
About the definition of the mapping

2024-02-02 14:40:43 | Mathematics

The definition of the mapping by the graph has defect.
The theory of ⊗ isn't consistent if you define the mapping by the graph.

Let M be a module. Define f: M∋x→x+x∈M. Put F=Z/2Z and i=1F.
Let G(g)={(x,g(x)) |(x∈A)∧(g(x)∈B)} be the graph of the mapping g: A∋x→g(x)∈B.
Theorem 1. If you define the mapping by the graph, h: M∋x→x+x∈Im(f) ⇒ h=f.
Proof. G(f)={(x,x+x) |(x∈M)∧(x+x∈M)}={(x,x+x) | x∈M}={(x,x+x) |(x∈M)∧(x+x∈Im(f))}
=G(h). So h=f.♦
By the axiom of the equality, f=h ⇒ Im(f⊗i)=Im(h⊗i). (You will know that this is wrong.)
Theorem 2. If you define the mapping by the graph,the theory of ⊗ isn't consistent.
Proof. Put M=Z. M⊗F≅F. You may define M⊗F=F and x⊗(y+2Z)=xy+2Z in M⊗F=F.
f⊗i: M⊗F∋x⊗(1+2Z)→(x+x)⊗(1+2Z)∈M⊗F. f⊗i: F∋x+2Z→2x+2Z=0+2Z∈F. Im(f⊗i)≅{0}.
Im(f)⊗F=(2Z)⊗F≅F. You may define Im(f)⊗F=F and 2x⊗(y+2Z)=xy+2Z in Im(f)⊗F=F.
By theorem 1, f: M∋x→x+x∈Im(f). f⊗i:M⊗F∋x⊗(1+2Z)→(x+x)⊗(1+2Z)∈Im(f)⊗F.
f⊗i: F∋x+2Z→2x⊗(1+2Z)=x+2Z∈Im(f)⊗F=(2Z)⊗F=F. Im(f⊗i)=F. F≅{0}.
This is contradiction.♦
Theorem 3. The set theory which assumes the axioms of ZF and existence of the module Z
and defines the mapping by the graph isn't consistent.
Proof. Put M=Z. M, Im(f)=2Z={x+x |x∈M}, 1+2Z={x|(x∈M)∧(x∉2Z)}, F={2Z, 1+2Z}
and G(f)=G(h)={(x, x+x) |x∈M} are sets. So f=h.
The contradiction in the proof of theorem 2 is led when you define M⊗F=F and
x⊗(1+2Z)=x+2Z in M⊗F=F and (2Z)⊗F=F and (2x)⊗(1+2Z)=x+2Z in (2Z)⊗F=F. ♦
Theorem 4. The theory treating the free modules isn't consistent if you define the mapping
by the graph.
Proof. Z is a free module. M⊗N=Z(M×N)/(0M⊗0N). Z(M×N) and 0M⊗0N are free modules.♦
You may not be able to get the tensor products and the projective resolutions of the
modules in the consistent theory.

You may have to reexamine the theorems proved by using ⊗.
Many conjectures may be back to the starting points or may become nonsense.
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