

The title of the book is meaningful

2020-09-25 18:45:55 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The title of the book is meaningful,文章讲述书名是书,眼睛是身体,书的标题很有意义,小说《冠军早餐》也不例外。库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)所写的这本小说实际上有两个标题,分别是《冠军早餐》和《再见蓝色星期一》。本文旨在证明这本书的标题在描绘这本小说的主题方面起着至关重要的作用,该小说批评了个人和美国社会的物化价值。


The title is to a book what the eye is to the body and it is pretty convincing that the title is of great significance to a book, and the novel Breakfast for Champions is no exception. This novel written by Kurt Vonnegut actually has two titles, and they are Breakfast for Champions and Goodbye Blue Monday respectively. This article aims to prove that the titles of this book have played a vital role in portraying the theme of this novel, which is to criticize the materialized values of the individuals and the American society.

Firstly, the title Goodbye Blue Monday as a slogan for advertisement has been put on various machines even on the bombs during the Second World War as depicted in the book, which shows that the historical background of the novel is centered in an industrialized society of products. Combined with the history of American, the title Goodbye Blue Monday has pointed out the existence of materialization at that period. Secondly, based on this understanding of the subtitle, the main title Breakfast for Champions can be seen as a miniature of the theme of the book. One of the most special elements of the book is that there are some pictures made by Kurt Vonnegut himself. On these pictures, words like “Pyramid”, “Acme”, and “Excelsior” all have similar meanings with the word “Champions”. More importantly, the author shows that fact in the preface part that a company use the expression “Breakfast of Champions” to name their product, and the waitress in the bar also use the expression “Breakfast of Champions” to praise her drinks. These three examples here prove to us that American people have a great desire to become the best or be the champions in a competitive and materialized world like that. Further more, the author also shows his negative attitude towards these words since the heroes of this novel such as Kilgore Trout and Dwayne Hoover are both unhappy in their way of pursuing championship.

Based on the former analysis, this article believes that the titles Breakfast for Champions and Goodbye Blue Monday give us clues to know the background of the story in the very beginning and then they work together to help us interpret the theme of this novel in a better way. So these titles are of great significance.  



The pros and cons of media - and Internet-based Commons

2020-09-25 18:43:07 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The pros and cons of media - and Internet-based Commons,文章讲述媒体是存储和传递信息或数据的工具。我们经常听到广告媒体,数字媒体,新闻媒体,印刷媒体等的信息。因此,它是一种向公众传播信息的工具。但是当涉及到互联网时,它可能也与我们所有人相似。因为我们的工作主要取决于互联网,就像在线购物,信用卡消费,观看电影等一样,所以这两个词都是信息工具,一直为我们服务。他们改变了我们的生活方式,并为我们提供了更便利的指导。但是,您是否考虑过基于媒体和互联网的共同点会是什么样?在以下部分中,我们将为媒体和互联网带来一些新颖的创新事物。在本文中,作者将向您展示基于媒体和互联网的公地带来的一些优势。但是,每个硬币都有两个面。因此,在这里,作者还将向您展示基于媒体和互联网的公地带来的一些弊端。


As is known to all, media is as a tool to store and deliver information or data. We often hear of advertising media, digital media, news media, print media and etc. So it is as a tool to diffuse information to the public. But when it comes to internet, it may be similar to all of us as well. Because what we are doing mainly depends on the internet, just like shopping online, consumption by credit card, watch films and etc. So the two words are all the tools of information and serve us all the time. They change our style of life and guide us forward for something more convenient. However, have you thought what commons based on media and internet looks like? In the following parts, we can image some new and innovative things which the media and internet bring. In this paper, the author will show you some advantages brought by commons based on media and internet. However, each coin has two sides. So here the author will also show you some disadvantages brought by commons based on media and internet.

The first advantage which you can imagine and have enjoyed is the internet news media which has impacted the development of the mainstream newspaper. It is as new tool to spread news based on media and internet. We may feel used to watching news online rather than the mainstream newspaper especially for the youth. Because it is convenient for us to surf the internet and enjoy the service with the low cost. So it may be the first and better choice for us to adapt. With the development of the internet and mobile devices, the tendency has been formed. Yonghoi Song in his paper points out that “the internet can also be utilized as news medium with minimum cost, and, because of this fact, that independent internet media can compete with large and well-established commercial news organizations. The success of the progressive, independent online news services in South Korea could be attributed to a combination of various factors, such as Korea’s well developed internet infrastructure, a growing demand for unbiased information, or the creativity of media activists, to name a few.” (90) From his words, we can conclude that the internet basis of its storage and high propagation speed has changed the traditional ways of news or information. Making use of its convenience and low cost, it has get high population. Besides, we can think of that the newspaper needs paper to show its information. But based the internet, we can cut down the consummation of paper and it is benefit for the environment protection. So based on media and internet, we can get a quick and convenient access to the information which we can care about in the society.

The second advantage will be for the development of culture which has too many elements just like the films. Have you watched some 3D films in the theater? Have you gotten any online meeting without going to the company? Have you gotten some study online? The development of media and internet makes something we before wished come true. For instance, the 3D films make the audience feel realistic in the scene of the film and get some new feelings from the technology of the combination of media and internet. ‘The culture of media entertainment, as exemplified in the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars film franchises, is being infused with new modes of authorship, production, marketing, and consumption that are characterized by Internet fan clubs, online producer‐consumer affiliations, and real‐world legal controversies over the proprietary ownership of digital bits of information.’ (Shefrin, Elana, 261) From the reference, we can conclude that the media entertainment combined with internet has gotten its new development. It may be a common sense that the quick access to the new information may be online due to the development of the internet. What we enjoy is the production of the commons based on media and internet. So when you appreciate some fascinating films, you may think of the connection of the media and internet. “Ultimately, some form of state intervention (and by default, a fundamental review of thick DRM and the new powers it grants to large corporations) may well be required to legalize and institutionalize the potential of P2P file sharing.13 There is now such a great cultural gulf emerging between the media oligopoly and its consumers that state intervention may be the only way to kick-start the commercial development of P2P file sharing, in a form that hopefully balances the interests of creators, corporations and consumers.” (Currah, Andrew, 467) What’s more, sport culture is also familiar to us, Hutchins, Brett, and David Rowe in their book point out, with the development of internet, the evolution of networks media sport pivots on the ongoing intensification of content production, acceleration of information flows, and expansion of networked communication capacity. (12-45) The development of culture has changed a lot due to the development of the media and internet. So it is better choice for the workers who throw their efforts to the field of the culture to use internet to change the ways of propagation of their works.

However, nothing or nobody is perfect besides the GOD. The common based on media and internet also bring some disadvantages to the society. As is known to all, the erotic webs are always a threat to our children. They have been a headache to the children mental health. Though the government has established many laws to punish those who violate the laws. But to the public, the supervision now cannot reduce the appearance of eroticism due to the fast development of internet. So it is hard for the individual to provide their children with a healthy web environment. It is a headache to them. What’s worse, you may hear of the word terrorism? Is it what connects the word? Maura Conway in his paper points out that the terrorists use internet to engage in publicity, propaganda and psychological warfare. (283) We may come across some telltale events which are bad and annoyed. Just image if the information and technology about the nuclear weapon are propagated to the terrorists online, how the world will be. What worse, some terrorists with some funds create some webs to appeal to the public with some purpose to get the information what they want. To be worse, we often ignore the information we let out which caused severe damages to the public. Moreover, online activities substantially improve the ability of such terrorist groups to raise funds, lure new faithful and reach a mass audience. The most popular terrorist sites draw tens of thousands of visitors each month. Obviously, the Internet is not the only tool that a terrorist group needs to ‘succeed’. “The Net can add new dimensions to existing assets that groups can utilize to achieve their goals as well as providing new and innovative avenues for expression, fund raising and recruitment. At the same time, there are also trade-offs to be made. High levels of visibility increase levels of vulnerability, both to scrutiny and security breaches. Nonetheless, the proliferation of official terrorist sites appears to indicate that the payo-ffs, in terms of publicity and propaganda value, are understood by many groups to be worth the risks.” (Conway, Maura, 297-298) So it is bad for us to be in the terrorism. So the internet has this disadvantage.

Look back to the question what commons based on media and internet looks like. After the research above, it may give some ideas to answer this question. Remember that each coin has two sides. The media and internet have changed this world a lot and bring much convenient to our daily life. What we enjoy mainly depends on the common based on media and internet. It may be impossible for us to live without the two. So we need to care about its development and give our new ideas to its development. However, we also need to worry about its disadvantages brought the commons based on media and internet. In order to construct a healthy and safety society, what we need to do is to supervise the crimes and fight with the terrorism for the peace forever.


Works Cited

Song, Yonghoi. "Internet news media and issue development: A case study on the roles of independent online news services as agenda-builders for anti-US protests in South Korea." new media & society 9.1 (2007): 71-92.

Hutchins, Brett, and David Rowe, eds. Sport beyond television: The Internet, digital media and the rise of networked media sport. Vol. 40. Routledge, 2012.

Shefrin, Elana. "Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and participatory fandom: Mapping new congruencies between the internet and media entertainment culture." Critical Studies in Media Communication 21.3 (2004): 261-281.

Currah, Andrew. "Hollywood versus the Internet: the media and entertainment industries in a digital and networked economy." Journal of Economic Geography 6.4 (2006): 439-468.

Almeida, Paul D., and Mark Irving Lichbach. "To the Internet, From the Internet: Comparative media coverage of transnational protests." Mobilization: An International Quarterly 8.3 (2003): 249-272.

Conway, Maura. "Terrorism and the Internet: New Media—New Threat?." Parliamentary Affairs 59.2 (2006): 283-298.



The book:Freakonomics

2020-09-25 18:42:10 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The book:Freakonomics,文章讲述当涉及到书名时,您可能会发现它有些奇怪但很熟悉。由“怪胎与经济学”组成的《怪癖经济学》一书旨在说明一些与经济学有关的怪胎现象。该书由史蒂芬·D·莱维特(Steven D. Levitt)和史蒂芬·J·杜布纳(Stephen J. Dubner)共同撰写,史蒂芬·D·莱维特(Steven D. Levitt)是经济学界的一位极客,他在某些日常情况上为我们提供了完全不同的观点,探索了一切的隐藏面。经济学实际上关注什么?通过阅读这本书,您可能会发现这不仅与经济有关,而且与我们的日常生活以及这个社会的运作方式有关。


When it comes to the title of the book, you may find it a little strange but familiar. The book, Freakonomics, which is made up by “freak and economics”, aims to illustrate some freak phenomena concerning economics. Co-authored by Steven D. Levitt who is celebrated as a geek in the field of economics and Stephen J. Dubner, the book gives us a completely different view on some everyday instances, exploring the hidden side of everything. What does the economics actually concern about? By reading the book, you may find that it is not merely about the economy, but much more about our daily life and how this society operates.

The book was begun by an Introduction, in the part of which several questions were thrown away to us. What impressed me most was the one in regard to the decrease of the rate of crime. Generally, it might seem to be some factors like the prosperity of the economy or the operation of the police work. However, out of our surprise, the author pointed out that it was because the abortion had been legalized. Before the abortion was legalized, women must give birth to their children no matter how poor and how difficult they were. Therefore, after their children were born, due to the lack of education, it was easier for them to become criminals. It might be strange at the first sight, but after a deep consideration, it is hard to refute. Similarly, in the later six chapters of the book, it presents six prime matters respectively. It is these vivid examples in our daily life make this book interesting, therefore make economics more accessible rather than untouchable for our common people. Although the opinion is anti-conventional, it is hard to be broken down after thinking twice. Besides the conclusions, the book also states how the conclusions come into being, which makes the opinion more convincing.

Actually, all of the extraordinary conclusions depend on the collection and analyze of massive statistical data. It is of great significance to own massive data, which is the foundation of analyze. Take an example of the first part. Aiming to find out whether the teacher was cheating in the exam, it was indispensable to record as many answers as possible. Then a progression was made. That is to say, without the statistics and the necessary analyze, there would be no such precise conclusion., especially in this Big Data era. So, although some social problems seem to be more practical, it still needs some math tools to analyze. The economics is still a subject needs rational thoughts, it is still a subject needs traditional methods. Meanwhile, just as the book presents to us, economics needs some unique and innovated ideas, which is beneficial for us to solve some practical problems.

In the process I read the book, it reminds me of another book related to economics--The Economic Naturalist. Familiar with freakonomics, this book is also an interesting book about economics via introducing a lot of vivid instances in our everyday life. Frankly speaking, it really lays a great impact on me. Finishing reading the book, I found that the economics can be presented in such a funny way. Moreover, whenever I met some matters, the first thought occurs to me is about the economics! Apart from that, I have known some basic theories of economics. In short, this book is the first door for me to know about economics, cultivating the thought of economics.

Now that The Economic Naturalist was the first door for me to economics, the Freakonomics is another road that guides me forwards. The instances shown are common, while the conclusions are unique. Most importantly, they are intelligible. For a mere beginner in economics, it does greatly arouse my interests to learn and it posts different views which can exploit our creativity. Next time I am confronted with some familiar matters, I will think of them with such thoughts. In terms of this aspect, the book is a great success to me.

Besides, as a saying goes, “do not judge a book by its cover”, under a daily phenomenon, there might be something about economics, or much more. Instead of believing the others’ statement, it is significant for you to insist on yourself. But in order to get the truth, you might need to do a lot, like calculating, analyzing, creating. It is not so easy to do so for most of us while it is beneficial to do so. In a way, it really changes the way I see the world. I have also learned that one can never have his judgment so fast that missing something important under the surface.

However, as some critics pointed, there are deficiencies in this book. The short of sufficient evidences determine limited examples, which can smoothly avoid some mistakes. In addition, in terms of some economists, such freak theories might be unacceptable, which is various from the mainstream.

I have no idea whether it is right or wrong. But what I am quite sure is that this book arouses my interests to the economics, and even changes the way I see the world. Never draw a conclusion easily until you find more statistics and analyzations. To be rational is one of the character to learn economics.

In a word, thanks to this book, I am now enchanted with economics and some freak thoughts, which I think, are critical not only to my work, but also my future career.




The book:Freakonomics

2020-09-25 18:38:04 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The book:Freakonomics,文章讲述当涉及到书名时,您可能会发现它有些奇怪但很熟悉。由“怪胎与经济学”组成的《怪癖经济学》一书旨在说明一些与经济学有关的怪胎现象。该书由史蒂芬·D·莱维特(Steven D. Levitt)和史蒂芬·J·杜布纳(Stephen J. Dubner)共同撰写,史蒂芬·D·莱维特(Steven D. Levitt)是经济学界的一位极客,他在某些日常情况上为我们提供了完全不同的观点,探索了一切的隐藏面。经济学实际上关注什么?通过阅读这本书,您可能会发现这不仅与经济有关,而且与我们的日常生活以及这个社会的运作方式有关。


When it comes to the title of the book, you may find it a little strange but familiar. The book, Freakonomics, which is made up by “freak and economics”, aims to illustrate some freak phenomena concerning economics. Co-authored by Steven D. Levitt who is celebrated as a geek in the field of economics and Stephen J. Dubner, the book gives us a completely different view on some everyday instances, exploring the hidden side of everything. What does the economics actually concern about? By reading the book, you may find that it is not merely about the economy, but much more about our daily life and how this society operates.

The book was begun by an Introduction, in the part of which several questions were thrown away to us. What impressed me most was the one in regard to the decrease of the rate of crime. Generally, it might seem to be some factors like the prosperity of the economy or the operation of the police work. However, out of our surprise, the author pointed out that it was because the abortion had been legalized. Before the abortion was legalized, women must give birth to their children no matter how poor and how difficult they were. Therefore, after their children were born, due to the lack of education, it was easier for them to become criminals. It might be strange at the first sight, but after a deep consideration, it is hard to refute. Similarly, in the later six chapters of the book, it presents six prime matters respectively. It is these vivid examples in our daily life make this book interesting, therefore make economics more accessible rather than untouchable for our common people. Although the opinion is anti-conventional, it is hard to be broken down after thinking twice. Besides the conclusions, the book also states how the conclusions come into being, which makes the opinion more convincing.

Actually, all of the extraordinary conclusions depend on the collection and analyze of massive statistical data. It is of great significance to own massive data, which is the foundation of analyze. Take an example of the first part. Aiming to find out whether the teacher was cheating in the exam, it was indispensable to record as many answers as possible. Then a progression was made. That is to say, without the statistics and the necessary analyze, there would be no such precise conclusion., especially in this Big Data era. So, although some social problems seem to be more practical, it still needs some math tools to analyze. The economics is still a subject needs rational thoughts, it is still a subject needs traditional methods. Meanwhile, just as the book presents to us, economics needs some unique and innovated ideas, which is beneficial for us to solve some practical problems.

In the process I read the book, it reminds me of another book related to economics--The Economic Naturalist. Familiar with freakonomics, this book is also an interesting book about economics via introducing a lot of vivid instances in our everyday life. Frankly speaking, it really lays a great impact on me. Finishing reading the book, I found that the economics can be presented in such a funny way. Moreover, whenever I met some matters, the first thought occurs to me is about the economics! Apart from that, I have known some basic theories of economics. In short, this book is the first door for me to know about economics, cultivating the thought of economics.

Now that The Economic Naturalist was the first door for me to economics, the Freakonomics is another road that guides me forwards. The instances shown are common, while the conclusions are unique. Most importantly, they are intelligible. For a mere beginner in economics, it does greatly arouse my interests to learn and it posts different views which can exploit our creativity. Next time I am confronted with some familiar matters, I will think of them with such thoughts. In terms of this aspect, the book is a great success to me.

Besides, as a saying goes, “do not judge a book by its cover”, under a daily phenomenon, there might be something about economics, or much more. Instead of believing the others’ statement, it is significant for you to insist on yourself. But in order to get the truth, you might need to do a lot, like calculating, analyzing, creating. It is not so easy to do so for most of us while it is beneficial to do so. In a way, it really changes the way I see the world. I have also learned that one can never have his judgment so fast that missing something important under the surface.

However, as some critics pointed, there are deficiencies in this book. The short of sufficient evidences determine limited examples, which can smoothly avoid some mistakes. In addition, in terms of some economists, such freak theories might be unacceptable, which is various from the mainstream.

I have no idea whether it is right or wrong. But what I am quite sure is that this book arouses my interests to the economics, and even changes the way I see the world. Never draw a conclusion easily until you find more statistics and analyzations. To be rational is one of the character to learn economics.

In a word, thanks to this book, I am now enchanted with economics and some freak thoughts, which I think, are critical not only to my work, but also my future career.




SWOT analysis is a structured planning method

2020-09-25 18:36:45 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- SWOT analysis is a structured planning method,文章讲述爱沙尼亚航空是由政府成立的著名航空公司。 爱沙尼亚航空将称为苏维埃的旧飞机改为先进的波音飞机。 最后,苏联飞机于1996年被完全替换。


The Estonian Air is the famous air company which was established by the government. The Estonian Air changed the old planes called Soviet into the advanced ones-Boeing planes. Finally, the Soviet planes were entirely replaced in 1996.

In 2007, it had a huge development that the company opened a new flight to the beautiful city Vienna. The next year, a new company called Estonian Air Regional was established, and after that, more airlines across the Europe were appeared. Therefore, for the company, those years were the revolutionary development that increased the profits much. However in 2009, the company suddenly closed some flights, including the flight to Vienna without any reasons. However, it reopened some routes to some other European cities between 2011 and 2012. Finally, the Estonian Air Company knew the importance of cooperation with any air companies to broaden the market in Europe. Because of its special good service and reputation, it was not hard for the company to success developing the connection among other countries.

A SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person. Strengths mean characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others. Weakness means the characteristics that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to others. Opportunities mean the elements that the project could exploit to its advantage. Threats mean the elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project


In this case, there are some strengths for the Estonian Air. To begin with, the key success factors for the Estonian air’s future included increasing efficiency, ensuring high productivity of flight operations and maintaining a competitive cost base. Also, it includes increase the frequency of flights to existing destinations and add new routes and increase general reliability as well as limit the carrier’s vulnerability to unplanned technical problems.  


In terms of the weaknesses, some important factors should be considered. To begin with, one key operating cost of all airlines was fuel, which was a function of oil prices on world markets, changes to jet and aircraft fuel prices which depended on refining capacity and decisions made by refiners, the types of fleet an airline operated(older planes were generally less fuel efficient than newer models)takeoffs and landings consumed more fuel than longer routes involving fewer takeoffs and lands).,and the nature of an airline’s route structure(generally shorter, more frequent routes involving fewer takeoff  and landings). That is to say, if the Estonian Air could not control the costs very well and make it to become a competition compared with others , it is easy for Estonian Air to become a failure in this industry.


In addition, the net loss for 2006 is troubling from the selected company financial data. That is to say, there were several factors contributing to the fact including escalating fuel prices. It is obvious that the most notable factor is the extraordinary costs due to the unplanned technical problems leading to unscheduled downtime. That is to say, the lack of sufficient techniques support is a very significant factor leading to the increasing loss.


Moreover, even though the Estonian Air should not be regarded as the low income employer, it could not and did not try to match the salary scales of the large international carriers. And average crew member salaries, based on the last few years’ financial statements, increased about 2% each year, resulting in an average salary of 33000dollars expected for 2008. That is to say, the fewer salary means less motivation for the employers to put more efforts on working and creating new techniques.


In terms of the opportunities, some factors should be considered as well. To begin with, globalization also has had a tremendous impact on the demand for regional aircraft. Aircraft manufacturers have been supplying more regional aircraft to buyers outside of the US. That is to say, many developments show a tendency of  longer order backlogs for Bombardier and corres  pondingly, higher list prices for buyers such as Estonian Air.  Also, it could bring a lot of benefits for the Estonian air as a result.


 Furthermore, another opportunity is that airplanes were generally considered to have a 25 year useful life . though many airlines pushed their planes beyond this point, the consensus in the industry was that added maintenance cost made this increasingly uneconomic , especially for short-haul carriers. The most important is that Kalda observed that the used Saab had ten years remaining in its useful life. That is to say, there might be a large amount of demand in terms of flights and it is beneficial for the profits of the Estonian Air.


In addition, Estonian Air’s internal analysis assumed that the air transport market in Estonia would continue to grow at a healthy 10 to 15% per year over the next several years. These growth expectations were based on a positive economic outlook for the Estonian economy., market forecasts for intra- European regional flights, and the increasing popularity of Estonia as a tourist destination. That is to say, with the increasing popularity of the place for the travelling purpose , the  accordingly increasing frequency could increase as well which means the demand could increase accordingly. It could bring a bright future for the Estonian Air and can be regarded as a good opportunity for the Estonian Air.



In terms of the threats, many factors should be considered. To begin with, even though with the increasing popularity of the place for the travelling purpose, the accordingly increasing frequency could increase as well, unfortunately, the trend of competing carriers entering the Estonian air transport market was expcted to continue. That is to say, the growing market on the one hand and the toughening competition on the other hand raised challenges for the Estonian air.


 In addition, due to the meeting of financial conditions, some questions are suggested about the development of the company. For example, Alijas unveiled the gist for the meeting” I must confess I am getting a bit anxious about this. How confident are we about the growth projections? What if they are too conservative? Could we end up outgrowing a smaller plane quite quickly? These questions showed the worries of the company, and it also showed the trentends of the company.


In conclusion, it is important to realize these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture because they can inform later steps in planning to achieve the objective. First, the decision makers in the Estonian AIR should consider whether the objective is attainable, given the SWOTs. If the objective is not attainable a different objective must be selected and the process repeated. It is also important for the decision-maker in the Estonian Air to ask and answer questions that generate meaningful information for each category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to make the analysis useful and find their competitive advantage.

