


2024-03-14 23:05:30 | Newsメモ

BBC Fear and chaos await Haitian migrants forced back over border 14 Mar 2024 By Will Grant



At the Dajabón border crossing between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, a constant stream of trucks pulls up carrying undocumented Haitian migrants, who are being deported back to their home country.

They are being sent to a nation in the grip of its most acute humanitarian crisis since the devastating earthquake in 2010, which killed hundreds of thousands.

The Caribbean country's already precarious situation has quickly deteriorated over the past weeks as gangs have launched coordinated attacks on key facilities to force the resignation of the country's prime minister.

In total, more than 350,000 people have been internally displaced in Haiti - more than 15,000 of them in the last fortnight.

Yet here at the border crossing, the Dominican authorities have been sending back hundreds of undocumented Haitians every day.


Some of the immigrants are furious, shouting indignantly in Spanish and Creole. Others are resigned, holding their children or a few possessions in their arms.

"I'd been in the Dominican Republic for three years," yelled construction worker, Michael Petiton, "they came into my house and took me from my home."

 ケニアによる警察部隊派遣・介入も取り下げですっけか? …なんというか、国家破綻待ったなし、的な状況のようなー…。
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