野の花 庭の花


袋状の大きな唇弁が目立つラン「パフィオペディルム・バルバトゥム」(2022 蘭シリーズ011)

2023年01月03日 06時43分11秒 | 


(2022年冬 神代植物公園) 



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Paphiopedilum barbatum (Lindl.) Pfitzer 1888 SUBGENUS Paphiopedilum SECTION Barbata

Common Name The Bearded Paphiopedilum - In Thailand V'ang u'ng

Flower Size to 3 1/5" [8 cm]

Found in Malaysia and penninsular Thailand in moist shady valleys on granite boulders covered with moss or on the ground in mossy and sandy or peaty areas at elevations of 700 to 1300 meters as a medium sized, warm to cool growing terrestrial with narrowly elliptic, thin in texture, dull and dark green mottled leaves that blooms in the spring on a 10" [25 cm] long, single [ocasionally 2] flowered inflorescence with a floral bract that is 1/4 the length of the ovary

Synonyms Cordula barbata (Lindl.) Rolfe 1912; *Cypripedium barbatum Lindl 1841; Cypripedium biflora B.S.Williams 1862; Cypripedium purpuratum Wight 1851; Cypripedium warnerianum Rchb.f. ex Wittm. 1883


