With the I Ching


英英辞典と戯れよう Part5

2008-07-28 19:29:28 | 英英辞典でクイズ!


1. the PLANET that we live on
2. the process of teaching or learning, usually in a school or college
3. an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position
4. a strong feeling such as love or hate
5. a book that contains facts about many subjects
6. the gradual development of something, especially types of plants and animals
7-a. the things that you learn when you do a particular job or activity
7-b. something that happens to you
8. the reason for something happening, or what someone says or writes about something that lets other people understand it

(Longman Wordwise Dictionaryより引用)


process : プロセス、過程
occasion : 何かをする場や時、機会、行事
vote : 投票、採択
gradual : 漸進的な、徐々に、逐次の
development : 発展、発達、進展、開発
especially : 特に、とりわけ
particular : 特定の、独特の
activity : 活動、営み


1. earth(地球)
2. education(教育)
3. election(選挙)
4. emotion(情動・感情)
5. encyclopedia(百科事典)
6. evolution(進化・発展)
7. experience(経験・体験)
8. explanation(説明・解釈)



1. the PLANET that we live on


2. the process of teaching or learning, usually in a school or college


3. an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position


4. a strong feeling such as love or hate

「強い感覚/愛や憎しみのような」 “強い”ってところがミソですね。喜怒哀楽のような心を突き動かす感情。訳語としては「情動」が当てられています。
5. a book that contains facts about many subjects

6. the gradual development of something, especially types of plants and animals

「漸進的な発達/何らかの、特に/植物や動物の形態について」。これは生態の進化のこと。ちなみに、人類の進化は「evolution of man」です。
7-a. the things that you learn when you do a particular job or activity
7-b. something that happens to you



8. the reason for something happening, or what someone says or writes about something that lets other people understand it



[ to tell someone about something so that they can understand it ]
[ to say why something happened ]
[ if a fact explains something, people accept that it is the reason for it ]


