
A formula giving a root 1"

2015-05-25 21:53:49 | Mathematics

I show a formula giving a root of the algebraic equation. The formula is written by the coefficients of the
equation and some analytic symbols.

Set up that xn=en (1≤n≤N), xn=c1xn-1+…+cNxn-N (n≥N+1).
Theorem 1. n≥N+1⇒ xn=∑1≤p≤Nepk1+…+ks=n-p, 1≤ki≤N, ks≥N+1-p1≤i≤s cki
Proof. n≥N+1⇒ xn=∑1≤k1≤N ck1xn-k1=(∑1≤n-k1≤N,1≤k1≤Nck1xn-k1)+(∑n-k1≥N+1,1≤k1≤N ck1xn-k1)
1≤n-k1≤N,1≤k1≤Nck1en-k1=∑1≤p≤N, k1=n-p,1≤k1≤Nepck1, (ks=k1=n-p≥N+1-p)
By induction,you may assume that
n-k1≥N+1⇒ xn-k1=∑1≤p≤Nepk2+…+ks=n-k1-p,1≤ki≤N,ks≥N+1-p2≤i≤s cki.
Substituting these,you get the theorem.♦
Theorem 2. n≥N+1⇒
xn=∑1≤p≤N ep1≤s≤n-p0≤t≤2π(∑1≤k≤N cke√-1kt)s-1(∑N+1-p≤k≤N cke√-1kt)e√-1(p-n)tdt/2π
Proof. ∑k1+…+ks=n-p,1≤ki≤N, ks≥N+1-p1≤i≤s cki is the coefficient of xn-p in
(∑1≤k≤Nckxk)s-1(∑N+1-p≤k≤N ckxk). etc..♦
Theorem 3. e1=1, ei=0 (2≤i≤N),xN-c1xN-1-…-cN=(x-v1)…(x-vN),
|v1|-|vi|≥0,≠0 (2≤i≤N), vi≠vk (i≠k),vi≠0 (1≤i≤N) ⇒
xn+1/xn→v1 (n→∞)
Proof. By theory of the difference equation,you can write xn=b1v1n-1+…+bNvNn-1.
(1,0,…0)=(b1,…,bN)A A=(vik-1)1≤i≤N, 1≤k≤N is a matrix. detA=∏i-k≥0,≠0(vi-vk)≠0
(1,0,…0)A-1=(b1,…,bN) b1 is the (1,1) component of A-1 which is v1…vN/∏2≤i≤N(vi-v1)≠0.
i≥2⇒ (vi/v1)m→0 (m→∞) xn+2/xn+1=(b1v1+b2(v2/v1)nv2+…)/(b1+b2(v2/v1)n+…)→v1 (n→∞)♦
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Riemann hypothesis

2015-05-07 21:06:31 | Mathematics
ζ(2)=π2/6=1+∑i∈r1/2i (r⊂N)
r is a countable set. Existence of a countable set leads contradiction.
(Refer to "Defect of the formal algebra 1",3"" in this blog.) The standard
mathematics treating ζ(s) isn't consistent. Riemann hypothesis is nonsense.
Theory of the function √x is nonsense too.
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