
Defect of special relativity

2012-09-03 21:50:37 | Physics

I indicate defect of special relativity and reconstitute the theory to explain phenomena
explained by relativity.

Assume that light is radiated from an observer and is reflected by a mirror and is observed
by the observer. For the light, the observer moves. The speed is the light velocity. The time
for the observer stops. This means that the light is radiated and come back simultaneously
for the observer. The light velocity is infinite. Remark that the light and the observer
don't change the speed.

Put Fi k=∇iAk-∇kAi=∂iAk-∂kAi.
iFk h+∇hFi k+∇kFh i=∂iFk h+∂hFi k+∂kFh i=0 then.
Put A1=e-∫ Γk k 1dx1, Ak=0 (k≠1). ∇kAk=0 then.
Put jk=∇iFki=∇i(∇kAi-∇iAk).
jk and Ak satisfy Maxwell equation and Lorentz condition.
kkAi=-ji ⇒ ∇kiAk=0 ⇒
Ri 1A1=Ri kAk=(∇ik-∇ki)Ak=0 ⇒ Ri 1=0
Similarly, Ri 2=Ri 3=Ri 0=0.
Let's assume the equation Ri k=0 for the spacetime.
This equation is common to any observers and doesn't include quantities decided by
Let gi kdxidxk be a solution.
Allow only transformations for which gi kdyidyk=gi kdxidxk.
If the metric is Minkowsky metric,you get results of special relativity. Remark that
there is no transformation for which y0=f(t,x1),y1=g(x1-ct) (g(0)=0), yi=xi (i≥2),
gi kdyidyk=gi kdxidxk.
You cannot set up a moving coordinate system whose speed is the light velocity.
The principle of relativity is denied.
If the metric is Schwarzshild metric,you get the results of general relativity except

Invariant one isn't the light velocity but the metric. If the metric(gravity) changes,
the light velocity may change too.
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