


2019-10-29 12:48:30 | Newsメモ


BBC Michelle Carter sentenced for texts urging suicide of Conrad Roy 4 August 2017

A Massachusetts woman has been sentenced to two and a half years for encouraging her boyfriend to commit suicide through texts and phone calls.

Michelle Carter, now 20, will serve 15 months of her term behind bars and five years of probation.

Carter was convicted in June of the involuntary manslaughter of Conrad Roy, who took his own life on 13 July 2014.

Carter was 17 when Mr Roy was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in a vehicle in 2014.

The case drew national attention after Carter's text messages revealed she had encouraged him to end his life.

"Hang yourself, jump off a building, stab yourself I don't know there's a lot of ways," she said in several messages sent in the two weeks before his death while he was on holiday with his family.

「首吊っとけHang yourself、飛び降りろよビルからjump off a building、刺したらstab yourself、私、どんだけ方法があるのかしらんけどI don't know there's a lot of ways」。

In the moments before his suicide, she wrote: "You need to do it, Conrad" and "All you have to do is turn the generator on and you will be free and happy."


 あーうん、そりゃあ、このMichelle Carterにも精神医学的な支援が必要かもねえとか、まあ素人ながら思うわなあ。年齢も低いし。

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