

Essay代写:International trade in the United States by sea

2019-04-03 17:20:58 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- International trade in the United States by sea,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的国际贸易海运。自从金融危机发生后,虽然失业、房地产和债务等问题影响美国经济的持续复苏,但是美国经济逐步回归常态增长轨道,消费重新成为支撑经济增长的主要动力,经济实现全年增长,并反映在美国与贸易伙伴间的贸易和海运上,这与美国政府刺激出口的政策导向、美元贬值等因素导致美国出口产品成本下降等密切相关。2010年美国的海运货量变化情况表明,美国国际贸易及海运需求在恢复之中,但是要恢复到与次贷危机之前相当的水平,还需要很长一段时间。

To promote the development of sino-us trade, international trade by sea 2010, according to the United States department of the federal government statistics, the development of the international trade by sea, particularly in the United States and changes between the development of shipping in China is analyzed, and concluded that in 2011 the United States and China shipping value and cargo change still faces uncertainty.

In 2010, although unemployment, real estate, debt and other issues affected the sustained recovery of the us economy, the us economy gradually returned to the track of normal growth, and consumption became the main driving force to support the economic growth. The annual economic growth was reflected in the trade and shipping between the us and its trading partners.

In 2010, the total value of goods import and export of the United States was 390,168 million us dollars, an increase of 22.0% over 2009, but a decrease of 5.9% over 2008. Imports were valued at us $1,912.053 billion, up 22.6 percent from 2009 and 9.1 percent lower than 2008.

In 2010, the value of us international trade in sea freight was $1.434.259 billion, an increase of 23.30% over 2009, accounting for 44.96% of the total value of goods import and export. Imports of seaborn-based goods amounted to us $978.799 billion, up 23.10% and accounting for 51.19% of the value of imports.

In 2010, the international trade volume of sea freight in the United States reached 1.305 billion t, an increase of 8.60% over 2009, among which, the export volume of sea freight reached 522 million t, an increase of 15.50%. Imports of seaborne goods totaled 783 million tons, an increase of 4.50%. In 2010, compared with the record set in 2006, the international trade volume of us ocean freight was still 76.79 million t less, among which, export increased by 141 million t and import decreased by 217 million t.

From the second quarter of 2007 to the first quarter of 2009, the international trade by sea import quantity steady decline, since the beginning of 2009 to early 2010 stable at a lower level, in the third quarter of 2009 years ago, back in the fourth quarter in 2009 to a low level, this has to do with the U.S. economy has not eliminated the threat of a sustained recovery factors are closely related. From the beginning of 2007 to the beginning of 2008, that is, the early stage of the subprime crisis, the Marine export of the United States presented a stable growth trend. From the beginning of 2008 to the middle of 2009, it presented a stable decline trend, and since the second half of 2009, it presented a growth trend. This is closely related to the policy orientation of the us government to stimulate exports, the depreciation of the us dollar and other factors that lead to the decline in the cost of American export products. Changes in U.S. seaport volumes in 2010 suggest that U.S. international trade and seaport demand are recovering, but it will be some time before they return to the levels seen before the subprime crisis.

Since 2004, the United States has seen a steady decline in imports of seaports, while exports of seaports only began to decline in 2009. In 2010, the United States surpassed the best year in history, 2008, and set a new record. This is related to the financial crisis and the many factors still affecting the economic recovery in the United States in the post-financial crisis era. Before 2009, both the amount and value of imported and exported Marine goods presented a basically similar change trend. This indicates that the value per unit weight of seaborne cargo does not vary much. However, the situation has changed since 2009. No matter import or export, the decline of Marine cargo value in 2009 is greater than that of cargo quantity, and the growth of Marine cargo value in 2010 is greater than that of cargo quantity. This indicates that the value per unit weight of seaborne cargo recovered after the decrease. This is related to changes in the value of the dollar and the global economic situation: economic growth, rising prices for raw materials and energy.

U.S. economic growth in 2010 led to an increase in international trade and shipping. Compared with 2009, in 2010, the change of seaborne cargo volume between the United States and different regions is shown in table 1.

As can be seen from table 1, compared with 2009, the sea freight exported to various regions increased in 2010, among which the net increase of sea freight exported to Asia was the largest, accounting for 28.11% of the net increase of sea freight exported to the United States. Maritime exports to the former Soviet union had the highest growth rate of 75.59 per cent. In addition to the decrease in sea freight imports from the Caribbean, South America and the Middle East, the sea freight imports from other regions all increased, with the largest net decrease in sea freight imports from South America. The largest increase was in sea freight imports from Asia, which accounted for 50.15 percent of the net increase in sea freight imports from the United States. Seaborne imports from Asia also grew the most, by 18.26 per cent. Of all the trading partner regions, with the exception of the Caribbean region, maritime traffic increased, with the largest increase being with Asia. The regional differences in the change of the international trade volume of the United States reflect the adjustment of the international trade structure and the international trade volume of the maritime goods in the economic recovery stage. In the "post-financial crisis era", the us economy gradually returned to the track of normal growth, and shipping also returned to the track of normal growth.

Asia is one of the major trading regions of the United States. In 2010, the value of seaborne goods between the United States and Asia reached 100 million us dollars, accounting for 44.63% of the value of seaborne goods in the United States' international trade. The value of us seaborncargo imports from Asia reached us $100 billion, accounting for 48.25 percent of the value of us seaborncargo imports. In 2010, the seaborne cargo volume between the United States and Asia reached 318 million tons, accounting for 24.35% of the international trade of the United States. Among them, the seaborne cargo volume exported from the United States to Asia reached 209 million tons, accounting for 40.03% of the export of the United States. The us imported 109 million tons of sea freight from Asia, accounting for 13.90% of the total.

The region can be divided into five countries or regions: asean, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and South Asia. In 2010, the share of seaborne cargo value and volume between the United States and Asian countries and regions. In terms of both export and import, the value and quantity of seaborne goods between the United States and China account for the largest share of the value and quantity of seaborne goods between the United States and Asia.

In 2010, the value of goods traded between the United States and China was 456.8 billion us dollars, an increase of 14.3% over 2009. Among them, the value of goods exported to China was 91.9 billion us dollars, an increase of 7.2%. Imports from China were valued at us $364.9 billion, up 19.1 per cent.

In 2010, the value of seaborne goods between the United States and China was 308.795 billion us dollars, an increase of 20.86% over 2009, accounting for 67.60% of the value of trade between the United States and China. The value of seaborn goods imported from China reached us $250.729 billion, up 19.04 percent from 2009, accounting for 68.71 percent of the value of seaborn goods imported from China.

In 2010, the volume of goods traded between the United States and China was 128 million t, among which, the volume of goods exported to China was 73,623.8 million t. The volume of imports from our country.

In 2010, the shipping volume between the United States and China reached 127 million tons, an increase of 14.20% over 2009, accounting for 98.93% of the trade volume between the United States and China. The amount of sea freight imported from China was 10,000 tons, up 17.65 percent, accounting for 97.99 percent of the us import from China.

In 2010, the value of seaborne goods traded between the United States and China accounted for 70.98% of the value of trade, among which, the value of seaborne goods exported from the United States to China accounted for 67.99% of the value of goods exported from the United States to China. The value of seaborne goods imported by the United States from China accounted for 71.71 percent of the value of seaborne goods imported by the United States from China.


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Assignment代写:The state banquet system in the United States

2019-04-03 17:19:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The state banquet system in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的国宴制度。美国的国宴制度始于1874年,是总统对外宾最隆重的礼遇。依照传统,新总统上任后的第一场国宴一般会招待邻国加拿大或墨西哥领导人。举办国宴不仅是总统和第一夫人向到访外国元首表达友好的礼节方式,同时也是一件向全世界展示国家实力和影响力的大事。

The United States state banquet system began in 1874, is the President to foreign guests the most solemn courtesy. Traditionally, the first state dinner of a new President is a reception for the leaders of neighboring Canada or Mexico. Hosting a state dinner is not only a polite way for the President and first lady to show their friendship to visiting foreign heads of state, but also a great event to show the country's strength and influence to the world.

Since its founding, Washington has consisted mainly of scattered, isolated villages, some of which were difficult to reach. In addition to the occasional visit by the families of members of congress and other officials, members of Washington society were also composed mainly of local officials and citizens. Under such conditions, Washington seldom held large receptions and banquets. Over time, Washington has changed beyond recognition. Almost every winter in the 19th century, the White House hosted a series of "state dinners" for members of congress, members of the Supreme Court and diplomats. It was not until December 12, 1874, when President Ulysses s. grant and his wife hosted a banquet for the king of the sandwich islands, David caraccava, that the term "state banquet" began to refer exclusively to an official banquet hosted by the President of the United States to honor a visiting foreign head of state.

During World War I, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, rarely held a lavish dinner at the White House. During World War II, President franklin Roosevelt still held banquets at the White House as usual, but the size of the banquet and the type of food were very simple. In addition, Roosevelt streamlined the guest list, inviting only those who came on business to state dinners and eliminating the usual social invitations.

Since the 19th century, American presidents have hosted lavish banquets in the White House ballroom for visiting foreign heads of state. But between 1948 and 1952, when Truman was in office and the White House was undergoing a major renovation, the state dinner was held in the hotel where the foreign heads of state stayed. On November 24, 2009, US President barack Obama hosted his first state dinner for visiting Indian prime minister manmohan singh on the south lawn of the White House.

Every time a state dinner is held, the White House takes great pains in setting the table, color matching, guest performances and state dinner recipes.

President Obama welcomes Indian prime minister manmohan singh in a banquet tent on the south lawn of the White House with a view of the Washington Monument. There are ten round tables in the tent. Round tables are gorgeous in color, with apple green, ruby, and gold. The table features fine China from the White House of presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Clinton and George w. bush, flanked by five pieces of silver and a crystal glass. American media say the choice of China is a unique one -- Eisenhower was the first American President to visit India after its independence, suggesting that the two countries have a long history of friendship. In addition, it was not until George w. bush's time that the porcelain set was officially placed on the U.S. state dinner table for the first time. As well as the menu and table setting, the White House has been at pains to name the guests. Since it is an honor to be a guest at a state dinner for the President of the United States, some foreign and domestic dignitaries will try to be guests. For this reason, the White House every time the state dinner state dinner guest list, and very care about the guest seating.

The long banqueting table was arranged by the President of the United States in 1902 when he hosted a banquet for prince Henry of Prussia. The seating arrangement of American state banquet is very particular. The most revered seats are reserved for the President and his wife, but there are strict restrictions on who can sit at the table with them. The practice of setting round tables throughout the ballroom began with Jacqueline Kennedy. This arrangement allows the ballroom to accommodate more guests - 120 to 130 - while allowing the host to break the strict limits of formal seating arrangements. Guests attending the White House state dinner are expected to wear formal attire -- a black or white bow tie for men and an evening dress for women.

While state dinner etiquette is partly the responsibility of state department officials, tradition dictates that the hostess of the White House attends the event herself. Make the guest list, pay close attention to the menu arrangement, table color and flower arrangement, so that each state banquet can satisfy the visiting foreign guests and leave a good memory. And to dress their own fit generous, because as the first lady is the focus of all attention. Michelle Obama wore an evening gown by Indian designer naeem khan to the state dinner on November 24, 2009. That night, she wore a beige evening dress, embellished with silver sequins, and acted like a hostess.

In a surprise security breach at the state dinner, tarek salahi and his wife, michaela, of northern Virginia, who were not even on the invitation list, made their way through security to the White House. More than 300 people attended the state dinner, but the salahi's names were not on the guest list at all. The sarashees, however, are starkly dressed. Mr. Salahi wore a black evening dress, and Mrs. Salahi wore a red sari, and she looked calm. They not only entered the White House through inspections, but also spoke and posed for photos with other guests, including vice President Joe biden, White House chief of staff rahm Emanuel and Washington mayor David fenty.

The secret service, which provides security for the event, was embarrassed. Agency official Edwin Donovan explained that the "uninvited guests" came because a checkpoint they set up "did not follow proper procedures" to determine whether the couple had been invited. It is unclear whether security lapses or a White House insider gave the sarashees the green light to break into the White House at night. The secret service declined to say how the investigation was going or whether it would take the couple to court in the future. Townsend, a former homeland security adviser, said the salahi couple could face fairly serious felony charges for lying to the secret service and illegally entering the White House.


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2019-04-03 17:17:47 | 日記



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Paper代写:Fashion retailing

2019-04-03 17:16:10 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Fashion retailing讨论了时装零售行业。时装零售行业是一个非常复杂的圈子,近年来它不断地发展,如今已经成为了英国的第二大产业。然而有研究表明,近几年的时装零售商大部分都失败了。时装零售业虽然蕴含许多商机,但也有不少风险,这些也是时装零售商失败的主要原因。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。


The fashion retail industry is a very sophisticated, constantly growing sector. It is the second largest industry in the UK. However Studies show that 80% of clothing retailers fail within the first five years (Power home biz).

Consumer taste and preferences relentlessly changes thus organizations have to constantly evaluate the market to ensure the strategies fit with those of environment.

According to Michael Porter, 1980s in order to compete in the market, organization has to be either a cost leader or a differentiator. He went on further in his value chain analysis model to state that organizations who gain competitive advantage exploit their core competences to create value for both the organization and the customers.

However, the fashion retail industry encompasses many opportunities for growth as well as many threats that can negatively affect an organization.

In their quest to gain competitive advantage and grow many organization adopted different strategies; they are organic growth by reducing the cost in all value chain activities while others has grown through merger, acquisitions and or strategic alliances.

In order to gain an insight into why some organisations remain competitive this project will

1. Undertake a detailed analysis of two companies within the airline industry by evaluating their past corporate strategy using supporting evidence from quantitative and qualitative data.

2. Identify the ways in which these organisation are gearing up to cope with the current global crisis


An analysis Asos and New look was done using Secondary data. These companies have adopted unique strategies which enabled them to remain competitive in the airline industry.

However, the secondary sources used were journal articles text books, websites, annual reports, press releases, newspaper clippings and other studies. Secondary analysis was chosen because of time constraints and the kind of information requested, it was impossible to collect it using other research methods.

Secondary data analysis, saved time and money and also information were readily available. Conversely, some data was of questionable accuracy and reliability and furthermore the data was old and did not reflect the changing market conditions.

Background to models

Every organisation must have strategies. According to an ancient Greek writer Xenophon (Cummings 1993: 134) “strategy is knowing what business you propose to carry out.”(MacMillan and Tampoe, 2000).

There are many academic contributions to strategy, Writers such as Drucker (1995), chandler (1962), Ansoff (1987) and Andrew (1971) has all provided the framework for the classical school approach.

McKinsey 7S framework. Developed in the early 1980s by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman the basic premise of the model is that there are seven internal aspects of an organization that need to be aligned if it is to be successful. This model is on the basis that Out-of-date approach because it insufficient account is taken of personality factors Also, it Creates organisational structures where people can exercise only limited control over their work environment.

However there are many other frameworks to understanding strategic position such as PEST analysis, Michael Porter five forces or even the BCG Matrix.

According to Mintzberg, Ahlstrand and Lampel (1998) there are 10 school that can be used to understand strategic thought, the first three are design, planning and positioning which is classified as prescriptive on the other hand entrepreneurial, cognitive, learning, power cultural environmental and configuration the classified as the descriptive John and Scholes, (2008).

Overview of New Look and Asos

New Look and Asos are both Public limited companies located in the UK. These organisations operate in the fashion retail industry. However, they have equally enjoyed success but have adopted diverse strategies in order to gain competitive advantage.

On one side of the continuum is New Look which was established in 1969 in Taunton. The company has combined both block and mortar and online services in order to gain competitive edge through the use of low cost strategies. On the other end of the Continuum is Asos which is an online retail store which was established in 2000. It has over 35, 000 branded and own label products available and over 1500 new lines added each week. The company

Internal analysis of Asos and New Look using Mc Kinsey's 7s model

Qualitative analysis

Structure: The structure of an organisation is important for innovation, expansion and transformation. New Look headed by its Chief Executive Officer Carl Mc Phail since 2008 has continued to prosper by grasping every opportunity and addressing challenges. The structure of New look is one where teamwork is encouraged, time and resources are spent developing employees also there is high investment in processes which creates value for stakeholders. As part of their global objectives, a review was undertaken of the way the company is structures and an assessment of the difficulties faced was done. As a result organisational functions such as merchandising, design and marketing was moved to London which resulted in increased access to the existing talent pool that London offers and unlocks This will provide marketing synergies with Others functions such as Finance, IT and HR support functions remained at the head office in Weymouth, this strategy is a shift from centralised decision making process to more decentralised process that enables flexibility. A bi-annual review of risks is conducted at the Group level linked to the budgeting process, to which all departments contribute. On the other hand Asos is managed by a Board of directors who are responsible for taking all major strategic decisions and also addressing any significant operational matters, they monitors monthly progress in order for effective and efficient operations within the workplace. The structure of Asos is one where there is a lot of bureaucracy (Max Weber) in the decision making process, hence Asos has adopted the Classical school approach.

System: New look has combined offline and online operations in order to gain competitive advantage. It has core competences to develop an ecommerce operation which has allowed the company to reach a large audience with no extra cost for marketing, advertising or operating long channels of distribution. Additionally the retail outlet provides for customer who needs to make immediate purchase, as a result of its efficient stock rotation, with stores receiving fresh stock weekly, this has encouraged shoppers to return regularly. The combination of both online and offline business has enabled new look to make efficient use of human resources, proper stock management and reduce cost significantly. This has provided marketing synergies with the international store roll-out to strengthen our brand and offer to customers.

On the other hand Asos has only adopted the online approach to business as a result in the organisation has the ability to constantly increase its product offerings with no additional cost for advertising and marketing. Over the past year, we have invested in systems to support our back office operations of buying, merchandising and fulfilment, recently installing a new warehouse management system at our Hemel Hempstead warehouse. This system will support our increasing range size, international expansion, as well as our demands for advanced delivery and returns options. In March 2009, new navigation features such quick and easy browsing of the extended product ranges, 360 degree view of all shoes and accessories and catwalk for men wear and for ASOS Outlet. A unique distribution platform for its brand partners.

Style: New look has a transformational leader who believes in change through communication. Hence In September 2008, a major company communications day was held in London to embrace the growing international status and clearly communicate the strategy and goals, approximately 800 employees from the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium and Middle East franchise partners attended.

Also employees are constantly survey to find out how they feel about working for the organisation and also a web forum called ‘my Look staff' was created to allow employees to communicate directly with each other and also tell us their opinion.

On the other hand Asos has a transactional leader who works with the current organisational structure, where by the board that in order for the organisation to be successful constantly monitor the overall.

Staff: New look has a lot of experienced staff, which are considered stars and a few learner and a hardly any deadwood as result the organisation has introduced a fair recruitment methodology and an induction programmer to the company, which highlights areas and the job that will give people the best possible start to their career with New Look. Also the company has launched some initiatives during the year to ensure that develop the learners and retain the star employees these programmers includes leadership training programmers, further management workshops and development of our Staff Council consultations.

On the other hand Asos as an online retailer deals with limited staff in comparison to new look. Similarly they have training programmers that encourages employees to develop.

Skills: New Look through it skills and experience is now producing 71% of its products, an increase from 62% in 2008 which enabled the organisation to continue make further market share gains. With its powerful brand, seasoned management team and dedicated employees, new looks is able to gain competitive advantage. On the hand Asos is heavily reliant on their IT infrastructure. Significant impact on the business could result from a failure in these systems. Regular testing and updates are undertaken by the Group to ensure the continued integrity and efficiency of its systems.

Shared Values: New Look has a strong culture that encourages employees to be more involved in the decision making process, this enables them to develop their leadership skills. According to Herzberg, it creates motivation that leads to higher productivity and efficiency.

On the other hand Asos retain control through centralised decision making by top level management, this type of management speeds up the decision making process but it could act as a de-motivator.

Strategy: New Look has adopted a value-priced strategy which is dress smart for cheap featuring low-priced fashions often imitating the ready to wear designer labels. These items are as much as 10 to 15 percent lower than competitors. Also as part of it expansion strategy, it is constantly relocations from smaller stores in existing markets to successful larger format stores. On the other hand Asos acts an online department store where they provide high fashion brands and inspired by catwalk ready to wear. This strategy has enabled the company to company to have a variety of product range which grew by 157% resulting in 21,300 option on site at the end of march 2009 up from 8,300 at the end of march 2008.


Essay代写:The influence of the geographical environment of island countries on British culture

2019-04-03 17:13:36 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The influence of the geographical environment of island countries on British culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了岛国地理环境对英国文化的影响。英国的岛国地理与环境和其历史发展有着密切的关系,经过历史的变迁,英国人形成了典型的自傲和排外的民族性格,岛国地理环境影响到了英国的方方面面。在近代化过程中,发达的航运业无疑是英国领先于世界、英国人傲视世界的有利因素。而岛国地理环境不仅促进了英国航海事业以及对外扩张的发展,还形成了英国人浓厚的岛国意识,造就了自傲而排外的英国国民性格。可以说英国的岛国地理环境是英国文化形成的基础。

Generally speaking, culture is not only a social phenomenon, but also a historical phenomenon and a deposit of social history. Culture has the characteristics of nationality, and the culture of a nation is inseparable from the objective environment of the nation and the resulting human practice. Mountain down just as the Japanese scholars on the Chinese view of a Japanese pointed out: "the root of the Chinese sex, might as well as the mainland over the vast continent, anything not clear to distinguish between, there can be no absolute integrity, the Chinese see complete things, even if also unconsciously think grasp the integrity, too burdensome heavy, as long as you can to choose the main part, is already enough is enough". A comprehensive view of world history reveals that a country's geography and economy are closely related, and this relationship plays an important role in forming the nation's character. Similarly, the geography of island countries in the UK is closely related to the environment and its historical development. Through historical changes, the British have also formed a typical national character of arrogance and exclusion, and the geographical environment of island countries has influenced all aspects of the UK.

The United Kingdom is an archipelago country in the Atlantic ocean. It is a country that both leaves the European continent and is close to the European continent. East of the north sea, facing Belgium, the Netherlands and other countries; Next to Ireland in the west, across the Atlantic ocean with the United States, Canada is far away; North across the Atlantic to Iceland; It's 33 kilometers south across the English channel to France. The geographical location surrounded by the sea had different influences on the development of Britain in different historical periods.

At its widest point the seas of the island of Great Britain are nearly 500 kilometres wide, with a winding coastline of 11,145 kilometres, many of which are wedged deep into the interior of bays and estuaries. Nowhere on the island is more than 120 kilometers from the ocean. Britain has abundant rainfall and rugged terrain, resulting in a rather dense and water-rich network of rivers. The river Thames flows from west to east through the plain in southeast England and finally into the north sea. Its water level is stable and it is not frozen for many years, so it has high shipping value. Britain has the estuary facing many big rivers in Western Europe, which flows into the north sea and the English channel respectively, providing channels for Britain to strengthen the connection with Europe, especially western European countries.

The UK is the country with the richest energy resources in the eu. The rich oil resources under the north sea are very beneficial to the economic development of the UK. Britain is surrounded by the sea, there are many rivers and lakes, so rich in fish, rich in aquatic resources, is one of the important European fishing countries; Affected by the warm ocean current, the whole territory is mild and humid all year round, warm in winter and cool in summer. Most areas are not frozen, which is conducive to the growth of crops and the development of inland river shipping industry.

The superiority of geographical position is greatly limited by historical conditions. In the middle ages and before, Britain's island position isolated it from the mainland, which was not conducive to the development of Britain, and after the geographical discovery, its advantages began to show. The location of island countries and superior shipping conditions were favorable factors for the formation of the empire.

When the world navigation industry was underdeveloped and the cultural center was still in the east of Asia, while the European economic and cultural center was still in the Mediterranean Sea, the ocean limited the development of Britain, which was considered as the edge of the world. But after the great geographical discovery, European colonialists began to plunder the colonies everywhere, and the main lines of international trade gradually shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic ocean. Britain was on this main line, and its important geographical position promoted its development. London soon became the world trade center, and Britain quickly developed into the "world factory". Before the advent of modern weapons and the backwardness of world navigation, the sea provided Britain with a favorable barrier against the threat of war. Its borders are mostly maritime, so it can concentrate on building a navy. After becoming powerful at sea, it took advantage of its position close to the mainland to participate in the political and economic activities of Europe, and then plundered and controlled some countries.

Before the Norman conquest, the sea was the main thoroughfare for foreign invasions of Britain, and the British Isles were successively invaded by the Romans, the anglo-saxons and the danes. But in modern and modern history, the sea has been a strong line of defense for Britain. Across the sea, Britain has been spared many continental wars.

Britain's island environment and surrounding Marine resources provided favorable conditions for the development of navigation technology, navy, overseas expansion and prosperity of overseas trade. From 1337 to 1453, on and off, Britain and France fought what was called the "hundred years' war" in history. The direct cause of the war was the dispute over the succession caused by the blood relationship between the British and French royal families, but in fact it was a commercial war, and the deeper cause of the war was the competition for market and commercial interests. In the hundred years war, Britain's attempt to expand to the mainland ended in failure. In 1558, at the age of 25, Elizabeth I ascended the British throne, and Britain began to develop towards the sea. In foreign trade, Elizabeth encouraged overseas import and export, and constantly sought to expand the overseas market of British woolen goods. Her reign, the British government pay special attention to develop the shipping industry and military industry, shipbuilding reward, and build a powerful navy, a huge fleet and merchant fleet ZhouLu successively, transshipment. Elizabeth also encouraged the establishment of various types of overseas trading companies, and issued licences to these companies, allowing them to monopolize trade in specific areas. The great geographical discovery ushered in a new era in which European nations developed their maritime industries in anticipation of trade and the plunder of wealth in other parts of the world. In an age of commercialization, winning the sea is more important than winning the land. Elizabeth was keenly aware of this, and realized that Britain had an advantage in this respect that no other country could match. As a result, she quickly became an active supporter and direct participant in Britain's overseas trade.

From the 16th century to the early 20th century, British colonialists carried out aggression and expansion. Britain is the largest colonial country in modern times. Its colonies once spread all over the world and became the world's number one power. It established a powerful empire, known as "the empire where the sun never sets". The British colonial expansion had a great influence on the evolution of modern history and geopolitics. From 1815 to the middle of the 19th century, British merchant ships and warships appeared in every corner of the world. They acquired territory, opened ports, plundered raw materials and dumped products. From the cape of good hope to the Indian Ocean and then to the Pacific Ocean, Britain established a very smooth overseas trade channel. If large brilliant in the history of the Roman empire is an area with the center of the Mediterranean empire, so the British set up the "day not fall empire" is a real world empire, the British colonies all over the world, explore the territory of the rule of the population, is by no means can match any empire in human history.

The myth that the sun never set on the empire still haunts the British. Unique island location in the long historical process for the development of British bring unlimited opportunities and great glory, to make the people on the island to form the strong superiority and dependence, this feeling to the British in a confident, democracy and a pioneering spirit, at the same time, also has the obvious characteristics such as exclusion, thus forming a kind of complex social and cultural - island. This insula-nation complex has grown and matured in the process of expansion and colonization, from national consciousness to national consciousness, and has continued to this day, projecting into every aspect of British society.

The British have a long history of insularity. In 1485, a feudal Tudor dynasty was established in England. It was at this stage, especially in Elizabethan times, that the British had an accurate and objective understanding of their island status, and the "island consciousness" began to form and was finally established. It may have been a by-product of the hundred years' war between England and France, a gift from god to the English.

The idea of an island nation occupies an important place in the British imagination. The great writer Shakespeare revealed the English islander mentality very early. As John the elder of gaunt said in Charles ii, "this gem is set in the silver-gray sea, which is like a wall or a moat along the house. Shakespeare's words exude the superiority of his country to the sea. The island nation complex made the British imaginative and creative, and had a profound influence on English literature. In the 18th century, Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe is one of the immortal "island novels" based on the wonderful story of sailor Alexander selcock.

Surrounded by the sea, and secure, the British acquired a confidence early on. Insularity complex is deeply imprinted in the minds of the British people, which makes the British feel extremely proud of living in such an island country, thus showing the national character of exclusion and contempt to the outside world. It is hard not to conclude that, deep down, the British look down on foreigners. In 1592, describing a visit to England by Frederick, duke of wiltem, a German writer remarked: "the inhabitants... Very arrogant, domineering... They showed no respect for foreigners and treated him with contempt and ridicule." The British disdain for foreigners is often expressed in everyday matters. When the British say something rude and ask for forgiveness, they say: "pardon my French. Don't call it "asking for leave of absence from France"; He called corruption a "Spanish custom," among other things. These accusations epitomise a British arrogance. In her 1983 book, understanding Britain, Elizabeth price talked about the traditional British image: "people think of a traditional British person as introverted and cold... A firm belief in the superiority of the British over other peoples. It is this "belief in the superiority of britons over other peoples" that forms the proud image of the British people, so to speak. A two-year survey commissioned by the British council, the Murray institute, interviewed more than 3,000 people around the world about their impressions of Britain. They found that they generally thought the British people were traditionally conservative and had a cold and arrogant attitude towards foreigners. "The older generation thought they were still colonial masters and looked down on people of other RACES," added one Singaporean.

Insularity plays a big role in Britain's relations with Europe. The geographical distance and kinship between the British people and Europe make them feel that they are both the main ethnic group in Europe and do not belong to Europe at the same time. Therefore, under the domination of the island complex, Britain always stays aloof and takes a hands-off attitude when wars or disputes occur on the European continent. From the end of the second world war until the present day, when dealing with major international issues, the United Kingdom first thought of the United States, with its greater cultural identity, rather than its own rear, the continent of Europe. This was a reasonable idea at the time of Britain's rise, but an anachronism at a time when the empire was no longer in its glory.

Although the British area is only 243,000 square kilometers, but the British created the myth of "the sun never sets empire", which can be said to be proud of its special, superior to other countries island geographical environment and Marine resources. In the process of modernization, the developed shipping industry is undoubtedly the favorable factor for Britain to take the lead in the world and the British people to take the lead in the world. The geographical environment of island countries not only promoted the development of British seafaring and foreign expansion, but also formed the strong sense of island nation of British people, and created the proud and exclusive British national character. It can be said that the geographical environment of the island is the basis of the formation of British culture. The study of its geographical environment helps us better understand and understand British culture.

