
Consistency of the real number theory

2022-11-04 12:23:49 | Mathematics
Naoto Meguro. Amateur. 08A65


It is easy to prove the consistency of the theory of the formal series including the real numbers.
But this theory has an important defect.

Let X be the axiom system of the module M(∋x≠0). (0∈M)∧(x∈M)∧(0≠x)∈X.
Think the axioms ∑i∈{a} c(i)=c(a) and (∑i∈U c(i) +∑i∈V d(i)=∑i∈U∪V e(i))∧∀i(((i∈U-V)→(e(i)=c(i)))∧
((i∈U∩V)→(e(i)=c(i)+d(i)))∧((i∈V-U)→(e(i)=d(i)))) and the elements of X.
Assume that R={∑i∈U c(i) | (U⊂N∪{0})∧(c(0)∈Z)∧∀i((i∈N)→(c(i)=2 - i))} is a module by these axioms
and 0(∈ZR) is the zero of R.
These axioms are true when M=R and x=1 and ∑i∈U c(i)=∞ for the infinite set U and ∞+∞=∞
and ∞+d=d+∞=∞ for d∈M and ∑i∈U c(i) is usual one for the finite set U and c(i)∈M and d(i)∈M.
If 0=∞ is true then, 1=1+0=1+∞=∞=0 is true. So 0≠∞=∞+d=(∑i∈N 2 - i)+d is true for ∀d∈M=R then.
i∈N 2 - iR=M. M isn't a module. This is contradiction. So you get the next theorem.
Theorem 1. R isn't a module by the above axioms or 0(∈ZR) isn't the zero of R.
Substitute (M=Z/2Z={0,1} and x=1) for (M=R and x=1). The above axions become true then.
The theorems proved by these axioms are true then. These axioms don't prove the propositions which
never become true like P∧(¬P). So you get the next theorem.
Theorem 2. The above axioms about ∑i∈U c(i) are consistent.

Remenber that you can prove every conjecture and its denial in the real number theory which you know.
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