


2019-04-11 16:41:24 | 日記


















如果一篇文献的作者的Smith,你在转述时,一般要用到的句型是:Smith argued that/Smith supposed that/thought.



例如:I am a good student.

要换成:I do well in studying.

这样就避免的3个和原句相同的词。如果同学们换成了I am a work-hard student.则仍然会被视为抄袭。两个句子重合的部分越少越好。





Paper代写:Diversified music teaching mode in the new era

2019-04-11 16:40:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Diversified music teaching mode in the new era,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了新时期多元化的音乐教学模式。多元化的音乐教学,是针对传统的音乐教学模式提出的一种适应新时代要求的音乐教学模式。这种多元化教学根据培养目标、课程性质、教学目标和要求以及学生个体的学习需要,旨在改变教学内容的局限性,教学方式的单一性以及教学评价的落后性等。建立多元化的音乐教学模式是素质教育的必然要求,是因材施教发展学生个性的需要,也是教育教学发展的需要。

Diversified music teaching is a music teaching mode that ADAPTS to the requirements of the new era. According to the training objectives, course nature, teaching objectives and requirements and the learning needs of individual students, this kind of diversified teaching aims to change the limitation and closure of teaching contents, the old and single teaching methods, as well as the hindrance and backwardness of teaching evaluation. The establishment of diversified music teaching mode is the inevitable requirement of quality education, the need of individualized teaching and the need of multi-type, multi-specification and multi-level development of education and teaching.

The introduction of new knowledge in teaching is emphasized while the content of teaching is evolving. The content of music textbooks should have the breath of the new era, conform to the aesthetic taste of modern society, and meet the requirements of cultivating the all-round development of students in the new era. At present, there are still some drawbacks in the setting of music subject textbooks in China, such as monotonous and boring course content, unreasonable structure and unsound function. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the diversification of the teaching content, change the over-emphasis of the teaching content on the construction of the discipline system, break away from the situation of the society and the reality of life, and make the music teaching material more contemporary and practical, so as to promote the development of students in all aspects. Different stages of the music curriculum should be based on different stages of students' age and psychological characteristics, the music learning and other disciplines, games, and combine the real life, make the abstract complex music knowledge become lively and interesting, make dull skill training becomes specific image, thus made the music knowledge, easy to learn.

Strengthen the interaction with other subject knowledge, the teaching content should be diverse and vivid. Music teaching is not an isolated subject, it is closely related to many subjects. In the process of music teaching and learning, emotional experience of music is indispensable, which involves people's psychological factors. Therefore, mastering certain psychological knowledge can contribute to the understanding of emotions such as "joy, anger, sorrow and joy" in music learning. At the same time, music comes from social life. Many music works are descriptions and interpretations of social life. To better understand music works, students must have a good understanding of social life. In addition, music is also related to literature, painting, dance, education, physiology, logic, linguistics, politics, history, geography and other disciplines to varying degrees. Therefore, the content of music teaching must not be a single teaching of music knowledge. Only by seeking interdisciplinary cooperation on the basis of humanities can music teaching reflect its breadth and depth.

The content of teaching should be enriched and innovated. Music is the art of "life", the content of the music teaching is "dynamic", rather than the immutable, combining music teaching and real life, to add the popular factors in real life to the content of teaching, fully tap some taste, conform to the students can make students interested in the teaching material content, make the teaching material content more rich and novel, so as to mobilize students' learning enthusiasm. In life there are a lot of can be applied to the subject of music teaching, such as in real life, we can hear the sounds, the wind, rain and the sound of water, a variety of animal calls and machines roar, the common and familiar to the teaching of a variety of voice, let the students to imitate, will certainly have different teaching effect.

Situational teaching refers to a teaching mode that makes full use of images, creates typical scenes, arouses students' learning emotions, and combines cognitive activities with emotional activities. In the music teaching process, students can experience and perform music by presenting the environment in life, demonstrating the scene in real objects, reproducing the environment in pictures, describing the scene in language and experiencing the environment in performance. This teaching method can connect students' audio-visual senses in a timely and high speed through scene representation, and stimulate their rich imagination and association when they perceive music. Teachers should create opportunities for students to participate in various music scenarios, break down the teaching content into details, so that every student has the possibility to experience the scenario, and guide students to constantly discover and improve themselves in music scenario simulation training.

In the music teaching process, teachers should abandon the traditional teaching model centering on "classroom, book and teacher" in the past, instead of only paying attention to the explanation of theoretical knowledge or making students perform endless singing exercises, they should adopt a new teaching model that takes students as the subject, teachers and students interact and students take the initiative to explore. This teaching mode requires teachers to create a relaxed and peaceful learning atmosphere for students when teaching, so that students dare to say and do; Form a learning platform of respect, cooperation, care, friendliness and sharing, so that students are willing to interact with teachers; Cultivate the ability of communication and cooperation among students, promote the improvement of students' learning ability and the harmonious development of body and mind.

Open music teaching is a kind of brand-new music education idea, this idea teachers in teaching process, consciously combined with social class, the students of the school, after school life and family life together, in a macro environment to teach students knowledge of music, and music skills combined with teaching students to be organic. Based on teaching objectives, teaching contents and teaching process optimization combination, creating a characterized by cultivating students' subjectivity, stimulates the student innovative way of open music teaching mode, and inspire students' divergent thinking, let them to think about problems in all aspects and to extrapolate from various angles, such as to let the student feel in full after a music works and adaptation, improvisation or simulation of melody.

Evaluation subject refers to those individuals or groups who participate in educational evaluation activities and make value judgments on evaluation objects according to certain standards. In music teaching, diversification of evaluation mainly reflects in: the people who take part in the evaluation of teaching achievements in addition to the educational administration system and professional teacher, should also include the evaluation of professional institutions, education decision mechanism, school administrators, parents, students and the individual and other relevant personnel outside the school, such as relevant experts, professionals or music lovers, and so on. In a word, we should give full play to the role of each evaluation subject, refer to the content of multiple evaluations, make the evaluation results more objective, and fully stimulate the enthusiasm of students in learning music.

The diversified teaching mode pursues a democratic, equal, cooperative and innovative learning atmosphere, and constructs a democratic and interactive teacher-student relationship. Therefore, two-way evaluation can be adopted in teaching evaluation. When evaluating students, teachers should not only pay attention to students' academic performance and test scores, but also pay attention to the indicators of students' emotional attitude, values, knowledge and skills, and examine the effectiveness of learning process and methods. Such as music interest and emotional response, music practice participation attitude, degree of participation, cooperation desire and coordination ability, music experience and imitation ability, performance ability, explore music attitude and arrangement ability.

In teaching evaluation, a variety of evaluation methods can be adopted: according to the different evaluation subjects, the combination of others' evaluation and students' self-evaluation can be adopted. The evaluation of others includes the evaluation of teachers and classmates. The self-evaluation is mainly about students' self-judgment of their own learning and morality. According to the different evaluation contents, quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation can be combined. Quantitative evaluation can use mathematics and statistical tools to conduct quantitative analysis and evaluation of students' assessment results, including the usual assessment and test, etc., while qualitative evaluation generally refers to the evaluation of students' learning attitude and learning methods as well as their own perception of music. According to the different evaluation methods, manual evaluation and computer evaluation can be used simultaneously.


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Case Study该怎么写

2019-04-11 16:39:31 | 日記
Case Study(案例分析)是国外大学常见的一种作业类型,与一般的英文论文写作不同,Case Study需要在一开始就阐述结论,之后再给出理由和依据,所以Case Study的关键在于分析的过程。那么Case Study该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。

要写好一个案例分析,首先要了解到底什么是Case Study。

·Case Study分为三步走:研究商业问题,探讨可能的解决方案和提出最有效的方案。

·Case Study必须包括背景资料,分析问题和对策,并且提出建议。

·Case study可以分析某一个公司,一个项目,一个人物,或者是一个行业。

Case Study开始写作前





Case Study的写作


1)Introduction 引言




2)Background 介绍背景知识



3)Alternatives 探讨解决方案



4)Proposed Solution 提出最佳方案





5)Recommendations 建议和意见



·建议要具体可行,提供两个问题的答案,这两个问题分别是what should be done, 和 who should do it?

Case Study完成后





以上就是关于Case Study的写作讲解,案例分析这种作业在国内是比较少见的,希望不会写的同学们看过文章之后,都知道该怎么去写Case Study了。


Paper代写:Questions Based Draft on the Archangel Ivory

2019-04-11 16:37:46 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Questions Based Draft on the Archangel Ivory讨论了大天使象牙。大天使象牙作为拜占庭最大的象牙雕刻遗产,被保存在大英博物馆。大天使象牙刻画了一个年轻时身穿宽松长袍、手持权杖和帝国宝珠的大天使迈克尔,最高等级的天使,非常符合古典雕塑的风格。该作品作为拜占庭艺术的代表作,具有重要的地位,受到了艺术、历史、考古、建筑等诸多领域研究者的高度重视。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Archangel ivory, as the largest Byzantine ivory panel legacy, is reserved in the Room 41 of the British Museum. It can date back to the early 6th century with depiction of an archangel who is an angel of the highest rank often known as Saint Michael. At that time, Eastern Roman with Constantinople as its center was ruled by Emperor Justinian, who carried out a series of projects. As a result, Byzantine style was emerged. It should be mentioned that Byzantine art means exactly “the art of the Eastern Roman Empire”, which “starts with the rule of Justinian in the sixth century and extends to the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453”(

With its careful depiction of an archangel at young age wearing loose robe and and holding a sceptre and imperial orb, Saint Michael the Archangel is recognized as in accordance with the style of classical sculpture. To be more specific, details of his robe, curly and lush hair, expression and also the wreath on his head are all identified as classical motifs and convention. Moreover, as the right panel of a diptych with two panels that can be closed like a book, Saint Michael the Archangel was assumed to be an proof of Emperor Justinian’s strength and ambition, since Emperor Justinian was possibly the lost left panel(Robin 2000). It should be noted that Michael’s feet do not stand still and exactly on the stone steps, which makes him seem to walk down the steps or fly to the air, especially with his eyes looking towards the heaven where he came from and not glancing at audiences or human beings. All of these detail enables “more detailed telling of the sacred narrative”(Erika 1970). Interestingly, there are some Greek words at the top of the diptych, which can be translated as “Receive this suppliant, despite his sinfulness”. According to Robin(2000), it may be “an expression of humility on the part of Justinian”. But Marylyn(2004) translated it as “Receive these gifts, and having learned the cause”, and took it as “an inscription that continues on the lost second panel”.

There are historical changes in Byzantine art with the reign of Justinian I (527–565). Emperor Justinian not only obsesses with conquering other countries like Italy, North Africa or Spain, but also identified laws and imposed his own religious views in his empire and launched massive projects to building and restoring churches like Hagia Sophia. As we have learned in this course, many decorations in churches used the method of icon, and Saint Michael the Archangel is of no exception. The icon means to“bring one into the presence of the person who dwells in heaven”(, such as Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. As is known, Saint Michael, as one of the most powerful messengers of the Christian God symbolizes as the fender of the Heaven and the God. At that time, this diptych might be an celebration of victories. It is said that Saint Michael the Archangel is an commemorative diptych of “a meeting in Constantinople in 519 between members of the Greek Orthodox Church and the pope’s representatives from Rome”(, and the meeting was held to restore the Roman Empire and unify the eastern and western parts of the empire. Therefore, Saint Michael the Archangel tells the message of Christians’ victory to re-unit the empire.

Furthermore, this image also speaks to the importance of Gothic architecture, and many Gothic buildings especially churches are decorated with sculptures and paintings related to saints’ lives a case in point is Hagia Sophia, which is located in Constantinople and can be seen as the symbol of the Byzantine Empire. Moreover, as one of the most powerful and significant empire in history, Byzantine Empire has great influence on counties nearby, especially some Eastern Orthodox countries such as Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia and other to the present day. Many artistic traditions emerged during the reign of Byzantine Empire, such as church architecture and icon works. Up to now, Byzantine ivories are “highly prized in western Europe, where they survived in church treasuries or were incorporated into deluxe book bindings”(Erika 1970).

In conclusion, Saint Michael the Archangel as an famous representative work of Byzantine art, is of great importance and has drawn high attention from many researchers from many fields such as art, history, archaeology and architecture and so on.

Works cited:

[1]Cole, Erika. “A New Way of Thinking in the Medieval Ages: The Deposition from the Cross Proves to Be An Advanced Piece of Its Time.” Erika Cole, The Honors College, University of North Texas, 1 Jan. 1970,

[2]Cormack, Robin. Oxford History of Art. Oxford University Press, 2000.

[3]Durand, Jannic. Byzantine Art. Easton Press, 2004.

[4]“Log In.”Academy of Art University, section=161125.

[5]Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009.

[6]Stokstad, Marilyn. Medieval Art. Westview, 2004.


Essay代写:Preschool education in Northern Ireland

2019-04-11 16:35:09 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Preschool education in Northern Ireland,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了北爱尔兰的学前教育。北爱尔兰是英国的一个地区,设有自己相对独立的教育行政部门。北爱尔兰地区为了提供高质量的学前教育,实行了学前教育扩张计划,政府希望给所有孩子都能提供一个免费学前教育机会。北爱尔兰教育部门还规定,所有幼教机构开设的课程内容都必须遵循共同的课程指南;都必须得到一个有资质的幼教专家的长期专业支持;北爱尔兰教育部门的官员或巡视员必须定期到幼教机构进行视察工作;检查结果也必须定期反馈给孩子家长。

Preschool education curriculum is a hot topic for kindergarten workers to discuss. As early as 1870, the United Kingdom began to implement compulsory education for children aged 5 years. Therefore, the United Kingdom is the birthplace of the education system of modern childcare institutions, and the developed preschool education is a major feature of British education.

This paper will introduce the curriculum guide of preschool education in northern England, and discuss its guiding significance for the reform and development of preschool education in China. Northern Ireland is an area of the UK with its own relatively independent educational executive branch. Its ongoing "pre-school education expansion Plan", which aims to provide quality pre-school education for the Northern Ireland region. The government wanted to provide a free pre-school education opportunity for all children, but would usually give priority to children in poor social situations or children as young as 4 years of age.

The specific form of free pre-school education is 2.5 hours of free educational time per day, Five days a week.

The Northern Ireland Education sector also stipulates that the content of the courses offered by all early childhood institutions must follow a common curriculum guide; that both must receive the long-term professional support of a qualified early childhood specialist; and that officials or inspectors of the Northern Ireland education sector must regularly visit early childhood institutions; The results of the tests must also be regularly fed back to the parents of the child. The Northern Ireland preschool curriculum standards, developed by the Northern Ireland education sector, can provide targeted quality guidance for different types of pre-school institutions in Northern Ireland.

The standard is divided into three parts, namely, the personality and needs of preschool children, improve the good practical ability, the specific curriculum content set. Preschool children are mostly lively and enthusiastic learners. They are very interested in the environment around them and like to explore, investigate and be creative. They are able to build good relationships with adults and peers and are developing skills such as self-confidence, self-esteem and self-control.

They like to listen to stories and rhythmic music, and they like sports. Their requirements for pre-school education courses are: to give them equal opportunities to promote physical, social, emotional, creative and intellectual development. They hope that the curriculum should be planned, purposeful, selective and follow their interests in development needs, and be able to enhance their motivation to learn.

The course surface should be broadened and balanced.

Through the plan, early childhood teachers can have a clear idea of what they want their children to learn and how to improve their children's learning skills by organizing activities of interest to children. The evaluation of children's learning should be based on the daily observation of teachers. Teachers can not evaluate students on the basis of a single observation, and should be planned, regular and skillful to observe their children's performance.

The results of the evaluation should also be shared between parents and children, with parents having an understanding of their children's progress and enabling them to recognize the efforts they have made and the progress they have made. Reflection and evaluation are the core of improving the teaching progress of kindergarten teachers.

Teachers should reflect on teaching from the following aspects: whether the activities provided stimulate children's self-confidence and interest, whether the activities of the Organization meet the individual needs of the child, how children construct and expand their perceptions, how to make the design activities more attractive to children, and how to organize time and space more effectively. Teachers should provide children with the opportunity to plan, explore, experiment and draw their own conclusions. Children should be encouraged to show results, such as providing a suitable space for children to present their paintings or models they have made to everyone. Outdoor learning is also conducive to building a good learning atmosphere.

At the preschool level, the link between school and family is crucial. Parents are the children's Enlightenment teachers and play a very important role in the preschool education stage.

Therefore, parents and teachers should be colleagues, teachers should also take the time to listen to the voice of parents and parents ' expectations of their children.

In order to help young children make a smooth transition from preschool to primary school, kindergarten teachers can visit the primary school to study, feel the learning atmosphere in primary school and the curriculum experience of primary school students, teachers can also arrange for children to visit the primary school, so that they have a generally familiar impression of primary school. The curriculum for preschool education in Northern Ireland covers six main areas, namely, art, language development, early mathematical experience, personal, social and emotional development, physical development and movement, and understanding and understanding of our world.

The specific course settings are as follows.

Children must inspire and encourage adults to help them express their views, expand their creativity and develop primitive ideas in their minds through a range of arts and design, music, dance, theatre and character performances. Language development is essential for both life and learning. Language is often used to communicate, express feelings, opinions, and obtain information.

Teachers should help children communicate confidently with adults and peers to express their needs, opinions and feelings.

Mathematical concepts are important to children, who should often experience mathematical perspectives in different contexts and, in the process, develop their understanding of the following aspects, including numbers, shapes, spaces, dimensions and quantities, graphics, sorting, and time. This field of study is very important for children in every aspect of their lives.

Good personal, social and emotional development can give children the opportunity to succeed in other areas of study.

Physical activity during preschool education includes running, jumping, crawling, balancing, kicking, tapping, throwing and grabbing, which can help children develop balance, control, cooperation and awareness of size, space and direction. Children have a natural curiosity about their surroundings and people, and often ask why.

Children should often be given the opportunity to participate, individually or collectively, in activities that interest them, and a range of skills and concepts are developed in the process of exploring the world.

Although the social system and economic development level of China and the United Kingdom are different, the British and Northern Ireland led preschool education is not beneficial to the reform of preschool education in our country, from which we can get at least three points for reference. In the issue of free pre-school education, Northern Ireland has paid more attention to socially disadvantaged children and given priority. Based on the national conditions of our country, the funds available for preschool education are also limited.

The approach of the Northern Ireland government requires preschool education in our country to rethink the rational allocation and use of educational resources and to reflect, as far as possible, the principle of fairness in education.

Northern Ireland requires kindergartens to have long-term professional leadership from early childhood specialists, and sent inspectors to the early childhood institutions to inspect the work, and timely feedback of the results to children's parents, reflecting the open and transparent preschool education, the professional leadership of kindergarten experts is also an effective way to improve the professional quality of kindergarten teachers, which has reference significance.

How to make a work plan, how to observe children, and evaluate based on the results of observation, how to reflect and evaluate in preschool education and how to build a good learning atmosphere for children, these specific educational teaching methods are worthy of our country's early childhood teachers to learn from and think. To strengthen the connection between kindergarten and primary school, there is a lack of proper connection between kindergarten and primary school in our country, the two are disjointed and the educational difference is too big, our country can draw lessons from the experience of Northern Ireland, make kindergarten and primary school correspond from the system, communicate with each other, often contact, and enhance the child's own adaptability as the core, Alleviate the educational gap between the two.

