


2019-08-30 17:34:10 | 日記



















每一个步骤都需要更多的解释对吗?好,那接下来我就来展示这些步骤。在接下来的例子中,我将分析作者Suzanne Collins在The Hunger Games(饥饿游戏)系列中的主要观点并回答她是否成功地将主要观点贯穿其中。





In The Hunger Games series, author Suzanne Collins effectively demonstrates the dangers of modern issues of war, inequality, and violence. She uses President Snow and The Capitol as gross exaggerations of the worst habits in US society: vanity, greed, conformity, and lack of empathy. By contrasting these exaggerations against the main character, Katniss, Collins successfully gets readers to understand and even sympathize with her main idea.



大纲似乎是不必要的工作。 但实际上,它会使您的工作变得更加容易。 您可以事先组织好所有的想法,这样可以使写作过程更快。








1. Introduction

1. Background information

1. The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, 2008-2010

2. Thesis statement

2. Summary of the story

3. Collins’s purpose

1. Showing the dangers of war, inequality, and violence

1. War = catalyst for the Hunger Games to be created in the first place.

2. Inequality between The Capitol and the rest of Panem creates tension and eventually revolts.

3. All of Panem is violent, not just the Hunger Games. Creates unjust sense of power for ones committing the violent acts, (rightful) mistrust of government by the victims, and results in death of many.

4. Organization and Style

1. Three-part series showing Katniss’s life during and after the Hunger Games. Told in first person and portrays rise to her role as the Mockingjay.

5. Effectiveness

1. Through a thoughtful portrayal of the stark differences between the Capitol and the rest of Panem, and how apathetic Capitol residents can be about the suffering of others, as well as the pure evil characterized in President Snow, Collins is highly effective in making readers understand her main idea.

6. Audience

1. Teenagers and young adults, but can be enjoyed by older adults as well.

7. Conclusion

1. Throughout The Hunger Games series, Suzanne Collins is able to effectively show her readers what can happen to the world if war, inequality, and violence continue.

您的论文大纲可能与我的相似。如果您正在分析非小说作品,您也可以包含其他元素。无论您写的是什么样的文章,您的文章都必须包括介绍(introduction),正文(body paragraphs)和结论(conclusion)。


既然您有了大纲,那么您就有了一个基本的写作计划。 剩下的就是填写所有重要细节。





但是,不同类型的文章确需要其他类型文章的细节。 例如,非小说作品可以分析作者的偏见,作者可能没有考虑的观点,以及作者是否是依赖假设或意见而不是事实。



A Critical Analysis of The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

In the article “Dangerous Minds,” author John Pekkanen uses Authority, Emotion, and Fact in a non-biased manner to discuss the topic of medical treatment of severely mentally ill individuals.

Pekkanen’s authority in this piece is clearly identifiable to the reader. He is good faith reporter; he states no views at any point in the article. He remains outside; aloof if you will, of the article at all times. There are no uses of the words I, us, them, etc., indicating that he has a particular stand on the issue. He has researched for this piece very carefully, taking relevant news and surveys from the last couple of years and piecing them together in an informative manner.

The author’s use of emotion in the article is evident within the first five words of the article. From these words the reader can tell that they are about to be told a story, five stories to be exact. The first story is the murder of Kevin Shifflett. Gregory D. Murphy, Kevin’s assailant, grabbed him from behind and slashed at the boy with a knife. He then hit the child’s great-grandmother with the end of the knife and stabbed a fifty-one year old woman that tried to help. Kevin, who had been stabbed eighteen times, died at the scene (Pekkanen 135). The second story is of Russell Watson. Who fantasized he worked for the CIA, and was being hunted by snipers and the Navy SEALS. He was under the impression that the government was sending him messages through the fillings in his teeth….


A Critical Analysis of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

In the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, we find a unique tale of a science experiment gone wrong, however there is much more to the story than meets the eye. Shelley uses this story to expose fundamental issues with social construction. She also uses the story to highlight the consequences of a man’s struggle to maintain control over a fear of a natural feminine “cultural power”. Anne Mellor, author of the article “Possessing Nature: The Female in Frankenstein”, simply states that Frankenstein “portrays the consequences of social construction of gender that values the male above female.”(274) Mellor digs much deeper when she puts this fundamental issue of gender inequality into context of Frankenstein. She explains how Victor Frankenstein has virtually eliminated the necessity to have females at all, he is able to do this because of the power in which Mary Shelley has given him the novel. The author of the article simply puts it as so, “By stealing the female’s control over reproduction, Frankenstein has eliminated the female’s primary biological function and source of cultural power. Indeed, for the simple purpose of human survival, Frankenstein has eliminated the necessity to have females at all.”(274), which very deliberately supports Anne Mellor’s claim that “Frankenstein’s scientific project – to become the sole creator of a human being – supports a patriarchal denial of the value of women and of female sexuality” (274). Upon analyzing Shelley’s Frankenstein we, as readers, extract a tale of power and control. While in Mellor’s article, Frankenstein becomes a portrayal of the consequences…


A Critical Analysis of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Charlotte Perkins Gilman“the Yellow Wallpaper is a detailed account of the author battle with depression and mental illness. Gilman state of mental illness and delusion is portrayed in this narrative essay. Through her account of this debilitating illness, the reader is able to relate her behavior and thoughts to that of an insane patient in an asylum. She exhibits the same type of thought processes and behaviors that are characteristic of this kind of person. In addition, she is constantly treated by those surrounding her as if she were actually in some form of mental hospital.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman state of depression began after she gave birth to her one and only daughter. She was diagnosed and given a prescription of “rest” in order to cure her disease (Kennedy 469). Gilman was taken away to a secluded home by her husband in order to obtain such“rest. However, as it becomes evident to the reader, this“rest” actually plays a role in furthering Gilman mental state. The reader watches as Gilman condition worsens as a result of this treatment. It is through her writing and documenting that the reader is able to relate her to a mentally insane being (Kennedy 469).

As is evident to the reader, Gilman is suffering from some sort of mental disorder and/or illness. As is defined by one doctor, disease of the mind is “any medically recognized disorder that may render a defendant incapable of understanding the nature and quality of his or her actions or knowing that those actions were wrong”(Rogers 221)…




A Critical Analysis of The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov is about a Russian family that is unable to prevent its beloved estate from being sold in an auction due to financial problems. The play has been dubbed a tragedy by many of its latter producers. However, Chekhov labeled his play a farce, or more of a comedy. Although this play has a very tragic backdrop of Russia’s casualty-ridden involvement in both World Wars and the Communist Revolution, the characters and their situations suggest a light-hearted tone, even though they struggle against the upcoming loss of the orchard. Apathy and passivity plague the characters and contribute often to the comic side of things. Sometimes, however, the passivity erupts the tragic flaws of the characters as they fail to save the estate. Another theme of The Cherry Orchard is the thin line between reality and outer appearance between which the characters cannot distinguish. Although indirect, this confusion provides the play yet again with comedy. On the contrary, the confusion is also seen as another tragic flaw…


A Critical Analysis of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

In the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, we find a unique tale of a science experiment gone wrong, however there is much more to the story than meets the eye. Shelley uses this story to expose fundamental issues with social construction. She also uses the story to highlight the consequences of a man’s struggle to maintain control over a fear of a natural feminine “cultural power”. Anne Mellor, author of the article “Possessing Nature: The Female in Frankenstein”, simply states that Frankenstein “portrays the consequences of social construction of gender that values the male above female.”(274) Mellor digs much deeper when she puts this fundamental issue of gender inequality into context of Frankenstein. She explains how Victor Frankenstein has virtually eliminated the necessity to have females at all, he is able to do this because of the power in which Mary Shelley has given him the novel. The author of the article simply puts it as so, “By stealing the female’s control over reproduction, Frankenstein has eliminated the female’s primary biological function and source of cultural power. Indeed, for the simple purpose of human survival, Frankenstein has eliminated the necessity to have females at all.”(274), which very deliberately supports Anne Mellor’s claim that “Frankenstein’s scientific project – to become the sole creator of a human being – supports a patriarchal denial of the value of women and of female sexuality” (274). Upon analyzing Shelley’s Frankenstein we, as readers, extract a tale of power and control. While in Mellor’s article, Frankenstein becomes a portrayal of the consequences…


A Critical Analysis of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Charlotte Perkins Gilman the Yellow Wallpaper is a detailed account of the author battle with depression and mental illness. Gilman state of mental illness and delusion is portrayed in this narrative essay. Through her account of this debilitating illness, the reader is able to relate her behavior and thoughts to that of an insane patient in an asylum. She exhibits the same type of thought processes and behaviors that are characteristic of this kind of person. In addition, she is constantly treated by those surrounding her as if she were actually in some form of mental hospital.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman state of depression began after she gave birth to her one and only daughter. She was diagnosed and given a prescription of “rest” in order to cure her disease (Kennedy 469). Gilman was taken away to a secluded home by her husband in order to obtain such rest. However, as it becomes evident to the reader, this rest” actually plays a role in furthering Gilman mental state. The reader watches as Gilman condition worsens as a result of this treatment. It is through her writing and documenting that the reader is able to relate her to a mentally insane being (Kennedy 469).

As is evident to the reader, Gilman is suffering from some sort of mental disorder and/or illness. As is defined by one doctor, disease of the mind is “any medically recognized disorder that may render a defendant incapable of understanding the nature and quality of his or her actions or knowing that those actions were wrong”(Rogers 221).

接下来让我们回到我的关于The Hunger Games(饥饿游戏)的事例文章。


While most of the people in Panem struggle and starve, the people of The Capitol live in the lap of luxury. Children of the Districts live in fear that they will be chosen for the next Hunger Games, while children in The Capitol view the Games as entertainment. They live in two different worlds, and it’s these differences that emphasize the apathy of Capitol residents toward the suffering of others. Because President Snow is the man in charge of the Hunger Games, as well as the one responsible for the suffering throughout the Districts on a daily basis, he represents the epitome of evil. Through these differences, Collins successfully allows her readers to see how the evil of the few in power and the apathy of the many can contribute to war and violence.




Paper代写:The application of art design in documentary shooting

2019-08-30 17:30:07 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The application of art design in documentary shooting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美术设计在纪录片拍摄中的应用。影视美术作为影视类作品造型设计和制作的新式创作,以美术的形式来体现。因此美术设计的构思好坏,会对纪录片或者影视作品有着直接的影响。在纪录片拍摄前,美术设计需要在导演的总体构思下展开设计工作,要很好地反映时代特色、地域特征以及一定要和纪录片表达的景、物、人的特征相一致,达到非常好的艺术效果,情景、意境的完美结合。

With the development of science and technology, art design plays an increasingly prominent role in documentaries. In documentary photography art design mainly reflects in can aptly will fully expression and interpretation of the statements on the basis of gradually perfect, struck a chord with the audience, will perfectly to depict the characters, image, or to the character's thoughts, in the process of shooting from the side highlight the characteristics of environment and human geography. For example, in the documentary photography, design some simple tan, unique composition design, lighting design, etc., this is all very important elements in graphic design, used in slow motion, it is able to calm people's vision and mind, in this instance foil atmosphere, psychological will have great influence on the audience.

The so-called documentary refers to the creation of real life as the material, the performance of real people and events, on this basis to carry out art design, so as to arouse the public's deep thinking. Documentary is real, the most original film is started from the creation of documentary. The meaning of the documentary is to make a movie with a poetic realism, the classification of the documentary, no fixed division standard, often depending on the subject is divided into the following several aspects: political documentaries, current events, history, documentary, biography documentary, life, human geography documentaries, stage, project documentary series.

As a new creation of film and television works, film and television art is embodied in the form of art. Therefore, the quality of artistic design will have a direct impact on documentary or film works. Therefore, before the shooting of the documentary, the art design should be carried out under the overall idea of the director, and at the same time, it should also discuss with the cooperative photographers and actors to jointly complete the presentation effect of the work. Art design must well reflect the characteristics of The Times, regional characteristics and must be consistent with the features of scenery, objects and people expressed in the documentary, to achieve very good artistic effect, the perfect combination of scene and artistic conception.

Italian famous director Vittorio DeSica in his work "the man who stole the bicycle", the performance is relatively perfect, because of the good control of its structure, very exquisite, in this film can be the weather of nature to show and combine perfectly. After watching, people can feel the atmosphere around them, because even the setting of the atmosphere in this film is very exquisite, not to mention the embodiment of humanistic characters. This film not only has a great visual impact and impact on the director and photographer, but also the audience will have such a feeling. Because in terms of visual structure, scene composition, and character design, these are inseparable from art design. In terms of the scene, the scene design presented in the film actually comes from the inspiration of the stage setting. Different forms of stage plays have different themes, and the required scenery is definitely different. Films all require different sets. Scenes similar to those in stage plays are added in the documentary, which can reflect the characters in the film more authentically. Therefore, the presentation of such perfect works must be the great creation after fully understanding the script. In this way, the authenticity of the film besides the characters is increased. This is the artistic creation after the understanding of the script, which is the artistic design in the film. This is exactly what documentaries need -- authenticity.

In this way, the emergence of art design has brought greater creative space to the film. The same is true for the setting of the characters in the film. Under the conditions of realism and respect for specific history, the design of the characters can be based on their personalities. Therefore, the choice of colors is very important, because colors can inspire the resonance of the audience. Therefore, we should pay attention to how to choose and match colors more reasonably and how to enrich the characters' characteristics.

Documentary photography must pay attention to honesty, so in the environmental design must conform to the situation, historical conditions, because in the process of documentary photography, conservatively speaking to the change of scene and environment should be minimized, thus especially need to pay attention to in the process of design, preparation, select the appropriate scene, but don't contradict with reality design again, therefore, it should be a great test for designers, because once the filming, the scene is not allowed to change again. With the improvement of people's living standard, the taste and appreciation level are changing constantly, and higher requirements are put forward in appreciating documentaries. Therefore, the way of documentary shooting has also changed, because people pay more attention to the audio-visual effects, the content is no longer so attractive, but also pay attention to the embodiment of beauty and pictures. For example, in modern documentary shooting, the subjective and objective are well integrated. The characters or scenes in the film are all "non-realistic", but through artistic means, the feelings expressed are different.

The reason why documentaries are called records is precisely because they reflect real events, which is also a means of recording derived from the development of science and technology. Historical evolution, but the most precious fragments and the most meaningful fragments still hope to be preserved and preserved. In the process of shooting documentaries, how to miss these important moments, rather than making the scene change or unable to better express the moment, or the link is inappropriate, all these are tests for the cameraman, so the cameraman needs to have certain art design skills, of course, this requirement is still very high. Only by mastering this technique, can the pictures presented be more authentic and beautiful.

In addition, if the director and the photographer can have a good communication before shooting is also very important, both sides have the same goal, in order to better show the content of the documentary in shooting Angle, color style selection.

It can be seen that the documentary is based on art. The art design of the picture is related to the visual aesthetics, and even affects the spiritual expression of the film. The proper application of the elements of art design, such as color and composition, not only makes people involuntarily resonate and feel happy when appreciating, but also reflects art quality. The use of these artistic techniques, so that the skills for the expression of the soul service, truly achieve the unity of subject and object, skill and soul integration, this is the reason why the film is concerned.


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2019-08-30 17:28:32 | 日記









在写作要求中,动词不是唯一需要解码的重要词汇。大多数作业也会包含一些词汇或短语,这些词汇或短语定义了老师对你的要求。这一切与你对话题理解的深浅程度有关。就像six – word story 和 Ken Burns documentary的区别。


“Compare and contrast two authors”–“比较和对比两个作者”(这仅仅意味着两个作者)

“Providing at least three main ideas”–“至少提供三种主要观点”(这可能包括三种,四种或更多的主要观点)。

“In no more than six pages”–“不超过六页”(意思是至少四到五页,但绝对不是七页)。



“Events during the early 17th century”–“17世纪早期的事件”( 不是17世纪中期或16世纪晚期)。

“That have occurred in recent history”–“这发生在近代史上”(你则不应该讨论20世纪50年代的话题)。

“Modern technology”–“现代技术”(这是开放的解释,但这并不是指20世纪80年代的技术)。

“How it has changed in the past 10 years”–“过去10年它是如何变化的”(不是过去5年,也不是过去15年,是10年)。





“12-pt Times New Roman”–“12 pt Times New Roman”

“1-inch margins” –“1英寸的边距”

“Include a cover page”–“一个封面”



“Use MLA format”–“使用MLA格式”

“Please adhere to APA guidelines”–“请遵守APA指南”











Paper代写:A Review Over the Music of Michael Jackson

2019-08-30 17:26:42 | 日記
本篇paper代写- A Review Over the Music of Michael Jackson讨论了迈克尔·杰克逊。迈克尔·杰克逊和他的音乐在现代流行音乐方面一直是一个不朽的神话。即使在电子音乐最火爆的时候,他的音乐仍然站在古典流行音乐的顶峰。迈克尔·杰克逊的歌唱技巧超过了他出色的舞蹈技巧,这可能是他成为成功的音乐制作人典范的原因之一。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Michael Jackson and his music have always been an immortal myth in the aspect of modern pop music. Even when the appearance of electronic music had made it great popular, his music stands still in the peak of classic pop. In Thursday, March 23th, 2017 we were so pleasant to be arranged to the lecture that involved the show of Michael Jackson. After listening to his music, I would express even more appreciation for him.

Most of the music that have been played in the lecture belonged to the famous album of the Thriller, which was launched during his golden time and included many of his most famous and classic songs that had been popular for decades. Among all those songs, the most impressive one for me is still the Billie Jeans, A song depicted a weird relationship between a man and his lover who gave birth to a child and claimed that his position as the child’s father. It is not only out of my early experience that I loved it, the music itself is excellent. The bass section of this music consisted of 4 tones and it was hankering around throughout the song. What’s more, the beats of the sound is more like the sound of whip, clear but powerful.The song flows through the sound of keyboard and string instruments, revealing the style of R&B. In order to create the atmosphere and feeling of weirdness and horror, more than one soundtrack were used in the chorus, making it sounds more capricious and mysterious. The way he performed the song is also very attractive. Unlike other pop music of this time, Billie Jeans was played in a comparatively fast speed. With several breaks and stops, Michael applied different force while singing, sometimes soft and tender, sometimes hard and passionate. It was full of sentiments that it was like telling a sad love story while weinting. It tells the desperate and regrets of the singer. The voice of Micheal was so silvery and long, but it had changed its origin features of positive and clear in the song, instead, it built up a tower of the sobbing and sighs that could be falling down in any second. It revealed the sadness and confusion brought by the failure of love and relationship.

Other songs that showed on the lecture were also the typical of Micheal, among which I found that the bass sections are all like the whips, which is considered very close to the subject of the album, the name of which is Thriller. There are also all kinds of elements, involving the hanging backgrounds behind the penetrating and clear voice of Micheal which make strong cooperation when they confronted with each other. His singing skill was even better than his wonderful dancing skill, which might be one of the reasons that he could be such a paradigm of successful music maker.

It has been such a pleasant to enjoy his performance. His voice, his songs and his dances, there are too many excellent elements in his work to study. Even though his music might be a little old for the time, but they will always remain classic.


Essay代写:The polar rules

2019-08-30 17:20:02 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The polar rules,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《极地规则》。《极地规则》是一部具有强制力的极地航运法律规则,它的制定有利于弥补现有立法的不足,通过强制性规范为国家间稳定关系提供解决方法、推动国际海事公法向综合性规定发展。《极地规则》的强制性是通过对上述人身安全公约与船舶污染公约进行补充修改而获得的,而且对公约缔约国来说是默示适用的。它的出现使得极地航行领域形成了具有强制力的国际统一标准,并为极地船舶航行安全及海洋环境保护提供了一定法律保障。

The formulation of the polar rules is conducive to making up for the deficiencies of existing legislation, providing solutions to stable relations between countries through mandatory norms, and promoting the development of international maritime public law to comprehensive provisions. However, the polar rules are also faced with difficulties such as inconsistency with current maritime laws, difficulty in implementation and upgrading of traditional seaworthiness standards. China should, based on its exploration of the arctic shipping lanes, clearly position itself on arctic affairs, and fully respond to the polar rules by studying them in depth, taking the initiative to abide by the polar rules, making corresponding amendments to its domestic laws, and striving to improve its navigation capacity.

For the international community, the conflict between navigation safety, environmental protection and commercial development in polar regions has always been an urgent problem to be solved. Against this background, IMO has taken many countermeasures according to the actual situation and previous international treaties and relevant provisions. Previously, polar maritime legislation was either too general or not mandatory, which resulted in the polar rules, a legal rule of polar shipping with mandatory force. The polar rules make up for the deficiencies of the existing legislation, supplement the international maritime public law system, and have mandatory binding force. It realizes the transformation from "soft law" to mandatory norms, and promotes the development of international maritime public law to comprehensive provisions, which is of great significance. In recent years, China has also made some attempts to utilize the arctic waters and shipping lanes. However, considering the geopolitical and natural environment impacts of the arctic shipping lanes, the commercial operation of the arctic shipping lanes still faces many risks and challenges.

The safety of shipping and the protection of undeveloped areas are of vital importance to the extremely hostile but extremely vulnerable polar regions. Imo and the international community have always focused on it and issued a series of rules and methods.

As the United Nations agency responsible for maritime navigation safety and pollution prevention, IMO has played an important role in maritime legislation in polar regions. At present, polar region legislation is mainly composed of two aspects: one is the universal international maritime convention applicable to global waters; On the other hand, it has obvious pertinence, that is, relevant guidance documents and rules specially formulated according to polar regions.

Universal international maritime conventions include the international convention on the safety of life at sea, the international convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers and its amendments, and the international convention on the prevention of pollution from ships and the 1978 protocol. The navigation rules for polar waters were developed by the IMO at the beginning of the 21st century. In 2002, the sub-committee on ship design and equipment submitted and reviewed the "operational guidelines for ships in arctic icebound waters", which was then implemented as an optional guide. But the guidelines apply only to frozen arctic waters, not all polar waters. Subsequently, driven by the report of the arctic council, the 26th IMO general assembly adopted the manual for the operation of ships in polar waters, which expanded the scope of application beyond the arctic ocean based on the 2002 arctic guide.

However, the "guidelines" are, after all, only instructive, not mandatory. With the increasing demand of the shipping industry for polar development and the increasingly fierce competition for polar environmental resources among the countries around the polar regions, IMO realized that it was necessary to issue a mandatory law to regulate polar shipping activities and protect the ecological environment of the polar regions. Therefore, from 2009 onwards, the IMO began to formulate a mandatory polar shipping law, namely the international rules for the operation of ships in polar waters. In fact, the enforcement of the polar rules is obtained through supplementary amendments to the above personal safety convention and the pollution convention on ships, and is implicitly applicable to the states parties to the convention. The emergence of polar navigation has formed an international uniform standard with mandatory force, and provided a certain legal guarantee for the navigation safety of polar ships and Marine environmental protection.

In recent years, with the development of global warming trend, the ice area in polar regions is shrinking. For the arctic region, the expansion of shipping lanes will inevitably lead to the development of pan-arctic commercial activities. From this analysis, the ship navigation safety and the protection of undeveloped environment in the arctic region need the polar rules to be issued. The introduction of this rule has the following significance.

Although, as mentioned above, the international community has worked out some universal international maritime conventions regarding the maritime legislation of polar regions, including IMO, their application to the current arctic navigation still has certain limitations. For example, the international convention for the safety of life at sea (solas) stipulates the safety requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods during arctic navigation. The international rules for the avoidance of collisions at sea stipulate the technical requirements for navigation of ships in the course of navigation. The scope of application is the high seas and all waters connected with the high seas. The international convention on the prevention of pollution caused by ships and the international convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping of seafarers have made provisions on international standards for the prevention of pollution caused by ships in the course of navigation and Suggestions on training of seafarers, etc. However, these provisions are not specific to polar waters. Therefore, the emergence of the polar rules effectively makes up for the deficiencies of the existing legislation. The unified rules provide for issues related to polar waters. Compared with revising or supplementing the original international public maritime law one by one, the comprehensive governance of arctic navigation is carried out to cover all aspects of arctic navigation, so that the original system of international public maritime law is supplemented and improved.

The biggest improvement of the polar rules is that they are no longer a non-mandatory guide, but a mandatory rule. The past international maritime legislation is actually "soft law", which is not mandatory. At the same time, the arctic waters are surrounded by a large number of countries, some of which have delayed or even refused to enforce the relevant rules out of national self-interest. For example, the 2002 arctic guide is not mandatory. Although it is a special and unique regulation for arctic shipping at that time, as the regulations are only voluntary and have no legal binding force, ships have no mandatory obligation to comply with the guide. If passing vessels do not meet the requirements of the guidelines, the port state has no right to carry out law enforcement activities, and the guidelines are meaningless. In addition, according to article 234 of the United Nations convention on the law of the sea (unclos), coastal states may, for legitimate purposes, make relevant laws and regulations on the Marine environment according to their own conditions. However, from a practical perspective, there are many countries involved in the waters of the arctic region, and laws made by different countries for different purposes may have legal conflicts, resulting in inconsistent application of laws in the same waters, which poses hidden dangers for navigation safety and convenience. Based on the above situation, the mandatory changes in the polar rules provide uniform legal standards for shipping in different waters. On the one hand, this rule can simplify the legal procedure and reduce the legal cost. On the other hand, it can reduce actual disputes between countries and provide solutions for stabilizing international order and ensuring stable relations between countries.

As a supplement to the international maritime law system, the polar rules have an important legal status in the international maritime legislation system. The rules are comprehensive and practical based on the realities of the arctic region, and are a creative addition to both international and domestic rules. Through the above analysis, as a mandatory norms, help make up for the legal system of international law in the arctic region, further safeguard involved in the polar regions on the solution of the dispute, and to provide scientific paradigm to solve actual problems, reduce disputes, promoting the international maritime law towards institutionalization and scientific direction.

Considering the geopolitical and natural environmental characteristics of the arctic shipping routes, the polar rules put forward more high-end requirements for the construction of the order of the arctic shipping routes from aspects of ship design and construction, certification standards, navigation safety and environmental protection responsibilities.

According to the graphic illustration of the polar rules, the definition of water area between the South Pole and the North Pole is used. Due to the single climate type of the South Pole, its water boundary is divided along the latitude line. By contrast, the arctic waters, due to the influence of the north Atlantic current, tend to shrink from east to south in the area north of latitude 60°, then cross the bering strait and reach the planned arctic coastline near Russia in the northeast.

The degree to which ships can withstand ice in polar regions varies slightly due to the different Marine domains involved. Currently on the international shipping operator related technical requirements more authority is "polar shipping certificate" and "polar waters operation manual", under the terms of the polar rules, in the two rules in the condition of the ship waters operations have specific requirements in detail, namely the polar Marine certification's identity, which is more progress at the international level.

At the 89th board meeting, IMO introduced a new set of standards on ship planning and specific construction methods -- GBS target standards. Under the guidance of this objective standard, there are five levels: the polar rules adopt the first three levels, namely the target level, the functional level and the specific provisions agreed to be observed by the contracting parties; the fourth and fifth levels of standards are supervised and implemented by classification societies and shipping associations of various countries, which reflects the development trend of international maritime conventions.

Considering that the environmental conditions of polar waters have the characteristics of variability and diversity, it is difficult for polar ships to set the strictest conditions by adopting the same safety control principle as conventional ships, but the operation restriction safety principle is adopted, that is, the combination of ship operation capacity and operation restriction to achieve the equivalent safety level. Based on the above problems, the polar rules put forward requirements for risk reduction, and at the same time make general provisions on matters related to the safe navigation of ships. Firstly, a ship can meet the requirements through the relevant design and functional arrangement of its own ship. Secondly, vessels comply with the regulations in their design in accordance with article 4 of chapter XIV of solas.

From the perspective of facts, the polar rules, which have been passed, will still be different and in conflict with the existing effective international maritime legislation. The polar rules is a polar waters uniform rules of environmental protection, it is with the United Nations convention on the law of article 234 of the coastal state, given the so-called supervision right conflicts, the coastal countries, including Russia, Canada and other countries, may no longer be able to enjoy conferred by the United Nations convention on the law of "privilege", and shall abide by the rules of the polar high standard proposed by the authors to domestic legislation must be corrected.

If in accordance with the Vienna convention on law, for the same items, concluded after the polar rules shall give priority to the United Nations convention on the law applicable, but considering the polar rules are incorporated into to the international convention for the prevention of pollution and the international convention on the safety of life at sea in the attachment, it has successively relationship may need to be consider. Add to that the fact that Russia and Canada are big countries in arctic waters, and there will be many political implications. Although the author believes that it is necessary for the arctic coastal states to pass domestic legislation to incorporate the mandatory "polar rules", which takes into account the interests of all parties, into the legal regulation of waterway control, it may not be an easy task.

Although the polar rules are mandatory in nature, it does not mean that the polar rules can be effectively enforced. As noted above, it may not be easy for coastal states to incorporate the mandatory norms embodied in the polar rules into their domestic legislation. In addition, considering that the polar rules are an annex to the international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships and the international convention for the safety of life at sea, the implementation of the relevant rules is still determined by the flag state itself. This point is exposed when analyzing the high-end requirements of the polar rules. Although the "polar rules" put forward more high-end requirements on the construction of the order of arctic shipping from aspects of ship design and construction, certification standards, navigation safety, environmental protection responsibilities, etc., it does not stipulate the punishment mechanism and enforcement subjects. In this way, even the high standards are meaningless. This not only makes the implementation effect largely depends on the voluntary nature of the country, some ships that do not meet the high-end requirements may still sail, but also makes it difficult for each country to reach a unified standard in the process of making their own decisions, thus increasing the difficulty of implementation. In his book, oceanographer Dr Wilman argues that the polar rules are important to the arctic, and that without independent enforcement of the arctic, the arctic ocean and even the arctic could be unguarded. At the same time, the arctic council should independently implement the polar rules. Some scholars believe that even if the arctic council does not have the rights and interests related to implementation, there is no doubt about the establishment and clarity of independent implementation bodies. Only when the executive body of the rules is the same can the division of functions be clearly defined, which can effectively protect the relevant environment in the arctic region, and at the same time reduce the situation of countries passing the buck to each other due to the problem of responsibility. Therefore, to ensure the smooth implementation of the high standards under the polar rules, the independent executive body should be clarified.

Given the extreme nature of arctic waters, it would be too strict to impose carrier obligations under traditional airworthiness rules. Take the Rotterdam rule as an example, the rule itself should bear more responsibilities for the carrier than other rules. In terms of the burden of proof, the rule directly excludes relevant defenses and defense benefits available to the carrier. Even when the ship is not seaworthy, it is assumed that the carrier is negligent in the transport of the ship. In this way, when the Rotterdam rules are applied in the arctic, a channel with harsh environment and great risk of navigation, the carrier itself faces great risk. It is difficult to predict and control the risks in the process of navigation. In this case, it still requires the carrier to be careful to make the ship seaworthy, seaworthy and cargoes fit at the same time. This airworthiness standard is too high.

Therefore, based on the above analysis, preferential provisions should be made for carriers, which should more reflect the fairness principle at the level of legal provisions, and increase the protection for carriers by legal provisions or open provisions. For example, simplify the proof procedure, provide exemption, and encourage the carrier to engage in transport. We will increase the enthusiasm of carriers to engage in shipping in the arctic sea lanes, so that the arctic sea lanes will play a practical role in their utilization and operation.

