
About a free module

2019-12-16 01:52:59 | Mathematics
Naoto Meguro. Amateur.
MSC 2010. Primary 13C10 ;Secondary 13C99 .
Key Words and Phrases. A direct sum, countable sums.
The abstract. A direct sum of the commutative ring becomes a zero module.

I indicate defect of the homological algebra. You may have to correct many theorems.

Let A be a commutative ring.
Put e(1)=(1,0,0,…(infinitely)),e(2)=(0,1,0,0,…),…, ae(1)=(a,0,0,…),ae(2)=(0,a,0,0,…),….
0e(n)=0e(m)=(0,0,…) (n,m ∈N). Define ae(m)+a"e(m)=(a+a")e(m) (a,a"∈A, m∈N).
Define ∑n∈Na(n)=a(1)+a(2)+…(infinitely)=…((a(1)+a(2))+a(3))+…(infinitely),
(∑n∈N a(n))+(∑n∈N b(n))=∑n∈N(a(n)+b(n)),
F=⊕n∈NAe(n)={∑n∈N a(n)e(n) | a(n)∈A, ∃p∀n((n∈N)∧(n≥p)→(a(n)=0))}, 0"=∑n∈N0 e(n). 0" is the zero of F.
Theorem 1. F={0"}.
Proof. For a∈A and m∈N,
n∈N ae(m)=…((ae(m)+ae(m))+ae(m))+ae(m))+ …(infinitely)=…(2ae(m)+ae(m))+ae(m))+…(infinitely)
=2ae(m)+ae(m)+ae(m)+…(infinitely). (∑n∈N -ae(m))+(∑n∈N ae(m))=(-ae(m)+ae(m))+(-ae(m)+ae(m))+…
The elements of F are finite sums of ones like the last formula and are 0". ♦
Let M={m1,m2,…} be a countable set. Define e(mi)=e(i).By theorem 1,F"=⊕m∈M Ae(m)={0"}.
When M is an A-module, F"∋(∑1≤n≤pa(n)e(mn))+∑n≥p+1 0e(mn)→(∑1≤n≤p a(n)mn)+0∈M doesn't become a mapping.
Let L and L" be A-modules. If L×L" is a countable set, L⊗AL"=⊕(x,y)∈L×L" Ze((x,y))/0⊗A0 is a zero module.
For 0→2ZZZ/2Z→0 (exact),
2ZZ(Z/2Z)(=0)→ZZ(Z/2Z)(=0)→(Z/2Z)⊗Z(Z/2Z)(=Z/2Z)→0 (exact) isn't formed.
You cannot get the tensor product except the cases like (A/I)⊗AM=M/IM. M is an A-module and
I is an ideal of A.

Generally,you cannot get projective resolution of the A module. You will be to treat only Noetherian ring A and
finitely generated A-modules. It may be enough to evolve the commutative algebra.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )

About countable sums

2019-12-12 01:51:46 | Mathematics
Naoto Meguro. Amateur.
MSC 2010. Primary 08A65 ;Secondary 26E99 .
Key Words and Phrases. Countable sums, the real number theory.
The abstract. The real number theory by countable sums isn't consistent.

The usual algebra doesn't treat infinite sums of elements of the module. I try to think them and lead
contradiction of the real number theory etc..

Put N"={0}∪N. Define ∑n∈N" a(n)=a(0)+a(1)+…(infinitely) =…((a(0)+a(1))+a(2))+a(3))+…(infinitely)
and (∑n∈N" a(n))+(∑n∈N" b(n))=∑n∈N" (a(n)+b(n)).
Let M be a Z-module. Put E(M)={∑n∈N" c(n)|c(n)∈M} and 0"=∑n∈N"0 (0∈M).
E(M) is a module whose zero is 0".
Theorem 1. c∈M⇒ 0"=c+0+0+0+…(infinitely).
Proof. E(M)∋∑n∈N" c=…((c+c)+c)+c)+…=…((2c+c)+c)+…=2c+c+c+….
(∑n∈N" -c)+(∑n∈N" c)=(-c+c)+(-c+c)+…=(-c+2c)+(-c+c)+(-c+c)+…=0"=c+0+0+…(infinitely). ♦
Define (∑n∈N" a(n))(∑n∈N" b(n))=∑n∈N"(∑0≤k≤n a(k)b(n-k)).
Let A be a commutative ring. E(A) is a ring then.
Theorem 2. E(A)={0"}
Proof. By theorem 1, 0"=1+0+0+…(infinitely). If x∈E(A), x=(1+0+0+…(infinitely))x=0" x=0". ♦
You may define R={∑n∈N" c(n)|(c(0)∈Z)∧∀n((n∈N)→(c(n)=0)∨(c(n)=1/2n))}. By theorem 2,
{0"}=E(Q)⊃R. R={0"}? 0"=E(k[x1,…,xm])⊃k[[x1…,xm]]={0"}?
{0"}=E(Z)⊃Zp. Zp={0"}? {0"}=E(C)∋∑n∈N" 1/(n+1)s (s∈C). ζ(s)=0" for ∀s∈C?

What I do is only indication of contradiction. The mathematics using R or k[[x1,…,xm]] or Zp is doubtful
until someone corrects the above defect of it. If an irrational number exists in the real world, the laws of nature allow
0.000…=1.000…=2.000…=…. I proposed an experiment about it to European Nuclear Society etc..
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )