


2019-04-28 18:43:38 | 日記













三、Previous Work——说明自己与前人的不同






四、Our Work——描述自己的工作,可分成多个部分





































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Paper代写:Cultural governance

2019-04-28 18:42:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Cultural governance,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了文化治理。文化治理这一特定概念,是指作为社会资本的文化要素在网络化治理中的运用,体现的是横向互动的关系网络,并非凡是以文化来实施统治和管理就是文化治理。文化治理既体现为对文化的治理,又体现为基于文化的治理。

Most domestic scholars define cultural governance as the social function of culture, which leads to the generalization and even misuse of the concept of governance. The specific concept of cultural governance refers to the application of the cultural elements of social capital in the network governance, which embodies the relationship network of transverse interaction, and is not the rule and management of culture. Cultural governance is not only embodied in the governance of culture. It is also embodied in the governance based on culture. As far as the former is concerned, the imbalance of national discourse, market discourse and civic discourse in China's cultural policy is a structural factor restricting cultural governance. In terms of the latter, it is not limited to seeking resources from the traditional, but cultural governance should be regarded as a response to the profound changes in the present culture, as social changes, value changes and cultural changes brought about by technological changes require social governance to pay more attention to cultural factors.

In recent years, in the context of governance research, especially the 18-session plenary put forward to promote national governance system and the modernization of governance capacity, the discussion of cultural governance will be more. However, the current research is mainly on the concept and function of cultural governance interpretation, the relevant policy situation is not much attention. At the same time, the interpretation of functional vision will generalize cultural governance into the social function of culture and bring about double ambiguity of problem consciousness and policy operation. This paper discusses the policy implication and policy situation of cultural governance from the perspective of the application of the cultural elements in the governance framework.

Cultural governance arose in the latter half of the 20th century, the United Nations, the European Union in the literature on the concept of cultural governance, its connotation is the political field of governance change into the cultural management, through the cooperation between the Government and non-governmental organizations to form a governance pattern of cultural management. In domestic research, based on the compound form of "culture + governance", people's understanding of cultural governance has two perspectives, one is the governance of culture and the other is based on cultural governance. The governance of culture is to introduce governance into culture, emphasizing that cultural public administration should change from traditional control mode to modern governance mode, which is similar to the concept of the European Union's cultural governance. The Ministry of Culture's ability to promote cultural governance is focused on this. Culture-based governance is the introduction of culture to governance, emphasizing the integration of cultural functions into the social management vision, such as Hu Huilin that cultural governance is "the use of cultural functions to overcome and solve the problems of national development of the tool."

The second perspective is to define cultural governance from the perspective of cultural positive function, which has wide influence. But the analysis found that in the functional field of vision, cultural governance is about the culture of the culture, the rule of the country, all the cultural is governance, cultural governance has become a cultural repetition. In other words, the concept of cultural governance is merely a new analysis of the social and maintenance functions of culture. In this way, cultural governance is not a new topic, but the phenomenon of ancient times. As Hu Huilin said, "people create and produce culture is for the governance of people, ' Knot and Cure, later Saints easy to book." This is the earliest description of the relationship between culture and social governance in ancient China. It is based on this perspective that in some scholars, cultural governance is in the political, economic and social aspects of cultural construction, such as the Government to strengthen the core value system to build and develop the cultural industry, market organization to build corporate culture, citizens to enhance civic virtue.

It can be seen that, in the view of function, it should be the cultural governance of the products of modern pluralism, and there is no essential difference in the amount of the cultural politics of the ancient culture and the planned economy in addition to the means. This brings a question: Since the cultural governance has existed since ancient times, in all forms and activities related to culture, what is the significance of introducing the concept of cultural governance?

The cultural governance is defined by the social function of culture, which generalizes the connotation of cultural governance, even the abuse of the concept of governance, which leads to the double ambiguity of its problem consciousness and policy operation. Governance is a modern concept with a specific problem consciousness and policy implication, which aims at the dual failure of the state and the market in allocating resources, emphasizing new ways to govern society, such as multi-central governance, coordination rather than control, and cooperation between public institutions and private institutions. Cultural governance is the subordinate concept of governance, its basic connotation can not exceed the scope of governance connotation. In this respect, the first angle of view on cultural governance is the governance of culture, which embodies the original meaning of governance, and the deficiency is that this perspective is limited to cultural management itself, and does not take into account the use of culture in other areas of governance. The second perspective, functional perspective, is to generalize cultural governance into all the dominant and management based on culture, which makes the real governance disappear. "The stronger the form of the concept, the more generalization of its interpretation", the generalization of the concept of cultural governance directly undermines the concept itself, resulting in its explanatory power and vitality weakening.

To get out of the culture is to carry out the confusion of cultural governance, need to return to the original meaning of governance. Cultural governance is established and necessary, not simply because the culture has the function of regulating social operation, but the cultural element is a kind of social capital, which can become a mechanism and elements of network governance. Two points are emphasized here. First, culture plays a role in network governance. Cultural governance is not the rule and management of culture. Governance is about network management, is a social coordination network based on trust and mutual benefit, which means a new ruling ecology, that is to replace market and grade system with network. This is a horizontal interaction in which the so-called multiple centers and different bodies work together in this interactive network. Second, the culture is in the form of social capital involved in governance. The cultural factors such as reciprocity, trust and cooperation are important social capital to realize the transverse Action Network. This has a qualitative difference with the relationship-type network of our country's traditional society. The precondition of this kind of social capital is the independence and the voluntary nature of the citizen, it carries on the crosswise interaction through the social organization, the cooperatives, the club, the neighbourhood organization, the political party and so on, then overcomes the collective action predicament. The network of the traditional society in our country is based on the difference order pattern and the Patriarchal clan level, which embodies the asylum ―― dependency relation, is a kind of vertical interaction rather than the transverse interaction, this kind of personal relationship is stronger, the social wholeness may be worse. As a result, the cultural network of power formed in the ancient rural society of our country does not belong to the cultural governance in the modern sense. The traditional social adjustment mechanisms such as religious beliefs, family ties and other symbolic norms and village can only be transformed into social capital and cultural governance within the framework of modern networked governance.

In short, cultural governance is not simply refers to the social function of culture, but has a specific problem consciousness and policy direction, it is as the cultural elements of social capital in the application of network governance, this application is reflected in the governance of culture, but also reflected in the management of culture based. As a policy concept, its main significance lies in the review and promotion of existing policies. However, in our country's existing research on cultural governance, the discussion of policy situation is lack.

After the introduction of culture, the implementation of cultural governance is considered to form the government, society, citizens to participate in the construction of a good situation of public culture. But governance in China is still not a mature dependent environment, for China's cultural policy, its more important significance may be that it can give us a more profound look at the structural problems of Chinese cultural administration, namely, national discourse, market discourse, the imbalance of civic discourse, and the complex game in which they are unfolding. According to the British scholar Jim McQuillan 's summary, in the cultural policy, the state discourse is the state intervention which embodies the state will and the approval politics; market discourse means that all values are reduced to exchange value, and citizen discourse is often expressed as a boycott of state discourse and market discourse. In China, the state discourse occupies an important position, but the concrete unfolding, these three kinds of words and their representatives ' power are all evolving, each presenting multiple faces.

Firstly, the multiplicity of state discourse lies in that the cultural policy under nationalism has both parental care and paternalistic arrogance, as well as the cultural development strategy of "multiple welfare and less empowerment". Under nationalism, the state replaces the society as the main and even the sole supplier of consumer goods. As far as China's cultural policy is concerned, the paradox of nationalism lies in the fact that, on one hand, it should fulfill the parents ' responsibility, satisfy the people's cultural needs, and support the growth of the main body of the culture. This paradox is embodied in the policy choice on cultural rights and Cultural rights. Cultural rights are the universal rights recognized by international conventions, the cultural rights and interests are the special policy concept of our country, the substitution of cultural rights, and the main content of our country's public cultural service system construction. The subtlety of this substitution is that cultural rights are directed towards the positive orientation of the cultural right, that is, "watch TV, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, conduct public cultural appreciation, participate in public cultural activities", rather than the negative aspects of cultural rights, such as freedom of expression, academic freedom, freedom of creation, etc. free from unlawful interference, In order to respect, protect and realize three kinds of State obligations in the protection of Cultural Rights, the "parental" choice of welfare orientation is made. The duality of policy brings double-sided effects. On the one hand, both cultural undertakings and cultural industries have been vigorously promoted and developed. On the other hand, the national efforts do not get enough understanding and recognition, whether in the field of business or industry, dissatisfaction is still pervasive, people criticize its between, sectoral interests, inefficient, power will prevail.

The above-mentioned multiplicity embodies the contradictory situation of the national logic and the overlapping of party logic in the national discourse. When discussing the national discourse of cultural policy, Jim McQuillan criticized the socialist country as the means of constructing the culture in the artistic sense, and the aim of the cultural policy is to create "the new socialist". Here, Jim McQuillan has no theory or attention to the dual logic of socialist state discourse, that is, party logic and national logic, the former embodied in the cultural policy is the party will and guardianship orientation, "new" is a specific party ideology in line with the "new"; the latter embodied in the cultural policy is the national integration and welfare orientation, "Newcomer" is a modern scientific and cultural quality of the "new". In China, if the former is drowned out before the reform and opening-up, then in today, the two present a certain separation situation, such as the Ministry of Culture and the State administration of public information in the policy direction of the differences can be seen. The Ministry of Culture has abolished and delegated a number of examination and approval issues, currently only 4, all for foreign-related aspects, a large number of transactional management to the local grassroots and social decentralization. According to the list of administrative examination and approval items in March 2014, the State Administration of press and publication has 53 items of administrative examination and approval, the 6th place in all national ministries, the related industry management and examination and approval are more implemented by the central level. It can be seen that the State administration of press and publication, as the core department to ensure the party's ideology is implemented, policy models tend to be more focused on guardianship and higher concentration, and the logic of political parties is clear, and the policy orientation of the Ministry of Culture is more distinct than the national logic.

Second. The multiplicity of market discourse is that it appears in the role of the weak and the sympathetic, but gradually shows the arbitrariness of the capital and faces the embarrassment of many critics. In China, the market power in the field of culture is growing in the gap, in the weak side of policy, in the face of an uncertain policy environment, the stability of policy expectations is not enough, the variability of policy intervention is more obvious, and the policy barriers hinder the full extension of the value chain of cultural products. Policy risk and market risk show a "double high" trend.

But. With the growth of market forces, market discourse is increasingly showing the side of collusion with the state. Under the tide of global creative industry, economic rationality penetrates into our country's cultural policy more and more, few countries take such a strong supporting industrial policy to cultural industry as China. However, the growth of market discourse has gradually exposed the arbitrariness of capital, such as "cultural Platform, economic opera" Under the cultural construction is so. In addition, under the impetus of the network revolution, the culture of the capital is also accelerating to penetrate into the economic society at all levels, and the cultural capitalism which the Western scholars believe is the whole commercialization of the culture and shading the material production. This also indicates that, with the expansion of market discourse, critical cultural power will grow. Moreover, this criticism will come from the "collusion" of the state and citizens, which makes the market discourse more complicated.

Third, it is in the national discourse and market discourse strength, the citizen discourse is increasingly as a rebel force emerged. In the planned economy era, the cultural policy model is the typical producer sovereignty, the producer decides what the consumer listens to, sees, reads and even says. However, with the development of marketization, especially the Internet economy, consumer sovereignty is becoming more and more conspicuous. For example, the user experience becomes the traction of all industry development and upgrade, the Internet takes the form of technology empowerment to realize the self empowerment of netizens, and promotes the revolution of discourse power. Thus, as consumers of citizens, and the government, market and other forces increasingly become a network relationship, can form a governance sense of interaction. In the interactive pattern, citizen discourse can not only show the exclusion and deconstruction of the mainstream discourse of the state, but also show the revolt against the state and market discourse in defending the rights of collective culture.

The imbalance of the power of state discourse, market discourse, civic discourse and its representatives is a structural factor restricting the governance of Chinese culture. But the power of the market and the discourse energy released by the network technology indicate that the parental mode of cultural administration needs to be in the governance mode of negotiation interaction.


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2019-04-28 18:40:33 | 日記









Paper代写:Inversion of news

2019-04-28 18:39:51 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Inversion of news讨论了反转新闻。反转新闻又称“舆论反转”,是新媒体时代出现在舆论空间中的新现象,通常是指一条新闻刚刚出来时,舆论迅速将矛头指向其中一方,然后随着更多新闻细节的公布,会使新闻剧情突然发生强大逆转,舆论态度立刻随着新剧情摆向对立的方向。这样的新闻真真假假、反反复复,给舆论场带来了很大的冲击。反转新闻作为近年来的新话题,其本身有很多值得研究的地方。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Inversion of news is also called the "inversion" public opinion "reverse" news "news inversion of drama", is the new media era new phenomenon appears in the space of public opinion, usually refers to a news has just come out, the public opinion quickly point to one side, and as more news released details, can make the news story sudden reversal, strong opinion attitude immediately with the new drama to the opposite direction. This kind of news is true and false, and it has brought great impact to the public opinion field. According to the viewpoints of several scholars, the characteristics of the reverse news can be summarized as follows: the news sources are inaccurate, and most of the news is released by self-media users themselves; The topic is dominated by social topics, which can arouse great discussion in society. The content of the published content is strong and misleading to the public.

At the same time, reverse news is a new topic in recent years, and there is a lot of research on it. The repeated reversal of events has caused the public to have a crisis of confidence in the media, which is a test of the credibility of the media and a challenge to the journalistic professionalism. If we want to solve this problem, we must understand the causes of it and put forward corresponding countermeasures according to the reasons so as to protect the credibility of the media, so as to adhere to the journalism professionalism.

The emergence of reverse news is inseparable from the development of social media. The greatest feature of the media era is that everyone is the producer and disseminator of news. In this context, the reverse news has diversified causes. The media and the public, as the main players in the reversion of news, are bound to be mainly responsible for the frequent occurrence of reverse news.

With the further development of media technology, the media has emerged, and platforms such as weibo and WeChat have become the main reporting platforms for news. The development of the Internet has made the right of press release no longer monopolized by the media, and everyone can become the subject of news release. In order to protect their own interests, the media has been moving towards commercialization and entertainment.

At present, the rapid development of the new media to traditional media to bring a lot of pressure, in the fierce competition, some media news timeliness, blindly for the so-called "scoop", in order to get the hot issues in the report, the expense of journalistic professionalism.

With the popularization of mobile phones and the convenience of the Internet, the public access to information is more diversified. In the face of mass information, public judgment is affected to some extent. As the main participants in news communication, the public plays an important role in the development of events.

In the age of Internet, the information on the Internet is numerous and wide, and the network gradually becomes the main source of public information. In this era of information explosion, fragmented information can hardly reveal the whole picture of events, and people can only learn about events from fragments of words, leading to the one-sidedness and subjectivity of public knowledge.

In recent years, there have been many adverse events in the news, both for the media itself and for the public. It is necessary to regulate this phenomenon for the sustained and healthy development of Chinese journalism. The author thinks, can start from the following aspects:

Manage in the field of journalism and communication, first of all make sure of the news media can freely express, this is one of the most basic principle, but in the news media to freedom of expression as well as to its laws. Our country is relatively weak in the news legislation, the formal news law has not been issued. The state should attach importance to the legislative work in the field of news, regulate the news industry and make the freedom of the press "bottom line".

Due to the deviation of journalists' reporting Angle and attitude in the news, the news is constantly being reversed, and the public's attitude towards the event and the parties has changed with the deepening of the report. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of reversing the news, we should adhere to the objective and comprehensive reporting standards. This further explains that the media must adhere to the journalistic professionalism in the report. In addition, the media should verify the content before releasing the report, do not make false reports, at the same time, we should dig deeply into the event and find out the truth as soon as possible.

The public should enhance their own media literacy and the ability to process information, especially the media critical ability, which is one of the public's ability to improve. Netizens should develop the habit of rational thinking in the face of mass information, and be brave to question where there are doubts.

The public lacks the leadership of opinion leaders. The few rational voices that are interspersed in the event of a reversal of news events can properly guide public opinion if they can develop into opinion leaders. The phenomenon of reverse news shows that there is no guide to correct public opinion in this kind of event, and the establishment of opinion leaders should be regarded as an important aspect to guide public opinion in the future.

Inversion of news is the new media environment under the new news propagation phenomenon, although to a certain extent, reflected the public participation of news events and news of awakening of consciousness, but also is explained in another level of strength of the new media impact on traditional media. According to the above measures, we can not solve the phenomenon of reversing the flood of news thoroughly, and we need the joint efforts of all the parties in the society.


Essay代写:Journalism education in the United States

2019-04-28 18:37:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Journalism education in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国新闻学教育。美国的新闻学教育相当普及,美国很多大学都设有新闻学院或新闻学专业。随着媒介融合和全球化时代的到来,美国各新闻学院或新闻学专业从课程设置、教育方向等方面对新闻学教育体系进行了大的变革和建构。除了继续遵循传统的通识教育模式,美国新闻学教育日趋重视媒介融合教育,注重具有实践经验的师资培养,强调实践与应用训练,新闻学教育日趋国际化,其目的是培养适应媒介融合时代的新闻人才。

In the United States, education is quite popular, and many schools in the United States have a major in journalism or journalism. With the advent of the era of media convergence and globalisation, the American college of news or journalism from the direction of the curriculum, the education of journalism education system for the great revolution and construction. In addition to continue to follow the traditional pattern of general education, American journalism education is education attaches great importance to the media fusion, pay attention to have practical experience of teacher training, training, emphasis on practice and application of journalism education has become increasingly international, its purpose is to training to adapt to the era of media convergence news talents.

In order to more fully illustrate this, this article selects the school of journalism, Columbia University, school of journalism, stony brook university, university of st. cloud communication and journalism, university of north Alabama lines in journalism, university of Pacific lines in journalism and five different profile, such as the college or journalism as the analysis and the research sample, in order to avoid biased.

American journalism education usually adopt journalism and society, the humanities and interdisciplinary teaching and curriculum mode, in cultivating students' professional skills at the same time, pay attention to broaden students' horizons, attaches great importance to the education medium fusion. With the change of digital technology to information transmission, society has never needed a journalism graduate with independent thinking ability and good media integration training. In recent years, American journalism education with media convergence era pace, seize development trend, opened a lot of new media integration of professional course, or join a lot of media convergence in the traditional journalism education education courses, has increased a lot for the medium fusion hardware devices and multimedia classroom teaching.

The Columbia journalism school has more than 10 professional news organizations, and students have plenty of opportunities to communicate with on-the-job journalists. In recent years, Columbia University has also started a digital news Tow Center, and has begun awarding a dual master's degree in computer science and journalism. Columbia University journalism school believes that it has been committed to the innovation and evolution of education to multimedia and media convergence.

Stony Brook University school of journalism education courses opened a lot of attention to media mergence, television reports and editing, TV production, advanced reporting/writing/radio, senior editor and narrative, performance/network, advanced digital audio news, news laboratory digital photography, online journalism, etc., the course aims to develop the students' ability of writing and traditional and multimedia application integration. In order to cultivate news people who are able to adapt to the Future of media in the dynamic, the school of journalism of shixi university has built the Newsroom of Future multimedia professional classroom equipped with the latest digital technology. The so-called "future editorial office", including collection, text editing, audio equipment, such as video clips, and use a set of computer software to connect the journalists, news compiled delivery of data integration. Many courses at shixi university are completed in this "future editorial department". All required of journalism school at stony brook university students were required to broadcast, print, online news, such as courses, and learn how to use multimedia platform and model for thinking and working, and in the last year to focus on the study and application of a certain kind of media.

University of north Alabama lines established the broadcast news, and the integration of communication, media, publishing and online journalism, radio and television and interactive media such as major research direction, can be seen from these major setting for the media fusion attaches great importance to education.

There are many differences between the United States and China in the concept of education, one of which is reflected in the requirements of the teacher's background. Chinese news education mostly requires teachers to have a high degree. While the United States values education, it values teachers' professional experience, especially in the era of media convergence. According to the relevant information provided by the website of the school of journalism of shixi university, there are 28 teachers in the school of journalism of shixi university, including two teachers with doctoral degrees, and 7% of all teachers. 27 teachers with media experience, accounting for 96%; There are 10 part-time teachers from the media industry, accounting for 36%. Can be seen from the above figures, in this era of media convergence, the United States is considered a "teacher's practical experience, school of journalism is not disdainful of teachers' educational background and degrees, it was very different with Chinese journalism education. Education, a Chinese journalism school, attaches great importance to education and degree, and sees the doctoral degree as a passport to work in various journalism schools, which has led to various errors in the construction of education system in Chinese journalism.

Journalism schools at Columbia University's faculty members are all from all areas of talent, won various awards including the journalist, columnist, writer, editor, documentary filmmaker, and experts in the field of digital media. These faculty members are fully equipped with rich experience and independent thinking skills, and are fully qualified for the professional teaching and support for the development of students.

In recent years, American journalism schools have recruited many teachers with rich experience in new media fields, working with traditional journalism faculty to train new journalists. Even the original journalism faculty is moving closer to media convergence. When the department of communication at the American Pacific university recruited faculty in 2010, it found that more than 90 percent of the resumes sent by applicants were new media.

American journalism education very emphasis on practice and application of the training, as a result, a lot of journalism graduates can directly enter the newspapers, publishing, radio, television and other business, or to enter entertainment, multimedia, advertising, public relations, foreign affairs and cultural exchange, etc. In ivy league university, school of journalism, Columbia University is the only have the graduate school is one of the institute of the national and the world's top news, Pulitzer prize is by the Columbia journalism school of the main evaluation. University school of journalism in both transmission, on the basis of theory teaching, emphasis on news practice training, elite talent, committed to develop the press its graduates have the most practical skills, don't need a lot of on-the-job training, can solve important problems in the U.S. media made her very popular. News, of course, the school graduate school entrance requirements are very strict, it does not consider the applicant's language scores, the applicant will take part in the school sets up tests, such as allowing applicants to write like the New York times editorial, and even allow graduate students to news work instead of graduation thesis, it attaches great importance to the practice.

American news education has begun to pay attention to the development of students' practical ability in the teaching process. Stony brook university school of journalism to combine classroom teaching and practice teaching, the "future editorial" professional multimedia classroom provides good practice platform for students, most of the course will give students in news gathering and editing of the time, it's hard to tell which course is the classroom teaching, which is the practice teaching. Also, the professional class basically adopt small-class teaching, teachers have more ample time to guide every student, so it ensures that each student within the limited class hour quickly enhance the practical ability, can achieve in class begin training of practice education mode. At the same time, almost all of the school of journalism, stony brook university faculty members have rich experience, the dean of Howard, a former New York City, long island Newsday editorial director of 18 years and in his office, the paper has 8 people won the Pulitzer prize; The vice President, Marcy, has worked on CBS for 30 years as senior vice President of CBS news. Other full-time or part-time faculty members also have rich experience. Such teacher ratio guarantees the practice level of news teaching.

