野の花 庭の花


大きくて平たい黄色の唇弁が特徴のラン「オンシジウム・プラニアブレ」(2022 蘭シリーズ007)

2022年12月25日 06時25分12秒 | 

大きくて平たい黄色の唇弁が特徴のラン「オンシジウム・プラニアブレ」。学名は「唇の平坦なオンシジウム」の意味である。エクアドルなどの2500m くらいの高地に生える着生蘭である。

(2022年冬 神代植物公園) 

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Oncidium planilabre Lindl. 1851 SECTION Planilabria Photo by Jay Pfahl

Part shadeHot to CoolSummer

Common Name The Flat-Lip Oncidium

Flower Size about 1" [to 2.5 cm]

Found in Nicaragua, Panama and western Ecuador in tropical dry and moist forests as a small to medium sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte that is found at elevations of sealevel to 2500 meters with elliptical, ribbed pseudobulbs enveloped basally by several leaf bearing sheaths and carrying 2, apical, oblong-lanceolate leaves that blooms in the summeron an erect then arching, to 6' [to 180 cm] long, few branched inflorescence arising on a mature pseudobulb.

Similar to Onc panamense Schlechter but O planilabre differs in being a smaller plant, and the column is wingless, instead there are 3 downward projecting teeth over the stigma and a .08" [2 mm] long tubercle at the base of the crest. The arrows in the photo point to these teeth and tubercle.

Synonyms Oncidium aloisii Schltr. 1921; Oncidium bidentatum Rolfe 1913; Oncidium calobulbon Linden & Rchb.f. 1882; Oncidium hirundo Rchb. f. 1857

