

如何写一篇Cause and Effect Essay

2019-04-23 16:50:31 | 日記
不知道在美国留学的小伙伴,有没有遇到过Cause and Effect Essay. Cause and Effect Essay顾名思义是因果分析论文,偶尔会出现在美国大学的作业。对于Cause and Effect Essay,其关键就在于分析的过程,下面就给大家讲解一下。

什么是Cause and Effect Essay?

Cause and effect essay是一种分析某个行动或事件因果的论文形式,通常教授会使用这种文章形式来检验你理解某个事件或行动的能力。

Cause and Effect Essay的类型及Outline

一般来说,cause and effect essay按照因果间关系的数量来分,有三种类型:






1) Cause #1第一个起因

2) Cause #2第二个起因

3) Cause #3第三个起因(如有更多起因可继续罗列)

4) The effect of the causes这些起因导致的结果



这个类型的cause and effect essay是为了阐释某个事件、问题或决定所导致的不同结果。同样地,你需要证明你对某个领域理解和分析能力,如果你对问题或者事件的根源有深刻地理解,那么将会对你的写作有很大帮助。




1) The Cause起因

2) Effect #1第一个结果

3) Effect #2第二个结果

4) Effect #3第三个结果(如有更多结果可以继续罗列)


3.Chain of causes and effects 因果链





1) Cause #1第一个起因

2) Effect #1 = Cause #2第一个结果,同样也作为第二个起因

3) Effect #2 = Cause #3第二个结果,同样也作为第三个起因

4) Effect #3(=Cause #4)第三个结果,同样也作为第四个起因(如还有更多因果可继续列出)


Cause and Effect Essay写作步骤

了解了cause and effect essay的三种结构形式,那么文章每个部分的具体内容要怎么写?



2)Background Information 背景信息:在这一类型的文章里,背景信息非常重要。它不仅仅可以提供更多对于成因的见解,有时也能帮助解释为何导致某种结果。

3)Thesis Statement 主旨:主旨是一句话用来点明整个论证的主要观点。要确保开头部分的主旨句能很好地概括后面正文的内容,而正文的内容也都是围绕这个主旨句展开论述。


另外,你需要确保你的成因和它们所导致的结果是真正有关系的。这一点对于因果链式的cause and effecty essay尤为正要。你需要能够证明每一个起因都与最终的结果有关联。



1)Restatement of Thesis 重述主旨:写到这里时,你应该首先通读全文,检查一下正文部分是否很好地论证了你的主旨。如果确认无误,那你可以用一句话来肯定地陈述主旨已经被证明。

2)Summarizing Main Argument 总结主要论证:在这个部分,你需要用1-3句话来叙述你的论证,概括前文提到的起因与结果的大纲。这里要注意,对于全文论证的总结也是向读者展示文章内容的专业性。因此这几句话一定要有力,而且最终要回归到主旨。

3)Overall Concluding Statement 全文总结陈述:正如你利用引子开篇,你必须提供一个有意义的结尾,来阐明你的全篇论证的重要性以及深远意义,让读者意识到为什么他们需要认真对待你的这篇文章。

以上就是关于Cause and Effect Essay的写作讲解,可能这类作业大家比较少遇到,但还是要学会怎么去写,希望这篇文章能帮到大家。



Paper代写:Broadcasted Game Video

2019-04-23 16:45:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Broadcasted Game Video,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了游戏直播。随着互联网带宽的快速增长和更加成熟的流媒体技术,以游戏直播为主的新媒体也在飞速发展着。如今,玩电子游戏和看别人的游戏直播已经成为人们娱乐活动的重要组成部分。数以百万计的人把时间花在观看游戏直播上,由于用户数量庞大,直播平台每年不得不将用户基数翻倍。


With the increasing growth of game industry and the constant innovation of internet technology, video games gradually draw great public attention. At the same time, with the help of rapid increase of internet bandwidth and more mature streaming media technology, new medias which mainly diffuse video games have experienced fast expansion. The term “online live streaming” also appears in public’s sight. According to Daniel Recktenwald (2017). “Online live streaming is a new media genre which combines the broadcast of an activity with cross-modal video-mediated communication”. Furthermore, it enables individuals to publicly broadcast live video streams, and allows other people to watch the video via web and communicate with each other (Hu, Zhang, & Wang, 2017). Recently, playing video games and watching others play video games have become an important part of people’s recreational activities. There are millions of people spend their time in watching others play games on the internet, and platforms have to double their user base every year because of the huge number of users (Sjoblom & Hamari, 2017; Sjoblom et al., 2017).

Influenced by prosperous development in practice field, academic realm also has attached much importance to online live streaming. For example, researchers such as Max Sjoblom, Juho Hamari, Mu Hu, and Mingli Zhang conducted related researches to figure out the reason why audience choose to keep watching others play video game through the internet. However, it is important to note that a large number of researchers mainly focus on the issues with respect to technology, such as ways to improve the streaming network systems. What is more, few researchers consider broadcasted game video from the perspective of anchor and live broadcasting platforms. In this way, it is necessary to further study the reasons why broadcasted game video is so popular among people. The study not only helps anchors and live broadcasting platforms improve their performance to attract more users, but also help family members of users to better understand their behaviors and figure out ways to prevent users from indulging in watching others play video games through internet.


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2019-04-23 16:44:50 | 日記






(3)写作摘要的第一稿。摘要的起始部分要点明原始文章或文献的题目、来源、作者和主旨,(举例:In the feature article “Four Kinds of Reading,” the author, Donald Hall, explains his opinion about different types of reading.)然后不参照笔记,仅凭记忆用自己的语言写出每个部分的主要观点,及分论点。





(3)使用总结性的语言进行写作,例如the article claims, the auther suggests.



The essay/passage/author highlights …

The essay/passage/author argues in support of …, stating that …

The essay/passage/author argues that…

The essay/passage/author discusses…

The passage/author compares …

The passage/author outlines …

According to the passage, we know…

This article is mainly about…

The writer states that…

As can be learned from this passage…

The passage says that…

In this passage, the writer mainly tells us about his experience of…



Paper代写:Brittleness of paper

2019-04-23 16:42:17 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Brittleness of paper讨论了纸张的脆性。在纸质档案保护工作中,作为载体材料的纸张的保护极其重要,纸张保护的核心就是延缓其老化速度,延长其保存年限。而不同的纸张的脆性也不同,有的大一些,有的小一些。纸张的脆性受造纸原料、纸张老化、大气温湿度环境等因素的影响,对纸质档案的保管、保护及利用产生直接作用。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the paper File Protection work, as the carrier material's paper protection is extremely important, the paper protection core is postpones its aging speed, lengthens its retention period. Believe that most archivists will have this experience: some paper brittle, some paper less brittle, the aging of the obvious brittleness of the paper, the air drying paper brittleness. The brittleness of paper is influenced by the factors such as papermaking raw material, paper aging, large temperature and humidity environment, and has a direct effect on the storage, protection and utilization of paper archives. Therefore, the study of paper brittleness on the production of durable paper, paper file of reasonable custody, repair and use of a guiding role, significant.

Brittleness is human sensory experience, according to some information, generally think that when the paper is bending force, easy to fold, fragile, toughness is brittle. According to experience, the composition of the paper page fiber length, the combination of good, then its toughness is large, bending compression, strength loss less, and fiber short, toughness of the raw materials made of paper, after bending compression, strength loss more. Based on this experience, the researchers gradually groped for some methods of testing brittleness. With the development of fracture mechanics, the theory and method of brittleness test are making progress continuously.

The factors that affect paper brittleness come from both the paper itself and the environment. Its own factors include: paper used raw materials, paper quantitative, pulp beating degree, paper tearing, paper resistance to energy absorption, paper modulus of elasticity, paper aging, and so on; environmental factors are mainly the temperature and humidity of the air. The results of these factors together make the paper show some brittleness.

From wheat straw, straw, reed, bagasse and other grass-like fiber raw materials made of paper brittleness is larger, and from wood pulp, cotton pulp, hemp pulp, such as paper-copying of less brittle, in the grass pulp to add wood pulp, cotton pulp, hemp pulp can reduce paper brittleness. The wheat straw pulp was treated to different beating degree after the paper was copied, and then the brittle crack was tested, and the beating degree was found in 32. 5°SR is the smallest of the brittle crack. Experiments with reed pulp show that the minimum cracking degree of embrittlement is 40°SR, and Sulfite reed pulp is 45°SR. The experiments with different quantitative bamboo pulp paper and wood pulp paper show that the higher the quantity of the same paper, the greater the brittle crack degree.

There is a certain relationship between brittle fracture degree and tearing degree, if the paper is brittle, the tearing degree is low, the corresponding brittle crack degree is improved. Anti-tensor energy absorption is an index used to evaluate the toughness of paper or paperboard. Toughness and brittleness are a pair of contradictions, paper toughness is not crisp, such as poor toughness, paper will be crisp. It can be concluded that: if the absorption value of the tensile energy is high, the brittle crack is small, whereas the brittle crack is high. The brittleness of the paper is related to the stiffness of the paper, and the stiffness depends on the modulus of elasticity. Some people think that the higher the modulus of elasticity, the greater the brittleness, the higher the corresponding brittle crack degree.

Relative humidity and brittle crack degree have a certain relationship, when the paper page in the fiber capillary water absorption, the fiber is softer, so the brittle crack with the increase in relative humidity and reduce.

The aging of the paper will also affect the brittleness of paper, especially the acid sizing paper, aging speed, paper strength decreased significantly. With the continuous development of aging, paper brittleness is increasing, the aging of the serious one touch is broken, the brittleness is great, completely lose mechanical strength.

Through the above analysis, we have a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect paper brittleness, so we can take measures to reduce the brittleness of paper from the following aspects:

Strictly control the beating degree, the wheat straw pulp beating degree in the 30°sr around, reed pulp is mastered in 40-45°SR; the paper adopts the method of mixing straw pulp with wood pulp, cotton pulp and hemp pulp to improve the brittle problem of straw pulp papermaking. Appropriate filling, it is reported that in bagasse pulp paper when adding filler talcum powder, calcium carbonate can reduce paper brittleness Using neutral sizing technology to fill in alkaline fillers such as calcium carbonate to increase the durability of the paper and slow down its aging.

Acid is one of the main causes of brittle paper aging, therefore, the acidity of the paper to take acid treatment, can delay the aging of the speed of the brittle, the aging of the brittle, the acidity of the paper should be first acid treatment, and then strengthened to enhance its toughness and mechanical strength, reduce its brittleness.

Paper brittleness is affected by the environmental temperature and humidity, in the paper archives custody and provide the use process, the environment should be controlled in the 14-24°c, relative humidity control in 45%-60%, in this temperature and humidity range, paper has better mechanical strength and brittleness index, in favor of paper protection.


Essay代写:Sandhurst royal military academy

2019-04-23 16:35:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Sandhurst royal military academy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院。英国桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院是专门为英国皇家陆军培养连排级军官的重点院校,其办校宗旨是使军官学员全面了解自己所从事的职业以及担负的职责,培养基本的领导和管理才能、纪律观念和责任感,提高身体素质。桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院自问世以来,已培养出了千千万万出类拔萃的军事指挥官。

Sandhurst royal military college is a key institution for training platoon officers for the royal army. The college enrolls students between the ages of 17.5 and 25. The number of students remains at about 700, and there are more than 200 staff members, among whom about 60% are civilian instructors. The college has a dean responsibility system, and consists of departments of military science and technology, combat research and national defense affairs, as well as five sub-colleges: the new college, the old college, the victory college, the shili wenhan college and the women's officers college. The President usually holds the rank of major general.

The mission of the rma is to provide officers with a comprehensive understanding of their profession and responsibilities, develop basic leadership and management skills, discipline and sense of responsibility, and improve physical fitness. There are five courses: the standard military course, the regular vocational military course, the standard postgraduate course, the royal women's corps course and the rowan Allen course. At the same time, short courses were offered for professional, local and voluntary reserve officers.

The standard military course, taught in two semesters over a 28-week period at the royal military college, is compulsory for freshmen. I mainly learned the tactics of infantry squad, map reading and map using, communication, weapon operation and use, formation, three-defense, first-aid, logistics, organization and command and language expression ability. Soldiers recruited from regular units and secondary school students recruited from local areas are required to receive five general education courses and two higher education courses in the army education institute training course before they can study the standard military courses and obtain the cultural qualification to enter the royal military academy. Physical training is an important part of the standard military curriculum, which not only requires students to acquire a strong body, but also requires them to learn how to organize and practice various physical exercises and recreational activities, and encourages them to go hiking, parachuting, sailing, skiing and other exciting expeditions in Nepal, Ethiopia and Iceland during holidays. After graduation, he was conferred the rank of second lieutenant and assigned to be a platoon commander or to study in a military academy.

The formal vocational military course is for officers who apply for life service when they study at the royal military academy and who graduate to serve in the armed forces for two to four years, or who decide to be recommended for life service when they serve in the armed forces. The term lasts for 24 weeks. Course is the main content of strategy research, a democratic society with the military, defence and military technology, French or German, language expression and so on, by the instructor teaching theory, the purpose is to make regular officers on the profession has a wide range of understanding, improve their ability of language expression, to make them close to or catch the graduated from the university officer, to lay a solid foundation for its future development. Upon completion of the formal vocational military courses, some officers who pass the cultural examinations must enter the royal military college of srivangham or a local university to obtain a degree; those who fail in the cultural examination are transferred to special training classes and can only serve if they meet the standards.

The standard research course, run by royal victory college for 28 weeks, is for university graduates recruited from local universities. The curriculum is similar to that of a standard military course, and a lieutenant is awarded upon graduation without the need for formal vocational military courses.

The women's brigade course is offered by the royal women's brigade college and is exclusively for women. It was incorporated into the royal college of sandhurst in 1980 with the aim of making full use of its teaching facilities. The main parts of the syllabus are the same as the male students, with an emphasis on developing girls' leadership skills.

The royal Allen company course is a 12-week preparatory course for army students who do not fully meet the entry requirements set by the regular army selection board. The training program focuses on rifle shooting and elementary radio service, with emphasis on adventure training. The purpose is to enhance the students' self-confidence, improve their military temperament and their own quality. Those who passed the course were enrolled in the standard military course training course, and those who failed the course withdrew or returned to their original units.

The main teaching facilities of the college include video equipment, closed circuit television, recording and playback room, language laboratory and so on. Faraday house, named after the chemistry professor, houses a number of laboratories, a computer center, a closed-circuit television studio, lecture halls and a library containing more than 10,000 books on science and teaching. The general library of the college has a large collection of first - class books. The school has facilities for skydiving, diving, gliding, flying and navigation, as well as canoes, dinghies, small and medium-sized navigation racing boats, an aircraft, a group of hounds and a group of horses. All kinds of sports, games and entertainment facilities are available. The royal memorial hall is a comprehensive display of the historical traditions and spirit of The Times of the royal military academy sandhurst and the British army.

The royal military academy at sandhurst has been around for more than 250 years and has produced thousands of outstanding military commanders. Some of them have distinguished themselves with admirable merit; Some fought in wars, leaving their mark on history. Some overseas duty, honor added body; Some hold high office and hold sway over the world. Officially, 80% of the army's officers are now trained by sandhurst military academy. Historically, the chief of staff of the royal army was mostly a sandhurst graduate. It is worth mentioning that the college out of the British prime minister Winston Churchill, the famous strategist Montgomery and Roberts, Alexander and festin more than 10 field marshals. Now, under the guidance of the school motto of "learn military leaders well", this world-renowned military academy is striding forward.

