Takahiko Shirai Blog



2005-06-05 23:29:11 | 国際







2005/05/30 10:01




2005.04.08 18:24:43

尹光雄(ユン・クァンウン)国防部長官が「韓国が北東アジアの均衡者の役割を遂行するのに、軍が後押ししてほしい」と述べた。 尹長官が話した均衡者が何であるかは知らないが、恐らく、盧武鉉(ノ・ムヒョン)大統領が明らかにした「北東アジア均衡者論」を、軍が後押しすべきだというものと受け止められる。

「北東アジア均衡者論」は、盧大統領さえ具体的な内容と実現方法を提示できない。 韓国の決心によって北東アジアの秩序が変わるというようなあいまいな希望、中国と日本が北東アジアで覇権を追求できなくするという具合の解釈でしかない。 不透明で未熟な概念レベルの構想だ。 さらに言葉では、この政府が韓米同盟を基軸とすると述べたが、あちこちで韓米関係からは破裂音が聞こえてくる。 このため、多くの国民が北東アジア均衡者論に憂慮を表明しているのだ。 こうした局面で国防部長官が均衡者論を持ち出すのを見ると、軍の均衡者論とは何か、軍が支えるというのはどういうことか、よく分からない。

韓国軍の一次的使命は、北朝鮮の侵略を撃退することである。 国防部長官が北東アジア均衡者論を言う場合、韓国軍の目標は北朝鮮でなく、中国と日本のバランスを取ることなのか。 現実的に韓国軍にそういう能力があるのか。 韓国の戦力が中国・日本に比べて相当低いという点は、長期間軍生活をした尹長官がよく分かっているはずだ。 例えば、日本が4隻保有するイージス艦を韓国海軍は1隻も持っておらず、それが両国の戦力比較で何を意味しているか、海軍出身の尹長官はもっとよく知るはずだ。

結局、今の韓国の実力ではすべて不可能な話である。 だから韓米同盟を強調するのだ。 また、これは北朝鮮核問題が解決された後に議論する問題である。 こうした現実を無視した均衡者論は、自ら孤立無援を招くことにしかならない。

国防部長官が現実を知らないか、大統領を意識した発言としか見て取れない。 安保の最後の砦である軍が、自ら政治論理に飛び込んでいく状況である。 国防は政権を超えた国家の基本領域という点を忘れるべきでない。


2005-06-05 17:33:46 | 国際
The Wall Street Journal
Rumsfeld Rebukes China
Over Its Military Buildup

Associated Press
June 4, 2005 1:56 p.m.

SINGAPORE -- China's military buildup, particularly its positioning of hundreds of missiles facing Taiwan, is a threat to Asian security, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Saturday.

Mr. Rumsfeld rebuked China at a regional security conference here, saying it was pouring huge resources into its military and buying large amounts of sophisticated weapons despite facing no threat from any other country.

The Pentagon chief's remarks signaled a harder line against China from the Bush administration, which has criticized Beijing over trade and human-rights issues but not directly challenged its military buildup.

The director of the Asia bureau of China's foreign ministry, Cui Tiankai, was in the audience for Rumsfeld's speech and reacted strongly.

"Since the U.S. is spending a lot more money than China is doing on defense, the U.S. should understand that every country has its own security concerns and every country is entitled to spend money necessary for its own defense," Mr. Cui told the Associated Press after Rumsfeld's remarks.

Mr. Rumsfeld said the Pentagon's annual assessment of China's military capabilities shows China now has the world's third-largest military budget, behind the U.S. and Russia. He didn't say how large the U.S. believes China's military budget is.

A report last month by a U.S. think tank put China's military spending between $69 billion and $78 billion a year, estimated in 2001 U.S. dollars. That ranges between 2.3% and 2.8% of China's gross domestic product, according to the Rand Corp. That compares with the $430 billion spent by the U.S. on defense in 2004 -- 3.9% of the country's GDP.

"Since no nation threatens China, one must wonder: Why this growing investment? Why these continuing large and expanding arms purchases?" Mr. Rumsfeld said at the conference organized by the International Institute of Strategic Studies, a private, London-based think tank.

Mr. Cui responded sharply to Mr. Rumsfeld during a question-and-answer session. "Do you truly believe that China is under no threat by other countries?" Cui asked. "Do you truly believe that the U.S. is threatened by the emergence of China?"

Mr. Rumsfeld said he doesn't think any country threatens China and that the U.S. doesn't see China as a threat.

Central to the disagreement is Taiwan, a self-governing island Beijing regards as a renegade territory. China has said it will attack Taiwan if the island tries to declare independence, and it repeatedly calls on the U.S. to stop selling weapons to Taiwan. Beijing denounced a joint U.S.-Japan statement earlier this year, saying the two allies shared the objective of a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue.

The U.S. is urging the European Union to keep in place its ban on selling weapons to China. Washington argues that any European weapons sold to China could be used in a conflict over Taiwan.

"I just look at the significant rollout of ballistic missiles opposite Taiwan, and I have to ask the question: If everyone agrees the question of Taiwan is going to be settled in a peaceful way, why this increase in ballistic missiles opposite Taiwan?" Mr. Rumsfeld said.

He also questioned China's government, saying political freedom there hasn't kept pace with increasing economic freedom. "Ultimately, China will need to embrace some form of a more open and representative government if it is to fully achieve the political and economic benefits to which its people aspire," he said.

He said that U.S. pressure for political and economic change in China isn't intended to undermine the Beijing government. "The implication that freedom means destabilization, I believe, is incorrect," he said in response to a question from a participant at the conference.

"Economic success depends on increasingly freer economic systems. That will put pressure on a political system that is less free," Mr. Rumsfeld said. "The task for China is to resolve that issue."

The defense secretary, who has said he would like to visit China this year, also pressed Beijing to use its influence with North Korea to restart six-nation talks over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program. North Korea has stayed away for a year from the talks with China, the U.S., South Korea, Japan and Russia.

Mr. Rumsfeld said the United Nations may need to decide what to do about the nuclear threat from North Korea, which declared in February that it has atomic bombs. North Korea says it needs a nuclear deterrent because of what it calls Washington's "hostile policy" against it.

Mr. Rumsfeld said North Korea is a world-wide threat because of its record of selling missile technology and other weapons. "One has to assume that they'll sell anything, and that they would sell nuclear weapons," he said.

Similar U.S. criticism of North Korea has sparked an angry response from Pyongyang. The state-run Korean Central News Agency this week called Vice President Dick Cheney a "bloodthirsty beast" for saying that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il was irresponsible.

President Bush and other administration officials say the U.S. has no intention of attacking North Korea.

South Korean Defense Minister Yoon Kwang Ung met privately with Mr. Rumsfeld later Saturday. Mr. Yoon said his government agrees that China should try to persuade North Korea to rejoin the talks. "I believe these efforts are very much respected," Mr. Yoon told reporters after the meeting.

In other developments Saturday:

• Mr. Rumsfeld said Al-Jazeera, the Qatar-based pan-Arab television network, promoted terrorism by airing beheadings and other attacks. He said the station provides a platform for Muslim extremists and that the U.S. has a hard time combating terrorists' claims. "Governments have to be accurate. Extremists don't," he said. Al-Jazeera denies it holds any anti-American bias and says it reports the news objectively.

• In Beijing, the U.S. commerce secretary said Saturday that China's mounting trade surplus, surging textile exports and rampant product piracy could fuel opposition in the U.S. to free trade. Carlos Gutierrez was on his first visit to Beijing amid a storm of Chinese criticism over U.S. textile quotas.

• The administration and many U.S. lawmakers also are pressing for an overhaul of China's currency system. U.S. manufacturers say China's practice of keeping the yuan tightly linked to the U.S. dollar has contributed to the loss of millions of U.S. jobs and America's soaring trade deficit.

中国の新たな安全保障観 アジア安全保障会議
2005年06月05日11:29 (北京時間)









2005-06-05 14:40:59 | 国際
2005/06/05 12:48






2005-06-05 12:09:43 | 国際
2005.06.03 08:51:42


当局は最近になって国家安全保衛部や人民武力部偵察局など、前職北朝鮮情報機関要員の入国が大きく増えた点に注目している。 前職北朝鮮情報機関勤務者で、当局が把握した脱北者は計88人。 これは中央(チュンアン)日報が入手した統一部と国家情報院(国情院)など関連部処の内部文件を通じて確認されている。

当局者は「入国の動機が釈然としなかったり、北朝鮮内の行跡が明確に把握できていなかったりする脱北者を、主な捜査の対象に挙げている」としている。 国情院は特に、昨年、公務出張のため中国の北京に行き、入国してきたある北朝鮮脱出者が「すでに国内に入国した脱北者には北朝鮮工作員が含まれている」とし、具体的な情報提供が入ることで徐々に捜査網を狭めている。

当局は北朝鮮情報機関要員らの亡命の増加が北朝鮮の脱北者偽装スパイ活動と関連がある可能性が高いとみて対策を立てている。 金正日(キム・ジョンイル)国防委員長が「南朝鮮(韓国)脱北者の中に対韓国工作要員を育成せよ」と指示したという諜報を入手し、状況が普通ではないと判断されたからだ。

関係当局は韓国行きを希望する脱北者の入国審査を強化するなど、対策を立て施行している。 また国情院、情報司令部など関係機関が合同で身元や入国動機などを綿密に調べ、北朝鮮工作員でないか糾明に主眼を置いている。


2005-06-05 08:54:10 | 文学
Edward Fitzgerald "Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám"
矢野峰人訳 『四行詩集』から







But leave the Wise to wrangle, and with me
The Quarrel of the Universe let be:
And, in some corner of the Hubbub cought,
Make Game of that which makes as much of Thee.







For in and out, above, about, below,
'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,
Play'd in a Box whose Candle is the Sun,
Round which we Phantom Figures come and go.