

I am in Seattle now!

2013年01月29日 15時53分58秒 | New House New Life
I have been in Seattle this week to participate in transfer fairs at 8 community colleges this area.
At some CCs it's really, really slow---I wish I could take care of my e-mails, but I couldn't on this loaned computer from my department, and even calling the IT person did not resolve the problem. I guess I will catch up with my work on Monday, which is supposed to be my day off :-(


2 コメント

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Unknown (Juno)
2013-01-31 05:17:59
お久しぶりです、もうすぐ2月ですが明けましておめでとうございます(旧正月のごあいさつ)!すごく興味深いです。WAのコミカレからCAのState Univ.にtransferってシナリオはケース的に珍しいのではないですか?CCの学生の四大志望者は近郊出身で、学費が抑えられる州内の公立系進学するのかと。それとも狙いは海外からの優秀な学生かしら。。。

Juno-san!! (aimstrue)
2013-03-06 10:15:33
OMG, Juno-san! Long time no see, and it's wonderful to hear from you again! Happy New Year to you, too!
For the international students, going to a 4-year university in WA or CA doesn't really make much difference when it comes to the tuition fee. They rather come to warm and sunny So Cal What's up recently? Keep in touch!
