

怎么写Accounting Essay

2019-04-25 17:19:02 | 日記
Accounting Essay,就是会计学论文,是学会计的同学经常遇到的作业形式之一。然而很多学会计的同学并不是很重视Accounting Essay,其实这是错误的看法,因为Accounting Essay对于会计师是非常重要的,是他们职位晋升的有效手段。那么Accounting Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下Accounting Essay的写作技巧。

Students of accounting often assume that how well they write is a matter of little importance. However, accountants and other finance professionals spend a large percentage of their time writing, and that percentage tends to increase as they climb the corporate ladder. The ability to clearly and succinctly communicate information in writing may therefore prove just as important as your financial acumen in determining your success, both at university and in your subsequent career.

The Importance of Effective Communication

Accounting and other finance professionals devote a considerable amount of their time to presenting financial information, summaries, analyses and projections in the form of written reports. No matter how well a financial analysis may be executed, its value will be seriously diminished if it is not summarised and communicated clearly and succinctly. For this reason, companies place considerable value on effective writing skills, and your university lecturers and tutors will expect you to acquire the skills of clear academic writing.

Keep Your Audience in Mind

Always write with a specific audience in mind and tailor your document accordingly. On your degree as in the professional world, the style of writing you need to employ will be dictated by the kind of document you are required to produce. Always refer to exemplars of the relevant documents in order to familiarise yourself with the appropriate conventions and accepted formatting guidelines. When it comes to university essays, you should model your writing on that of articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals in the field.


The specific structure of your essay will depend upon the type of document you are writing, but all essays must have clear and concise introductory and concluding paragraphs. For maximal clarity of structure and presentation it is often a good idea to divide the body of your paper up into numbered sections and subsections. Each such section and subsection should also have a short and informative heading. Within each section and subsection the discussion must likewise be divided into paragraphs, with each paragraph devoted to a single well-defined point. Special care must be taken to ensure that your sentences and paragraphs follow one another in a logically coherent order and that appropriate transitional phrases and sentences are used.


Effective writing in accounting and finance is all about clarity, concision and accuracy. You should always make careful decisions about what needs to be included and what may be omitted. Use plain language to make your points and avoid wordiness. Never ramble or go off at tangents. Once a point has been made, move on to the next paragraph or section. Strive for economy of expression and remember that proper sentence construction, spelling, and punctuation are never dispensable.


Tables and figures (e.g. graphs and flowcharts) should always be used purposefully and presented to summarise key information as clearly as possible. Take care in deciding which information should be presented visually and never assume that he graphics speak for themselves. Direct your reader to the relevant information in the text and explain what each graphic shows.


Too many student papers end abruptly without providing a proper conclusion. Your concluding paragraphs should provide a succinct summary of the main points you have made in the body of the paper and may also indicate its broader implications. However, a conclusion is not the place to introduce new claims, evidence or arguments, which only evinces poor essay planning.

Final Touches

Always proof-read, revise and edit your work (or have somebody else do it for you) to ensure correct spelling, grammar and punctuation, and be sure to format and reference it in accordance with your department’s preferred specifications. Upon carefully re-reading your paper you will also be able to strip away redundancies and find better ways to clarify certain points.

Consult an Expert

If you want to learn how to write an accounting essay that will guarantee you the grade you want, there is no better way than to consult an academic expert in the subject. At Essay Writing Service UK we will assign to you an accounting expert who will be able to help you with every aspect of your essay, from first draft to final submission.

以上就是Accounting Essay的写作技巧,学会计的同学最好现在就掌握这些写作技巧,这些对你而言,无论是现在还是未来,这都非常有用。



Paper代写:Racism in America

2019-04-25 17:17:56 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Racism in America,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国种族主义问题。近年来,美国一些NFL球员在美国国歌响起时拒绝在球场上起立的争议引起了国内外的关注。球员们的这种行为是由对近年来该国出现的种族主义问题的抗议所引发的。对此,一些网友认为这是对国家的不尊重,谴责球员不热爱和尊重自己的国家。经过多轮辩论,这一争议成为美国最激烈的社会问题之一。事实上,这一争议反映出近年来美国社会日益分化和种族主义问题的严重性。

The controversy in the US in recent years, of some NFL players refusing to stand up in the court when the US National Anthem played, has raised attention both domestically and internationally. This behavior of the players was motivated by the protest against the emerging racism issues in the country in recent years. In response, some of the commentators on the Internet regard this action as a disrespect for the nation, condemning the players for not loving and respecting their country. multiple rounds of arguments have been passed, making this controversy one of the most heated social issues in the US. In fact, the controversy has reflected the increasingly polarized US society in recent years. People are being involved in political issues more than before, and forced to take side. The sports field is no exception (Campbell 26). In this essay, a brief history of the controversy will be introduced, followed by arguments from the two sides of the debate. Regarding the controversy, in the near future, I believe that the voices supporting the protesting players will be suppressed by the mainstream detestation.

The controversy started in August 2016, when NFL player Colin Kaepernick did not stand up for multiple times during the National Anthem (Powell). Kaepernick was also not raising his hand close to the chest, like the other players did. Instead, he sat on the bench in protest of the discrimination from the US society against Black Americans. Quoting from Kaepernick, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color (Clayton and Pat).” Such an action quickly drew attention and opposition from the public. Many people felt his way of protesting was an insult to the country and the people who died defending it. Some angry fans even burnt his uniform to demonstrate their rage (Powell). In response to the outrage, Kaepernick explained that his protesting meant no disrespect for the US soldiers, and he simply wanted to raise people’s attention to the social injustice that he experienced. Afterwards, Kaepernick changed from sitting to kneeling on one knee, to continue his protest. In September 2017, fans booed at him while he was kneeling, some arguing that he should be fired by the league for such disrespects. Kaepernick’s socks with pigs wearing police caps on them raised further controversies (Szczepanik). NAPO demanded him to apologize for this insult, but Kaepernick said he was only targeting the policemen who used violence against the black people. Despite the oppositions, Kaepernick received equal amount of support from his teammates. Megan Rapinoe, a member from the national soccer team of the US, also kneeled during the National Anthem on the 4th, September 2017 to show her support (Payne). Following the demonstration, President Donald Trump expressed his negative opinion on the issue, both in a speech and through Twitter. This further expanded the scale of the controversy, bringing more football players, and even NBA player, into the protest.

Among the two sides of the controversy, the protesting side is mainly composed of African American athletes. According to Kaepernick, the one who initiated the protest, his actions were merely in response to the increasing police violence that targeted the black race. In recent years, numerous incidences of police shootings have indeed created social disturbances in the US. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) campaign on social media platforms has become a central factor that drives the society into two directions of thinking (Thompson 459). While the black activists continue to expand their influence on social media, an emerging force appeared, that is mainly composed of Trump supporters. Under this social context, the motivation for Kaepernick’s action seems to be clarified. It was further claimed by Kaepernick, that the social injustice was adequate justification for him not to stand up. He condemnws the police to have “murdered” innocent lives and escaped from proper punishment. In other words, Kaepernick considered his action as an action art with a political pursuit.

Taking advantage of his identity of a public figure and athlete in the most popular sports game in the country, Kaepernick was hoping to generate more discussions over the issues of discrimination and police violence. However, it turned out that people focused more on the action itself afterwards, rather than the cause that he was protesting for. There is also an argument that freedom of speech should be applied with no exception, to the freedom of demonstration of political position. Kaepernick’s actions are not causing any physical harms, which means that there is no reason to forbid them (Hietalahti, et al. 252). As commented by Barack Obama, Kaepernick was merely "exercising his constitutional right to make a statement." The supporters of Kaepernick claim that his action of kneeling is not a disrespect for the soldiers who died for the country. On the contrary, thanks to these soldiers who defended their rights and freedom, they were able to protest freely and demonstrate their concerns on a very important social issue.

The opposition side of the controversy seems to have a larger crowd, composed of not only nationalism advocates, but also common fans and audience of the game. One of the dominant arguments is that kneeling is a disrespect for the country and the men who fought for it. The National Anthem serves as a symbol of unification, not division (Abril 77). Although Kaepernick has explained that he meant no disrespect, people seem to believe that the action itself already contains disrespect, no matter how the person justifies it with his motivations. From the nationalism perspective, the kneeling is almost intolerable. This argument is effective because it captures the kneeling action as the core of the problem and attacks this action alone. The opposition side further argues that Kaepernick’s kneeling was based purely on the interest of his own minority. Protesting on the field for such an issue seems to be a misplacement of anger. People simply feel that Kaepernick’s kneeling is inappropriate. Although his aim of supporting BLM is considered valid, the football field and the National Anthem may have little to do with these issues. Dragging sports into politics seems to be an unfavorable action for most Americans.

Over the decades, football has almost become a cultural symbol for the US, as the Americans like to enjoy their relaxing moments watching their favorite game undisturbed. NFL has also taken advantage of the popularity to further reinforce the status of football as a national sport (Montez de Oca 6). However, the controversy has completely ruined the experience of the audience. While they were able to focus on the game in the past, they are constantly disturbed by the idea of the protest now. This has become the main source of frustration on the opposite side of the protest. As mentioned above, Kaepernick did get the attention and discussion he wanted to raise, but not exact on the issue that he was aiming for. Public opinion can be difficult to predict and certainly difficult to manipulate. The action of Kaepernick is condemned to be not only disrespectful, but also ignorant, since he does not seem to know what he was doing. The cause and motivation do not matter, but the consequences do. Kaepernick’s actions have caused disturbances in the society, agitated debates between the polarized parties, and the NFL is paying the price.

With the controversy going out of control, the president of NFL Roger Goodell has asked all 32 owners of the NFL team to make sure that their players stand up for the National Anthem. According to Goodell, “the current dispute over the National Anthem is threatening to erode the unifying power of our game (Held).” This has to do with the dramatically dropping ratings of the game due to the controversy. The CBS’s September ratings has dropped to a historical low in seven years. The policy of the NFL in the player handbooks has changed accordingly, asking the players to strictly conform to the standing position, with helmets in their hands and facing the national flag. The voice of President Trump has also added more weight to the opposite side.

In conclusion, it is very likely that the kneeling protest will gradually disappear in the long term, as measures from the management levels take effect. However, in the short term, the protest is probably going to continue, since the controversy has grown much bigger than a single athlete already. Although the opposite side is winning, the protesting side would not give in easily, since the controversy has already correlated with their racial identity and social status. In reality, the kneeling protestors have underestimated the symbolic meaning of the National Anthem to the public, and involved the country’s favorite game with negative emotions and politics. Failing to establish the relevance between football and police violence, the protestor may have lost the point already. Pressure from the mainstream and the need to restore audience ratings will slowly overpower the protestors’ claims. Meanwhile, the debate between BLM activists and Trump supporters will continue in the polarize social context, largely unaffected by the National Anthem controversy.

Works Cited

Abril, Carlos R. "Functions of a National Anthem in Society and Education: A Sociocultural Perspective." Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, no. 172, 2007, pp. 69-87.

Campbell, James E. Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2016.

Clayton, Andy, and Pat Leonard. "Athletes Sound Off on Kaep's Anthem Stand." New York Daily News, 2016.

Held, Amy. NFL's Roger Goodell Says Players 'should Stand' for National Anthem. NPR, Washington, 2017.

Hietalahti, Jarno, et al. "Insults, Humour and Freedom of Speech." French Cultural Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, 2016, pp. 245-255.

Montez de Oca, Jeffrey, Brandon Meyer, and Jeffrey Scholes. "Reaching the Kids: NFL Youth Marketing and Media." Popular Communication, vol. 14, no. 1, 2016, pp. 3-11.

Payne, Marissa. "U.S. Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Joins Colin Kaepernick in Kneeling during National Anthem." The Washington Post, 2016.

Powell, Michael. “Colin Kaepernick Finds His Voice”. New York Times Company, New York, 2016. Accessed from:

Szczepanik, Nick. "Kaepernick Gives no Quarter in Police Row: Officers Threaten to Boycott Games After 49er Wears Pig Socks in Protest at 'Murders', Writes Nick Szczepanik." Sunday Times, 2016.

Thompson, Debra. "An Exoneration of Black Rage." South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 116, no. 3, 2017, pp. 457-481.


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2019-04-25 17:15:20 | 日記



2.要具体 (be specific)


“I grow lots of flowers in my back yard.”

“I grow 34 varieties of flowers in my back yard, including pink coneflowers, purple asters, yellow daylilies, Shasta daisies, and climbing clematis.”

这两句相比,哪一句能够让你提起兴趣?又是哪一句让你更好的了解我的后院种了些什么的?无疑是第二个。你的文章要be specific,这样你的文章看起来会更清晰,也更能吸引读者。


在你的写作中,用“use”代替“utilize”,用“near”代替“close proximity”,“help”代替“facilitate”等等 。




5.使用主动语态(action voice)


“Passive sentences bore people.”


“People are bored by passive sentences.”






那些限定词,例如very, little和rather,并没有强调你句中想要的意思,反而会显得有些啰嗦,使你的句子失去了生命力。















Paper代写:Question of risk management

2019-04-25 17:13:08 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Question of risk management讨论了风险管理的问题。对于21世纪的企业来说,风险管理是一个需要识别、预测和制定一些管理风险的措施,然后选择有效的方法来降低成本和仔细的计划来应对风险的过程。为了在经济中获得生产的安全,要求企业识别和预测各种风险是如何发生的,以及如何管理生产经营过程中的负面影响,使生产得以继续。由此可见,识别、预测风险和管理风险是企业风险管理的三个主要步骤。在人们进行风险管理的时候,法律问题、伦理问题和可持续性对风险管理有着重要的影响。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。


risk can result in different sources such as uncertainty ,complexity , threat from some project failure , accidents because of natural disaster and deliberate attacks(Doug Hubbard,2009,p46).Many strategies are mapped out to help us to impel risks into opportunities while “Your biggest risk is that your risk management methods probably don’t work”(Doug Hubbard,2009,p1). The paper emphasizes the importance of legal , ethical and sustainability dimensions of risk management by choosing and mainly analyzing several typical cases and famous companies in tourism , events as well as hospitality. From the three particular contexts , readers can get a special perspective to deal with risks and deeply realize the importance of risk management .What’s more,readers can generally know how to take advantages of legal ,ethical and sustainability issues to avoid the loss or reduce the negative effects . Finally , the essay can help people put in place effective monitoring and make people control processes then they can respond quickly and effectively to safeguard the benefit and reduce the threats .

The Legal Dimension of Risk Management

Facing with the risks , people can find that it is effective to avoid risk by using legal method.But deficient knowledge of laws and principles of the other countries , risks directly reduce the profits and relative reputation and brand value are also influenced and decreased .For example , one person would not purchase a property or other things that are not allowed in accordance with the laws or principles in order to not take on the legal liability that comes with it . In addition, there is a explosive event that the German car-maker Volkswagen was involved in the diesel emission scandal and its brand image was decreasing after the investigation that was lead by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency unveiled the software which helped the car made by Volkswagen escaped the strict test and left the emission of the diesel car up to 40 times the pollution limits .These illegal emissions cause a loss almost 39 billion US dollars, which is 5.3 times larger than the 7.3 billion US dollars that Volkswagen Group spends to cover the cost of diesel emissions scandal(Rik Oldenkamp et al, 2016,p121) .So facing the events , the relative laws can help the companies or common people to safeguard their own benefits while the companies would get into trouble or losses if they violate the laws and principles in the process of risks management .

In the modern era , the system of laws and principles is much more complete than before. People can learn the standards and get the guidelines , such as ISO 31000,one of the most authoritative standards,which is to provide new principles and guidelines on risk management(Purdy,,2009,P881). Meanwhile , contract is also a common form in legal dimension to manage risks .According to the legal issue , managers can firstly identify the level of risks and realize the importance of risk management plan and then mitigate the influence of risks .

The Ethical Dimension of Risk Management

The ethic is a general idea or belief that influences people’s behaviour and attitudes . There are 7 principles including dignity , prudence,honesty, goodwill, openness and avoidance of suffering, which all guide ethical behaviors . Besides , business ethics is a part of the corporate culture and guides a corporation’s behaviour within society. Business ethics would have a great influence on the internal control of enterprises and the implementation of risk management . Human moral factors not only have a influence on themselves, but also have an important influence on the morality of the people in the organization, which is of great significance to the internal control and risk of the organization .However, just as Adam Smith said ,“People of the same trade seldom meet together , even for merriment and diversion , but the conservation ends in the conspiracy against the public , or in some contrivance to raise prices.”(Adam Smith , 1776,p.55) , the interests of the company are not fully consistent with personal interests.For example , in the hospitality , the doctor-patient relationship has evolved over thousands of years and still a hot topic in the modern time . Once the patient had gotten into trouble because of the doctors’ errors or mistakes ,the relative hospital and doctors would regard the patient as a “threat"or “risk”. ( Kraman,2000,p253). In the tourism , moral factor is especially important.The characteristics of the tourism, such as the inconsistency of the employment system of tour guiders, the defects of the wage system, the lack of career ambition of the tour guiders, and the imperfect supervision mechanism, result in the moral hazard of tour guiders .And the existence of moral hazard of guiders make it easier to create a crisis of trust between tour guiders and tourists, and this kind of trust crisis ultimately damages the interests of travel agencies. Therefore some measures should be taken to prevent it. However , not all the managers can realize the importance of the ethics and pay much attention to moral factors and the moral factors can play a great role in risk management ,especially during the trust crisis .

The Sustainability Dimension of Risks management

Sustainability is a process by which individuals or entities seek to integrate and produce balance among competing objectives in economic, environmental and social factors. But it is difficult to achieve a sustainable development on our daily life . Sudden events often bring a large business disruption to the business or organization, resulting in significant economic losses and seriously social impact.Economic, physical and deliberate disaster risks are always the main part of disaster effect assessments(Schipper & Pelling,2006,p19) Climate change , as a big threat to sustainability , draws more attention.But with more adaptive and effective measures coming into force ,many actions can contribute to prevent the climate change and more people would benefit from them and the our business can achieve the sustainable development. (Hay et al. 2003).Meanwhile,with the rapid development of information technology, it is more necessary to build a truly effective response to the crisis of the business and establish more effective and sustainable system of risk management so that it can ensure the continuous operation of the business and achieve a sustainable development. Nowadays , in addition to the financial bottom line ,corporations are also being pressured to undertake the due obligation and solve the controversy between environment and economy(Strange Tracey&Bayley Anne ,2008).Therefore , it is the duty for the companies to protect the balance between profits and environment . At end , it can achieve a sustainable development . Therefore building a truly effective business crisis management system is not only effective to manage risks ,but also ensures the continuous operation of the business to achieve s sustainable development.


For the enterprises in the 21st century, risk management is through the process that needs to identify, predict and make some measures to manage risks and then choose effective means to minimize costs and careful plans to deal with the risks.In order to get the safety of the production in the economy, the companies are required that they should identify and predict how the various risks occur and what they can do to manage the negative impact in the production and operation process, so that production continues. Therefore it can be seen that identifying, predicting risk and managing risk are the main three steps of risk management for the companies.While people are managing the risks , the legal issues , ethical issues and sustainability have a great influence for risk management . When we realize the importance and take advantage of them , they can improve our method to manage risks in the tourism , event and hospitality .


1. Hubbard, D. W. (2009). The failure of risk management: Why it's broken and how to fix it. John Wiley & Sons.

2. Taylor, C., & VanMarcke, E. (Eds.). (2002). Acceptable Risk

3. Purdy, G. (2010). ISO 31000: 2009—setting a new standard for risk management. Risk analysis, 30(6), 881-886.

4. Smith, A. (1827). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (No. 25202). Printed at the University Press for T. Nelson and P. Brown.

5. Kraman, S. S. (2001). A risk management program based on full disclosure and trust: Does everyone win?. Comprehensive therapy, 27(3), 253-257.

6. Schipper, L., & Pelling, M. (2006). Disaster risk, climate change and international development: scope for, and challenges to, integration. Disasters, 30(1), 19-38.

7. Hay, J., & Mimura, N. (2006). Supporting climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessments in the Asia-Pacific region: an example of sustainability science. Sustainability Science, 1(1), 23-35.

8. Hay, J. E., & Hay, J. E. (2003). Climate variability and change and sea-level rise in the Pacific Islands region: a resource book for policy and decision makers, educators and other stakeholders. Tokio, Japan: SPREP.

9. Tracey, S., & Anne, B. (2008). OECD Insights Sustainable Development Linking Economy, Society, Environment: Linking Economy, Society, Environment. OECD Publishing.

10. Finkelstein, D., Wu, A. W., Holtzman, N. A., & Smith, M. K. (1996). When a physician harms a patient by a medical error: ethical, legal, and risk-management considerations. The Journal of clinical ethics, 8(4), 330-335.

11. Oldenkamp, R., van Zelm, R., & Huijbregts, M. A. (2016). Valuing the human health damage caused by the fraud of Volkswagen. Environmental Pollution, 212, 121-127.


Essay代写:The employment ability cultivation mechanism of British university students

2019-04-25 17:09:09 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The employment ability cultivation mechanism of British university students,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国大学生就业能力培育机制。随着博洛尼亚进程的不断推进,提升大学生就业能力已成为欧洲高等教育区的热点议题。英国高等教育质量保障署将就业能力视为高等教育标准和质量保证的重要组成部分,通过协调高等教育的各个利益相关者,参与提高课程教学实效、开展企业和创业教育、实施可持续发展教育和编制就业能力指南等,促使越来越多的高校高度关注大学生就业能力的提升。

Under the influence of international community initiative, eu employment policy and bologna process, UK higher education sector actively responds to the pressure of domestic employment competition and continuously explores the cultivation mechanism of college students' employment ability. The higher education quality assurance agency has been coordinating various stakeholders to participate in improving the teaching effectiveness of courses, rewarding achievements in extracurricular activities, carrying out enterprise and entrepreneurship education, implementing sustainable development education and compiling employability guidelines, so that more and more colleges and universities pay attention to the cultivation of college students' employability. Thus, the UK's employment ability oriented ideas, build stakeholder cooperation mechanism, to establish open and transparent information sharing mechanism, the innovation of college students' employment guidance service system etc, achieved positive results, but there is also a concept conflict, ignoring the personalization and characterization, problems such as lack of unified management institutions.

With the continuous advancement of bologna, improving the employability of university students has become a hot issue in the European higher education area. The UK higher education sector regards employability as an important part of the quality of higher education, actively explores the cultivation mechanism of college students' employability, and has achieved good results. Therefore, this paper attempts to conduct a preliminary discussion on the background, reasons, paths and methods, effects and problems of the cultivation of the employability of British college students from the national macro level, so as to see the teacher in fang.

Under the influence of the international community initiative, the eu employment policy and the bologna process, the higher education sector of the UK has learned from the practical experience of the cultivation of university students' employability in European countries and actively constructed the cultivation mechanism of university students' employability. Its background and reason have the following five respects.

With the popularization of higher education, the employment of college students has attracted extensive attention from the international community. UNESCO has pointed out: "higher education must take a corresponding and proactive attitude towards the labor market, new employment fields and forms of employment. Attention must be paid to changes in major market trends in order to adapt curricula and learning arrangements to the changing environment and increase employment opportunities for graduates." With the support of UNESCO, the council of Europe has adopted the convention on the recognition of higher education qualifications in Europe, which has given a strong boost to the mutual recognition of higher education qualifications and the mobility of teachers and students in Europe and laid the foundation for the bologna process. The world higher education conference also pointed out: "in order to facilitate the employment of graduates, higher education should focus on cultivating entrepreneurial skills and initiative; Graduates are no longer just job seekers; they are job creators first and foremost. In a word, the active initiative of the international community is an important international background for the establishment of the employability cultivation mechanism for university students in the UK.

In 1997, the 15 eu member states held a summit meeting in Amsterdam to review and adopt the Amsterdam treaty and establish the common employment policy framework of the eu. That same year, the European Union jobs for the first time special meeting in Luxembourg, release the common employment report and the 1998 employment guide, open the "process" Luxembourg, established in order to "carry forward the spirit of enterprise, improve the employment ability, enhance the adaptability and the pursuit of equality of opportunity", such as the common employment policy framework for the strategy of priority. In 2000, the special summit of the eu formulated the "Lisbon strategy", which proposed to build the eu into the "knowledge-based and most competitive economy in the world" by 2010. The two most important indicators are employment rate and scientific research investment. The European commission is highly concerned about the role of higher education in enhancing European competitiveness and implementing the Lisbon strategy. For example, during Britain's eu presidency in 2005, the Hampton court summit identified universities and research as key drivers of the response to globalisation. In short, the positive impact of the eu common employment policy is the external impetus for the UK to build a mechanism for cultivating the employability of university students.

Improving the employability and mobility of European citizens is the primary goal of the bologna process. By 2010, the diplomas and grades of university graduates from any of the signatory countries will be recognized by other signatory countries, and university graduates can apply for master's degree courses or seek employment opportunities in other signatory countries without any obstacles. In order to achieve this goal, the European higher education region has carried out a series of reforms, including the construction of the European higher education system with a "three-cycle" structure. In order to make this structure comparable and compatible, each cycle is required to design employability for the labor market. In particular, all the ministerial summits of bologna process have focused on the cultivation of university students' employability. The bergen communique, for example, made clear the need for increased dialogue between governments, universities and social partners to improve the employability of graduates with undergraduate degrees. In other words, the improvement of college students' employability requires dialogue, coordination and cooperation among various stakeholders. Therefore, it is very important to build a employability cultivation mechanism involving multi-dimensional stakeholders such as the government, universities, employers, social institutions, families and students.

The bologna process workshop was held in Swansea in July 2006 to discuss how to improve the employability of European university students in the context of the "three cycles" of the bologna process. The workshop Shared examples and experiences of the employability development of UK graduates, particularly those with a bachelor's degree, in order to promote the employability development of university students in bologna and other signatory countries. Established in May 2007 in bologna follow-up working group employability team, the team of the host is the innovation, universities and skills of Rachel green ・, its members have Austria, Croatia, the Czech republic, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain, Britain and other countries and some international organizations in Europe. Employability team respectively in October 2007 and February 2008 in London, in Berlin in July 2008, held in London in January 2009, four seminars, research the bologna process "three loop" background and lifelong learning situation the challenges faced by European countries to promote university students' employment ability, action plan, and the practical experience obtained, and shall submit to the bologna process 2009 ministerial summit employability research report.

First, the need for the transformation of the graduate labor market. Now that the UK economy has shifted to a knowledge-based economy, the continued growth of the service sector, the decline of manufacturing and the expansion of specialist occupations have led to significant changes in the employment structure. For example, the employment and skills commission's "future employment research 2007-2017" project predicts that manufacturing employment will continue to decline, services employment will continue to grow, management, professional, quasi-professional and technical occupations will grow, and demand for manual labor will continue to decline. This change in the nature of the job requires college graduates to have higher levels and skills to adapt to the competition in the labor market. Second, the need for higher education transformation. With the development of the popularization of higher education, the number of students continues to increase. On the one hand, students are becoming increasingly diversified in terms of age, background, previous education experience, interests and goals. On the other hand, the job market for graduates has been and is undergoing transformation. In Britain, for example, 400,000 graduates were recruited from 18,000 units in 2000. This has prompted the UK higher education sector to take steps to boost the employability of graduates.

UK higher education quality assurance department employment ability is regarded as an important part of higher education standards and quality assurance, through the coordination of the various stakeholders of higher education, improve teaching effectiveness, extracurricular activities, achievements, to carry out the enterprise and entrepreneurship education, implementing sustainable development education and employment ability to guide and encourage more and more attention to students' employment ability. Specifically, there are the following aspects.

With the popularization of higher education fees, people pay more and more attention to the degree to which professional courses can improve students' employability and earning ability. Therefore, higher education funding council of England and wales, the council for higher education funding, Scottish funding council, employment and learning department to entrust in Northern Ireland and fund Oakley consultancy and Stamford university research to develop a "key information sets", establish Unistats official website, collect and compare the British universities and college undergraduate course data information, for the students "learn what and where is the" the decision to provide important reference. Its contents include: "national student survey" of student satisfaction; The students' learning objectives of the "survey on the training objectives of college graduates"; The teaching method and learning mode of the course; Course assessment method; Course certification; Course costs, etc. These "key information sets" can also help students predict job prospects after the course. In this context, British universities have to increase the investment in curriculum construction, actively involve employers in curriculum design, development and implementation, and implant employability into curriculum, so as to improve the practicality and effectiveness of academic curriculum teaching.

QAA works with universities to develop "knowledge of extra-curricular achievement: an optimized strategy and practice toolkit" to help them reflect on their educational activities and identify their students' extra-curricular benefits and set up an award scheme for extra-curricular activities; On the other hand, students are encouraged to actively participate in extracurricular activities, such as volunteer service, student representatives, community participation, student associations and associations, vocational services, etc., so that students can obtain more higher education experience and take responsibility for personal and professional development. The purpose of the award is to provide a way for students to better understand, improve and demonstrate their abilities. In the short term, the incentive plan can encourage students to express clearly and provide evidence that the extracurricular activity improves their employability. In addition, it potentially demonstrates the long-term value of lifelong learning for students, because higher education is not just about getting a diploma and a job. More generally, it also emphasizes the importance of reflection on practice and its impact on personal and professional development. Under its influence, more and more British colleges and universities have launched after-school activity incentive plans one after another. On the one hand, the reason lies in the fact that colleges and universities pay more and more attention to proving their value-added education and students' employability, so as to form higher education performance reports. On the other hand to meet the needs of students to participate in non-academic activities during college; At the same time, it also reflects that the government, professional groups and employers and other stakeholders put forward more and higher requirements for the employability of college graduates. According to the 2013 QAA achievement in extra-curricular activities survey, 75 percent of institutions have established incentive plans and 16 percent will do so in the future. In the current incentive scheme, 84% are set within the past five years; All of the award programs are for undergraduate students, nearly three-quarters are for coursework graduate students, more than half are for research graduate students, and nearly one-third are for special groups of students, such as student representatives.

Universities were encouraged to help students start businesses as early as the 1980s, but the number fell in the 1990s. However, in 2000, the confederation of British universities again listed business and enterprise development as one of the strategic objectives of British universities. The following year, the UK government launched the higher education innovation fund to support entrepreneurship among teachers and students. In this context, business and entrepreneurship education is on the rise again. Business: unlocking British talent, published by the department for business, enterprise and management reform in 2008, even stressed the need for entrepreneurship education from primary school to university. According to the 2010 national survey on university business and entrepreneurship education, 16% of students in the UK participated in business and entrepreneurship education, up from 11% in 2007. The average university has 28 startups, up from 22 in 2007. Sixty-three percent of colleges and universities have set enterprise and entrepreneurship education as one of their goals, up from 45 percent in 2007. In 2011, the UK higher education white paper even identified business and entrepreneurship education as an important element of higher education. In order to further promote business and entrepreneurship education, QAA released the "business and entrepreneurship education: UK higher education institutions guide" in December 2012. The ultimate goal of enterprise and entrepreneurship education is to improve entrepreneurial efficiency. Therefore, colleges and universities should adopt multi-disciplinary approaches and mixed teaching methods to develop students' knowledge and ability in a balanced way so as to cultivate their entrepreneurial consciousness, thoughts and abilities. Second, educational output, namely graduates' entrepreneurial behaviors, traits and skills. Specifically, it includes: creativity and innovation ability; Identification, creation and evaluation of entrepreneurial opportunities; Make decisions through critical analysis and judgment; Implement decisions through leadership and management; Reflect and act; Interpersonal skills; Communication and strategic skills. Third, the educational approach, namely teaching, learning and examination. By designing entrepreneurship courses, creating entrepreneurship scenarios, participating in entrepreneurship practices and other ways, students can develop and discover their entrepreneurial effectiveness and encourage students to start businesses now or in the future. Therefore, teachers and students should achieve the following changes in the teaching process: from case study to the latest situation study; From focusing on abstract issues to innovation; From passive learning to active learning; From objective analysis to subjective experience; From text communication to multimedia communication; From the neutral principle to the individual perspective; From formal education activities to artistic activities; From fear of failure to learning from failure; From dependence to self-reliance and adaptability. In addition, the guideline not only recommends that universities offer courses on business and entrepreneurship, but also recommends that business and entrepreneurship education be embedded in all subject areas.

