
Some infinite sums of zeros

2019-01-28 01:51:42 | Mathematics
Naoto Meguro. Amateur.
MSC 2010 Primary 15A78; Secondary 08C99 .
Key Words and Phrases. The infinite sums,the countable set,the continuum.
The abstract. Existence of N leads existence of some infinite sums leading contradiction.

Existence of N lesds existence of some infinite sums leading contradiction. So you must not
use the countable set and cannot define R. This is an answer to the second problem
of Hilbert.

Example 1. Put L=ZN and F=Z(N)=⊕i∈N Z. L/F is a module whose zero is 0"=F+(0,0,…).
Let's write ((n1,n2,…))=F+(n1,n2,…).
=((n1,n2,n3,…)). So ((1,1,…))=0"+0"+…=((2,2,…)). This is contradiction.
0"+0"+…(infinitely) doesn't exist in the consistent mathematics.
Example 2. When L=Zp and F=Z, L/F is a module whose zero is F+0.
(F+a)+(F+b)=F+a+b, (F+a+b)+(F+c)=F+a+b+c,…. Repeating this infinitely,you get
F+0=(F+0)+(F+0)+…(infinitely)=(F+1)+(F+p)+(F+p2)+…=F+(1+p+p2+…(infinitely)) ∈L/F.
(1+p+p2+…)-0∈F=Z. This is contradiction. (F+0)+(F+0)+… doesn't exist.
Example 3. When L=R and F=Q,
F+0=(F+0)+(F+0)+…(infinitely)=(F+3)+(F+0.1)+(F+0.04)+…=F+3.1415…=F+π ∈L/F.
π-0∈F=Q. This is contradiction.
You may set up that ∀x∀y(∑i∈{x} y=y and ∀x∀y∀z((x∉y)→(∑i∈y∪{x} z=(∑i∈y z)+z)) as axioms.
i∈{1} 0"=0", ∑i∈{1,2} 0"=0"+0",…,∑i∈{1,2,3,…} 0"=0"+0"+…(infinitely).
Existence of N leads existence of 0"+0"+… and the contradiction of example 1.
You must not treat the countable sets. ∪2N=N. You must not treat 2N and the continua.

You must reconstruct the modern mathematics without using countable sets and continua.
You must not treat the continuum Zp. Fermat conjecture may be still unsolved.
Theory treating R isn't consistent.
The millennium problems except P vs NP problem are provable nonsense then.
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Defect of Peano's axioms

2019-01-10 00:31:09 | Mathematics
Naoto Meguro. Amateur.
MSC 2010. Primary 03C62;Secondary 03C55.
Key Words and Phrases. Peano's axioms,Fermat conjecture,Beal conjecture.
The abstract. Peano's axioms don't prove Fermat conjecture and Beal conjecture.

I indicate Peano's axioms(PA) don't prove Fermat conjecture(FC) and Beal conjecture(BC).

Assume that the standard mthematics is consistent. Put N={0,1,2,…}.
Put X={0∈N", ∀x∀y(((x∈N")→(s(x)∈N"))∧((s(x)=s(y))→(x=y))∧(s(x)≠0))∧((x≠0)→∃z(S(z)=x)),
Let d be a free individual symbol. X doesn't include d.
Theorem 1. X has a model M for which M |= (d∈N")∧(d≠n) for ∀n∈N.
Proof. X∪{d∈N",d≠0,d≠1,d≠2,…,d≠m} has a model Mm for which
Mm |= (d=m+1)∧(N"=N) and is consistent for ∀m∈N.
So X∪{d∈N",d≠0,d≠1,d≠2,…(infinitely)} is consistent and has a model M. M is a model of X
and M |= (d∈N")∧(d≠n) for ∀n∈N.♦
Let M be that in theorem 1. Let O be the object domain of M. Define M" and xy by
M" |= xy=the usual one when y∈N and M" |= xy=0 for the other cases
and M |= p(c1,…,cm) ⇔ M" |= p(c1,…,cm). p(x1,…xm) is an arbitrary predicate symbol
and cn∈O. The object domain of M" is O.
M" is a model of PA=X∪{∀x∀y((x∈N")∧(y∈N")→(x0=1)∧(xs(y)=(xy)x))}.
If N∈O, M |= N"=N. But M |= d∈N" and d∉N for M. So N∉O.
{x| M" |= (x∈N")∧(nx≠0)}=N∉O for ∀n∈N-{0}. You cannot prove M" |= ∀x((x∈N")→(nx≠0)) by induction.
Put FC=∀x∀y∀z∀n((x∈N")∧(y∈N")∧(z∈N")∧(n∈N")∧(xyz≠0)→(xn+3+yn+3≠zn+3)).
Theorem 2. PA doesn't prove FC.
Proof. M" |= (d∈N")∧(2d+3=0=0+0=2d+3+2d+3). M" |= ¬FC. ¬(PA |- FC). ♦
Theorem 3. PA doesn't prove BC.
Proof. M" |= (d∈N")∧(2d+3+3d+4=0+0=0=5d+5. M" |= ¬BC. ¬(PA |- BC).♦
In the standard mathematics based on PA,you can set up pd-0=0-0, pd/1=0/1,(pd,pd,…)=(0,0,…)
pd=0 as a real number. ζ(d)=2d/(2d-1)×3d/(3d/(3d-1)…=0 (d≥1) then.
The standard mathematics based on PA doesn't prove Riemann hypothesis.

You could not evolve the natural number theory by only PA.
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