Takahiko Shirai Blog



2005-06-09 12:39:41 | 国際
「防衛に十分な核爆弾保有」 北朝鮮次官が米TVで明言






N. Korea Admits Building More Nuclear Bombs
Top Official Discusses Nuclear Ambitions; Millions of N. Koreans Forced Into Farming
PYONGYANG, North Korea, June 8, 2005

— In an exclusive interview with ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff, North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan said the country is in the process of building additional nuclear bombs and would neither confirm nor deny the missiles' ability to hit the United States.

Woodruff is part of an ABC News team recently granted rare access to the country. During the interview, Gwan — the country's chief nuclear negotiator — spoke openly about North Korea's nuclear ambitions:

BOB WOODRUFF: Do you have a nuclear bomb?

KIM GYE GWAN: We do have.

WOODRUFF: How many do you have?

GWAN: I should say that we have enough nuclear bombs to defend against a U.S. attack. As for specifically how many we have, that is a secret.

WOODRUFF: Are you building more bombs now?

GWAN: Yes.

Despite those claims, many analysts are not convinced North Korea has nuclear weapons because it has not conducted any nuclear tests. In the past several years it has tested long-range missiles, however.

WOODRUFF: Do have a missile capable of hitting the mainland United States?

GWAN: I think I've said our nuclear program is are not aimed at attacking the U.S.

WOODRUFF: It's not aimed there, but does it have the capability of reaching there?

GWAN: We don't have any intention at all of attacking the U.S. So you can't even speculate about that kind of thing.

WOODRUFF: Do have the ability to put a nuclear warhead on your long range missiles?

GWAN: I want you to know that our scientists have the knowledge, comparable to other scientists around the world.

WOODRUFF: Is that a yes or a no?

GWAN: You can take it as you like.

Struggles of Daily Life

Life remains very difficult in North Korea, where food shortages and occasional blackouts are common occurrences. To save power, the traffic lights in the capital Pyongyang have been turned off for more than four years. Highly trained police direct the traffic at intersections instead.

The campus at Kim Il Sung University, normally teeming with 12,000 students, is empty. The students, along with an estimated 3 million other North Koreans, were ordered out of the cities this month and directed into rice fields to help plant the new crop.

North Korea is in the midst of a major food crisis, and is working to boost its agricultural production.

"Our leader Kim Jung Il told us to mobilize," one North Korean engineer-turned-farmer told ABC News. "A person cannot work without food."

The North Koreans can not return to the city until the farming is done, and they work without farming equipment — using only their hands.

ABC News' Bob Woodruff filed this report on "World News Tonight."


2005-06-09 00:32:56 | 国際
2005.06.08 19:25:24

8日、国会が‘日本自衛隊の北朝鮮先制攻撃説’で一時、騒然となった。 国会統一・外交・安保分野の対政府質問を行った「開かれたウリ党」(ウリ党)の崔星(チェ・ソン)議員は、昨年12月の朝日新聞の報道を引用し、「米日共同作戦計画5055は、韓半島有事の際という但し書きのもと、日本自衛隊が韓半島戦闘に参加する米軍の支援活動を行うことを明示している」とし、自衛隊の韓半島駐留の可能性を提起した。

崔議院は「有事の際、北朝鮮の核ミサイル脅威を理由に、日本が韓半島に軍事的介入し、日本が独自に対北朝鮮先制攻撃を行う可能性を排除できない」と述べた。 崔議員は「日本の北朝鮮先制攻撃の可能性に言及した日本防衛庁長官の発言をはじめ、最近、平和憲法改正の動きが日本国内で起きている」とし、「今月末に行われる韓日首脳会談で‘日本の北朝鮮先制攻撃絶対不可’が議題に採択されなければならない」と主張した。

しかし答弁した尹光雄(ユン・クァンウン)国防長官は「(自衛隊の韓半島駐留について)全く事実でない。 日本が世界の責任ある国家として北朝鮮を先制攻撃するというのは考えられず、合理的な内容ではない」と述べた。 「日本防衛庁長官の対北朝鮮先制攻撃発言は事実か」という質問に対しても、「事実でない」と一蹴した。

こうした問題提起に対し、議員らは「とんでもない」という反応を見せた。 統一外交通商委所属のある議員は「米日同盟に先立ち、自衛隊の集団的自衛権を禁止している日本憲法上、不可能な内容であり、行き過ぎた解釈」とし、「こういう内容を公論化した場合、むしろ日本政府の不信を招き、韓日関係に悪い影響を及ぼす」と指摘した。


2005-06-09 00:23:41 | 文学







The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.







And that inverted Bowl we call The Sky,
Whereunder crawling coop't we live and die,
Life not thy hands to It for help―for It
Rolls impotently on as Thou or I.