

The book:Freakonomics

2020-09-25 18:42:10 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The book:Freakonomics,文章讲述当涉及到书名时,您可能会发现它有些奇怪但很熟悉。由“怪胎与经济学”组成的《怪癖经济学》一书旨在说明一些与经济学有关的怪胎现象。该书由史蒂芬·D·莱维特(Steven D. Levitt)和史蒂芬·J·杜布纳(Stephen J. Dubner)共同撰写,史蒂芬·D·莱维特(Steven D. Levitt)是经济学界的一位极客,他在某些日常情况上为我们提供了完全不同的观点,探索了一切的隐藏面。经济学实际上关注什么?通过阅读这本书,您可能会发现这不仅与经济有关,而且与我们的日常生活以及这个社会的运作方式有关。


When it comes to the title of the book, you may find it a little strange but familiar. The book, Freakonomics, which is made up by “freak and economics”, aims to illustrate some freak phenomena concerning economics. Co-authored by Steven D. Levitt who is celebrated as a geek in the field of economics and Stephen J. Dubner, the book gives us a completely different view on some everyday instances, exploring the hidden side of everything. What does the economics actually concern about? By reading the book, you may find that it is not merely about the economy, but much more about our daily life and how this society operates.

The book was begun by an Introduction, in the part of which several questions were thrown away to us. What impressed me most was the one in regard to the decrease of the rate of crime. Generally, it might seem to be some factors like the prosperity of the economy or the operation of the police work. However, out of our surprise, the author pointed out that it was because the abortion had been legalized. Before the abortion was legalized, women must give birth to their children no matter how poor and how difficult they were. Therefore, after their children were born, due to the lack of education, it was easier for them to become criminals. It might be strange at the first sight, but after a deep consideration, it is hard to refute. Similarly, in the later six chapters of the book, it presents six prime matters respectively. It is these vivid examples in our daily life make this book interesting, therefore make economics more accessible rather than untouchable for our common people. Although the opinion is anti-conventional, it is hard to be broken down after thinking twice. Besides the conclusions, the book also states how the conclusions come into being, which makes the opinion more convincing.

Actually, all of the extraordinary conclusions depend on the collection and analyze of massive statistical data. It is of great significance to own massive data, which is the foundation of analyze. Take an example of the first part. Aiming to find out whether the teacher was cheating in the exam, it was indispensable to record as many answers as possible. Then a progression was made. That is to say, without the statistics and the necessary analyze, there would be no such precise conclusion., especially in this Big Data era. So, although some social problems seem to be more practical, it still needs some math tools to analyze. The economics is still a subject needs rational thoughts, it is still a subject needs traditional methods. Meanwhile, just as the book presents to us, economics needs some unique and innovated ideas, which is beneficial for us to solve some practical problems.

In the process I read the book, it reminds me of another book related to economics--The Economic Naturalist. Familiar with freakonomics, this book is also an interesting book about economics via introducing a lot of vivid instances in our everyday life. Frankly speaking, it really lays a great impact on me. Finishing reading the book, I found that the economics can be presented in such a funny way. Moreover, whenever I met some matters, the first thought occurs to me is about the economics! Apart from that, I have known some basic theories of economics. In short, this book is the first door for me to know about economics, cultivating the thought of economics.

Now that The Economic Naturalist was the first door for me to economics, the Freakonomics is another road that guides me forwards. The instances shown are common, while the conclusions are unique. Most importantly, they are intelligible. For a mere beginner in economics, it does greatly arouse my interests to learn and it posts different views which can exploit our creativity. Next time I am confronted with some familiar matters, I will think of them with such thoughts. In terms of this aspect, the book is a great success to me.

Besides, as a saying goes, “do not judge a book by its cover”, under a daily phenomenon, there might be something about economics, or much more. Instead of believing the others’ statement, it is significant for you to insist on yourself. But in order to get the truth, you might need to do a lot, like calculating, analyzing, creating. It is not so easy to do so for most of us while it is beneficial to do so. In a way, it really changes the way I see the world. I have also learned that one can never have his judgment so fast that missing something important under the surface.

However, as some critics pointed, there are deficiencies in this book. The short of sufficient evidences determine limited examples, which can smoothly avoid some mistakes. In addition, in terms of some economists, such freak theories might be unacceptable, which is various from the mainstream.

I have no idea whether it is right or wrong. But what I am quite sure is that this book arouses my interests to the economics, and even changes the way I see the world. Never draw a conclusion easily until you find more statistics and analyzations. To be rational is one of the character to learn economics.

In a word, thanks to this book, I am now enchanted with economics and some freak thoughts, which I think, are critical not only to my work, but also my future career.




