
About the difference equation and the algebraic function

2023-03-24 14:44:50 | Mathematics
Naoto Meguro. Amateur. MSC 39A06.


You can express the solution of the difference equation by the coefficients of it.
So there is an analytic formula giving a root of the algebraic equation.
These don't appear on the list of the formulas now.

Set up that xn=en (1≤n≤N) and xn=∑1≤k≤N ckxn-k (n≥N+1)
Theorem 1. n≥N+1 ⇒ xn=∑1≤p≤N epk1+…+ks=n-p, 1≤ku≤N, ks≥N+1-p1≤u≤s cku.
Proof. n≥N+1⇒ xn=∑1≤n-k1≤N en-k1ck1 +∑n-k1≥N+1 ck1xn-k1.
Put n-k1-…-ks=p. If s=1,ks=k1=n-p≥N+1-p.
By induction, you may assume that
n-k1≥N+1 ⇒ xn-k1=∑1≤p≤Nepk2+…+ks=(n-k1)-p,1≤ku≤N, ks≥N+1-p2≤u≤s cku.
Substituting these, you get theorem 1.♦
Theorem 2. n≥N+1 ⇒
xn=∑1≤p≤N ep1≤s≤n-p0≤t≤2π(∑1≤k≤N ckeikt)s-1(∑N+1-p≤k≤N ckeikt)eit(p-n)dt/2π.
Proof. ∑k1+…+ks=n-p,1≤ku≤N, ks≥N+1-p1≤u≤s cku is the coefficient of xn-p in
(∑1≤k≤N ckxk)s-1(∑N+1-p≤k≤N ckxk) etc..♦
(Re(v)=Re(w))∧(Im(v)= - Im(w))∧(|v+r+r"i|≠|w+r+r"i|). ( i2=- 1.)
When f(x)=xN+a1xN-1+…+aN-1x+aN=(x-w1)…(x-wN) and wk≠wh (k≠h) and aN≠0,
you can set up that |wk+p- 1+q- 1i|≠|wh+p- 1+q- 1i|≠0 (k≠h) for p∈N and q∈N
for (|wk|≠|wh|)∨(|wk+p- 1|≠|wh+p- 1|)⇒(|wk+p- 1+q- 1i|≠|wh+p- 1+q- 1i|≠0)
if p and q are large enough.
When f(x-p- 1-q- 1i)=xN-c1xN-1-…-cN-1x-cN and e1=1 and ed=0 (2≤d≤N),
xn+1=∑1≤k≤N dk(wk+p- 1+q- 1i)n+1. (d1,…,dN)≠(0,…,0).
xn+1/xn→w+p- 1+q- 1i (n→∞). f(w)=0. w+p- 1+q- 1i → w+q- 1i (p→ ∞)
w+q- 1i→w (q→∞).
You get a formula giving a root of the algebraic equation written by the coefficients of it
and ∑, ∫ ,et, and lim.

You can express the algebraic functions as explicit functions.
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