

Research Proposal写作指南

2019-04-02 16:43:54 | 日記
想必留学生们都知道,在开展一个研究项目的时候,需要先写一个Research Proposal,即研究报告。一份好的Research Proposal,不仅是项目成功的保障,更是自己研究潜力的展现,所以其重要性可想而知。下面就给大家总结一下Research Proposal的写作指南。










Research Proposal写作指南——Title

它应该是简洁和描述性的。例如,短语“An investigation of…”可以省略。标题通常用展现关键联系,因为这样的标题清楚地表示了变量之间的关系。


Research Proposal写作指南——Abstract:



Research Proposal写作指南——Introduction:










1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.


2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.


3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.


4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.


5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study.


6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)


7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.


8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.)


Research Proposal写作指南——Literature Review

有时literature review文献综述被纳入Introduction部分。然而,大多数教授更喜欢单独的部分,这样可以更全面地回顾文献。不知道如何写好一篇literature review的同学们可以参考:留学生如何写出高质量Literature Review?


1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”.


2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.


3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.


4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.


5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.


6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.


7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research.


8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).


Most students’ literature reviews suffer from the following problems:













Research Proposal写作指南——Methods:



一些人甚至认为,一个好的proposal 应该包含足够的细节,以方便让其他研究人员来验证它。






1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?


2. Subjects or participants - Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use?


3. Instruments - What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable?


4. Procedure - How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?


Research Proposal写作指南——Results:

显然,在proposal 阶段没有结果。然而,你需要知道你将收集什么样的数据,以及将使用什么样的计算方法来回答你的研究问题或实验你的假设。

Research Proposal写作指南——Discussion:



Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing

Proposal 写作中常见的错误

1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question.


2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.


3. Failure to cite landmark studies.


4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers.


5. Failure to stay focused on the research question.


6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research.


7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.


8. Too much rambling — going “all over the map” without a clear sense of direction. (The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.)

漫无边际——在没有明确方向感的情况下“在地图上到处走”。(最好的Proposal 就像一条欢快的河流,从容优雅地向前流动。)

9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.


10. Too long or too short.


11. Failing to follow the APA style.


12. Slopping writing.


以上就是关于Research Proposal的写作指南,希望同学们看过之后,都能学会怎么去写Research Proposal,然后顺利完成研究的项目。



Paper代写:Fromm's free Thought

2019-04-02 16:43:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Fromm's free Thought,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了弗洛姆的自由思想。埃里希・弗洛姆是西方马克思主义学派的代表人物之一,他以马克思自由观为基础,提出了自己认为的自由的理想形式。他认为现代人真正实现自由的途径在于:通过经济、政治、以及文化等方面的改革来实现人们真正的自由。引导人们追求一种积极的自由,这才是人倡导的真正的自由。

Erich is one of the representative figures of the Western Marxist School, this paper analyzes the root of the free predicament of modern people through the study of Fromm's free thought. Based on Marx's view of freedom, Fromm put forward his ideal form of freedom. He argues that the real freedom of modern people is through economic, political, and cultural reforms to achieve the true freedoms.

In the modern society, although people in the pursuit of freedom, but in the process of pursuit of freedom can not bear the negative impact of freedom, thus began to evade freedom, give up freedom. What is the reason that modern people are pursuing freedom and escaping freedom? Fromm answered the above questions at the level of psychoanalysis.

First of all, he analyzed from the social root, that the development of man is restricted by social system. "Under the capitalist economic system, the increase of individualism and loneliness is an indefensible fact." "In the 20th century, with the development of productive forces, the employers and employees have gradually formed a plausible employment relationship in order to adapt to the changes in the market." People have been free in some ways, but they have gradually lost their independence and autonomy in order to adapt to the existing social development. Therefore, the personality characteristics of human beings in the 20th century lacked independence, and concentrated on the expression of a submissive attitude. Capitalism, for example, has promoted social development, but it has hindered the development of human individuality. Workers are willing to be squeezed by capitalists, who are passive individuals here. The oppression of human beings throughout the capitalist social system is bound to inspire people to revolt. "Heaven Is lost forever, and the individual alone faces the world ―― like a stranger into a world without Borders and danger." New freedoms bring uneasiness, power, suspicion, loneliness and anxiety. "This is not a good phenomenon, it means that people must pay a heavy price to survive, thus losing the true human nature."

Secondly, from the psychological root of human analysis, people in the dynamic process of adapting to society gradually formed a human character structure, it formed the basis of the existing system of society. The most direct is the impact of the economic system on the human character structure. The character structure formed in the special social system should not only provide the physical requirement to the human organism, but also provide the development condition for the more flexible part of human character structure, such as love, desire, emotion, etc. If some people need long time not to meet and development, the passage will evolve into a blockage and depression, that is, the formation of a person's abnormal mentality and abnormal personality. Therefore, when the alienation of society began to bind people's activities, people should be flexible development of the structure of the character is not realized, and the human desire is unlimited, finally will lead to people because they are not satisfied and feel depressed. Thus people begin to passively evade reality and give up the pursuit of true freedom.

The difference between Marx's view of freedom and the former concept of freedom is that it bases on scientific historical materialism and practice as a foothold for people to pursue freedom. Philosophers in the past in the discussion of human freedom, mostly in the areas of consciousness, ideas, God and other aspects of freedom to make a metaphysical judgment, Marx thought that the basis of freedom and the foothold should be practice, that his philosophy is to change the world. From this point of view, it can be seen that the realization of the true liberation of mankind must depend on the practical social and historical practice, rather than on the experience or ideology to explore the realization of freedom. Fromm thought that Marx regarded historical materialism as the understanding of the law of social development, and it has important enlightening meaning for people to solve the free predicament of reality.

On the basis of Marx's historical materialism, Fromm, after analyzing and criticizing the free status quo of the real society, puts forward his ideal form for human freedom. Fromm points out that positive freedom calls for people to freely and consciously dominate all of their actions, and to develop their own individuality and potentials, so that their own emotional and rational play. One day, human beings will be free and not alone, not only to give full play to their independence without losing the perfect connection with the outside world, and on this basis to make their own full use of the potential, this is what Fromm thought of the ultimate attribution of human freedom.

So what kind of society can achieve real freedom? In this regard, Fromm thinks, should through the sound person to establish the sound society. Here, a sound person is a person who is mentally and spiritually healthy. Sound society mainly refers to people-centered, the development of human beings in the first place. A healthy society can unite every member of society and help members of society to establish a relationship of mutual affection, so that the society can mobilize the individuals who are the main body of society to be active in life and work, and encourage them to use the collective art to express their real needs.

In actively exploring the path of human freedom, Fromm believes that people should rely on the creative practice of activities to achieve, but he also believes that only rely on creative practice of Labor is far from enough. He pointed out that people should use a healthy society to protect healthy people, only the personality structure and social industry, political and cultural integration, people can become a sound person, the society can become a healthy society.

On the economic side, Fromm believes that the reform of the economic system to achieve real democracy and freedom. In his view, Marx's conception of socialist society was based on two prerequisites: the socialization of the means of production and distribution, and the centrally planned economy. Therefore, Fromm advocated a kind of humanism public ownership. On the basis of the principle of public ownership proposed by Marx, form "a new labor situation where one can devote his life to what he thinks is meaningful, where people can know what he is doing, where people can control what he does, and where people feel the unity of others rather than separation." ”

On the political side, Fromm thought that democracy should be developed in political life. In order to change the democratic situation, Fromm proposed to introduce the principles of civic meeting into the political field of society, and to combine the highly decentralized democracy with the centralized form of democracy effectively. In his view, the specific measures were to reduce the current size of the electorate, such as by organizing people into small groups according to neighbourhood or duty stations, and that each group should be composed of different members of society, who would meet regularly to discuss important local and national issues. In Fromm's eyes, this kind of way can make every citizen's will be democratically expressed, and can improve the enthusiasm of citizen's political participation, and the alienation of human politics will be changed.

In terms of culture, Fromm mainly aims at education. In his view, the task of education would have been to extend the ideals and norms of human civilization, to cultivate students ' ability of critical thinking and to shape the character of students in order to realize their ideal, but "our educational system does not seem to make students have the ability of critical thinking, nor does it foster the character traits that we need for the open ideals of our civilization." "The students who have been nurtured through modern education do not have the spirit of cooperation, they only respect authority, they are isolated from others and the world, their theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are divorced, and they are shown in their work as indifferent to the work they are doing." Modern education means the people who conform to the needs of the social machines, rather than the all-round development. Fromm thinks that education should cultivate creative talents with lofty ideals, critical thinking ability and all-round development of human nature, instead of cultivating alienated people who have the character of satisfying the market requirements, are competitive, pleasing authority, alienated from the world, theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge.

In addition, Fromm also put forward through love and creative labor to achieve people's true freedom, as well as the need for a sound political and economic system, appropriate social resources, social conditions and cultural system as a guarantee of self-realization, guarantee the realization of the freedom of an important condition. Guiding people to pursue a positive freedom is the true freedom advocated by man.


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Persuasion essay写作分析

2019-04-02 16:41:37 | 日記
Persuasion essay是英国大学常见的一种学术写作类型,虽然大多数留学新生是不会遇到这种Essay类型的,但之后还是会有这类作业要写。当然,大家一下子接触到这类陌生的Essay,肯定是不大会的,下面就给大家分析一下Persuasion essay的写作。

什么是Persuasion essay?

Persuasion essay与Discussion essay类似,因为你将在一个主题上提出你的论点。 然而,考虑到双方而不是提出平衡的观点,一篇Persuasion essay将侧重于一方。说服意味着某人说某个特定意见是正确的意思,所以你在撰写Persuasion essay时的任务是说服读者你对情况的看法是正确的。这并不意味着你不会考虑另一方; 事实上,通过反驳来这样做是加强自己论证的重要一步。

以下是Persuasion essay题目的例子。





用于Persuasion essay的大多数类型的支持类似于其他论文类型,例如使用事实,原因,示例和统计。如果是一篇较长的(研究过的)论文,那么使用来自相关引文的来源证据也是必不可少的。然而,有两种类型的支持对这种类型的文章特别有用,即预测结果和反驳。这些在下面更详细地考虑。


预测结果有助于读者理解如果某些事情发生或不发生将会发生什么。因此,通常会在'If ...'中引入这种类型的支持。例如,为了让读者相信同性学校是不利的,你可能会说,“如果学生不去混合学校,他们将失去许多与异性成员互动的机会,这可能会伤害他们的发展重要的社交技巧'。避免夸大后果。例如,告诉读者,“如果学生不去混合学校,他们会害羞,无法与异性成员交谈”夸大了去单性别学校的后果,并会引起你的争论不那么有说服力。




Persuasion essay代写范文:

Title: Consider whether human activity has made the world a better place.

History shows that human beings have come a long way from where they started. They have developed new technologies which means that everybody can enjoy luxuries they never previously imagined. However, the technologies that are temporarily making this world a better place to live could well prove to be an ultimate disaster due to, among other things, the creation of nuclear weapons, increasing pollution, and loss of animal species.

The biggest threat to the earth caused by modern human activity comes from the creation of nuclear weapons. Although it cannot be denied that countries have to defend themselves, the kind of weapons that some of them currently possess are far in excess of what is needed for defence. If these weapons were used, they could lead to the destruction of the entire planet.

Another harm caused by human activity to this earth is pollution. People have become reliant on modern technology, which can have adverse effects on the environment. For example, reliance on cars causes air and noise pollution. Even seemingly innocent devices, such as computers and mobile phones, use electricity, most of which is produced from coal-burning power stations, which further adds to environmental pollution. If we do not curb our direct and indirect use of fossil fuels, the harm to the environment may be catastrophic.

Animals are an important feature of this earth and the past decades have witnessed the extinction of a considerable number of animal species. This is the consequence of human encroachment on wildlife habitats, for example deforestation to expand human cities. Some may argue that such loss of species is natural and has occurred throughout earth's history. However, the current rate of species loss far exceeds normal levels, and is threatening to become a mass extinction event.

In summary, there is no doubt that current human activities such as the creation of nuclear weapons, pollution, and destruction of wildlife, are harmful to the earth. It is important for us to see not only the short-term effects of our actions, but their long-term effects as well. Otherwise, human activities will be just another step towards destruction.

以上就是关于Persuasion essay的写作分析以及范文,同学们可以好好看一下范文和写作分析,然后总结出Persuasion essay的写作方法。


Paper代写:Application and development of artificial intelligence

2019-04-02 16:40:13 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Application and development of artificial intelligence讨论了人工智能的运用与发展。人工智能是通过大量的研究,运用计算机来模拟人的某些思维过程和智能行为。早在二十世纪五十年代,科学家们在一起聚会时就开始讨论用机器模拟智能等相关的问题,会议上同意使用提出的人工智能这一术语,标志着人工智能这一学科正式诞生。直到二十一世纪,更深层次的神经网络学习技术出现,人工智能逐渐在图像识别、数据分析等众多领域大幅发展。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Artificial intelligence is through a lot of research, using computers to simulate human thinking process and intelligent behavior such as discipline, mainly including computer, the principle of the intelligent manufacturing computer is similar to the human brain intelligence, enable the computer to have a higher level of application. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science, it attempts to understand the essence of intelligence, can produce a new kind of response in the form of human intelligence similar intelligent machines, research in this field include robot, speech recognition, image recognition, natural language processing and expert system, etc. Since the birth of artificial intelligence, theory and technology have become more and more mature, and the application field has been expanded.

Artificial intelligence technology is now need to implement the main goal is to make the machine can automatically to do tedious work, and these tedious work is done through artificial intelligence, it is also a computer artificial intelligence technology needed to realize the reason why. In addition, the computer artificial intelligence technology also needs the information basic theory, the automation technology, the mathematical logic logic logic and the language and so on a variety of specialized and the subject melt through.

In the early 1950 s, headed by Michael card game such as a group of far-sighted young scientists together at the party began to discuss with related issues, such as machine simulation intelligent meeting agreed to use McCarty proposed the term "artificial intelligence", marks the appearance of artificial intelligence, the subject. However, due to the limitations of hardware, the development of artificial intelligence is always slow. In addition, most computers can't deal with the data in real time, which hinders the early development of artificial intelligence technology.

By the 1980s, the BT neural network algorithm suggested that the development of artificial intelligence technology began to enter into the normal. Artificial intelligence is also gradually being used by people, such as voice recognition, language translation and the generation of the fifth generation computer. However, artificial intelligence has not brought practical changes to human life. Until the 21st century, the deeper neural network learning technology emerged, and artificial intelligence gradually developed in many fields such as image recognition and data analysis. And all this, also put forward higher requirements to artificial intelligence, theory, technology and so on need further optimization.

There are two main ways in which artificial intelligence can be realized on a computer. One is to use traditional programming techniques to make the system appear intelligent, different from the methods used in humans or animals. This method is called the engineering method, and has already achieved certain results in some fields, such as word recognition, computer chess, etc. Another way for simulation, relative to character, this method is more demanding, not only to have the effect of intelligence, also requires implementation method with humans or organisms use the same or similar. Both genetic algorithm and artificial neural network belong to simulation method. The genetic algorithm is a way of simulating the activity of nerve cells in human or animal brain by simulating the genetic and evolutionary mechanism of human or organism. Both methods can be used, and how to apply it to the programmer's choice.

Computer ai technology enables the operation and control of aircraft in space millions of kilometers away on earth. For example, a space agency USES a computer's intelligence program to operate and control aircraft on the ground. For now, the United States is the first country to use computer artificial intelligence to control aircraft remotely. Remote control can predetermine tasks and targets, and then combine them effectively with aircraft, and can plan autonomously. And remote control on the basis of supervision and spacecraft, can also on the practical operation of spacecraft have a more comprehensive understanding and grasp, in the operation of the spacecraft in the program does not match the situation, able to timely issue instructions, adjust, and test of spacecraft, detection and prompt reply. This will enable the spacecraft to operate in outer space.

Computer artificial intelligence technology to known is recently in the application of the computer game, artificial intelligence, can be in the process of some technologies into play chess, play chess will all kinds of concrete, cumbersome steps are decomposed, then these steps are divided into a number of known problems, will be one of the favorable information to play chess, and summarized the work of search and problems, make people play chess according to the summarized data to make reasonable decisions. This kind of problem induction is not only reflected in the computer game, all walks of life have application. From the point of the present situation, the computer artificial intelligence technology has reached the standard of international chess tournament, but still can't like human contestants have a high degree of insight and expression ability, can only analyze the specific question. Therefore, there is still room for improvement.

The visual system in computer artificial intelligence technology can also be used effectively in guiding the automobile along the road. Currently, the United States has put the technology into small cars, and it has been a big breakthrough in the case of autonomous navigation, where it can travel two thousand kilometers. However, although most of the time is controlled by the visual system, there is still a need for human control of the vehicle. Through relevant data analysis, we need human control mainly to find the exit of highway. According to these problems, in the artificial intelligence technology constantly improve at the same time, also can work out a better driving direction, analyzed the driving direction, so that the unmanned target can be implemented more quickly.

The application of computer artificial intelligence technology in medical field is mainly reflected in the defects that can make up for the traditional medical process, so as to improve the modern medical technology level. For example, in terms of probability analysis, the use of medical diagnostic procedures have been effective, also obtained the ideal effect, on the other hand, there is conducive to improve the treatment level of experts and physicians. For now, some doctors are failing to reach a consensus on how to use the technology in health care. However, the application of this technology can on when the inspection is proposed for judging the patient related factors, and also please explain complications related situation, detailed analysis to obtain the common recognition of experts and physicians. The application of computer artificial intelligence technology in the medical field can not only treat the patients' complicated diseases, but also improve the medical level effectively.

Intelligent AGENT acted an important role in computer artificial intelligence technology, the use of the application to the robot system, can better understand the human emotional state and behavior motivation, and effective communication and exchanges with the human. In the process of communication, you can also use polite expressions such as greetings. In addition, robots with normal human emotions can also perform difficult tasks on the basis of human-computer interaction. Computer artificial intelligence technology in other areas also can give full play to the effectiveness of its own, because of the artificial intelligence technology itself has the content of the philosophy and psychology, etc, also make it contains similar to human's imagination and creativity. In normal work, compared with humans, we can exert our potential more and create more value. It can be learned that artificial intelligence technology can not only promote the development of all trades and professions, but also greatly change the human way of life.

Computer artificial intelligence technology is currently the main goal is to develop and research the function of can carry on the mental labor as human computer, even though not foresee the development of artificial intelligence technology in the future, but a lot of prospective research can help understand the general development direction. As things stand, people associate with computers to nature, the key factors that emotional ability is a focus in the study of computer artificial intelligence technology, the artificial intelligence can like humans have emotional or an unknown answers.

The future development trend of computer artificial intelligence technology can't to understand, but about the problems such as human concern, whether the machine of artificial intelligence can go beyond the human existence, even smarter than humans. Many researchers think it's just a matter of time, and the ai software designer, kurtz, IBM researcher horne hohn, has described it. Humans are also beginning to worry about whether artificial intelligence will become self-aware and hostile to humans. Horne believes that even though artificial intelligence can surpass humans, it is impossible to possess the unique characteristics and consciousness of humans. Kurtz points out that human beings' research on artificial intelligence technology enables human beings to walk in front of artificial intelligence and continuously strengthen the guidance of artificial intelligence to obtain absolute control. Therefore, the research on artificial intelligence is to overcome the obstacles and problems that arise like other disciplines, so that artificial intelligence can bring more comprehensive services to human's work and life.

To sum up, the application of computer artificial intelligence technology in various fields can give full play to the advantages that the field has, and these advantages can not be realized by other tools. Coupled with the characteristics of artificial intelligence itself, humans are increasingly relying on this technology. Visible, computer artificial intelligence technology in the human's life and work in the future more widely applied, the resulting system of artificial intelligence and expert decision system with higher cognitive will further affect people's production and life in the future. The development and research of computer artificial intelligence technology should be carried out along the right track, and it should not violate its principle.


Essay代写:Experience in urban construction in Britain

2019-04-02 16:37:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Experience in urban construction in Britain,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国城市建设的经验。在19世纪的城市改造中,伦敦有很多历史悠久的建筑都处于被拆除和保护之间,当时的英国人并不反对城市改造,甚至认为改造与保护是互补的。所以在英国19世纪的城市建设中,保护主义实际上就是一种在改造中保护、在改革中保留传统的做法,保护主义背后是改造。

We often say that the face of Britain is unchanged for a hundred years. History is not a luxury in this country. Narrow cobblestone streets, churches with a history of hundreds or even thousands of years and Tudor manors can be seen everywhere. When it comes to conservation, people often think of what British conservationist and famous literary critic ruskin pointed out in his book the seven lamps of architecture: "the greatest glory of a building is not that it is made of stone, nor that it is made of gold, but that it is of age. Ruskin's notion that ancient buildings are protected from demolition or alteration because their sacredness derives from their expression of human tradition is often held to be the norm today. However, in fact, the impact of protectionism in Britain in the 19th century was far less than that imagined today. In both theory and practice, protectionism was far less than reformalism, and the two presented a very complicated state.

Protectionism emphasizes three values of ancient architecture: historical value, artistic value and time value. At that time, people believed that historical value could be preserved in collective memory or recorded before the demolition of a building, so it was unnecessary to be overly enthusiastic about the spatial attribute of history. When it comes to artistic value, architects at this time tend to demolish medieval buildings and rebuild a building of the same or similar style with "modified" materials, sometimes adding scale to the aesthetic tastes and needs of the 19th century. The city of york, for example, has retained much of its medieval appearance but has modern interiors, and Edinburgh has rebuilt old scottish-style buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries. Old buildings were often seen as small, dark and run-down, and even the grand Georgian buildings of the 18th century were considered too bland to suit the tastes of the Victorian empire of the 19th century. There is even talk of taking down the grandest Georgian design, John Nash regent street, to make room for the grander modern buildings. As for the values of The Times, as Mr Ruskin argues, preservationists see them as one of the laws of balancing the pace of change in a rapidly changing society, and creating a new national identity with historic sites as "national heritage", with a sense of reminiscing about pre-industrial societies.

It is not hard to see that the theory of protectionism is closely related to urban renewal. After the industrial revolution, along with the population growth, increased mobility, especially in the 1830 s after the birth of railway, the acceleration of urbanization, urban center size and density of economic activities significantly enhance, originally built in the late medieval and early modern and historic buildings in some residential areas, universities, hospitals, industry groups have to be cleared, craft workshops, used for new buildings and railroad, old streets must also be widened. The context of development makes people feel that if the ancient buildings are manmade, social progress will be difficult to unfold.

In the great wave of 19th-century urban renewal, in central London, for example, several historic buildings were torn down and preserved. Carte Abbey, although its poorhouse remained, its school was sold and moved to surrey in 1872; The relief house of zion college was disbanded in 1884 and the college moved to a new office on the embankment. More typical is the transformation of Glasgow that began in the 1860s. Once one of Europe's most crowded historic cores, the 88-acre old city's medieval streets were cleared to make room for train stations, plazas, office buildings and new boulevards.

It can be seen that the British people at that time were not opposed to urban reconstruction, and even thought that reconstruction and protection were complementary. This is not only because the transformation is equal to development, but also because protectionism comes after the transformation. The transformation is more of the companion organism of the industrial revolution. The transformation has been completed naturally before protectionism has more impact on the transformation. Therefore, in the urban construction of Britain in the 19th century, protectionism was actually a practice of protecting in the transformation and retaining the tradition in the reform.

The reason why reform prevailed was that at this time, Britain intended to build a magnificent imperial capital and shape the British nationality. Architects are more interested in retrofitting or building entirely new gothic buildings. The general rule at that time was that gothic was mostly used in religious buildings, while neoclassical style was preferred by public buildings. As gothic style implies the defeat of paganism in the history of Europe, so in the opinion of famous architect putin, gothic architecture has moral significance. In addition to their success, 19th-century architects recreated many architectural classics. The Cambridge bridge of sighs, completed in 1831, is located in st. John's college. It connects the old courtyard with the new one and crosses the river CAM. It is an arched bridge imitating the medieval Venice bridge of sighs. Not only is it queen Victoria's favourite view of Cambridge, but today it is one of the most iconic views of the university.

It is worth noting that the demolition, reconstruction and resettlement of British cities will inevitably bring a lot of difficulties to the evicted people and damage some private property, thus causing social conflicts and conflicts. To this end, parliament passed the joint land clauses act in 1845, establishing a whole set of "compulsory purchase" mechanism. In addition, utilitarianism, the prevailing philosophical trend at that time, also advocated "the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people" and provided theoretical support for urban reconstruction. In other words, the demolition and reconstruction of the city is related to the public interest, and it is a matter of course for the individual interest to give way to the public interest. The Times of October 10, 1846 said: "the rights of the individual must be compromised in the face of public demand. Property law is made for the benefit of all, not for the benefit of a few. When these laws stand against the welfare of the majority, they must thus be repealed. As a result, urban renewal is more difficult to stop.

Due to the demolition, the evicted people can't find a place for a while and can only live in adjacent blocks, resulting in environmental degradation and overcrowding of the latter. After a heated discussion, the advocates still believe that the pace of demolition cannot be slowed down, but the relocation of housing should be guaranteed. Hence the cross act of 1875, which authorized cities to buy and tear down slums and build houses for rent. There have been other bills since then. At the same time, Birmingham began taking massive steps to clean up its slums, as did other big cities. Although most of the evicted have been left voiceless and vulnerable, Britain's respect for individual freedom and individual property rights has increased in tandem with its democratisation since the 19th century. In the early winter of 1936, London's leading newspapers published photographs of king Edward viii visiting the inhabitants of the Cornwall mines. He stood at the door of the family, hat off, bow, look sincere, the door stood an old woman, the picture under the line: "may I come in? It shows the sanctity of private homes. Individual property rights are sacrosanct. In the 20th century, it became a common understanding in Britain that forced demolition has become a thing of the past. Thus, the protection of vulnerable groups may be the real sense of protectionism.

From the experience of Britain, the first industrial country, urban transformation is irreversible. Protectionism is not only generated on the basis of transformation, but also is not absolutely opposed to transformation. Transform how coordinated with protection, what kind of ancient buildings should be maintained, what should be removed or modified, the process of rebuilding and how to rebuild the classic, how to protect and properly placed in the process of the urban transformation, and is to be demolished, fundamentally solve the property ownership and disputes, so as to reduce the social contradiction to a minimum, these are the problems of China's urbanization process is worth pondering.

