flagburner's blog(仮)


IOF said, "We killed the truth, legally."

2008-08-26 20:11:19 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

今年の4月16日 Gaza 地区で、カメラマン兼ジャーナリストの Fadel Shana'a 氏がイスラエル軍の銃撃により殺害された。
そして、約 2週間前の8月12日、イスラエル軍は発砲は正当だったという内部調査結果を公表したが・・・。
・Army clears troops in Reuters cameraman's death(2008年8月13日 Ynetnews)

Shana 氏の殺害に関しては↓参照。
・Kill the truth(2008年4月18日 flagburner's blog(仮))

で、Shana 氏の殺害の後、Shana 氏を雇っていた Reuters がイスラエル軍に事件の調査を求めた。
以下、Ynetnews の記事から、イスラエル軍の公表した調査結果について述べてるところを(長いけど)引用。
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"The tank crew was unable to determine the nature of the object mounted on the tripod and positively identify it as an anti-tank missile, a mortar or a television camera," Mendelblit[イスラエル軍の弁護士] wrote.

He further cited an attack that killed three IDF soldiers in another part of the enclave earlier in the day, a separate grenade attack on a tank, the fact that Shana and his soundman who was wounded were wearing body armour - "common to Palestinian terrorists" - among reasons for suspicion.

"In light of the reasonable conclusion reached by the tank crew and its superiors that the characters were hostile and were carrying an object most likely to be a weapon, the decision to fire at the targets was sound," Mendelblit wrote, adding that while there was no doubt that Fadel's death was a tragedy there was no evidence to suggest "misconduct or criminal misbehaviour."
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無論、当の Reuters はイスラエル軍が公表した結果に納得がいくはずも無かった。
・Reuters attacks Israel's failure to take action over cameraman's death(2008年8月13日 guardian.co.uk)

以下 guardian.co.uk の記事から、Reuters の編集長(?)をやってる David Schlesinger 氏のコメントを引用しておく。
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"I'm extremely disappointed that this report condones a disproportionate use of deadly force in a situation the army itself admitted had not been analysed clearly," said David Schlesinger, Reuters editor-in-chief.

"They would appear to take the view that any raising of a camera into position could garner a deadly response."
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イスラエル軍としては、Shana 氏の殺害が間違ってたと認めるわけにもいかないだろうしな。

ちなみに、Ynetnews のコメント欄では、「殺された奴が悪い」とか「Reuters は反ユダヤ的」という書き込みがチラホラ。


