flagburner's blog(仮)


Combating racism without criticising Zionism?(May 5, 2015)

2015-05-05 21:34:51 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・Why did Ethiopian-Israeli wave flags?(May 2, 2015)(2015年5月2日 flagburner's blog(仮))

・イスラエル、「人種差別」取り締まり約束 エチオピア系市民のデモ暴徒化(2015年5月4日 afpbb.com)

以下、2015年5月4日分 afpbb.com『イスラエル、「人種差別」取り締まり約束~』から前半部分を(略)

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【5月5日 AFP】

続いて3日にテルアビブ(Tel Aviv)で行われた抗議デモでは、一部が暴徒化した。

イスラエルに暮らすエチオピア系市民の状況に注目が集まる中、政府は事態の鎮静化に直ちに乗り出し、レウベン・リブリン(Reuven Rivlin)大統領は「過失」があったと認めた。

一方、ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ(Benjamin Netanyahu)首相は、エチオピア系コミュニティーの指導者らと3時間にわたって協議。

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NETANYAHU首相としては、エチオピア系の人達が受けてる「紛れもない苦痛」[おまけ参照]に配慮することで、このような差別を生みだす元凶 -- シオニズム -- の存在から目を反らしたいんだろうな。

・Ethiopian Jews: Not Jewish enough(2015年5月4日 aljazeera.com)

参考までに、2015年5月4日分 aljazeera.com『Ethiopian Jews~』から後半部分を(略)

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Racism in Israeli society has a history going back to the 1950s in which each immigrant group and the local Arab minority is seen as "outsiders" by a mostly European Jewish elite.
Even in the last elections, Jews from Arab countries were called "neanderthals".
Ethiopians, although portrayed as friendly loyal citizens in mass culture, are stereotyped as uneducated and primitive; expected to take on the lowest jobs and often shunned by elite schools or society.

African migrants

The arrival of non-Jewish African migrants, fleeing wars in Africa, in recent years exacerbated the Jewish Ethiopians' situation as they felt the need to prove their "Israeliness" more in a Balkanised society that views outsiders with suspicion.

When the video emerged and 1,000 Ethiopians came to Jerusalem to protest, they didn't find any support from mainstream politicians.
Not one Knesset member came to support them, and the usual groups on the left that speak about racism in society ignored them.

The police showed restraint as these young men and women blocked the major north-south route in Jerusalem and occupied an area near the prime minister's residence.
But the relative quiet of the Jerusalem protest became a melee in Tel Aviv.
It wasn't Baltimore, almost no property was damaged, and it wasn't like Palestinians protesting, where tactics against them are more harsh.

But it did force Israeli society to look in the mirror and realise a group that has been the most supportive of the country has decided that they won't accept the situation any longer.

Discrimination has long been a problem in Israeli society; whether against Palestinians, Jews from Arab countries, Russian immigrants or ultra-orthodox Jews.
Ethiopians have shown they can get the public's attention; but whether they can change entrenched trends in society is less likely.
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・Why is the birth rate in Israel's Ethiopian community declining?(2012年12月9日 Haaretz.com)

参考までに、2012年12月9日分 Haaretz.com『Why is the birth rate~』から前半部分を(略)

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Women who immigrated from Ethiopia eight years ago say they were told they would not be allowed into Israel unless they agreed to be injected with the long-acting birth control drug Depo Provera, according to an investigative report aired Saturday on the Israel Educational Television program "Vacuum."

The women say that while waiting in transit camps in Ethiopia prior to immigration they were placed in family planning workshops where they were coaxed into agreeing to the injection - a charge denied by both the Joint Distribution Committe, which ran the clinics, and the Health Ministry.

"We said we won't have the shot. They told us, if you don't you won't go to Israel And also you won't be allowed into the Joint (American Joint Distribution Committee) office, you won't get aid or medical care. We were afraid... We didn't have a choice. Without them and their aid we couldn't leave there. So we accepted the injection. It was only with their permission that we were allowed to leave," recounted Emawayish, who immigrated from Ethiopia eight years ago.

Emawayish was one of 35 women, whose stories were recorded by Sebba Reuven, that relate how they were coaxed and threatened into agreeing to receive the injectable birth control drug.

The birth rate among Israel's Ethiopian immigrant population has dropped nearly 20 percent in 10 years.

According to the report, the women were given the Depo Provera injections in the family planning workshops in transit camps, a practice that continued once they reached Israel.
The women who were interviewed for the investigation reported that they were told at the transit camps that having many children would make their lives more difficult in Ethiopia and in Israel, and even that they would be barred from coming to Israel if they refused.
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