Jolly Good❣️Jolly Baking & Cooking 


shelly's headdresses (by courtesy of shelly)

2013-11-08 | handicraft
えまっちのお友達Shelly(まだ会ったことないけど)がmy cocktail hatにくれたコメントで、ヘッドドレスを作ったとありました。
shelly はベリーダンスを習っているんだそうです。コメントにi've made headdresses for my dancing,とあったのは、ベリーダンスのことだったんですね!

She, not only sent me some pictures, but also very kindly gave some explanations about her headdresses.
here goes...(she doesn't like capital letters)

just to explain a bit about the photos then:

the one with the bananas (that was the only thing i could find that was the right shape to take the photo on!)
is the larger piece. i wear both together, with the large one at the front and the smaller one at the back.

バナナ(写真撮るためにちょうど良い形のがそれしかなかったんだもん!)に載っているのは大きいヘッドドレス。 大きいヘッドドレスを前に小さなのを後ろに、と両方一緒に着用します。
the large one is made from a piece of fabric from an old coat, ribbon, silk scraps, 'turkoman' tribal buttons and bits of necklace from 'claires accessories'. it has elastic that goes under my hair to keep it on. the flowers are all detachable and i use them to hold it in place.
大きなのは、古いコート、リボン、シルクの切れ端、turkoman民族のボタン、claires accessoriesのネックレスの一部などで作っています。髪の毛の下にまわすことができるゴムがついています。花は取り外し可能で、ヘッドドレスを固定するために使っています。

the smaller one (on the wooden table) is again made from the old coat, ribbon and silk with turkoman buttons. the larger 'buttons' are bits of a bracelet. again, the flowers and feathers clip it all in place.
小さなヘッドドレスも、同じく古いコート、リボン、シルク、turkomanボタンで作りました。 大きな”ボタン”はブレスレットから取ったものです。これもやはり花や羽につけたクリップでヘッドドレスを固定します。

the picture of me only shows the large one before it was finished (a practice run).

a better picture is attached, although my eyes look a little scary!! :0)
この写真の方が良いかしら。 私の目がちょっとコワイけど

i also bought a coin bra (which we wear over a short sleeved top), and decorated it to match the headdresses.
じぇれまいあ注:コインブラとはなんぞや? こんなんです。
the costumes for the style of dance i do (american tribal style belly dance) are very elaborate and beautiful. we actually wear quite a lot of clothes compared to other styles of belly dance. my teacher is japanese! she always looks amazing in all of her costume!!
私が習っているamerican tribal style belly danceのコスチュームはとても作りが細かくて美しいものです。他の流派より多くの衣服を身につけます。
私の先生は日本人!! どのコスチュームでも素晴らしい着こなしでステキです。

American Tribal Style Belly Dance、知りませんでした。
I didn't know what American Tribal Style Belly Dance was.
ロングスカートなんですね。Dancers wear long skirts.
It certainly is different from the "belly dance" that first comes to mind. (well, that "belly dance" I see at some restaurants is the only belly dance I know...)

shelly is very creative. She (with her husband's help) made a chandelier from a bicycle brake!

Thank you for sharing, shelly!

