
Inconsistency of the set theory

2018-05-29 12:50:38 | Mathematics

I indicate that the set theory isn't consistent by Gödel's theorem. You can prove any conjectures
by using the set theory.

Theorem 1. The set theory isn't consistent.
Proof. Assume that the set theory is consistent. Let X be a countable and consistent axiom sytem
of the set theory like ZFC. Let's write ∅=0, x∪{x}=x+1. You may set up that
(n(∅)=0)∈X and ∀x∀y((x∉y)→(n(y∪{x})=n(y)+1)) ∈X and ∀x∀y((x=y)↔∀z((z∈x)↔(z∈y))) ∈X.
n(x) is the number of the elements of the set x.
Let di (i∈N) be the free individual symbols. The mathematical axioms in X don't include the di's.
Put d=d1,d"=d2. Let D be the countable set of the closed terms.
X∪{d"∉d,n(d)≠n({d"}∪d),1∈d,…n∈d} has a model Mn for which
Mn |= (d={1,2,…,n})∧(d"=n+1) and is consistent for ∀n∈N.
So X∪{d"∉d, n(d)≠n({d"}∪d),1∈d,2∈d,…(infinitely)} is consistent and has a countable model M
whose object domain is D by Gödel's theorem. M |= n(d)≠n({d"}∪d) M |= n∈d for ∀n∈N
Put E(c)={z|(z∈D)∧(M |= z∈c)} for c∈D. Define M" |= c=E(c) for c∈D.
For c∈D and c"∈D,M |= c∈c" ⇔ c∈E(c") ⇔ M" |= c∈E(c")=c".
M |= (c=c")⇔ ∀u(M |=(u∈c)⇔ M |= (u∈c")) ⇔∀u((u∈E(c))⇔(u∈E(c")))⇔E(c)=E(c")
⇔ M" |= c=c" for c∈D and c"∈D. M" |= n(d)≠n({d"}∪d) and M" |= n∈d for ∀n∈N.
N⊂E(d)⊂D E(d) is a countable set. You can set up that
M" |= d=E(d)={c1}∪{c2}∪…(infinitely) (ci∈D, M |= ci∈d,M |= ci≠ck for i≠k).
M" |= n(c1)=1, M" |= n({c1}∪{c2})=1+1,…,M" |= n({c1}∪{c2}∪…(infinitely))=1+1+…(infinitely)
={0}∪{1}∪{2}∪…={0}∪N. M" |= n(d)={0}∪N.
Similarly,M" |= n({d"}∪d)=n({d"}∪{c1}∪{c2}∪…(infinitely))=1+1+…(infinitely)={0}∪N.
M" |= n(d)=n({d"}∪d) This is contradiction.

You may have to treat only finite ones as Gauss insisted. The set theory may be a ghastly fake.
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