


2018-07-31 16:46:05 | 日記

While conducting a research, it is essential to cover up all important aspects to gain a well-studied insight into the researched subject. This article attempts to answer how one can write a good research methodology.

Methodology is the rationale behind collection of concepts, ideas, theories, and assumptions. Combined, a good research methodology is a technique of collecting data systematically. For all those wondering how to write a good research methodology, try using the few tips given below.

Steps to Write Good Research Methodology


An introduction of the research subject, the main problem it attempts to solve, objectives of researching the particular subject should be mentioned in the introduction. A clear introduction is essential to hold the reader's attention, and give the reader a brief preview of what is to come.

Main Body

The main body contains the content relating to the introduction. Review, opinions, and references all relating to the main research subject, either defining, explaining, justifying or defying the theory. This part will also consist your findings, and reasons for their validation. The subject matter explanation can be described through content, images, graphs, etc. The basic review in an elaborated form forms the main body of the research.

Research Method

The authenticity and cogency of the research depends upon the validity of research data, the reliability of measures taken to amass the data, as well as the time taken to conduct the analysis. Hence, it is imperative to provide the reader with details of data collection and generation, analysis method of the problems, with their solutions or effects of the researched data.

Comparative Discussion

Present interpretation of the results, and provide comparative analysis with results of previous research, methods used to obtain the data. This will allow the reader to have a diversified view of the subject, and a better understanding of validating your research.


The conclusion should answer the most basic question about the research subject and the question it posed, whether the problem has been solved. Whether the stated objectives have been met, and if the applied methodology was successful in the correct analysis of the research. A note on the shortcomings of the research, or the methodology in research will help the future researchers to analyze and perfect future researches.




作业代写:Chinese and western traditional vocal music

2018-07-31 16:45:31 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Chinese and western traditional vocal music,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中西传统声乐。中西方的音乐文化都十分具有各自的特点,所以对彼此来说不可或缺,只有两者相互借鉴才能更好地促进两者共同进步与发展。中西方传统乐声各具特色,但是难免各自有缺点,如果将中西传统声乐结合起来,可以陶冶人们的情操,培养其独特的气质,以及高贵的品质。

With the continuous development of China's economy and the continuous development of cultural soft power, people have paid little attention to the satisfaction of the material world and paid more attention to the satisfaction of the spiritual world. As a kind of cultural inheritance, music plays a very important role in people's spiritual world. China's national vocal music is especially important in music, especially when the excellent western vocal music enters the Chinese cultural market, our country has been learning from and communicating with each other, taking its essence, removing the bad stuff, and making up for the bad, which perfectly matches the traditional Chinese and western vocal music, and has promoted the development and progress of Chinese and western traditional culture for a long time. For the development of vocal music, the singer occupies a large position, and even some singers change the whole development of vocal music. The following part mainly discusses how to combine traditional Chinese and western vocal music from the perspective of the singer.

Chinese and western cultures have always been communicating with each other. Many scholars in China also often have a profound discussion on how to better communicate with western and Chinese cultures. Especially after China's reform and opening up, the academic circles in China are even more conflicted. In recent years, the perfect combination of Chinese and western traditional vocal music has reached the peak. It is not only about the superficial skills and forms of communication between them, but also about the spiritual qualities contained in them.

Both Chinese and western music cultures have their own characteristics, just like the characters in TV dramas with their distinctive characters, so they are indispensable to each other. Only by learning from each other can they promote their common progress and development.

As is known to all, vocal music is a way for singers to express their songs in the society. It mainly USES human vocal cords to make sounds with a variety of techniques to make very pleasant and pleasant sounds. In the period when China's economy was very backward, in the primitive age, due to the low productivity, rough and hard life, there was no extra energy and mood to explore vocal music. Therefore, vocal music in this period was a simple and boring time, which produced a slightly different hum than the voice. However, with the continuous development of China's productivity and economy, a special religion has emerged in some areas. At this stage, China's traditional vocal music has been transformed from a chaotic singing to a slightly professional singing. Starting from the western zhou dynasty in our country, implements the system of enfeoffment, national political got great development, and bring the great development of social productive forces, make people more and more beautiful life happiness, this time began to show the aesthetic feelings of the people, began to appear a lot of scholars began to explore the problem about vocal music. With the establishment of one of the most prosperous dynasties in China, namely the tang dynasty, the country has attached great importance to the cultivation of cultural talents since the implementation of the imperial examination system. At this time, the social atmosphere has a strong flavor of literati, and China's traditional vocal music has reached its peak under the development of these literati. For example, during the reign of emperor taizong of tang dynasty, the music of breaking the matrix of the king of qin appeared in China, which was very popular at that time and was loved by people from all over the world.

Since ancient times, China's social productivity has been continuously improved, and its economy has been continuously developing. China's traditional vocal music has been transformed from scattered to centralized, more systematic and professional, with a high quality education. In the long course of The Times, China's diverse traditional cultures collide with each other, injecting new elements into traditional vocal music. Through this study, we can find a better way to combine Chinese traditional vocal music and western traditional vocal music in a better and more artistic way, to learn from each other and make progress together, so as to jointly promote the progress of the cultural field.

In the development of history, western traditional vocal music is the crystallization of The Times. It originated from ancient Europe, a country with a long cultural history. Influenced by many factors at that time, western traditional culture was born. However, in the process of continuous development, western vocal music is also constantly changing and seeking new development paths. It was a long process and a wonderful one.

In ancient western societies, their vocal music was mainly expressed through simple rap, without too much embellishment and skill. For example, the Homeric epic mainly narrates the plot and content of the story through rap. One remarkable feature of the old western society was the church. In China, the emperor has the greatest power, while in the west, the power of the church overrides that of the emperor. Therefore, in the west, the church is the true ruler of the country. Under the rule of the church, the cultural color of western countries at that time was full of religious color. With the development of the Renaissance and religious reform, humanism began to appear in the west. At this time, the traditional vocal music was full of humanism. For example, schubert, a famous musician at that time, whose representative works include the ode to the virgin Mary and so on, was surrounded by his works full of humanistic atmosphere. In the development of western traditional vocal music, there is also a simple rap into a vocal music with many singing skills.

In the long course of history, both politics, economy and culture are developing continuously. Chinese and western traditional vocal music is also adapting to the development of the social period. In today's society, music exists around people all the time and is an indispensable part of people's life. For Chinese traditional vocal music, creation is an indispensable part of vocal music. Only through continuous creation can we develop traditional vocal music better. In every country around the world, there are many creative singers whose creative inspiration is largely influenced by the local social background. The differences between Chinese and western cultures have existed from ancient times until now, but they are due to the advantages of culture. The following is an overview of the differences. Only in this way can the two countries better communicate with each other, learn from each other and make progress in order to achieve the common prosperity of the two cultures. For contemporary singers, how to better combine traditional Chinese and western cultures?

For the singer, creative inspiration is a must for everyone. Without inspiration, he cannot write a satisfying song. Many singer, for their part, are often hidebound, vocal music teaching material in China, while ignoring the western country outstanding knowledge in the field of vocal music, now need a singer in line with China's national vocal music, geared to the needs of western traditional vocal music, complement each other, eclecticism, constantly make up the defects of their own creation, to join the western outstanding characteristics in the field of vocal music, western and Chinese traditional vocal music better fuses in together, to promote their common progress.

For traditional singer, many singer are confined to a kind of vocal music singing, and ignore the development of singing skills of the whole party, and the western tradition of vocal music is largely made up for this shortcoming, lyrical and dramatic voice for people such as there are many, for this, very good fuses in together, will both increase their singing skills, omni-directional to deduce this song

As is known to all, traditional China is more feudal in thought, and the main one is etiquette, integrity and shame, and strict control of social atmosphere. Therefore, the traditional singer of this period is more reserved in singing, giving people a hazy beauty, but too implicit, so there is less rigid and resolute aesthetic feeling. And the traditional western countries because of the early emergence of humanism, so the social atmosphere is relatively open, singing songs, very bold and direct, there is no misty beauty. Therefore, the singer should combine the haziness and directness of China and the west well, so that there is not only that kind of hazy beauty if there is no, but also that kind of direct and unrestrained beauty.

Traditional Chinese and western sounds have their own characteristics, but inevitably they have their own shortcomings. By combining the repeated traditional Chinese and western vocal music, they can cultivate people's sentiment, cultivate their unique temperament and noble quality. For the singer, this task has a long way to go. He should do his best to contribute to the development of traditional Chinese and western vocal music and promote the progress of traditional vocal music. At the same time, the extensive collection of vocal music can cultivate people's sentiment and enrich their spiritual world. More importantly, it can give the singer more creative inspiration and give the singer more development space. For the current singer, there is often a lack of innovative spirit, so it is necessary to better combine traditional Chinese and western vocal music together, and make great progress in his singing career through the combination of traditional Chinese and western vocal music, and contribute to the development of world vocal music.


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Assignment代写:Paranormal phenomena in film and television

2018-07-31 16:44:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Paranormal phenomena in film and television,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了影视中的超自然因素。超自然因素,指的是超出人类所能理解和把握的某种能力或者某一事物。在当代影视中,大量采用了超自然因素情节,因此已经脱离了早些年纯粹的现实主义和历史主义题材的禁锢,在思想、文学创作和拍摄手法上都融入了魔幻的浪漫主义色彩。超自然因素的出现总是伴随着深刻的思想内涵,最终实现故事思想主题的升华。

The supernatural is something that is beyond the range of human understanding and mastery. As one of the important genres of folk stories, magical stories interweave the supernatural elements with the real life, reflecting the changes of the protagonist's life circumstances from lack to satisfaction, or expressing his adventures and adventures. Supernatural factors endow folk magic stories with unique magical colors. Whether they are stories of supernatural images or magical treasures, stories of problems and spells, stories of ghost foxes and monsters, magic stories are among the most attractive and vital subjects in folk literature. Meanwhile, magic stories with supernatural factors have also become the most indispensable plot unit in contemporary film and television literature creation. Both of them maintain a high degree of consistency in character image, plot structure and ideological connotation.

The plot of the story often needs to be developed in the process of repetition, or two or more motifs are combined to make the plot of the work more complex and diversified. So supernatural factors in the development of contemporary film and television, nature is one of the first "? harry potter" series. From the unique perspective of supernatural images, the creator set up a supernatural realm with independent living rules and independent existence relative to the human world. In addition to demons, exotic animals and supernatural humans, there are also a plethora of flying broomsticks, moving portraits, floating souls, spells and magical treasures. The hero himself, by some chance, has possessed supernatural power or acquired magical treasures, thus carrying out some kind of sacred mission. Valuable is that harry ? potter unfolds the supernatural element in the story all the performance of the type. As for the ghost fox ghost films and TV works with frequent supernatural plots, such as "ghost of clinique", a representative work of Chinese films in the 1990s, adapted from the theme of Chinese traditional alien matrimony, the success of the box office has become a symbol of the rise of supernatural plots in Chinese films by adding tao and magic fighting methods and using new technological special effects. By the end of the 1990s, supernatural plots had become an important plot element in Chinese films.

Modern films and television can adopt a large number of supernatural elements, which has been freed from the bondage of pure positivism, realism and historicism in the early years. They have incorporated magical romanticism in their thoughts, literary creation and shooting methods.

Film and television works are affected by the market demand. The quality of a film and television work depends on the box office to prove that the level of box office is directly affected by the psychological demand of the audience. Different from folk stories, the creative subject of film and television literature is an individual. A good film and television work requires a lot of processing and adaptation, which is directly driven by the social effects of commercial operation, that is, what audiences want to see and what they are willing to see. At the same time, the writer as the creative subject is also influenced by personal psychological factors. It can be said that the large number of supernatural factors in film and television works reflects the psychological appeal of writers and social audiences to film and television.

For a long time, domestic film and television creation has focused on the reflection of reality, and there have been a large number of works on the theme of life, especially those on the theme of rural life in northwest China, which reflects the lowest life in rural China. In the contemporary society where the marketization is extremely active, the needs of the audience have been satisfied not only in the material level, but also in the broader spiritual level. The curiosity about the unknown world and the unfulfilled expectations in the real world are the main reasons for the large number of supernatural factors. The slogan "nothing is impossible, nothing is impossible, nothing is impossible" expresses the human need for self-knowledge and development. Fantasy and emotion become the new psychological appeal of the audience, which reflects the contemporary society with the development of mass production. The return of people's spirit under the rich material civilization condition also promotes the return of romanticism.

Romanticism, which is characterized by fantasy and emotion, is an important source of literary creation. Romanticism adopts myths and legends, strange stories and exotic customs far away from real life as its subject matter. Even if it is related to real life, it is bound to have rich imagination and become an ideal world. The widespread use of supernatural factors in the creation of films and television has made the film and television literature go from positivism, realism and historicism to romanticism, which is the inevitable development of contemporary social spirit.

Rich and colorful folk literature is the source of film and television creation, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Folk literature can reflect people's life and thoughts and feelings. In particular, folk magic fantasy stories, with rich expressive functions and summary functions, show people's magnificent imagination, show noble aesthetic interest and profound rational knowledge. Folk stories have always been one of the important sources of film and television creation. Supernatural factors are the crystallization of the wisdom of the masses of working people and the precious wealth that can stand the test of The Times.

Hollywood, the leading figure in film and television, has entered a period of supernatural convergence. From the early superman series to spider-man, alien, and Lord of the rings, supernatural factors have become the guarantee of movie box office, from outer space factors to human variation, and from the reconstruction of reality from the false thinking of history. European films have experienced the development of the vampire craze to the wizarding world. As for Japan, which is the leading country in the animation and game industry, it has been "deeply involved" in the age of excessive supernatural factors for a long time.

Movies in Europe and the United States always take justice as the main line and get love as the supplement. The last battle between evil spirits and righteous people is the focus of the film. Looking back at Chinese movies, I have to admire the great charm of Chinese fantasy stories. China's 5,000-year-old civilization offers a richer, more exotic and more romantic world of imagination. The plot motif of the folk fantasy stories accumulated over time is the most outstanding culture of the people. Therefore, the Chinese language film and television in the details of processing more delicate and gentle. The alien marriage represented by "white water element woman" is an eternal theme. The passionate love is always the main thread of Chinese films and television, and it is easier to reach a high resonance with the audience.

The emergence of supernatural factors is always accompanied by profound ideological connotations. Whether it is the magical figure with the legendary life or the poor person with the precious treasure, eulogize the true, good and beautiful of human nature in the struggle between good and evil. Whether it is magic or fox fairy ghost, most of the activities of ghosts magnify human nature, reflecting the human world. The emergence of supernatural factors is to help "good" overcome "evil" and finally realize the sublimation of the theme of story thought.

The development of contemporary social technology can almost achieve the effect of feigned truth, which is also the reason why the film and television works with supernatural plots can emerge in large Numbers and become popular all over the world. A large number of remakes of classic fantasy stories are realized on this basis. As a new media produced under the background of the development of modern science and technology, the propagation of film and television has also led to the change of communication mode. Music and images are adopted to dynamically represent text, which is more aesthetic enjoyment than pure visual reading. In particular, the application of 3D technology and special effects can more naturally express the supernatural factors in the text, and also enable the audience to enjoy the beauty and have a natural psychological identification with the supernatural factors.

As early as the late 1950s, special effects have been widely used in epic films such as the ten commandments. The transformation of the walking stick into a double snake and the divine force into a river are all classic scenes in the early stage of digital special effects. At the end of the last century, digital special effects were used as a very important tool in the production of blockbusters all over the world. Films like Star Wars and the fifth element are representative works of digital technology. ? before and after the new century, Peter Jackson and his weta studio dedicated a breathtaking "Lord of the rings" series, contributed to the combination of digital technology and film a monument, at the same time also won the majority of fans. The successful creation of Lord of the rings marks the maturity of special effects technology.

Compared with foreign countries, such films started late at home, but also made great progress. Among them, the secret of the gourd can be said to be the representative of such films in China. The film was made into a black and white film by the tianma film studio in 1963 and became a household name in more than half a century. In 2007, China film group, together with American Disney and Hong Kong centro digital, first created a live-action animation film, which also opened a new way of co-production for domestic children's films. "The secret of the gourd" lived up to expectations, earning 5.54 million yuan in its first week of release. Its performance was comparable to that of last year's imported animation "cars," which grossed more than 16 million yuan in its second week. The film not only USES sophisticated digital special effects made by real people and 3D animation, but also USES classic scenes from Hollywood blockbusters such as Star Wars, Jurassic park and toy story to interpret this standard Chinese fairy tale. In addition to these extremely visually stunning shots, the mountains, pinghu, bamboo forests and other great views that can only be seen in those domestic blockbusters are also refreshing. The rich and changeable animation design, omnipotent visual spectacle and the real life scene combine seamlessly, has become the film's biggest highlight.

The supernatural factor is man's imagination of the unknown world and expansion of human nature on the basis of his own knowledge, which reflects his strong desire for exploration and development. The rich and colorful fantasy stories provide a platform and space for human imagination, and the effective combination of supernatural factors and film and television makes the expression of human dreams more direct and clear, and provides a good opportunity for the development of folk literature.


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Paper代写:Corporate financing management

2018-07-31 16:43:40 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Corporate financing management讨论了企业融资管理。企业融资管理,就是在满足企业资金需求的前提下,为实现融入资金的成本与风险的双重控制,企业通过风险分析选定可行的融资战略和选择相适应的融资模式,从而建立更有弹性的资本结构。在企业融资的时候,要注重融资结构的合理选择,有效地降低资金成本,提高所有者权益资金利润率,促使企业价值最大化,实现企业财务管理的最优目标。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the implementation of accounting standards for new enterprises, new requirements have been put forward for enterprise financing management. This paper discusses how to strengthen enterprise financing management under the accounting standards for new enterprises. Firstly, the role of enterprise financing management is expounded. Secondly, special audit investigation is carried out from the financing platform determined by enterprises. To formulate measures on financing management for enterprises; Reasonably determine the capital requirements and control the time of capital investment; Carefully select financing sources and strive to reduce the cost of funds; Properly arrange the capital structure and correctly use the debt management; It is of certain reference value to promote the innovation of financial system and mechanism, especially to vigorously develop small Banks.

Due to the complexity and changeability of the international and domestic market operation environment and the unprecedented fierce competition, the implementation of financing management can expand the production scale of enterprises and develop into diversified operation, which can reduce the operation risk of enterprises and improve their competitiveness. Financial management is the most important part of enterprise management. With the improvement of enterprise management technology and the continuous development of information technology, financing management based on financial information data has been paid more and more attention. Financing is the capital operation behavior of an enterprise to guarantee the normal operation and development of its own assets by participating in the financial transactions in the capital market and obtaining certain funds through the guarantee of its own assets' value-added capacity or value-added potential value. Financing is one of the basic functions of modern enterprise financial management. In order to realize the dual control of the cost and risk of capital integration, enterprises select feasible financing strategies and appropriate financing modes through risk analysis in order to build a more flexible capital structure on the premise of meeting the capital needs of enterprises. With the implementation of accounting standards for new enterprises, new requirements have been put forward for enterprise financing management. This paper discusses how to strengthen enterprise financing management under the accounting standards for new enterprises.

To raise funds scientifically and reasonably is to improve the efficiency of financing. First of all, timely and appropriate financing to meet the investment needs of enterprises is conducive to increasing profits and ensuring the normal operation of production and operation activities, shortening the construction period of fixed assets, and improving the utilization efficiency of limited funds. Secondly, timely and appropriate financing is conducive to reducing or avoiding unnecessary idle funds and effectively controlling the opportunity cost of funds caused by idle funds. Third, on the premise of timely and appropriate financing and paying attention to the reasonable choice of financing structure, it can effectively reduce the capital cost, improve the profit margin of owners' equity capital, promote the maximization of enterprise value and achieve the optimal goal of enterprise financial management.

We will focus on examining whether the financing activities of enterprises adhere to the principle of total volume control and comprehensive balance. We will, in accordance with the needs of local key projects and social development, reasonably arrange the scale, duration, methods and USES of capital integration within the scope of financial capacity. Whether the financing scale is appropriate, the capital structure and the term are reasonable; Whether the fund integration process is standardized, whether it is financed according to the project, whether it is allocated in batches and in stages according to the project progress, and whether it is wasted or not. Whether to adhere to the principle of "unified decision-making, strict and standardized operation of enterprises, and strengthening supervision according to law", clear management responsibilities, scientific and standardized operation, legal operation of funds, and efficient use. Whether to establish a long-term debt repayment mechanism and early warning mechanism for enterprise financing, set up debt repayment reserve, and perform debt repayment obligations uniformly to creditors in accordance with the contract.

In order to make full use of their own funds, debt financing is reasonably arranged. Enterprises should formulate financing management measures in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and relevant industrial systems. According to the new regulations, the enterprise finance department is the functional department of financing management. Financing shall be included in budget management. Annual financing budget shall be combined with monthly financing plan, and financing needs shall be reported in accordance with the budget procedures. The capital needs of construction projects are mainly long-term funds, supplemented by short-term financing, combined with cash flow management to achieve a dynamic balance of funds. At the same time, according to the characteristics and policy requirements of different financing methods, different financing methods, such as bond financing and borrowing by financial institutions, will be classified and managed. The financing of major projects shall be decided by the board of directors of the enterprise in accordance with the specific conditions of the project whether it is unified planning and integrated management. According to the change of economic and financial environment, enterprises can take measures such as borrowing new loans to repay old ones, replacing debts and paying off loans in advance to adjust and optimize the debt structure. At the same time, enterprises should also establish a financing risk assessment system and a major risk reporting system. Without the approval of the board of directors, enterprises are not allowed to raise external financing. In case of any financing act in violation of these measures, the enterprise shall, according to the seriousness of the case, investigate the person responsible.

The amount of funds raised by an enterprise and the time of its investment are determined by the reasonable amount and time of its capital measures. No matter through what channel, take what way to raise fund, all should determine the amount of capital requirement, have a reasonable quantity limit. Insufficient financing will affect the reasonable need for capital for production and operation. Excessive financing will increase the cost of financing and affect the use of funds. Therefore, before financing, enterprises must determine the amount of capital required according to the reasonable needs of production and operation, and then determine the amount of equity-set capital according to the utilization status of their own capital. When approving the capital requirements, we should not only pay attention to the production scale of the products, but also pay attention to the sales trend of the products, so as to prevent blind production and lead to overstocking of funds. Throughout the year, the use of corporate capital is not constant, increasing or decreasing month by month. Therefore, we should not only master the annual capital input, but also measure the capital input in different months, so as to reasonably arrange the capital input and recovery, reduce the capital occupation, accelerate the capital turnover and improve the effect of capital use.

With the establishment and development of the socialist market economy system, especially the development and improvement of the capital market, enterprises have more and more channels to raise funds and diversified financing methods, such as bank loans, private loans, creditor's rights and equity. No matter what kind of channel, what kind of means, raise fund to all must pay certain price, have different capital cost namely. The cost of funds from various sources is different, and its scope of application is also different. For example, the bank loan fund supply is relatively stable, the private loan is relatively easy to obtain, the cost of funds through government support is relatively low, the equity financing is advantageous for large amount of funds, and the creditor's rights are suitable for the financing of small amount of funds, etc. When an enterprise collects funds, one party shall fully comply with the relevant national policies, policies and financial systems, and choose reasonable financing channels and other financing methods. The other side must also pay attention to the cost of financing. It is necessary to comprehensively investigate the financing channels and ways of various funds, study the composition of various sources of funds, weigh advantages and disadvantages according to different capital needs and constraints, and find the best combination of financing methods, so as to reduce the comprehensive capital cost.

The economic resources available to enterprises come from owners' equity and liabilities, that is, assets equals liabilities plus owners' equity. The enterprise borrows money to carry on the production management activity, namely the liability management. Because the debt interest can be paid in the front of the income tax, it has little impact on the after-tax profit of the enterprise. Therefore, when the investment yield is greater than the debt interest series, the debt management can not only ease the tension of the own capital, but also improve the series of self-owned capital gains. However, if there is too much debt, it will bear greater financial risks, affect the ability of enterprises to refinance, and even face bankruptcy due to the loss of debt paying ability. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the enterprise loan business, and actively reform and innovation, the establishment conforms to the characteristics of the enterprise loan business credit rating, business process, risk control, human resource management and internal control system, build the corresponding incentive constraint mechanism, gradually establish adapted to small and medium-sized enterprise loan business credit culture.

Developing small Banks can not only effectively concentrate social capital and private capital and give full play to the important role of "grassroots finance" in serving the "grassroots economy", but also help solve the problem of information asymmetry between the two sides of credit. The United States has a large number of community Banks, for example, they in the target market is mainly in the service of small and medium-sized enterprises, individual businesses and households around, in the aspect of customer relationship and mid-level managers can contact residents, in-depth understanding of community affairs, thus have a more complete the lender in the loan approval information, effectively solve the information asymmetry between Banks and enterprises. For another example, the silicon valley bank of the United States is familiar with the operation status and development prospects of technology enterprises in the region, so as to effectively avoid the disadvantages of traditional commercial Banks that place too much emphasis on security and profitability, and better meet the financial needs of technology enterprises in the technology research, development and growth stage. In addition, the development of small Banks is also conducive to the development of private finance. In China, private finance is becoming more and more active with the development of private economy. Regulating and guiding the healthy development of private finance, effectively releasing the vitality of private capital, and developing small Banks will be an important channel and export. At present, the development of small Banks has three key points: first, vigorously develop urban commercial Banks. China's 283 prefecture-level cities have 136 urban commercial Banks. More qualified prefecture-level cities should be encouraged to establish urban commercial Banks. Second, we will continue to standardize and develop rural financial institutions. By the first quarter of 2009, China had only 22 rural Banks and 163 rural cooperative Banks. Eligible counties should be encouraged to establish their own rural Banks or rural cooperative Banks. Third, we will focus on developing small regional and industrial financial institutions, such as community Banks, science and technology Banks, village and town Banks, small loan companies and rural mutual aid agencies, and constantly increase the coverage of small financial institutions.


Essay代写:The use of music in advertising

2018-07-31 16:25:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The use of music in advertising,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了音乐在广告中的运用。广告音乐是指媒体在进行商品宣传过程中所使用的音乐。广告音乐有着不同于一般意义音乐艺术的审美特征,它既有一般音乐艺术的审美特征,也包含了广告艺术的某些特性,如内容简短、指向性强等特性。广告音乐的主要功能是在广告宣传过程中作为主线音乐或背景音乐,烘托广告画面、渲染广告效果、强化艺术感染力,进而达到扩大广告影响、树立品牌形象、提升产品效益的目的。

In today's increasingly fierce commodity competition social life, advertising, as a means of competition and publicity, is omnipresent and omnipresent, filling every corner of our life. However, how to make their advertisements stand out and let more people remember their advertisements and understand their products has become a major issue for manufacturers and advertisers to think deeply. Nowadays, it has become a consensus among many advertisers that adding music elements to many advertising elements, such as text, picture and voice, can increase the popularity of advertisements. Adding music element to advertisement is an effective means to improve the effect of advertisement publicity. It can be said that music plays a special and irreplaceable role in advertising promotion and has great appeal and affinity for the audience.

Advertising music refers to the music used by the media in the process of product promotion. Music has different aesthetic features from music art in general meaning. It not only has aesthetic features of music art in general, but also contains some characteristics of advertising art, such as short content and strong directivity. The main function of advertisement music is to serve as the main line music or background music in the process of advertising and publicity, so as to foil the advertising picture, render the advertising effect and strengthen the artistic appeal, so as to expand the advertising influence, establish the brand image and improve the product benefit.

Since 1958, when a McDonald's franchisee named nath created the first advertising song and created the bright and cheerful image of McDonald's advertising songs, music, a unique and effective advertising form, has been continuously adopted by many advertising creative people. Music is an important means for people to express their inner feelings. Music has no national boundaries and is the common spiritual wealth of human beings. According to ancient book chapter ? LeZhi "records:" smell its GongSheng is, considerate, and wide; To hear the sound of his business, to make a man honest and righteous; To hear the sound of the horn makes a man lean and loving; To hear its signs, so that people can be happy and give; To hear the feathers makes one humble and courteous. It shows that different music can make people produce different emotions, and then affect People's Daily behaviors. Music is a unique carrier for people to express their thoughts and feelings. Through the perfect combination of rhythm, melody, harmony and timbre, music has aroused people's inner and emotional resonance. Music, which cannot be described in the picture or conveyed in the language, can always play its full role. Through the ups and downs of melody, the relaxation of rhythm, as well as the changes of tone color and tone intensity, music can perfectly reflect the subtle changes in people's psychology. It is the unique artistic features of music that make it frequently used in advertising.

May you remember the original slots in the TV ads, most of them are only dull words, line after line of white or black, advertising commentator like read the articles read a word for word, as to what is read what advertising, promotional products, estimate we who also can't remember, the only left in our mind only some "provincial fine-quality, ministerial, combined", "guarantees, agent consignments" so there is no point to vocabulary. It is no exaggeration to say that most of those advertisers and commodity producers have gone out of business. These advertisements, with only words and sounds, are monotonous and boring, making people hard to remember and even loathe advertising products. Later, some advertisements boldly improved on this basis and gradually added pictures and story plots. For a time, these advertisement creators became the first person to eat crabs, and once achieved a good advertising effect, so that we can still remember several excellent advertisements. For example, the shuanggull brand washing machine advertisement: a woman is washing clothes with a crook by the river bank, a man's voice comes from the boat on the river: "xiulan, I will buy the washing machine for you." The woman is excited, ask: "what brand?" The man replied, "double gulls!" A group of people hustled in front of the washing machine to go home, the roadside met neighbors, the woman said hello: "sister-in-law, and wash clothes to my house. The man introduce say: "wash much and clean, suit us especially countryside to use." There is also a sichuan boiler advertisement: a female teacher in a white coat carefully takes out a steaming plate of steamed bread from the boiler and carries it to the camera, smiling broadly. Dubbing: to use the boiler, or sichuan. Although I have not yet thought about how the boiler can steam out the steamed bun, but that bun is always lingering in my memory, fragrant... Honest.

Later, advertising and interpretation in the original text, the plot and the picture on the basis of added music element, which makes the ads plump, to some extent, raised the artistic quality of advertising, can be both, but owing to just try to join the music in the advertisement the new elements, a lot of advertising to join the music is not so suitable, and even feel inconvenient, only a few advertising music deeply into people's hearts, such as yan dance advertisement: "yan dance... Yan dance... A song of love "TOSHIBA advertising:" TOSHIBA, TOSHIBA, the new era of TOSHIBA." These music works on the communication effect of advertising has played a huge role, make the product brand to spread with the melody of music, although some among this brand we have difficult to see, but we have known that a few words of classic "songs" can still remember, at the same time, the perception of the brand is still with the aftertaste of these "songs".

Nowadays, along with economic development and social progress, people's living standards and tastes have been rapidly improved, and the advertising industry has also been booming. On the one hand, advertising has experienced a rapid growth from scratch, from less to more, from coarse to fine. More and more music elements have been added to the advertising, making our advertisements more and more wonderful, more and more beautiful and more pleasant. On the other hand, when music is added to almost all advertisements, the quality of music and the excellent music idea of advertisement are more important. When you hear a familiar AD, music, you suddenly think about the image of the AD. When you hear a familiar AD, music, you think about the product advertised. When you hear a familiar advertising song, you think of the name of the product in the advertisement through the lyrics. The reason why advertisements can be closely combined with music is that music has brought great publicity effect and great economic benefits to advertisements. The author believes that music has the following positive effects on advertisements:

Advertising music is influenced by the characteristics of short duration, large amount of information and effective information transmission in advertising. It is generally short, with strong intention and directivity, and it is easy to leave a deep and good emotional memory for the advertising audience. As an advertising element, advertising music has the function of entertaining and persuading the audience, that is, consumers may transfer the favorable impression of advertising music to advertising or advertising products because of the favorable impression of advertising music, so as to have a favorable impression or desire to buy advertising products. For example in the CCTV "news broadcast" set, the weather forecast before prime-time hits after betis oil of advertising, advertising music selection is successful: picture one western gentleman hand packaging exquisite colorful betis olive oil, walk in the splendid palace, painting outside the voice "the Spanish royal family oil, Chinese listed, betis olive oil", plus the orchestra peculiar dignity, noble qualities and chic play effect, make the whole advertising like nature itself, to look the goods are of good quality, noble, virtually will bring the audience a try to purchase desire, has achieved expected effect of advertising. Just imagine that other elements of this advertisement remain unchanged, and only change the style or form of music slightly, such as change into a cheerful, jumping style, or choose other instrumental music to play, or even boldly try the form of children's songs or simply remove music elements, I think the advertising effect will be greatly reduced.

Highlight the brand features, attract the audience's attention, cause brand association music has the appearance function, can form music image, causes people's association and imagination. Unique melody and beautiful sound can bring people unusual hearing experience, and can effectively enhance people's memory and association of advertisements. For example: listen to the soft female voice is singing "la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la" the familiar melody is "OPPO" music mobile phone advertising opening song. It is precisely because of this small music at the beginning that every audience who has been exposed to this advertisement has firmly remembered "OPPO", making the audience associate "OPPO" at the first time when they overhear this music. The successful use of music is an important reason for the success of "OPPO". Again such as the tuotuo brand qujiu advertisement: "long time wine, didi tuo brand situation!" When we hear those words are familiar with, with TuoPai trademark the melody and the singer of the vicissitudes of the voice, as if we had suddenly felt the aging, drops flavour, history and culture for many years long TuoPai daqu, so wherever we go, as long as heard the two melodies will have to think of TuoPai daqu, thanks to music highlight the characteristics of the brand, attract the audience eye, the unique features of brand association.

Music can be effectively established by adopting unique voice as the company's propaganda, so as to form the unique "voice recognition" of the enterprise, so as to highlight the unique quality of the enterprise, so as to arouse people's memory of the enterprise's brand and establish a good corporate image. For example, Intel, an American firm, has played a short, meaningful music at the end of almost every AD it has run since 1996. It with Intel passed 16 years of ups and downs, and in a whole generation of ears for 16 years, after 16 years of accumulation, the bunch of short music has become consumers to recognize and remember another important symbol of Intel, deeply imprinted on each contact with Intel advertising audience and Intel customer in mind, let each people listening to this piece of music can be associated with the Intel company. This is the effect of making good use of music in advertising.

Music is used to build a bridge of communication with consumers, so as to build a good corporate image for products. Many modern film and television advertisements adopt the rational appeals of direct marketing, so that people are likely to be strongly repulsive when they see advertisements, greatly reducing the impact of advertisements on people and the corporate image of enterprises in consumers' minds, which is very unwise. However, if appropriate advertisement explanation of music is added for different situations in the radio advertisement or TV advertisement, it will make the advertisement more pleasing to the eye, add more appearance and color, deepen consumers' good impression of the advertisement and arouse consumers' inner desire to buy. Do better in this respect is the guangdong sig pharmaceutical company advertising propaganda of love "sig," the AD in the form of songs to deeply analyzes publicity and corporate culture, brand, make people deeply understand the enterprise, and is like concealed in the video to show the name of the company, products, and enterprise culture, avoid simply sell, and will be the company's business philosophy "moving the world with love, careful management of health", the core values of "whole heart, big boundless love" and other vivid image to convey to advertising audience and consumers, it is adopted this different from usual straightforward way of propaganda of appealing to reason, It made its advertisements popular all over the streets.

Research shows that when music is not related to the advertising theme, the concert will interfere with the advertising information. This requires us to pay attention to the principle of "music-information consistency" when adding music elements to advertisements. For example, some advertising works are a soft and quiet feeling from the picture, but it may be a strong and intense sound effect in the creation of music. This may conflict between the visual information of advertisement and the auditory information of advertisement, and confuse the judgment of the audience on the information. For another example, high-end luxury products should be more elegant, noble and primitive in the creation of music advertisements. The creation of music should be a fashion, popular and popular trend of music. In a word, music that increases "music-information consistency" can strengthen the audience's memory of advertising information. However, music that increases "music-inconsistency of information" cannot strengthen the memory of the audience for information and may even interfere with the reception of written information. Although statistics have long proved that audiences are resistant to advertisements, experience has shown that good advertisements can easily attract the attention of audiences and strengthen their attention. Although music does not have visual perception and literary language accuracy in advertising, its unique high generality and image have become an indispensable part of advertising.

In the Internet age, information age has arrived today, advertising, the new audio-visual technology, propaganda has been applied to the advertising campaigns, such as "celebrity advertising", "soft advertising", "advertising", however, the emergence of mobile media for advertising with audio-visual functions music built a huge development platform. In today's complex and dazzling visual advertising pressure, advertising audiences need to decompress their eyes. At this time, the auditory communication mode becomes more unique and precious, which gives music advertising a huge space for continuous development. It is believed that in the near future, the charm of music will make us no longer hate advertisement, and make advertisement bring us beautiful art enjoyment like pop songs, quietly moistening our beautiful life every day.

