


2019-04-16 16:25:52 | 日記
最近,正在美国留学的Niki即将毕业走出校门,但在毕业论文的写作方面却出现了不少问题,“我是学软件工程专业的,现在主要做Automated program repair和fault localization这一方面,但是很多方面都还做得不够好,甚至只能算刚刚入门,最近写毕业论文的时候感觉无从下笔,这让我很着急,很怕不能如期完成毕业论文。”对于Niki现在所面临的难题,究其原因,主要是是平时阅读的论文不够全面,自身独立思考不够,导致学术视野过于局限。







Paper代写:Piano music "dream of love"

2019-04-16 16:24:31 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Piano music "dream of love",供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了钢琴曲《爱之梦》。钢琴曲《爱之梦》是李斯特在自己的三首歌曲上改编的钢琴曲,每一首都是根据诗歌编写而成。其中第一和第二首的题诗是德国诗人乌兰德的《崇高的爱》和《幸福的死》,而第三首的题诗则是弗莱里格拉特的《爱吧》。这三首音乐深情婉转,李斯特使大家在听音乐的时候把听众带进音乐里面,使观众随着音乐旋律的跳动,体会到了李斯特当时的心境。

In the 19th century, there was a great composer, pianist, conductor and great romantic master, he is Franz liszt. Franz liszt was not only a great musician, he also promoted the change of contemporary music style through his music works. During his lifetime, he composed more than 700 works, of which the piano piece "a dream of love" earned liszt the title of "king of the piano".

Dream of love is a piano composition by liszt based on three of his own songs. Each capital city is based on poetry. The first and second poems are "the noble love" and "the happy death" by German poet ulland. The third poem is titled "love bar" by fleegrat. These three pieces of the music affectionate euphemistic, li si special envoy when you listen to music brought the audience into the music inside, so that the audience with the music melody beat, experience the state of mind at that time li site.

"The dream of love" is, in 1850, adapted from his own three song lyric piano, three piano piece "the dream of love" the nocturne of subject matter, because the former two often do not show, the third is one of the piano sonata form, so as long as the mention liszt's "dream of love", what people thinks of above all is the third one, the third one is particularly famous. It is adapted from the German romantic poets in the fry grattan second poetry anthology "moment" in the "love! You can be so persistent of love", the emotional appeal of the original poem is low, the content of the poem expresses the shenglisibie, liszt at the time of writing this piece, is not restricted by this poem emotional appeal, on the contrary, this piano piece image express enthusiasm and tension, no sad emotion of the original poem.

"Sublime love" is the quietest and most tender of the three piano pieces of "a dream of love", which is full of fond memories. Set off by polygonal chords, the music starts at a high pitch, with a soft, soft, broad and smooth melody, as if it were in an ocean of love. Music in A different tune expresses the different mood to the audience, in A period of liszt with broken chord as A background, is the tune coherence also has the characteristics of the ups and downs, when playing for the processing of parts is also very delicate, voice full enrichment, as given to each note, they slowly flowing out through your fingers by living in the flow of the audience's heart.

In the following section, music gradually speed up the pace, also accelerates the pace of reading part, calm tunes in the original basis to usher in the first part, high suddenly on a like the calm sea waves, broke the audience calm heart, once again after the wind and waves stronger, his hands as if are endowed with magic kept hitting the keyboard, like the waves hitting the audience inside, will the music to climax. The next music gradually restore calm, like slow a relief, after another pace, become a triplet arpeggios, the melody is replaced by the loud department of parts, both hands together play, here, broken chord is still the main body of the whole song, at the end of this song, liszt is still in a soft quiet music playing and watching out for each other in the beginning, but the difference is the ending melody slightly heavy, complained of the infinite yearning for love in the heart. This song is full of ups and downs, but without losing deep feeling. It expresses the author's loyalty and yearning for love, and highlights the subject "advocating love".

The first song of "dream of love" describes the delicate love like the first love. The second song describes the open love after the first love grade, just like a girl growing up and becoming a woman. Liszt titled it "a happy death," but you don't feel the tedium and gloom of death when you listen to it. It's a song that celebrates the warmth of love from beginning to end.

Different from the first two songs, the first one USES broken chords as the background, and the second one USES column chords and arpeggios as the background, with a warm and beautiful style. Since the beginning of the song, it has taken a relatively calm route. Because this song represents "love after maturity", there are no ups and downs here, symbolizing the author's firm and persistent love. In section A of the piece, arpeggios with alternation of hands are adopted to strengthen the main body, and the melody in the front is broadened to fully pave the way for the climax in the back. When the rhythm enters the B section, the intensity is gradually strengthened and the speed is also gradually accelerated. The rhythm is gradually progressive, which pushes the emotions to the peak of the music. Then the passion is poured out like the spring water, and the heroic and unrestrained love music is played to the audience. The piece is played with enthusiasm, but without being too stiff, a characteristic of master liszt. The last part of the ending returns to the tone of quietness, presenting the audience with a picture of being in heaven. This is the mature love, which will return to quietness even though it is vigorous.

"Love! You can love so long" is the most famous of the three songs of "love dream", liszt and other famous musicians often play in concert, the whole song is also ups and downs, shocking the audience's mind. This piece of music is sometimes gentle like the mood when confession, sometimes passionate and unrestrained like the mood after the success of confession, as if to tell the world their love.

The main background material used in this piece of music is the same as that in "the worship of love" is broken chord. In section A, the tune is just like the timbre of harp, ethereal and moving. In the middle part, the melody is as deep and full as the timbre of cello. The 26 bars of music are like a bridge from the calm and steady music to the passionate and exciting emotion. In the 36 bars of the music, the melody reaches a small climax, but this is not the real climax of the music, which is to accumulate energy for the later more powerful part. At bars 38-40, the whole melody is in a high pitch, and the tone is more full and beneficial than before. This is the most high-pitched, exciting and shocking part of the whole song. Like the first two songs, the last part of the song returned to the calm, as if the birds in the early morning crooning, so crisp, beautiful. At the end of the song, the speed becomes slower and the atmosphere becomes lower and lower, which symbolizes the frustration of love and implies a sad mood. It is also like the line in the poem "there is a tearful parting".

This song is just like the author liszt himself, from the first love of the beautiful, quiet life to the final love of the curtain. Liszt had more than 20 love affairs in his life. Hopeless love is suffering, liszt also through the "dream of love" to convey this state of mind, and the song also shows liszt's interpretation of love, no matter what, love is beautiful.

Liszt's piano arrangement plays a very important role in the music world. His arrangement not only retains the style of the original work, but also incorporates some of his own playing skills. It not only does not disturb the style of the original work, but also infects people of different styles and ages in his own way. In a dream of love, he perfectly combined the melody of music with the poem, presenting a different performance conception to everyone. He interpreted the connotation of the poem with the piano music, which is worthy of being called "the king of the piano".


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2019-04-16 16:23:13 | 日記




它们遵循一个特定的结构:你将在引言Introduction中陈述你的论点,在正文Main body中构建并呈现你的论点,并在结论Conclusion中以你的整体关键信息或论点结束。












教学动词instructional verb(你必须采取的方法,例如:discuss,evaluate,assess)




Instructional verb是非常重要的,它可以告诉你你要以什么样的形式进行你的写作。



Assess: 决定某事的重要性并给出你做决定的理由。





为了集中你阅读的注意力,可以尝试使用mind-map思维导图或者是spider diagram蜘蛛图记下一些最初的想法和观点。你认为这篇文章应该写些什么?你设定了什么限制?






















Introduction 引言












“Concern about racism in the police has increased since the 1980s. A number of high-profile cases have highlighted that ethnic minorities have not received treatment equivalent to their white counterparts. The focus of this concern has been whether racism operates at the individual level or whether it is embedded in the policies and practices of the police (Easton and Piper, 2005). Two significant inquiries, which were carried out in this period – the Scarman report and the Macpherson report – will provide a focus by which to critically analyse the concept of institutional racism in policing and evaluate policy responses. Whist some progress has been made since these two inquiries were carried out, many improvements still need to be made to overcome institutional racism.”

Main Body 主体













Conclusion 结论






你不能在Conclusion中包含任何新的材料或证据。建议避免使用公式化的短语,如“In Conclusion”。




Paper代写:Everyday use

2019-04-16 16:22:18 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Everyday use讨论了《外婆的日用家当》。在《外婆的日用家当》中,爱丽丝·沃克讲述了一位黑人母亲和她的两个女儿之间的关系。她和女儿们的关系有矛盾。在这个故事中,作者用被子作为象征来代表遗产。符号有两层。一个是肤浅的层次。它象征着母亲逐渐拒绝大女儿成功的价值,而接受更实际但不那么成功的小女儿。在深层次上,艾丽丝·沃克试图找出非裔美国人遗产的概念。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In Alice work everyday use, the literature figure of speech is Symbolism. Symbolism is the term that is defined as a symbol of belief, and a sign of recognition. It is a term derived from the Latin symbolum, from the classic Greek word symbolon, which originally refers to an object cut in two parts representing a sign of recognition at the time that the carriers could repackage the two parts. Traced back to ancient Greece, the symbolon was used as the token for two parties in the alliance which was always the pottery broken into two parts given to ambassadors of two allied city. In Literature, the symbol is the carriers of certain concept of the author.

In Alice work-everyday use, Alice Walker tells a story of a Black mother’s relationship with her two daughters. The relationship with her daughters are in conflicts. In this story, the author employs the quilts as the symbol to represent the heritage. There are two levels of the symbols. One is the superficial level. It symbolizes that the mother gradually rejects the value of her older daughter who is successful but accepts her younger daughter who is more practical but less successful. On the deep level, Alice Walker is trying to find out the concept of African-American heritage.

The story of Everyday Use is set in the time of 1970s. It is a story about a poor, black mother, named Mrs. Johnson and her two daughter, whose names are Dee and Maggie. Dee is the older one who goes to a college, visiting her home at a time with her boyfriend. The other one, still chooses to live with her mother. The differences of the Dee and her mother are obvious, since Dee alters her name, accepts the Black Power movement and the traditional way of living for her family is judged. The conflicts between the mother and the daughter reach the peak when Mrs. Johnson declines to give her older daughter, Dee the old quilts which will be given to her younger daughter as the wedding gifts.

The symbol in this story is the quilt which is believed by the mother that it is the bridge connecting the generations. The mother prefers to the practical life. According to her narration, she depicts herself as strong as the man, and be tough in the life. She is quite proud of her practicality in daily work and is not fond of abstract concept in the life. In mother’s mind, heritage is in quite different meaning that it is love from the older generation and it is a respect that the mother show to the older generation by keeping some pieces of cloths from Grandma Dee in the quilt. According to her saying, it indicates that the quilt has a special significance to mother. When touching the quilts, she actually has a contact with people she respects.

The interpretation of the heritage of the mother is not limited to the quilts but also extends to the cheese churn. The mother conceives that when touching the device, the meaning for this touching is to have a connection to the family who use this device. The base for this interpretation is on the belief that she has feeling for this out of her love and respect to her family.

The meaning of quilt and device is different to the older daughter. To Dee, the quilt is just a part of her family history. Dee with high education believes that she is more superior to her mother and her sister. She treats the quilt and other stuff of the family “without pity”. She has not common feeling with her mother. She even can change her name which is also a heritage of the family. Dee dislikes her belonging to her family and refuses to bring any friends home.

With these conflicts in the attitudes towards the heritage, conflicts between the mother and the daughters are actually the conflicts among the generations. In this story, the conflicts are symbolized in the different attitudes between the mother and daughter’s attitudes towards the heritage of the family old quilt. The mother believe that the heritage of the quilt is also a heritage of the tradition of the family, heritage of the love and respect of the family. Dee treats the quilt just as a stuff without any extra meaning while her mother thinks that the quilt is the heritage from the family’s tradition. From this perspective, Dee is removed from the list of the family heritage.


Essay代写:Venice Tourism Problems

2019-04-16 16:16:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Venice Tourism Problems,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了威尼斯旅游的问题。威尼斯是世界上非常著名的旅游城市,但其过度发展旅游业带来的经济效益远远赶不上负面影响。大量游客的不良行为对威尼斯以及威尼斯人产生了巨大的影响。更重要的是,游轮破坏了浅水泻湖,不仅破坏了生态平衡,而且对环境造成了严重的污染。另外,旅游业也使城市变得更加拥挤。毫无疑问,它严重困扰着当地人民的生活。此外,由于生活成本高,大量的市民不得不离开他们的城市。


This article is based on the development of the tourism industry in Venice. Through a brief analysis of the important significance of Venice analyze the reasons of entering into the "dangerous" list. Then, discuss the negative impact of tourism to the local, and finally put forward the relevant measures.


Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world (Guides). Rather, as the mega-cruise ships bring the tens of thousands tourists into Venice, it damages Venice's fragile lagoon and centuries-old heritage (Shakespeare). This essay will firstly discuss the critical issues of disadvantages caused by Venice tourism. Finally, it will pay close attention to the proposed solution towards the problems of Venice tourism.


First of all, the economic benefits brought from excessive development of tourism is far from the negative impact. Unrestrained tourism in Venice lost its hallowed status as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. What's worse, it enters the "In-Danger" list - a category normally reserved for war-ravaged ruins and dilapidated historical sites in Third World countries. Furthermore, comparing with other industries, cruise industry is the most dangerous in quite a few respects, like social problems and ecological problems. To be more specifically, some tourists' bad behaviors including the destruction of historical sites, vandalism, crime, inflated real estate prices, public urination and bathing in historical fountains have a huge impact on Venice and its Venetians. What's more, Cruise ships damage the shallow lagoon, which is home to a very exceeding ecosystem. Not only did it destroy the ecological balance, but also cause serious pollution to the environment. More importantly, the tourism industry causes the city to become more crowded. Homes and palaces have been turned into hotels, restaurants, and shops. There is no doubt that it seriously bothers the local people's life. Besides, due to the high cost of living, a large number of citizens had to leave their city.


First and foremost, it is necessary to take action to ban large cruise ships. If it not be controlled responsibly and that could be the reason for the city's demise. Second, maintaining the interests of local residents will control the loss of the local population. Third, to increase the fare and limit the number of tourist accommodations can suppress the number of tourists in some extent. Forth, it can promote the less well-known metropolitan area to attract tourists' attention instead of excessive tourism in Venice. Last but not least, it would be efficient for making Venice to be blacklisted. In this way, Venice will be under international oversight as a way to ensure its survival. Anyhow, the tourism industry in Venice must be handled responsibly lest Venice can continue to thrive as one of the world's most unique destinations.


Guides Insight. Insight Smart Guide Venice(ISBN=9789812821195). Insight Guides, 2011.

Shakespeare William. Merchant of Venice. Wordsworth Editions Ltd, 2000.

