英英辞典と戯れよう Part23
今日は[ W ]の単語ですね。
1. a small flat case that you use for carring paper money
2. the large amount of money and things that a rich person has: She wanted to share her ______ with her friends.
3. unusual and strange: it was quite a _____ experience.
4. a plant that is used to produce grain for making flour
5. to say something very quietly to someone, so that other people can not hear: The girls were _______ing at the back of the class.
6. to have and use power and influence: The United States _____s enormous political influence.
7. a tall structure with parts that are turned by the wind, which is used to crush grain or make electricity
8. to take something out or away: He ________ £100 from the bank.
9. a room or building where people make or repair things / a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by working together.
10. a small line on your face that you get when you are old
(1-10: Longman Wordwise Dictionary[LWD]より引用)
enormous political influence:莫大な政治的影響力
crush grain:粒をつぶす
make electricity:電気を作る
[Answer] >>>[・・・]:例文 LWDより
1. wallet(財布・札入れ)
2. wealth(富・財産)
3. weird(変な・奇妙な)
4. wheat(小麦)
5. whisper(ささやく・小声) >>>[James whispered something to Susie and she laughed. / He whispered something in my ear.]
6. wield((権力や武力などを)行使する、振りかざす)
7. windmill(風車)
8. withdraw(引き出す)※withdrawalで(銀行等での)「引き出し」>>>[You have made three withdrawals this month.]
9. workshop(作業場、ワークショップ<講習会・研究会>)
10. wrinkle(皺(しわ))
それでは、また次回。See you next time!
今日は[ W ]の単語ですね。
1. a small flat case that you use for carring paper money
2. the large amount of money and things that a rich person has: She wanted to share her ______ with her friends.
3. unusual and strange: it was quite a _____ experience.
4. a plant that is used to produce grain for making flour
5. to say something very quietly to someone, so that other people can not hear: The girls were _______ing at the back of the class.
6. to have and use power and influence: The United States _____s enormous political influence.
7. a tall structure with parts that are turned by the wind, which is used to crush grain or make electricity
8. to take something out or away: He ________ £100 from the bank.
9. a room or building where people make or repair things / a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by working together.
10. a small line on your face that you get when you are old
(1-10: Longman Wordwise Dictionary[LWD]より引用)
enormous political influence:莫大な政治的影響力
crush grain:粒をつぶす
make electricity:電気を作る
[Answer] >>>[・・・]:例文 LWDより
1. wallet(財布・札入れ)
2. wealth(富・財産)
3. weird(変な・奇妙な)
4. wheat(小麦)
5. whisper(ささやく・小声) >>>[James whispered something to Susie and she laughed. / He whispered something in my ear.]
6. wield((権力や武力などを)行使する、振りかざす)
7. windmill(風車)
8. withdraw(引き出す)※withdrawalで(銀行等での)「引き出し」>>>[You have made three withdrawals this month.]
9. workshop(作業場、ワークショップ<講習会・研究会>)
10. wrinkle(皺(しわ))
それでは、また次回。See you next time!