


2024-08-16 19:23:19 | Newsメモ


BBC What is mpox and how is it spread? 20 hours ago


The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the mpox outbreaks in parts of Africa a public health emergency of international concern.

The highly contagious disease - formerly known as monkeypox - has killed at least 450 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Mpox is caused by a virus in the same family as smallpox but is usually much less harmful.

It was originally transmitted from animals to humans but now also passes between humans.

Initial symptoms include fever, headaches, swellings, back pain and aching muscles.


The infection can clear up on its own and lasts between 14 and 21 days.

 もとは西~中央アフリカの熱帯雨林地帯の村落で見られたものがだいぶ広がってしまったもの。だいたいClade 1とClade 2との2系統に分けられ、前者の方がキッツい。

Mpox is most common in remote villages in the tropical rainforests of West and Central Africa, in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), where it has been seen for many years.

There are broadly two main types of mpox - Clade 1, which is often more serious, and Clade 2.

The Clade 1 virus - that has for decades caused sporadic outbreaks in DRC - is spreading.
Some forms of Clade 1 seem to be affecting children more than adults.

 今回流行のものはClade 1のbというあたり。感染力を高めた様子。以前2002年に流行したのはClade 2で、そっちはrelatively mildであったそうだ。

There is also real concern because many people infected in the last year have had a relatively new and more severe type of mpox known as Clade 1b.

Experts say there is a lot to learn about the Clade 1b but it may be spreading more easily, causing more serious disease.

A previous mpox public health emergency, declared in 2022, was caused by the relatively mild Clade 2.

It spread to nearly 100 countries which do not normally see the virus, including some in Europe and Asia, but was brought under control by vaccinating vulnerable groups.

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