ceramic attracted the attention of people, and in the actual life, life ceramic art gradually with its rich color to show the corresponding development trend. Life pottery was so popular, in addition to satisfy people life interest model and the quality of the decoration, the more important is that it reveals the plain natural feeling and creation by the uniqueness of the language, meet the people in the pursuit of a better life and yearning for the future.

Because contemporary ceramic art is often called modern ceramic design, it mainly reflects the corresponding modern design culture and modern ceramic characteristics. Because of its combination with the traditional and the corresponding expansion, thus will continue to make a trade-off for the corresponding design concept to grasp, to further to feel now aesthetic tendency of The Times, to further understand consumer pursuit of spirit and the dynamics of the market at present stage.

Under the influence of the modern ideological trend, life ceramic art creators often get never had passion, in the process of practice, constantly from its own analysis of the factors synthetically, clear the corresponding concept trends and present market and people's aesthetic demand. Only in this way can we further to get rid of traditional vessel rigorously neat creation form, all these constitute the life of ceramic art characteristic of primitive simplicity, natural and colorful art aesthetic characteristics, make people new to culture in the embodiment of taste but also shows its vanguard character.

The ceramic design of life is inseparable from the improvement of technological content, and its prospects are often limited by various factors to a great extent. Along with the improvement of people's living standard and culture, modern life ceramics also have the tendency of adapting to modern development. Because modern life ceramic art often presents a pluralistic, inclusive pluralistic appearance. In the development of increasingly gradually formed a more specialized situations, that is in the design of modern ceramic technology, often is according to the corresponding artistic pursuits and suitable feelings, makes the modern ceramic art is more close to life, can meet the demand of modern urban reasonable, really to be the art of life.

In real life, modern pottery art is often embodied in details. Because modern pottery art is a kind of regulatory aesthetic policy made by the art circle in response to the progress of science and technology, and it is also adapted to the wider application of modern pottery art. China often draws lessons from western works. Because in the constant enlightenment will produce a more professional art category. Growing importance in modern ceramic art and modern ceramic art in our country level compared with the west indeed there is a certain gap, so it is necessary to study of modern ceramic art in theory. In this way can in the modern ceramic art has a comprehensive understanding and awareness on the basis of modern ceramic production in our country, the result can not only meet the aesthetic needs of the masses, and the status of solid ceramic modern life, make its importance is constantly developing gradually. Although nowadays people pay more attention to environmental art, it is often through the coordination of the relationship between people and the environment that ceramic art can become a new category. And we can get reasonable use in our life, so that its value can be maximized.

Life pottery is a new form of visual art developed on the basis of traditional practical function. From the perspective of spirit, it is mainly from the perspective of culture to intervene in environmental art. In the analysis, it is often based on the cultural and material characteristics of modern ceramic art to make a comprehensive and appropriate analysis. The aim is to give people a more comprehensive understanding of modern pottery. Hope people in the modern ceramic art practice, can more fully explore the unique features of modern ceramic art language, not only better able to excavate the potential of modern ceramic art, and on the basis of the introduction of new technology, to further grasp the essence of modern ceramic art and had more depth in the understanding of the value of the performance, makes the modern pottery art better adapt to the modern environmental requirements.

As is known to all, the development of life pottery has become the inevitable trend of The Times. Ceramic art is to forge ahead with innovation idea, life in a new perspective and ideas to cultivate, in nowadays pervaded the commonality and mediocre art is a let people refreshing breeze, colorful stars at all levels, but also the social function of modern ceramic art should shoulder. So need everyone from the multiple perspectives analysis and research, and the need for space environment by various means of intervention and involvement of environmental problems, thinking about thinking, make its can be fully integrated into the corresponding forecast, in order to more effectively different Suggestions and corresponding analysis of the situation, its essence is from a unique perspective to show the new concept of environmental art. Therefore, from the perspective of reality, modern ceramic art's intervention in environmental art is based on its own characteristics and expression, and develops comprehensively to meet the needs of the contemporary era.

With the opening of the door and the development of modern life, people begin to pursue the artistic demand of natural state or primitive state. I am always eager to return to a more relaxed and natural social life. Modern life pottery exists in modern life. It is based on national culture and infuses the aesthetic concept of The Times. It takes the unique attention to the living state as the design clue, and as a new modern art, it occupies an important position in the field and also has a great influence on our life. In the corresponding functional design at the same time, create a new aesthetic concept and development, and pay more attention to its corresponding artistic quality and return to natural beauty, make modern life ceramic more fully adapt to the life and development needs.


Essay代写:The new system of doctoral education in the UK

2019-04-30 17:14:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The new system of doctoral education in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的新制博士生教育。新制博士生教育是英国博士生教育应对市场化和国际化的产物,由英国顶尖研究型大学开设,涵盖4大学科120多个不同专业。其入学条件与英国传统哲学博士生的入学条件相同,新制博士生教育在培养内容上将所学专业的正式课程学习、广泛领域的研究和专业技能培养与具体的论文研究相结合,在指导方式上将哲学博士生教育的个别指导与专业博士生教育的合作指导相结合,使博士生教育从传统的纯学术性走向兼顾学术性和职业性。

The new system of doctoral education is a product of the marketization and internationalization of doctoral education in the UK. It is opened by the top research universities in the UK and covers more than 120 different majors in 4 disciplines. Its entrance requirements and the traditional philosophy doctoral admission conditions the same, the new system of doctoral education in training content, general formal professional courses, widely in the field of research and professional skills combined with a specific research, doctoral education in guiding way philosophy of individual guidance cooperation with professional doctoral education guidance, the combination of the doctoral education from traditional purely academic to both academic and professional.

In recent years, the development of doctoral education in Britain is characterized by the emergence and development of new doctoral education programs. Influenced by American doctoral education, in response to the knowledge economy, competition in the market and put forward the New challenges, make up for the lack of traditional PhD vocational skills training, the doctoral education on the basis of the traditional PhD, has derived the Professional Doctorate, be Doctorate and PhD by Published Work, the Practice - -based Doctorate, New Route PhD types, such as training goal from a single industry for academic to Professional differentiation.

In the 1990s, the education of doctoral students in traditional philosophy in Britain was challenged in many aspects. First, the practicality of doctoral degrees was questioned, and employers believed that doctoral graduates did not have the skills needed for long-term career development. Second, the financial difficulties faced by British universities in the 1980s and 1990s, and the subsequent reduction of university teaching positions, led to the reduction of academic career opportunities for PhD graduates. Third, the graduation rate of doctor of philosophy is often unsatisfactory, which leads people to rethink the cultivation mode and purpose of doctor of philosophy. Fourth, for emerging disciplines, especially professional fields, the traditional doctor of philosophy is not applicable; Fifth, the increasing demand for part-time study requires the training mode of doctoral education to be more flexible. In 1993, the British government in Realising our Potential: A Strategy for Science, Engineering and Technology, the white paper points out that in doctoral education occupies A large proportion of the in public finance funds, should make the financial investment value, can not only satisfy the interests of taxpayers, also can meet the demand of doctoral student personal development.

In 2000, the committee for higher education funding in England summarized the characteristics of doctoral education in the United States. Second, to equip students with important general skills; Third, developing team cooperation; Fourth, regular formal evaluation; Fifth, pay attention to the cultivation of research ability; Sixth, carry out research projects, and then complete the dissertation on this basis. This is in sharp contrast to the British PhD's focus on the academic research required to develop a purely academic career. Accordingly, the higher education funding council for England has begun to reflect on the future of doctoral education in the United Kingdom, proposing to redefine the curriculum of doctoral education, add clear training content, and broaden the skills and knowledge of doctoral students.

In 2001, with the full support of the British government, the higher education funding Council of England and the British Council, 10 leading research universities in the UK launched the new doctoral education program. The new system of doctoral education conforms to the standards and principles for doctoral education formulated by the UK higher education quality assurance agency.

The new system doctor and the traditional doctor of philosophy belong to the same degree, is an educational choice. The new system of doctoral education is not to replace the traditional philosophy doctoral education, but to inherit and discard the traditional philosophy doctoral education and professional doctoral education. It preserves the traditional philosophy doctoral education pays great attention to academic research ability and professional doctoral education emphasizes the characteristics of the vocational skills training, by increasing the general skills and teaching methods of training, to overcome the traditional philosophy of doctoral education due to the lack of professional skills and professional doctoral education doctoral student employment due to excessive specialized skill training of single directivity, Dr New system capable of university teaching, enterprise management, the government and the public service, etc.

The new system of doctoral education is a product of the marketization and internationalization of the doctoral education in the UK. It is opened by the top research universities in the UK and covers more than 120 different majors in 4 disciplines, providing diversified employment and career development options for doctoral graduates.

The new system aims at cultivating innovative talents engaged in management and applied research in universities, enterprises, governments and public service institutions. It is not only suitable for students who are committed to pursuing an academic career, but also suitable for students who want to develop into enterprises or industrial fields. New system of doctoral education graduates are independent researchers, have corresponding personal ability and transferable skills: profound specialized knowledge, broad discipline knowledge, teaching skills, teamwork, problem solving and communication skills, information technology application ability, expression ability, the ability to relate to media, business methods and management ability, intellectual property rights consciousness and ability, technology transfer ability, the ability to create derivative company, high-tech company, etc.

The new PhD system is a milestone in the provision of quality education in the UK in terms of students' research experience, the reputation of the institution awarded and the value of the degree. The new system of doctoral education is offered by Britain's top research universities. In 2003, the school was expanded to 34 top research universities.

The new system of doctoral education in Britain's top research universities offers subjects including arts, humanities, language, economics, social sciences, medicine, engineering, science and technology, covering more than 120 majors. Among them, the engineering, science and technology disciplines and their subordinate majors offer the most new doctoral education programs, followed by the economic, social sciences and arts, humanities, language disciplines and their subordinate majors.

The new ph. d. education system is a national program in the United Kingdom that aims to equip ph. d. students with the abilities and qualities required of leaders of universities, enterprises, governments and public service institutions. To this end, the new system of doctoral education provides high-quality learning courses, practical learning and advanced research experience, which not only enriches students' disciplinary knowledge and improves their professional skills, but also expands students' professional expertise in new research directions by carrying out interdisciplinary learning. To be specific, the new system of doctoral education has the following characteristics in terms of admission standards, length of schooling and curriculum setting, mentor guidance and other aspects of talent training process.

The new system of doctoral education provides students with a "fast track" to obtain a doctor's degree. For students with a master's degree, the new ph. d. program will expand and further develop their specialty and transferable general skills.

The new system of doctoral students and British traditional philosophy doctoral admission conditions are the same, mainly including academic level and English language level two aspects. Like philosophy doctoral education, the new system of doctoral education programs in all disciplines and disciplines is open to students in the UK and around the world, but at present, it is mainly open to international students, providing international students with a new path to a doctoral degree, equipped with research ability, other skills and broad subject knowledge.

Doctoral education is a new system of Britain in response to the rapidly expanding global talent market puts forward new requirements to PhD graduates knowledge and skills, the top university doctoral education in the United States as the reference standard, eductional systme is four years, will be the major research in the field of formal courses, comprehensive and professional skills combined with a specific research papers. Usually, course study accounts for 40%, professional skills training and writing graduation thesis accounts for 60%. Bachelor degree holders can study the new doctoral education program, and the courses are the master courses of related majors. If a doctoral dissertation is not written, a student may complete a master's thesis with lower requirements and obtain a master's degree only.

The course learning is mainly arranged in the first year, and the proportion of teaching time in the remaining three years decreases year by year. The development of professional skills includes two aspects: specialized skills and transferable general ability, which are mainly arranged in the first year and the second year, but also involved in the third year and the fourth year. Thesis research runs through the whole process of doctoral education under the new system. It can be found that in the early stage of doctoral education under the new system, curriculum learning is emphasized. As the grade increases, students spend more time on research. By the fourth year, students spend most of their time on research and writing dissertation. The cultivation mode of new doctoral education is similar to that of North America, but different from that of North America. Unlike the north American model, which places the entire curriculum in the early stages of doctoral education, it will be taught throughout the entire doctoral period.

For example, in brunel university, the academic research requirements of the new PhD system are the same as that of the traditional PhD, and scientific research training runs through the whole process of doctoral education. The course content includes two parts, general skills and professional skills training of specific disciplines, totaling 120 credits. The course learning is mainly carried out in the first three years, providing students with knowledge and ability basis for academic research. All new PhD students are required to take five modules for general skills development, while the modules for professional skills development show disciplinary differences.

New system of doctoral education and take the traditional philosophy of doctoral education "apprenticeship" individual instruction and the characteristics of professional doctoral education cooperation guidance, on the basis of cooperation guidance retained the PhD "tutorial system" intimate guidance teachers and students relations, will be one to one group of academic guidance and instruction, and the combination of lecture and tutor. During the whole period of doctoral education, the university sets up tutor guidance groups for new doctoral candidates, provides Suggestions for students' research projects, monitors students' learning process and grades, and provides constructive feedback on a regular basis. Doctoral dissertation defense adopts the traditional form of defense team composed of internal and external experts, and students conduct oral defense to pass.

In the new doctoral education program of the University of Derby, the school provides each new doctoral student with two supervisors, one is the Director of Studies and the other is the econd Supervisor. Both of them provide academic guidance to students in the process of thesis research. The two tutors meet and guide the students individually or together on a regular basis. The responsible tutor is the primary person in charge of the doctoral candidate's academic research, who is responsible for supervising the progress of students' course learning and research work, and providing positive academic and life help for students. A second tutor is usually responsible for providing supplementary guidance and assistance to students in their academic research.

In brunel university, each new system is equipped with two Academic Supervisor and a Programme Coach, mainly responsible for the Academic advisors to student's Academic research, support and supervision work of student Academic research, project manager, after consultation with the Academic advisor throughout the doctoral education stage for the new system of doctoral courses and support the general skills training. Specifically, the responsibility of an academic tutor is to guide students on the nature and expected objectives of the research, the plan of the research project, literature and data sources, course learning, necessary methodology, paradigm issues, etc. Regular contact and discussion with students through regular mentoring and seminars; When the student has the need, can in time appointment or the arrangement other tutor appointment student, provides the suggestion and the help; To give detailed Suggestions on students' thesis research, so that students can submit the dissertation within the specified time; To make constructive comments on students' thesis research within a reasonable period of time; According to the regulations of our school, we will hold regular mentor meetings and organize students to report on their study and research in the seminars or mentor meetings. Through the annual report, find the problems and shortcomings of students' papers; Provide guidance for students to pass the thesis defense; Provide advice and support to students in other aspects of their development. The role of the program coach is to encourage students to review and reflect on their own progress and personal development throughout the doctoral education. Provide assistance to all questions raised by students, and provide professional guidance and assistance to students' personal ability development in the research process; Help students identify learning needs and explore solutions; To help students understand the uniqueness of the new system of doctoral education, and to encourage students to cooperate constructively with academic tutors to determine the learning requirements needed to carry out a particular research.

The new system of doctoral education is a product of the marketization and internationalization of doctoral education in the UK, which provides diversified employment and career development options for doctoral graduates. The new system of doctoral education can choose to engage in teaching work in the academic world, or to engage in research, management and other work in non-academic fields. , Britain's new system of doctoral education is trying to avoid in recent years, the cultivation of the doctoral education content and the disadvantages of the disconnect between the demand of the Labour market, by increasing the gm's course learning and transferable skills training, widen the knowledge of doctoral students and employment path, the doctoral education from traditional purely academic to both academic and professional, in response to the knowledge society for high quality PhD graduates increasing demand.

To sum up, it can be found that the differences between the new-system doctoral education and the philosophy doctoral education and the professional doctoral education are not only reflected in the name, but also in the internal differences of the training objectives, design and mode. In the doctoral education in China, both the academic doctoral degree and the professional doctoral degree are faced with problems such as narrow scope of knowledge and lack of general skills. Although the institutions of higher learning and scientific research units is still the main channel of doctoral student employment in our country, but increasingly diversified doctoral student employment has become an international trend, in order to promote the international competitiveness of China's doctoral education, meet the needs of the unit of choose and employ persons to human senior specialized talents and doctoral student personal development needs, doctoral education in our country should further strengthen the connotation construction, in the process of the cultivation of the doctoral students increased interdisciplinary study and general skills, for doctoral students in both the academic and non academic employment after graduation and a career success to lay the solid foundation of knowledge and ability.

