


2019-04-04 18:31:07 | 日記


Assignment是最常见的类型了,分成Group Assignment和Individual Assignment两种,一般你会有几天到几个星期的时间来完成。Individual Assignment多数是网上的一些练习题什么的,考的内容不会很难,一般是对单一知识点的考核。好一点的教授会给你好多次机会,严一点的教授会给5次左右的尝试机会。最狠的教授会给3次左右的机会,然后每答错一题都会扣掉这道题的一部分分数。多数教授会给bonus,类似附加题,或者你一次性答对所有的题会给你奖励一些分数。所以如果你朋友跟你说他作业得了110%,不要认为他在吹牛哦!Group Assignment通常是趣味性高一点的活动,没有标准答案,考察的面也很广。几个人一起查查资料做做研究,再写点观点和发现基本问题就可以了。队友很重要。如果你碰到一群“猪一般”的队友,那这个Assignment基本就离Fail不远了。Assignment还可以是阅读。不要以为这就轻松了,教授随随便便写几个页码让你读,然后配一个quiz,不理解好你读的东西保证你quiz一道题都做不出来。想蒙混过关?没有的事。








Paper代写:The structure of beauty

2019-04-04 18:29:02 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The structure of beauty,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美感的结构。在当下的美学研究风潮中,美和美感被主客观合一的审美经验取代了,人们既很少独立地研究美,也很少独立地研究美感。其实人们对于美感奥秘的探讨不是太多,而是太不够。美感判断从结构上看有分立判断与综合判断之分,在对事物整体属性的综合美感判断中,起主导、决定作用的是关于事物内涵属性的审美判断。

In the current trend of aesthetic research, "beauty" and "beauty" have been replaced by the "aesthetic experience" of subjective and objective integration, and people have seldom studied "beauty" independently and have rarely studied "beauty" independently. In fact, people's exploration of the Mystery of beauty is not too much, but not enough. For example, the structure of aesthetic judgment, the new and old interaction of aesthetic mechanism is a weak point of study. Judging from the structure, aesthetic judgment is divided into "separate judgment" and "comprehensive judgment", which plays a dominant and decisive role in the comprehensive aesthetic judgment of the whole property of things. From the psychological mechanism of aesthetic perception, the degree of excitement of aesthetic reaction is closely related to the frequency of aesthetic stimulation. When aesthetic subjects repeatedly accept the same stimulating information as the intensity and capacity of aesthetic objects, aesthetic reaction will weaken gradually, and finally produce aesthetic fatigue and promote the pursuit of novelty aesthetic fashion. The psychological mechanism and activity course of aesthetic feeling is the process of "aesthetic fatigue" and "aesthetic fashion" in the premise of guaranteeing the resonance of aesthetic object and aesthetic subject life.

The aesthetic judgment of things made by people in aesthetic activities is divided into the structure of the separation judgment and comprehensive judgment. The so-called "discrete judgment" refers to the judgment of the aesthetic attribute or the aesthetic attribute of the thing form, which is made by the appearance factor or implication factor of the aesthetic object respectively. The so-called "comprehensive judgment" refers to the judgment of the overall aesthetic attribute of the whole aesthetic object form and connotation. The aesthetic attribute of things is manifold, it is often used in various forms for the corresponding organs of human beings. A flower, it is not only with its own color acting on the human visual organs, but also with their own breath acting on human olfactory organs, but also with their own sense of the role of human tactile organs, as well as their symbolic significance for the human mind Center, thus forming a separate aesthetic feeling and judgment. The positive or negative nature of the general feeling and judgment of this flower is the result of the above-mentioned kinds of feeling and judgment. "Among the many attributes of the same thing, some will make people happy and others unpleasant." However, the total effect of these attributes in the sense of human is not ambiguous, but there will be a clear affirmation or negative feeling of emotion attitude. "If the various individual senses are judged in the same direction, then the comprehensive aesthetic judgment is more simple, the aesthetic effect will be more intense: if all the individual feeling judgment direction is opposite, contradictory, this form of the overall aesthetic feeling, will be mingled with sadness, love and hate complex taste, thus made the comprehensive aesthetic judgment, There will be "beauty and ugliness Coexist" or "ugly in the United States", "Beauty in the ugly" situation.

Although there can be many separate aesthetic judgments about the form or implication of things, they can be divided into two categories: aesthetic judgment on form and aesthetic judgment about connotation. Which kind of aesthetic judgment is the dominant and decisive factor in the comprehensive aesthetic judgment of the whole attribute of things? The practice shows that the aesthetic judgment of connotation plays a leading and decisive role. Jewelry streamer Overflow color, antique calligraphy and painting beautiful, once you know they are fakes, fake, will be eclipsed. Thailand is beautiful, because you know that the body that makes you move is man-made, so feel strange uncomfortable. The applicable manure basket is beautiful, but the not applicable shield is ugly. Why? "manure basket for the vision of no pleasure, smell and bad feelings, people for it from its light, easy to pick up dung labor, people need to the basic feeling of food and clothing have a role." Although the Golden Shield is beautiful, makes the human visual pleasure, but when need not use it to fight self-defense, also cannot use it to exchange food to solve the hunger, its advantage is too insignificant, even will make a person willing to use it to change a manure basket. "This is because the aesthetic attributes of the form of things can only impress people's senses, to arouse people's superficial level of feeling reaction, can not cause the spiritual level of profound move, the aesthetic subject of life is also irrelevant; the aesthetic attribute of the connotation of the object to the inner mind of the subject of aesthetics will cause profound touching and long aftertaste, and the life existence of the esthetic subject has great interest relation. Weigh the two. The aesthetic feeling caused by the connotation of things is more important to the aesthetic subject than the aesthetic feeling caused by the form of things, so the comprehensive aesthetic attribute of things is decided by the aesthetic judgment about the connotation of things.

Pure music can produce pleasant aural pleasure, but because there is no lyrics, a lack of profound meaning, "only to impress our senses", can not cause the depths of the heart moved, so "such works must be superficial, one-sided, imperfect": The songs containing meaning can be "fully close to our emotional rhythm, Thus deeply touched our hearts. " Visible: "Pure music on the effect of human strength is actually quite limited." Music in the people have the greatest motivation is often the song, and the lyrics of this song more describing the most urgent things people yearn for magic, such as the Magic of love Songs is an example. ”


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2019-04-04 18:27:32 | 日記

我们先来说说词汇量。毋庸置疑,我们中国学子的词汇量远不及国外native speaker的,毕竟人家从小生活在那样的环境下。我们留学生词汇量大多在几千到一万多(要知道我们国内的专八考试词汇量要求也只有13000左右),但人家国外本地的学生的词汇量要远超这一数字,而且这还不包括大量的日常生活名词以及各种常见单词衍生出的搭配。这就是为什么我们留学生国内说英语张口就来,到了国外大多时候只能欲言又止的原因。


由于我们留学生与native speaker词汇量的差异,在进行Paper写作的时候“遇到生词”的情况是不可避免的,这点只能靠大家在生活中学习中多去积累,经年累月之后相信是会看到效果的。





这对于文化背景知识来说也是如此。英语中各类文化背景知识几乎无穷无尽,但绝大多数知识都位于边际递减效应曲线的末端,并不值得我们去关注,因为这些信息对于提升Paper写作几乎毫无作用。比如,了解再多的欧美娱乐八卦新闻也很难提升我们的Paper写作能力,更不会让你final exam中取得高分。

对于文化背景知识,我们在进行Paper写作的时候需要做的是“抓大放小”,即将主要时间精力放在对于我们Paper写作最有用的知识点上。你可以不认识cornu这个单词,但一定要知道corn的意思,你可以不知道Anne Hathaway是谁,但一定要知道 the Pentagon 的含义。比起盲目学习所谓的文化背景知识,我们更需要踏实掌握英语中的基础词汇和基本常识。




Paper代写:Color in logo design

2019-04-04 18:24:37 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Color in logo design讨论了标志设计中的色彩。标志设计中的色彩搭配,关系到一个标志成功与否,给人的视觉形象是否直观,能真实的表达设计意图,让观者能明确的识别与记忆。在设计标志时,要正确的认识到色彩的重要性,如何来对标志进行色彩的搭配,让标志具有视觉呈现,又能让人直观的记忆,取得良好的效果。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Logo design of color collocation, related to a sign of success or not, give the visual image is intuitive, can true expression of design intent, so that the viewer can clearly identify and memory. In the design of the logo, to correctly recognize the importance of color, how to match the logo color, so that the logo has visual presentation, but also to make people intuitive memory, to achieve good results.

Many people in the design of the logo, the shape of the very perfect, special, and in the choice of which color can express the meaning of the logo, but do not know how to do the color matching, should be used in a color, two colors or a variety of colors, very dazed. A symbol is the external image of an enterprise, is the foreign exchange, negotiation, recognition of the symbolic language, the expression of the enterprise's cultural connotations, has its unique form and potential implication, logo on the viability and competitiveness of enterprises can be imagined. So how to match the color of the logo?

Good logo, need excellent creativity. As a designer, without creativity, can not do a good design, creativity is everywhere, a certain item, a person, a certain thing, a certain sentence and so on, may give the designer's mind to inspire, to get creative.

Logo standard color, when the enterprise to shape a unique corporate image determined by a particular color or a group of color system, the use of all visual communication design of the media, through color-specific sensory stimulation and psychological response to express the business philosophy and product service characteristics. General company visual image system, such as advertising, publicity commonly used in shop strokes, trademarks, badges, mascot logo and other needs a highly consistent visual image, including patterns, text, color and so on. So in the design logo is the need to accurately express color, which is to identify the meaning of standard colors.

Although many people can recognize the color, but the language of a limited variety of colors, and the color recognition between people is very different. And any color can be mixed by the base color according to different proportions, so the introduction of the base value of the numerical expression, such as RGB system, CMYK system, etc., by determining the proportion of the base color to accurately express a color.

Standard color is also used to identify the standard color card as the basis for the design and control of the test. Standard color card system also has a variety of, such as Pantone color Card, Munsell color card.

Logo color matching with other packaging design, DM single design and other color collocation is a bit different, its color collocation is relatively single, there will not be many kinds of color at the same time, single also have common, basic color collocation theory is the same, the main color collocation has the same color collocation, similar color collocation, contrasting color collocation.

It is the most prudent and conservative way of color collocation in the logo design. This method can constitute a simple, natural background, calm mood, have a comfortable feeling the whole color layout is calm, lively and spiritual. Like the Coca-Cola logo, it is the use of red as a symbol of the standard color, in the red background printed on the white Spencer body cursive "cola" words, in the red background, a kind of leisurely beat of the state, cursive script gives a coherent, streamline and elegant sense. Red and white, with the color of the traditional, appear quaint, elegant and without vitality.

Many big brand logos are used with the same color, such as Adidas, BMW cars, the United States, Mrs. Le, combo and so on, the effect of the same color is easier to identify and memory.

The so-called proximity color, that is, in the color band in a neighboring color, such as green and blue, red and yellow are adjacent to each other color. The proximity color is often between you and me, I have you. For example: Vermilion and orange yellow, vermilion red mainly, there is a small amount of yellow, orange yellow to yellow, there is a little red, although they have a great difference in hue, but in the visual is relatively close. In the color wheel, all colors within the 90-degree range belong to the adjacent color range. The neighboring color generally has two ranges, the green Blue Violet's neighboring color mostly is in the cool color range, the red yellow orange in the warm range. Adjacent color collocation is characterized by relatively comfortable and stable. such as the McDonald's logo is adjacent to the color collocation, red and orange harmony tones let people have the desire to eat.

Contrasting color collocation is the most conspicuous, the most vivid, but at the same time is difficult to master the color collocation method. Bold use contrast color collocation, can make the sign to produce the astonishing dramatic effect, the style is different, usually has the excitement, the cheerful, the spirit, the vivid effect. The more successful sign color collocation case has Haikou public transport group's mark Color, is the use of green and red, green occupies a large area, and red area is small, so the general contrast color collocation, the proportion is very important, if use this color collocation method, must consider good contrast between color ratio, although the recognition is strong, But to match well also has certain challenge.

Therefore, in the logo color collocation, regardless of which color collocation method is used, have to consider the color and color of the interaction between, will produce a different effect with a single color, such as light is often not bright, but with strong color collocation, will become lively and more gorgeous, adjacent to the use of color, its mutual influence more obvious.

The basic principle of color collocation is that a strong or prominent color is not used much, with a small number of strong colors and lighter color collocation appears very lively, very lively, but if the proportion in turn, will make the sign of oppression, the same color use of large or small area, the effect will also have a great difference.

In short, the color of the logo is not only a technical work, at the same time it is also an art very strong work. As designers in the design logo in addition to consider the logo itself, but also consider the internal culture of the enterprise, the use of what color to present, people recognize and remember, but also to follow a certain art laws, so as to design a distinctive personality and unique logo.


Essay代写:The value orientation of contemporary youth

2019-04-04 18:22:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The value orientation of contemporary youth,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了当代青少年的价值取向。如今,当代的青少年价值取向存在着人生价值观趋向多元化,言行脱节现象严重等现状,而这些大多数是由于社会、家庭、学校各方面因素造成的。青少年的人生行为选择低于理性认识水平,言行脱节现象严重,在认识与实践、观念与行为之间还存在着相当大的差距。

Since the reform and opening-up, our society is in a transitional period, the correct values not only relate to the improvement of the quality of the contemporary youth, but also affect the harmonious development of school and society. However, the value orientation of contemporary youth has the tendency of pluralism of life values and the serious disconnection between words and deeds, which is caused by social, family and school factors. Therefore, we should pay attention to the guiding role of society, pay attention to the role of family education, and pay attention to the exemplary role played by schools to help youngsters establish correct value orientation.

Under the background of the continuous development of socialist market economy, young people enjoy many material and information resources, while their own values are developing from single type to pluralistic type. At present, China is in the reform and opening-up period, the diversification of the form of market economy has promoted the development of productive forces, and led to the pluralism of ideological and moral value orientation. According to the survey, the mainstream of contemporary youth's value orientation is positive and upward. But the contemporary youth's life value also presents the complex, the negative condition and has the flood tendency, concretely manifests as: The narrow individualism phenomenon is serious, some people only pay attention to the ego interest, the fanatical worship so-called star way of life, but to "student" and so on the honor to be thrown to cloud.

The contemporary youth's life behavior choice is lower than the rational knowledge level, the speech and behavior disconnection phenomenon is serious, in the cognition and the practice, the idea and the action still has the quite big disparity. These conditions are mainly due to the long time the school has paid more attention to moral norms and the inculcation of advanced ideas, while neglecting the practice of behavior training and practice.

The value orientation of the contemporary youth is restricted by the social value guidance. Influenced by the general atmosphere of the Society, the belief of the Young in virtue has also tended to blur and betray in some degree. This is not only manifested in such things as piracy, computer hackers, networks and other attitudes, and even to waste, such as the original consistent negative moral evaluation of the behavioral attitude has also been divided. At the same time, many studies have shown that the mass media has constituted an objective social environment which has a great influence on the formation of the values of the young people. In this environment, there are positive direction and negative direction.

The family atmosphere refers to the emotional and the way in which the family members interact with each other. Different types of family atmosphere can lead to different emotional development and the formation of values of young people. A good family atmosphere can help to cultivate teenagers' ideological and emotional awareness and help them to set up correct value orientation, and the bad family atmosphere can easily lead to unhealthy ideological consciousness and form distorted value orientation.

As a teacher and mentor of the students, teachers and deeds influence the formation of the young people's values. The emotional attitudes that teachers and students communicate reflect are easily imitated by students. At the same time, teachers in the forefront of student education management, the most can grasp the ideological pulse of students. Teachers not only improve the students ' ideological awareness, but also standardize their behavior, not only to shape the students personality and personality, but also to the soul of the Enlightenment.

For the numerous and complex mass media, we should give full play to the advantages of mass media and take measures to weaken the negative effects of mass media. The society should strengthen management and carry forward the mainstream culture. From the psychological characteristics of adolescents, the introduction of more close to the youth life, rich in the era of cultural works. As the main force of social development, the society should carry out the education of honor and disgrace, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of youngsters. In the period of social transformation, the impact of foreign culture, the loss of traditional culture, the society should pay more attention to the values of contemporary youth education, learning good deeds, the "Eight honors and eight disgraces" socialist concept of honor and disgrace with the values of youth, to guide the youth to establish a socialist concept of honor.

The value of science is formed gradually under the influence of the environment which is dominated by school education. Family education is also a very important link. The moral quality of parents in educating their children has profound influence on the formation of children's values. Parents should try to change the backward talent concept and strive to improve their moral quality. The family is the student's first classroom, the parents are the student's first teacher, the family education has the long and far-reaching influence to the contemporary youth student value formation, simultaneously should pay attention to the family educational way. Parents should adopt the right education way to encourage the youngsters to explore the world freely in accordance with their interests, encourage them to discover and appreciate their uniqueness, will make them develop healthily, and help to set up the correct values.

As an example of the students ' learning, the teacher's words and deeds directly affect the students. Therefore, teachers should strive to strengthen their own self-cultivation, in order to achieve the best classroom effect, and teachers only in social practice in the cultivation of moral cultivation, can rely on their own moral style to affect students. Teachers should not only be good at precept, but also need to practice, with their own firm political stance, noble ideological and moral education students, infect students.

There are many problems in the contemporary adolescent students, such as more book knowledge, less practice accumulation, more perceptual knowledge and less rational knowledge. The school should change the goal of talent cultivation, while educating the students on values, it is not possible to impart the knowledge of value theory alone, but also to train the students' ability of value judgment.

The research on the value orientation of youth is an eternal theme. Whether they have the correct orientation of value will directly affect the development of the country and the rise and fall of the nation. The youth values are an important part of the socialist value system and play an extremely important role in the construction of the core value system of the whole society.

