flagburner's blog(仮)


Why did Ethiopian-Israeli wave flags?(May 2, 2015)

2015-05-02 21:47:51 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・After violent protest, Ethiopian demonstrators warn it’s ‘just the beginning’(2015年5月1日 timesofisrael.com)

とりあえず、2015年5月1日分timesofisrael.com『After violent protest~』から前半部分を(略)

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A Jerusalem demonstration called to highlight police brutality against members of Israel’s Ethiopian community finally wound down late on Thursday night, after nine hours of sometimes violent confrontation that left over a dozen people injured.

Shortly after 1 a.m., the last of the several hundred protesters went home, and traffic resumed its normal flow at the entrance to the city, where several dozen demonstrators had ultimately congregated and been dispersed.

But many of the demonstrators promised that the protests were “only the beginning,” and vowed that such rallies would spread nationwide in the coming days.

“You will see these protests in every city,” a masked protester told Channel 2 TV.
He explained that he chose to obscure his face to prevent the police identifying him, because “I am afraid of them. Maybe they’ll find me and beat me up when the cameras aren’t around.”

“For years we’ve been putting up with this racism, and the pressure cooker is exploding,” another Ethiopian protester told the Walla news website.
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1つ目は、エチオピア系のイスラエル軍兵士(Damas Pakada氏)(制服を着用してた)が路上で警察官に殴られ拘束された、というもの。


で、もう1つの動画ってのは、エチオピア系の男性(Walla Bayach氏)が移民局(Population and Immigration Authority)の取調官sに暴行を受けた、というもの。
・Ethiopians protest racist attack, clash with police: 'Israel will be like Baltimore'(2015年4月30日 ynetnews.com)

以下、2015年4月30日分 ynetnews.com『Ethiopians protest racist attack~』から後半部分を(略)

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Bayach left Ethiopia for Israel two years ago.
The Be'er Sheva resident was on his way to the city's employment bureau to obtain a Letter of Good Standing (a certificate of absence of criminal record) before entering a new job, when three inspectors in civilian clothes approached him.

"They asked me if I was Sudanese or Eritrean and I told them I was Israeli, although I didn't understand who they were," he told Ynet.
"They did not identify themselves, grabbed me violently, twisted my arm and put handcuffs on me."

Bayach says that the inspectors continued to act violently after he was restrained in handcuffs.
"They knocked me down, removed my shoes and beat my feet with a crowbar."

"Then, they removed the handcuffs, pulled out my ID card and told me get into a car. I was very scared, I didn't know who these people who assaulted me were, and I ran to the city's employment bureau."

Bayach was questioned by the police about his account of the incident and was taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

"I still don't know what I am guilty of. I never stole or hurt anyone," he said.

Moshe Bata, the director of the Ibim Immigrant Absorption Center in Sha'ar HaNegev, met with Bayach on Thursday morning.
"He is a noble man and a father to four children," Bata told Ynet.

"I don't believe that he attacked the inspectors. I know him well, he wouldn't hurt a fly. There were incidents in the past in which immigrants from Ethiopia were mistaken for asylum seekers. There are some people in the Israeli society who are racist towards Ethiopian immigrants."

The Population and Immigration Authority rejected Bayach's claims and said they were false: "In fact, a completely opposite scenario took place. The Immigration inspectors asked Bayach to identify himself as part of their routine operations. He refused to do so and started to assault the inspectors, forcing one of them to seek medical attention. The inspectors filed a complaint and it is being examined."
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参考までに、2015年5月1日分timesofisrael.com『After violent protest~』から問題の画像を(略)



