
About the cosmological constant

2024-08-30 16:42:34 | Physics
Substitute the radius of the particle for the constant which means the radius
of the universe in Einstein equation. Robertson-Walker metric is a solution.
For example,the proton and the neutron in the deuteron are kept in a ball.
You can transform this ball into arbitrary forms by transformations in the space.
T0,0 and the density don't change then. the mass and volume
don't change. General relativity(?) explains the invariance of the volumes of
the neucleons in the nuclear. The other theories cannot do it.
Maxwell equations in general relativity(?) explain the quadrupole moment
and the spin-orbit interaction. In general relativity(?), the gravity and the
nuclear force are the same force like the case of Newtonian mechanics.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )

About Newtonian mechanics

2024-08-19 16:07:30 | Physics
You can explain results of general relativity and the quantum physics in
Newtonian mechanics.
Let (r,θ) be the circular coordinate system. Put u=r-1.
The orbit of the particle by the central force is decided by
You may assume that U(u) is an analytic function ∑n∈Ncnun.
When r is large enough,you can negrect the terms cnun (n≥4).
u(θ) becomes an elliptic function whose period isn't 2π. When u is large,
you must treat U(u) as it is. This may be the nuclear force.
In the case of the electric force,E decreases by the radiation of the light.
(uθ)2=E-U(u)=0, The orbit becomes a circul.
When the orbit is a circle, 0=uθθ=Uu
E=U(u) is a local maximum point of U(u). The E's are discrete values.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2022-10-31 12:39:55 | Physics
(r,θ)を極座標とし、u=1/r, p=du/dθ とおく。中心力による質点の軌道は、
p2+u2=V(u) で定まる。 V(u) を uの解析関数と仮定しよう。V(u)=∑i∈Nciui.
rが十分大きいと、3次以上の項は無視して、 p2+u2=c0+c1u+c2.
Newtonの万有引力では、c2=0. 軌道は三角関数で表される。
rが小さいと V(u)を、そのまま扱うことになり、Newtonの万有引力は、今の物理学が、そうしてるように、
無視できる小さな力ではなくなる。これが核力なのでは? つまり重力と核力は同じ万有引力なのでは?
uが有界な軌道は、p2+u2=V(u) のグラフの中の閉曲線の一つを一意化する
水素原子の中の電子の軌道も同様だが、光の放出によって、エネルギー定数Eが減少してしまう。 c0
E に比例するとしていいから、c0も減少し、y=V(u)-u2 のグラフは下方へ
平行移動し、0≤p2=V(u)-u2 から 極大値がu軸に一点で接するところで止まる。軌道を
閉曲線なり他の閉曲線と接触し合体し、また光を放出すると、一点に収縮する。 電子の安定した軌道は
V(u)-u2 の極大値を与える様なrを半径とする円で、そのエネルギー準位はDiscrete。
エネルギー準位は無限個だから、V(u)-u2 の極大値も無限個で V(u) は超越関数。

Galois が長生きしてたら、数学だけでなく物理学も今とは、大分違ったものになっていただろう。
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Defect of special relativity

2012-09-03 21:50:37 | Physics

I indicate defect of special relativity and reconstitute the theory to explain phenomena
explained by relativity.

Assume that light is radiated from an observer and is reflected by a mirror and is observed
by the observer. For the light, the observer moves. The speed is the light velocity. The time
for the observer stops. This means that the light is radiated and come back simultaneously
for the observer. The light velocity is infinite. Remark that the light and the observer
don't change the speed.

Put Fi k=∇iAk-∇kAi=∂iAk-∂kAi.
iFk h+∇hFi k+∇kFh i=∂iFk h+∂hFi k+∂kFh i=0 then.
Put A1=e-∫ Γk k 1dx1, Ak=0 (k≠1). ∇kAk=0 then.
Put jk=∇iFki=∇i(∇kAi-∇iAk).
jk and Ak satisfy Maxwell equation and Lorentz condition.
kkAi=-ji ⇒ ∇kiAk=0 ⇒
Ri 1A1=Ri kAk=(∇ik-∇ki)Ak=0 ⇒ Ri 1=0
Similarly, Ri 2=Ri 3=Ri 0=0.
Let's assume the equation Ri k=0 for the spacetime.
This equation is common to any observers and doesn't include quantities decided by
Let gi kdxidxk be a solution.
Allow only transformations for which gi kdyidyk=gi kdxidxk.
If the metric is Minkowsky metric,you get results of special relativity. Remark that
there is no transformation for which y0=f(t,x1),y1=g(x1-ct) (g(0)=0), yi=xi (i≥2),
gi kdyidyk=gi kdxidxk.
You cannot set up a moving coordinate system whose speed is the light velocity.
The principle of relativity is denied.
If the metric is Schwarzshild metric,you get the results of general relativity except

Invariant one isn't the light velocity but the metric. If the metric(gravity) changes,
the light velocity may change too.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012-03-29 00:09:53 | Physics
ことになる。 これを地上から見ると、光は発射されたと同時にもどってくることになり、
光速は無限ということになる。光は速度を変えず方向だけ変えるから加速系にいる時間は 0.

実際の光速が有限なのは地球の重力場のためだろう。光の軌道は gikdxidxk=0
で決まり、許される変換 xi→yi は gikdxidxk=gikdyidyk となるものだけ。
Minkowsky計量で近似すれば、特殊相対論を得る。 もっとも、これは、もはや相対論ではなく、
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )

Physics in the 1910's

2010-03-20 14:05:49 | Physics
Let (r,θ) be the polar coordinates.
The orbit by central force is
(du/dθ)2=V(u)+C-u2 (u=1/r,V(u)=U(u)/h2,C=E/h2,E:the energy. h:the angular momentum.)
Assume that V(u) is an analytic function about u.
Let's think periodic solutions. If c2=0 and r is large enough,you may put Newton equation
The period is 2π. If r isn't so large,the period isn't 2π. You can explain the orbit of
Mercury in classical physics.
When you approximate V(u) by polynomials,hyperelliptic function which mathematicians
gave up to think appear.

Let's think the orbit of the electron in the hydrogen atom.
When it's a periodic solution, a closed curve in the (u,(du/dθ)) plane corresponds to it.
When E and C decrease by radiation of light,the graph v=V(u)+C-u2 goes down (parallel translation).
The closed curve becomes small and becomes a point (u1,0) at a maximum of V(u).
If the atom absorbs the light,E and C increase. The graph v=V(u)+C-u2 goes up and
the point (u1,0) becomes a closed curve again. When E and C decrease by radiation of
light,the closed curve becomes small and becomes a point (u2,0) at another maximum of V(u).
E takes discrete values at the maxmums of V(u). (Forget Maxwell equation.)
Physicists needn't to think so. But the above gives a problem to mathematicians.
Problem. Make an analytic function V(u) whose maximums are the elementsof a given set A.
For Bohr's model A={ Rhc/n2 | n∈N}.
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The radius and the binding energy

2009-01-16 18:38:30 | Physics
Though I omit explanation,the next formula is expected.
H=c h /(r√(3+(Mcr)2/ h 2))
αs=(3+(Mcr)2/ h 2)2α
H: the binding energy. r: the radius of the particle. M: a mass of separated particles.
c: the light velocity.  h : Planck's constant. α:the fine structure constant.
αs:the coupling constant of a strong interaction of separated particles. (1996)
For combined two nucleons in the nuclear,
M=1.67×10-27 (kg),  3√2×1.1×10-15≤ r ≤ 3√2×1.4×10-15 (m).
Then, 6.52≤ H/2 ≤10.4 (MeV).
For the reaction p + π- → n + γ + Q ,
H=Eγ=131 (MeV).
For π- , M=2.49×10-16 (kg).
Then, r=8.24×10-16 (m). This corresponds to the radius of p. And αs=0.08 .
For p , M=1.67×10-27 (kg). If r=8.24×10-16 (m) like the above,
H=55.9 (MeV). This may corresponds to the next reaction.
 p + π- →   n + π0 
                 2γ   (Eγ≥55 (MeV).)

As a by-product,it is expected that the time goes backward in the virtual bozon field .
(I omit the explanation ,though.)
If you can combine isobars like Ar and Ca2+ by a virtual bozon,you may be able to make
a macroscopic virtual bozon field.
U.S.A , Russia and China seem to be able to make such a field F and may have spectacles
by which you can see the future.
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Free energy of the 2nd kind

2009-01-16 18:23:45 | Physics
Let think the disk D(m) in which the index of reflaction is n=arm. r is the 
distance from the center of the disk.
For the orbit of the light in the disk,
 δ∫nds=δ∫n√(r2+(rθ)2)dθ=0  ( rθ=  dr   )
(1-rθ ∂   )  n√(r2+(rθ)2) =b .   (b is a constant.)

Then, r=(b/(a•sin((m+1)(θ+d))))1/(m+1). (d is a constant.)

When m>-1, the center of the disk attracts the light .
(Try to write the orbit.)
When m<-1, the center repulses the light.
Put D(m) (m>-1) and D(k) (k<-1) in a plane in the vacuum.
D(m) continues to absorb light and heat. (It resembles green house efect.)

D(k) continues to radiate light and heat.
(They resemble the earth and the sun.)
It continues even if D(m) becomes hotter than D(k) for only radiation of light
conveys the heat. Clausius' principle is doubtfull.
You may be able to make a perpetuum mobile of the 2nd kind by using ferrites.
(Try to change permeability instead of the index of refraction and radiate
electromagnetic wave(nuclear waste's γ rays etc.).) (1990)
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About general relativity

2009-01-16 17:42:21 | Physics
You cannot explane Michelson-Morley's experiment if you assume Schwarzshild metric
which is not isotropic in the solor system.
For the orbit of light,
For the ray from the sun, dθ=dφ=0.
c2(1-a/r)(dt)2-(1-a/r)-1)(dr)2=0. For the light velocity c1, (c1)2=(dr)2/(dt)2=c2(1-a/r)2.
For the ray which is perpendicular to the above ray,
dr=0. c2(1-a/r)(dt)2-r2(dθ)2-r2sin2θ(dφ)2=0.
For the light velocity c2, (c2)2=(r2(dθ)2+r2sin2θ(dφ)2)/(dt)2=c2(1-a/r).
(c2)2-(c1)2=c2(1-a/r)a/r≠0. This difference must be obserbed. The fact is not so.
Students of general relativity must admit Copenhagen interpretation. You have obserbed
Minkowski metric for Michelson-Morley's experiment and have observed Schwarzshild
metric for observation of the orbit of the planets. The metrics don't exist from the first
without observation.
Hilbert's equation Rμν=0 is common to any obserbers and does not includes quantity
decided by observation. (1993)
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