

【English Blog】■ (Poetry)I have something that I want to make realize by "American Youth" !

2019年09月19日 09時18分55秒 | 政治・社会
Hello Everyone!
My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Sundayat 8:30 p.m. in local time for more than 7 years.

Approximately 500-1000 persons are watching every time.
I started English-Japanese broadcast biweekly on Wednesday night from the 7th 2015 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.

Please find here-after the English blog based on the scenario of English-Japansese broadcast made yesterday on the 18 September 2019.



【English Blog】

■ (Poetry)I have something that I want to make realize by "American Youth" !

I don't expect the "American Adults" but I expect a lot from the "American Young People".

This is because if the“American Young People" who are not poisoned by the“existing interests” can radically change the United States, Japan and the whole world will“dramatically change”in a good direction.

1.“Stop US military control”

The US should stop the "World Rule" in the name of the "Wworld Police Officer"!

The US should no have a finger on the“politics of other countries”but concentrate on “politics of their own country”!

The US should declare “Eternal Neutral”and conclude the“Peace and Unwar Treaty”with the rest of the world!

The US should use“military anual expenses”of“$ 600 billion (about 65 trillionyen)”for“peace" and “national welfare”without using it for“war”!

The US should withdraw from over 1000“overseas US military bases”in the whole woeld.!

The US shoukd not manufacture and sell the“murder weapons”!

The US should abolish all weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear weapons, large bombs, poisonous gas weapons, earthquake weapons, biological -chemical weapons, meteorological weapons and chemical-trail weapons!

The US should not begin the“Invasion War”as un excuse of “contre terrorism” that the US has invented saying“The US has been attacked”!

The US should arrest,prosecut and get into jail former President Bush, former Vice President Cheney and former Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld as `war criminals" who planned and executed "911 United States terrorism" and executed "Afghanistan and Iraq invasion wars"!

The US should dismantle the Department of Defense and CIA!

The US should change the name of "Ministry of State" to "Ministry of Foreign Affairs"!

The US should not shoulder the “Israel” that took the Palestinian lands and occupied to “establish a country"!

2.“Stop US financial control"』

The US should 100% nationalized the Cental Bank "FRB" (Federal Reserve Board)which is 100% privat bank and the government does not have any shares to regain the "currency issue right"!

The US should return the“currency issue right”from the 100% private bank“FRB (Federal Reserve Board)”to the “Federal Parliament”as the Federal Constitution stipulates!

The US should return the “issue rignt of goverment bonds”from “Ministry of Finance” to the “Federal Parliament”as the Federal Constitution stipulates!!

The US should dismantle the “gambling economy = monetary economy”that does notproduce any value and should put the“real economy" producing the value to the center of the economy!

The US should revive the "gold standard systm" as the absolute standard of the "real economy"!

The US should abolish the“interest system that makes money by money”where financial institutions and rich people grow forever!

The US should abolish the“private banks”and the Nationalized Centrla Bank should take all financial services with no interest and low fees!

The US should "dismantle" with "monopoly law violations" the "financial institutions" such as major banks, major securities companies and major insurance companies that dominate "financial power" !

The US should abolish the “reserve deposit system" that the private banks produce money from nothing where private banks use depositor's money to create enormous “credit creation”!

3. "Change US politics and justice"

The US should elect nine Federal Supreme Court Juges by direct election, not by presidential appointment!!

The US should stop the“Religious State”dominated by Christian fundamentalism ans should become the“lawy state”dominated by the Constitution ans lwas!

The US should make the presidential election "direct election" instead of "indirect election"!

The US should create the“Constitutional Court" who the isindependent“Constitutional Guard”

The US should prohibit the“freedom of weapons possession”that kills civilianseach other for the benefit of weapon makers!

The US should prohibit the“money election”in which a huge amount of money is allowed in all elections including the presidential election!

The US should stop the“two-political party system”and should change it to the“multi-political party system”!

The US should prohibit the“presidential decree”that allows “presidential dictatorship”!

4. "Change US life, education and social welfare"

The US should make all educational expenses“free”from kindergarten to universityl!

The US should prohibit “religious education”in all educational institutions!

The US should introduce the“Minimum Life Security System (Basic Income)”that the government guarantee a hygienic and cultural“minimum life”for all citizens!
The US should create the“health insurance system”“nursing care insurance system” and “pension system” that all citizens can join with low burden run directly by the government!


【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp

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