

Super Bowl 2月3日はスーパーボール!

2013-01-31 12:31:59 | うんちく・小ネタ

YouTube: JASS_SuperBowl20130203



ミスデフアメリカのRachel Maziquesさん。(昨年のスーパーボールから)


It's almost time for America's favorite sports event!
The Super Bowl is the biggest football game in America.  This year the competitors are the Baltimore Ravens vs San Francisco 49ers.  Millions of Americans will watch the game on TV on February 3.  Many people go to a party all day, and the favorite Super Bowl party food is chicken wings!

Since 1990, the National Anthem has been performed in English and ASL together.  Last year's National Anthem was signed in ASL by Miss Deaf America, Rachel Mazique.  Deaf fans will watch this year to see who signs the National Anthem!  It will be lots of fun!

