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Breaking the Silence:silencing on the voice of Palestinians?(May 7, 2015)

2015-05-07 21:52:44 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
今回は、元軍人達の体験に関する証言を公開してる Breaking the Silence(以下BTS)というイスラエルの団体に関する小話。

・Breaking the Silence? No, breaking Israel(2015年5月7日 i24news.tv)

以下、2015年5月7日分i24news.tv『Breaking the Silence?~』から後半部分を(略

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The Breaking the Silence report is false because it is completely decontextualized
It fails to mention his form of a new and unbalanced war between a democracy and terrorist organizations, a state of law against cynical and unscrupulous barbarians, an army that protects its civilians against terrorists who protect themselves using their civilians.

This report is immoral because it exempts the terrorists of their heavy responsibility while peering through a microscope at the slightest flaw in its own camp, which fights under extremely difficult conditions while adhering to ethical principles.

This report was compiled in bad faith, seeking minute flaws inherent in any conflict but omitting the massive efforts made by the IDF not to involve civilians, even those who distribute candy in the streets of Gaza after deadly attacks on Israel.
No other army in the world would bother to preventively call people in targeted neighborhoods or to send millions of leaflets asking civilians to leave the area before the bombing of terrorist positions.

This report is malicious because possible inappropriate behavior on the battlefield should be dealt with through the chain of command and not the international media, eager to attack the Israeli soldier.

Finally the report is political because it expresses the views of soldiers with an ideological orientation, often to the extreme left, who knowingly collaborate with the international campaign to demonize Israel.

Its goal is not Breaking the Silence, but Breaking Israel.
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・Breaking The Silence and its colonial approach(2014年9月7日 oximity.com)

以下、2014年9月7日分 oximity.com『Breaking The Silence ~』からその部分を長くなるけど(略

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Documentation and accountability

There is a discrepancy that must be addressed between speaking out and being held accountable.

The role of BTS is to inform the Israeli public of the macabre crimes perpetrated by the Israeli army.

What it fails to do, however, is delegitimize the army in its entirety opposed to explicitly baring its delinquencies.
In fact, these speakers are portrayed as heroes for speaking out and although they provide credibility, in the international discourse they take away from the voices of Palestinians.

Israeli colonialism stems deeper than violence from soldiers, and although these members are speaking out, they are still part of a colonial system and have privilege that no Palestinian possesses.
They were able to commit horrid acts, present these crimes and get away with them.

In terms of strategy and effectiveness, it is vital to document these violations brought forth by the IDF against the lives of Palestinians.
However to neglect the fact that these are still perpetrators and colonizers and to glorify them is insulting and further dehumanizes the Palestinian people.

Palestinian activist and blogger, Rana Nazzal explains “there is some purpose in keeping a record of crimes committed - from the mouth of the offender. There is a space for this in terms of research and record-keeping. For me, it ends there.”

It is essential that Israeli communities that oppose the occupation take it upon themselves to enlighten their own society, and although BTS has adopted this initiative it still plays within the very system it criticizes.

Eran Efriti, former member of BTS, once stated whilst on tour in Denver, Colorado, that the organization is breaking the silence on what Israel, in specific what the IDF allows them to break the silence on.
That it remains censored in accordance with the approval of the IDF.
Consequently, it is playing within the rules of the very structure it is trying to expose, thus perpetuating an underlying duplicity and simply redeeming guilt.
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BTSの活動の限界としては、イスラエルを支える思想 -- 要はシオニズム -- への批判がないことっぺぇ。
以下、2014年9月7日分oximity.com『Breaking The Silence ~』から終盤部分を(略)

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Destroying the Zionist narrative and the voice of Palestinians

This initiative serves to expose Israeli crimes which have already been exposed and documented by Palestinians themselves as well as, other journalists and researchers.
BTS does not delegitimize the Zionism Israel clings to, nor does it approach the colonialism of Palestine as a whole.

(Rajai )Abukhalil elaborates further on the initiative explaining that “even though their testimonies embarrass the spokesmen of the alleged most moral army it is to be noted that many journalists did that. Therefore, breaking the silence doesn't add more to the Palestinian cause. Instead, it takes away from the voices of Palestinians. People should listen to the victim’s side not the oppressors.”

Reham Ibrahim, active against Israeli colonialism proclaims that “whilst it is crucial to document Israeli crimes, we must be careful in what voices we amplify, the Palestinians have been speaking out and presenting Israeli crimes. Their voice becomes further interiorized by the very perpetrators that have oppressed them, as they become labelled as heroes and admired for their bravery. What bravery? If any of the soldiers that took part in my oppression decide to speak out, it is only to redeem their conscious that is drowning in screams and the silence of those they have oppressed and killed. I will not accept that. It does not acquit them of their crimes.”

To destroy a colonial power is to actively address its colonialism and to mobilize others to not partake in it.
It is crucial to hold Israel accountable for all its crimes, and all those that partake in those crimes.
Whilst it is important to document and uncover the crimes of the IDF, this cannot happen without also forming a critique of Israeli colonialism and apartheid.
Thus, although, the work of such organizations is important for shifting the ideologies within Israeli societies it should be understood that it is only relevant in that context.
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おまけ:BTSの調査部門の責任者ことAvihai Stollar氏による体験談。
・How I became involved with Breaking the Silence(2015年5月6日 972mag.com)

以下、2015年5月6日分 972mag.com『How I became~』から終盤部分を(略)

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In most cases, after the testifier is cleared as reliable, we start verifying the story.
Every episode, anecdote or practice that they recount is fact-checked to make sure that it happened, and in the way that it was described.
To this end, we compare several sources: First and foremost, the story is crosschecked with other testimonies from the same areas.
Then, we also rely on media and other reports, including declassified IDF documents.

After the testimony is verified, it is published anonymously.
The reason for that is that we want to put an emphasis on the content of the testimony, rather than the testifier’s identity.
The army tends to ignore claims of systemic failures, and hold individual soldiers liable.
Furthermore, it spares the soldiers the potential repercussions – disciplinary as well as social – for having dared to wash the dirty linen in public.

We call on the Israeli public to listen to these soldiers, and face up to their stories. They were sent to the frontline in our name, and to listen to them is the least we can do to acknowledge that.
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