紫がかったピンクの花が美しいラン「レリア・ゴールディアナ」。メキシコでもっとも美しいカトレア属の花とされる。高度1550 mくらいのところで発見された着生蘭。可憐な美しさに惹かれる。唇弁の喉のところに縦に黄色の筋が入り、その上部に紫の筋が横に入るのが特徴だ。
(2022年冬 神代植物公園)
「ミルトニア・アズテック "エバーグレイズ・グリーン"」(2022蘭シリーズ002)
「デンドロビウム・ベリー」(2022 蘭シリーズ003)
Laelia gouldiana Rchb.f 1888 SUBGENUS Laelia SECTION Podolaelia Schlechter
Flower Size 3 1/5" [8 cm]
Found in Hidalgo state of Mexico in the mountains at elevations around 1550 meters as a small to medium sized, cool growing epiphyte with fusiform, somewhat compressed pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 4 to 6 scarious sheaths and carrying 2 to 3, erect, lanceolate, bright green leaves that blooms in the fall and winter on an apical, erect, to 30" [75 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence carrying up to 10 well-rounded, magenta/red, 3" [7.5 cm] wide blooms that are awesome, as the lip is violet/red with a red-veined white center and a yellow keel, are mildly fragrant, and best of all it grows as easily as L. anceps.
This species is most likely extinct in the wild perhaps because it was considered one of the best of the Mexican Laelias
This species and L autumnalis var gouldiana are certainly different although at first glance they appear the same. L goudiana has brighter colored flowers and a different lip shape but what sets the 2 species apart is the 3 calli of the lip. On L gouldiana the three calli are actually a flat 3 striped raised plain and in L autumnalis the three calli are three raised ridge lines.