

ダム建設は誰のため? 電気はどこで消費される予定?

2019-07-27 20:05:41 | ビルマ/ミャンマー
BBC Aung San Suu Kyi's Myanmar dam dilemma with China 27 Jul 2019

In 2011, construction work on a massive dam project in Myanmar's restive Kachin state was halted after large protests. China is now lobbying hard for the work to resume, but as BBC News Burmese's Soe Soe Htoon found, local people are still not convinced they will ever see its benefits.

"These are my lands but I am not allowed by the company to step onto my land, or even collect plants or herbs," she says.

"I won't come back and see this area again. It's too painful to see it but not be able to walk on it."

 田舎のばーちゃんは「"We could eat what we grew before; there was no need to buy anything. Here without land we can't do anything; we don't know how to earn money. I am very sick here."」とあり、金のかしぇぎよもしゃねのヌ、こだ綺麗な村さ来させらってもしゃねべや、ハダゲもねくてなじょんすんの、というわけである。

The Myitsone was to be the largest of seven dams SPIC is promising to build in the region, to provide quickly-developing Myanmar with much-needed electricity.

By some estimates, the project would by itself generate more energy than the entire country produces now.


The full contract the former military government signed with SPIC has never been publicly released. But in a rare interview in May, with BBC News Burmese, the former deputy minister of Myanmar's state power company, U Maw Thar Htwe, confirmed the most provocative part of the deal - that 90% of the electricity the dam generated would go back over the border to China.

 …いや、いいんですよ? 確かに、電力不足の国に電力を輸出すれば、それだけカネも儲かる…でしょうから。でも電力代は建築費と相殺しちゃう契約かもしれず、どれだけ地元にカネがおちるか、そこが問われましょうよ。

According to U Maw Thar Htwe, the government will get a 10% stake in the dam but will only see a return on its investment two decades after it starts operations.


A government commission into the fate of the project was formed in 2016 and submitted its final report to the president's office in November last year. But the government has never published the findings, and rumours abound.



When she was in opposition, Aung San Suu Kyi spoke out against the dam. But since becoming Myanmar's de facto leader after the historic elections in 2015, she has changed her view.

She has said deals struck under the former military government should be honoured.


But analysts say she faces a dilemma.

She needs to establish prosperity and peace if she is to convince the Burmese people of the benefits of democracy, and reliable electricity will be part of that. But she also needs to convince them she's not selling off the country.

And Myanmar needs China.



In a sign of the influence of social media in Myanmar, a crowdfunding campaign has been set up by a group of prominent activists and artists asking people to donate $1 each to pay back China to abandon the dam.


Despite some high-profile backers, the campaign hasn't taken off, with other activists criticising the movement as a token gesture that wasn't realistic.

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